The News Agents: This week on The News Agents: USA - Vladimir Putin: Trump's Russian running mate?

Global Global 9/12/23 - Episode Page - 3m - PDF Transcript

This is a Global Player Original Podcast.

Coming up on the news agents USA, we ask, are you ever allowed to say, you're going

to bed when you're the president of the United States?

This was Joe Biden in Vietnam.

You may have a game plan.

He just hasn't shared it with me.

But I tell you what, I don't know about you, but I'm going to go to bed.

And this was what David Frum, who worked for George W. Bush, told us.

George W. Bush, for whom I worked, who was, at that point in his, I think,

middle fifties, a mountain biker, a compulsive exerciser in phenomenally good

shape at one minute past 10 o'clock would stand up and say, I'm going to bed.

Because when you're 56 and a mountain biker and you go to bed at 10 o'clock,

everyone says, well, I guess we all know you get up at five 30 and are in the

office by six, 10 o'clock is bedtime.

But when you're 80 years old, heading forward 81, people interpret it differently.

And so Biden's problem is if in his own mind, it's a George W.

Bush reasonable thing to say, I'm going to bed.

That's not how it resonates.

We'll be looking at that refound love between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump

and also the bit of advice that Trump gave to Kim Jong-un about real estate

in North Korea. I went over there.

You remember that? It was a very historic moment.

What over there?

And I said to Kim Jong-un, you know, being a real sick guy,

it's just sort of natural. I said, you have the most beautiful shoreline.

Think of it. You're between China, Russia and South Korea.

Look at the beautiful shore.

You could have the most beautiful condos that you've ever seen and become rich as hell.

You don't have to live like you're living.

That'll be out tonight. The news agents USA on Global Player.

This has been a global player, original podcast and a Persephoneka production.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Emily and Jon host a weekly podcast; giving you everything you need to know about the world of US politics and how it affects you.

Episodes are available every Tuesday exclusively on Global Player and all other platforms every Wednesday.

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