FYI - For Your Innovation: The Evolution of AI Models with Naveen Rao of MosaicML

ARK Invest ARK Invest 1/19/23 - Episode Page - 54m - PDF Transcript

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All right. We're joined today by Naveen, who's the founder of Mosaic ML.

Naveen, do you want to just start by introducing yourself and your background?

Sure. Yeah. My name is Naveen Rao. I'm the CEO and co-founder of Mosaic ML.

A little bit about me. I think I'm maybe one of these crazy people who was around a little bit

before AI kind of took off and was always fascinated with this idea of building

synthetic intelligence. As an undergrad, I was electrical engineering, computer science, but

I even worked on neuromorphic computing back in the 90s as an undergrad. I came out to the Bay Area,

worked in startups and built a number of different chips and software stacks and really kind of,

I guess, the basis of a lot of technology we have today was being built at that time in the early

2000s, late 90s. After about 10 years in the industry, I decided I wanted to go back and

understand more about this idea of synthetic intelligence or artificial intelligence. I

quit my job with a kid and a half and went back to grad school to get a PhD in computational

neuroscience. Honestly, it was an amazing experience. I really loved grad school. I can't

say everyone says the same thing, but I really loved it. I think that was really, gave me a good

basis to kind of start putting computer architecture, software, engineering capabilities

together with what we understand about the brain to kind of formulate what computation might look

like in the future, what AI, how it would start to take shape. That was really what led me to

start my previous company, Nirvana Systems, which was the first AI chip company. It was really this

desire to build the right computational substrate to subserve intelligence. We're continuing the

journey now with Mosaic. I'm excited to talk a little bit more about that.

And Nirvana, you sold to Intel, correct?

Correct. Yeah, we sold to Intel in 2016, became the basis of Intel AI, which we grew into a

corporate brand, a new corporate division, all that kind of stuff. In retrospect, we probably

could have gone longer and had even bigger success, but it is what it is. We made the best

decision at the time, but it was an incredibly interesting experience. I think I learned a lot

more about people than I learned about technology. Yeah, for sure. And why'd you start Mosaic?

Yeah, it's really continuing along the same theme of to really make artificial intelligence

happen is you have to make it easy to use and digestible by many different types of industries.

Something that's in the research world that's an esoteric topic is never going to be,

is never really going to change the world. You have to do that through products.

And one fundamental piece was the usability and difficulty of achieving this state of the art

was very inaccessible to most companies. And these aren't dumb companies. They're companies

have tons of data. They have data scientists. They have people who are smart. It's just they don't

know all the details of how to make systems work efficiently, how to scale across multiple computing

elements, how to get the most out of every computing element. That's just not what they do

every day of the week. And so by packaging those capabilities up, making it sort of

straightforward to use that and get high performance out of it, you actually make a

really strong economic argument. It's like every dollar you spend on compute becomes usable,

becomes useful, actually moves your bottom line. And really, that was the basic thesis

behind Mosaic. So it's a continuation of this theme of providing the right tools and substrates

on which to build intelligence. For a customer that starts using Mosaic today,

what did their life look like before Mosaic versus what it looks like with Mosaic?

That's changed over the last few years. It's really about cobbling together a bunch of pieces

of open source. So you can go get a cloud platform, AWS, Azure, what have you, get some GPUs.

Okay, so now you got the GPUs. They have Kubernetes. Kubernetes works. It's kind of got a lot of

rough edges. You have to do a fair bit of configuration to make networking work, to

make sure you have all the right libraries loaded. So that takes a few months, actually. It's not

simple. Then you go and download your favorite framework called PyTorch. Then you go get a

hugging face model. Then you try to get those things to work. They sort of break. They don't

scale. You try some different scaling libraries. They break. So this whole process takes years

of experience to really know how to make it work. Like the companies that have been successful at

making this stuff work have done it multiple times at Google or whatever. And so the talent

to actually make this stuff happen was way oversubscribed. There's just not many people.

