The News Agents: This week on The News Agents USA: MCCARTHY SACKED: Why is the Republican Party eating itself alive?

Global Global 10/4/23 - Episode Page - 1m - PDF Transcript

We have just legged it from the middle of conference mayhem back to the studios to record

the breaking news that is coming out of America.

Kevin McCarthy, the house speaker, the most important Republican position in the country

has just been kicked out of his job.

It is a civil war and we thought you'd like to know about it.

Yeah, it's never happened before.

He's a lonely man.

He has fallen foul of the ultra-maga Republicans, people even more maga than Donald Trump.

Just try and get your head around what that must look like.

That's newsagents USA on Global Player.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Emily and Jon host a weekly podcast; giving you everything you need to know about the world of US politics and how it affects you.

Episodes are available every Tuesday, on Global Player.

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