The News Agents: This week on The News Agents USA: A power vacuum in Washington and chaos in the Middle East

Global Global 10/10/23 - Episode Page - 2m - PDF Transcript

This is a global player original podcast.

It's hard to do the news agents USA without reflecting on what has happened in Israel

and the potential instability it causes to the region, but also what it's doing to American

politics as well about what should happen next.

There is a massive leadership vacuum where the speaker once sat, I say once, he left.

He was kicked out a week ago.

Today we're asking what that vacuum is doing to the state of the Republican Party and how

the Democrats should respond.

We're also looking at a Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, who has announced that he's going

to run as an independent and has been denounced by all his family members for having done

it and has upset Republicans and Democrats with that move.

But he still thinks he can win the presidency, the news agents USA, on global player.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Emily and Jon host a weekly podcast; giving you everything you need to know about the world of US politics and how it affects you.

Episodes are available every Tuesday, on Global Player.

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