So we want to make that whole process a lot easier by packaging this stuff up. And there's no good

reason that it needs to be that complicated. It's just the level of maturity of the tools wasn't there.

That makes a lot of sense. And obviously there's a lot of exciting progress in AI today. If you

look back at the last year at 2022 and you had to pick one thing that was the most exciting

breakthrough, what would it be? I know a lot of people are going to say chat GPT for this,

but I actually don't think that was the biggest breakthrough. I think the biggest one was probably

more the fusion models and being able to do kind of fusion of text and imagery. I think that's got

a lot more to come, to be honest. Not that LLMs, large language models don't, but I think we're

now in this refinement phase where we're dealing with the real world challenges. I mean, this

reinforcement learning with human feedback is something that chat GPT really did. I'd say the

model architecture itself really isn't that innovative. It's how they fine-tuned it and made

it work, which is more where the innovation was. And really, that's a real world constraint. How

do you make it give you better answers? How do you steer it away from kind of dangerous or bias

topics, this kind of thing? And so that's really a real world set of technologies to make this

stuff happen. Still got a lot of work to do that. So with that, I think maybe we'll jump into

a conversation around chat GPT and these really large foundation models versus some of the smaller

models that seem to be outperforming in certain domains. And then just talk more about kind of,

yeah, in general, then we'll circle back to Mosaic and your experience and lessons learned

and what you guys are building. So obviously, chat GPT just came out recently and it's broken

headlines everywhere. Was that really a fundamental step function change or step function improvement

in the underlying technology or is this more of an incremental sort of progress in LLMs?

Well, it's interesting because I think apparently from the user, it looks like a big step function

because now all of a sudden it does something pretty well that it couldn't do before.

But really, that is a culmination of many small improvements. And so I think one of the big ones

was reinforcement learning with human feedback, proper fine-tuning regimes to make these things

answer more accurately and give you better responses that you might expect. And I think

that was the big innovation with this. I mean, architecturally, it's really not that different

from the original GPT-3, which really wasn't that different from GPT-2. It's just more scale.

So the biggest innovations were really around that. And I think, you know, not to minimize

that at all because that's what makes this work in the real world. You need to do these kinds

of things to make these models actually usable. Yeah, there's rumors now that Microsoft is in

talks to invest up to $10 billion into open AI. And presumably, a big chunk of that will be applied

to compute as they try to scale up the size of the models even further. You know, when you go from

from GPT-2 to GPT-3, which was a order of magnitude larger in terms of number of parameters,

what are the challenges that you face as an organization that's trying to train these really

large models? You know, I assume it's not as simple as like going to Zoran saying, hey,

here's more data, train a bigger model. What are the complexities that the companies face and they

actually get to do that? Well, okay, so let's talk about specifically that GPT-2 to GPT-3

transition. I mean, you know, when you're the first one doing it, like, you know, all the big labs,

like open AI, deep, deep mind lab and Google brain, all of the unfair, you know, they had to invent a

lot of the stuff as they went, because it just didn't exist. There were no good parallelization

frameworks or weren't good, you know, orchestration tools, they had to kind of write a lot of this

stuff. So that makes it really hard. Once you have some of that down, it actually isn't so bad,

there becomes repeatable patterns of scale. So between GPT-2 to GPT-3, I think that's a lot

of what they did was build that repeatable pattern of scale. Now, what are the challenges? So the

challenges are that now your data sets start becoming a lot bigger. Now, in terms of just sheer

gigabytes, they're not that big. We're talking terabytes of data, which isn't really that big

by today's standards. But when you start thinking about what's in that data, you know, we're talking

hundreds of billions of tokens. A token is, call it approximately a third of a word.

A hundred billion words is, or a hundred billion, yeah, a hundred billion words is, you know,

a hundred million books, something like that, right? So this is not a small amount of knowledge.

This is basically pulling together that amount of data, cleaning it, making it into the right

format is actually not trivial anymore, because it just comes from so many different sources.

