The News Agents: This week on The News Agents USA: Can any other Republican beat Donald Trump? The second debate

Global Global 9/28/23 - Episode Page - 1m - PDF Transcript

This is a Global Player Original Podcast.

On news agents USA Today, we're in California.

Well, Emily and I aren't in California, but we do have a journalism student who was there

at the debate of the Republican Party, the leadership hopefuls, minus one Donald Trump,

who chose not to be in the Sun Belt, but went to the Rust Belt, instead in Michigan to speak

to auto workers.

And it's like you've got two things going on at once, which is what we're going to

explore in the podcast, because you've got there also rands going for the Republican

nomination, who really don't stand much of a chance.

And you've got Donald Trump, who is already fighting the next presidential election.

News agents USA, you can find it on Global Player.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Emily and Jon host a weekly podcast; giving you everything you need to know about the world of US politics and how it affects you.

Episodes are available every Tuesday, on Global Player.

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