What's really interesting is that by some accounts, we've actually hit almost a limit

of what's scrapable, meaning that if I go on the internet, I go on Google and I just try to

pull every possible tech source I can, I'm running out, right? The largest models, the largest

and chill models were trained with over a trillion tokens. So we've literally hit the limits of

everything that's on the internet. I never thought that would happen, honestly. I thought that would

just be like an infinitely scaling universe, but it's actually, we've hit that limit. So what's

interesting now is that with the size of models that we can build, these 175 billion parameter

models or 500 billion parameter models, we actually have the capacity to represent the

internet's worth of data. That's the scale we have here. So how fast is growth going to be?

I don't know. It's kind of an open question now. It's interesting looking at the chinchilla scaling

paper. It seems like there's, you know, in a lot of the models that have been trained that

optimized for large number of parameters, there's probably, you could argue, they're

under-trained in terms of data or under-supplied in terms of data. So if you're starting to run

out of data and you want to make the models, you know, larger and more performant, like what do you

do? Do you try to create synthetic data or how do you approach that problem?

Yeah, that's a great question. It's an open topic. So I'll tell you a little bit about what we did

with PubMed GPT. So this was a project we took on with Stanford Center for Research on Foundational

Models. Basically, the task is to take the MedQA evaluation, which is basically the U.S.

Medical Licensing Exam. It's what human doctors have to take to be called an MD. And we trained it

on PubMed data, which is basically all the primary literature papers from 1970 up to,

I think, 2021. And this amounted to about 50 billion tokens of data. So we trained a 2.7

billion parameter model, which is much smaller than GPT-3. But the way we were able to get more

performance was actually doing multiple passes on the data. And, you know, you can do some

modifications to ordering and things like that. But it actually turns out you can squeeze a lot

more out of the 2.7 billion parameter model by doing multiple passes. And so that's one strategy.

Synthetic data is an interesting concept. I mean, the hard part is that you're trying to

expose the model to more parts of the distribution, right? All the nooks and crannies of the data are

what you're really trying to find. When you build synthetic data, you're kind of recapitulating

the statistics of the data on which it's modeled. So you're not really creating new nooks and crannies

necessarily, right? That's not always true when you're using simulation data and things like that.

But many of these sort of resampling techniques don't give you new parts of the distribution.

So I'm not sure they actually improve model performance all that much. Again, still an

open topic. And there are lots of people coming up with cool techniques around this. So I think it

is an area to explore for sure. Yeah, I think one of the other areas that's interesting is audio,

right? There's a lot of audio recording on TV, on podcasts, like we're recording now on YouTube

videos that you could translate into text and possibly use additional training data. So it'll

be interesting to see where that goes. On the sort of model size topic, do you think we're,

it seems like there's this sort of bifurcation in that there are really large models like what will

be GPT-4 that are pretty good at like a broad range of tasks versus smaller models that are

specialized? How do you think this landscape is going to evolve? Do you think we're going to end

up with sort of like large, really large foundation models for just kind of general writing assistant

tasks? And then specialized models to help us answer medical questions? Or do you think there

will be some tilt in either direction? So I mean, I'm personally pretty biased on this. I don't see

a world where there's one large model owned by one company. It's just not going to happen.

Because there's no way one company can imbue the expertise of every domain into one model.

Just not possible. I envision a world where there's millions of models built on millions

of data sets that are experts at many, many different tasks. And I think that's actually,

there's a lot of advantages to that. It's kind of, you can look at nature and that's kind of how

it tends to work. These decentralized, many shots on goal kind of thing, not like one big shot,

right? Typically. So there's a few reasons why I believe this. So one is, we talk to customers

all the time that are in the enterprise space. Data provenance is super important. It's well known

that large language models can regurgitate aspects of their training data. This is actually a

feature. It's not a bug. This is something we want. They can memorize chunks and bring those

chunks back out when they're prompted the right way. It's not that different from a human, right?

I mean, when a human goes and reads a book, they go and cite passages, right? So this is a good thing,

but what that means is that if you're in a banking context or an intelligence,

you know, US intelligence community, you can't use a model that was trained on Reddit.

It can have all kinds of junk in there that could regurgitate when you don't want it to.

And so you need to have some control over the data provenance. And so you want to create a model

that's safe, that's clean for these different purposes. And I think that's really important

for things like medical applications, right? I don't want something that was trained on,

you know, some misinformation that came from the internet. It might be good in terms of syntax

of language, but not good in terms of content. So this kind of becomes very important.

Another aspect is the way every company has to work in their specific field is that they have

to be able to compete with the other players there. They compete by maybe gathering new kinds

of data by driving different kinds of experiences to their users or their customers. So there's

a differentiation that has to happen here. When they build their own data sets, they actually

want to bring out unique insights that their competitors potentially don't have. So using

the same model from everybody else doesn't get you that. You're kind of building on the same

foundation. You're never going to have something as that different. You can fine tune and you can

do some stuff around that, but you can only change the model so much. And I would say the last one,

which is much more of a practical consideration, is that performance and speed of smaller models

is just far superior. So, you know, Codex, the code completion neural network that's behind

the GitHub code completion tool is about a 12 billion parameter model. Could you go bigger?

Sure. You probably get better performance, but the problem is then it becomes too slow. It doesn't

give you the outputs while you're typing. So I think this is why it makes sense to actually

build smaller models that are potentially much more performance. And so I think we're going to

see this whole universe of there will be some large models that do a lot of different things,

and they will be useful for some set of tasks. But I actually think the long, much longer tail

is going to be served by smaller models built on data sets that are clean, curated, and become

experts at a particular domain. Seems like the other consideration is just margins, right? If

you have to run inference through open AI every time you want to respond to a customer,

you know, that can get expensive. And I saw some estimates that chat GPT costs about, you know,

$1 per per query, or one cent per query response and inference, which one set doesn't sound like

a lot. But, you know, when you get to scale, like that can be cost prohibitive and expensive.

And so it seems like that's that's another consideration as well that tilts towards

both smaller models and also owning your own model. Yeah, absolutely. I mean,

this is something that we're working on at Mosaic is, you know, building inference pipelines

beyond the training that are basically, you know, charged on a compute basis,

on a compute our basis, not on a API call basis. And I think that idea made a lot of sense,

especially when it was very difficult to build your own models and have anything that's even

close in performance. But as that gap closes, it makes more sense to potentially own it for all

the reason we just talked about. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And in terms of data and data

provenance, you know, there's been a lot of question around like modes and AI. And it seems like

data is one of the modes that does exist. You know, if you have your own proprietary data set

she'd use to train a model, and then you have sort of a data flywheel that you can use to,

you know, continually curate additional training data, seems like that that would give you a mode.

Is that something you you are seeing as well? Yeah, I think that is true. I think data is a part

of the mode. I would as way I would put it, it is, it's kind of a necessary but not sufficient

part of the mode. So once you have the data, like, let's say, let's say I was given a bunch of like

genomic data. I mean, can I do something with that? Probably. Am I going to be as good at

understanding how to fine tune that model as someone who really understands genomics?

Probably not. And I think there's that's the other aspect is how you how you wield that data,

right? It's like, first, you got to have the sword to fight. But there is skill in how you

wield that sword. And it's the same kind of thing here. I think that's really going to be the mode

on how people get really, really good at making their data usable in the form of an LLM. Building

the right LLM that solves the problems that their customers care about. And looking at the customer

base that you guys have today, how do you see customers actually using LLMs in practice?

Yeah, this is an open question too. It's something we're learning every day. I mean,

I never underestimate the creativity of the world. When it comes to this kind of stuff,

like you give people this this basic, you know, building block, and they can they come up with

all kinds of cool stuff. I mean, there's there's things like personalized, you know, avatars

that people came up with. Obviously, that blew up. We have a customer in that space doing doing

kind of interesting things. Then of course, there's personalization of even your corporate

of text, we have a company that's doing some of that stuff. So like, let's say I'm an influencer,

or I write a lot of blogs or write books, you can actually bake a lot of that into a book and you

can almost have a conversation with the author through that LLM, which is kind of neat, right?

I think, you know, code completion and better tools for writing, you know, more testable,

less buggy code is a huge one, right? Kind of bringing some experience from the entire community

expressed through the LLM to the user who's writing a piece of code. It's like, don't write it this way,

write it that way. That's a really interesting use case. We're seeing things like credit risk

modeling in financial sectors. You know, I think anything where you interact with text,

which is basically anything can can be upended and improve with these kind of capabilities. So

I'm actually seeing, honestly, faster uptake in even old industries than I expected.

And this is more of a, I guess, a macro question in some sense, but, you know, it seems like we're

approaching a point, at least in certain domains where AI is able to, you know, augment a human,

make them five, 10 times more productive. If you take software engineers, for example,

you know, we saw co-pilots doubling the productivity of software engineers,

at least within coding tasks. And so if you extrapolate this out, right, if you have,

you know, a team of 10 engineers and all of a sudden you can get the same output with five

engineers, what happens? And it seems like there are kind of two directions. One is that we see

a reduction in knowledge workers because you need fewer knowledge workers to get the same output.

The other is that we see companies sort of harness this technology and continue maintaining

the same workforce, but, you know, increase the productivity of that workforce and build more

products. And, you know, I don't think anybody has exactly the right answer. I think if we look

at history, it would suggest that, you know, technology tends to improve wages and improve

standard of living. And it's probably a net positive for everyone. But curious, where you

sit sort of on this, on this spectrum of optimism, do you think that, you know, AI will completely,

you know, disrupt the economy and make people unemployed? Or do you think it will sort of

be embraced by it by humans and actually lead to a net increase in GDP?

I'm very much in a camp that elites the net increase in GDP. And of course, you know,

again, I can, I can talk about my bias in this field. I've been at it for a long time. But

I honestly don't see a path that it does destroy the world in this like negative way where nobody

know what has anything to do. I mean, every time there's been a technology transition, right? If

you look at articles around the time of the industrial revolution, you saw a very similar

rhetoric. Actually, it was like, you know, the guy who was plowing a field no longer has to do

that. And then one guy can drive a tractor. It's like, yeah, but you don't have people doing that.

It changes and shifts what what people do. And there are some growing pains in that, I think,

you know, some workers who have a knowledge base and that gets disrupted very quickly,

they have to retrain or or not. And that causes some pain. But overall, I think it increases

the amount we do as a species, which allows us to support growth as a species allows us to support

new new endeavors like moving out outside of our planet, building new technologies that,

you know, can support this growth, like fusion, which just happened, right? The big breakthrough

that just happened. So I think all of these kind of things go together, we build better AI tools

that allows allows us to build new new things like fusion or better space exploration. So

all of this kind of goes together. And I see it as like, it's like a manifest destiny

of what our species can do. The other way to look at this as well is, you know, we really need it

just to maintain current output. If you look at population decline, like that's one of the

more existential risks that humanity is facing, especially in modern developed countries is

population decline. And I mean, if you look within certain domains, like look within healthcare,

there is a massive shortage of doctors. And so you really actually need AI just to

maintain the current output with a declining workforce. The other thing that's interesting

is, you know, AI is in many ways like this great equalizer, and that, you know, something that

used to require like a lot of education and, you know, extensive domain knowledge,

you know, can now be accomplished or a skill can be acquired by somebody that has, you know,

internet connection and motivation, right? We saw that, you know, historically, like with the

internet, right, it democratizes access to information. And it seems like AI in many ways

democratizes access to, you know, unique skills. You know, you no longer have to be an artist to

generate art. And I think this will persist across many domains. And so it's sort of the,

I guess the optimistic way to look at that is like it unleashes entrepreneurship. If you have

the motivation to create something, you no longer need the skills, right? You can use AI to augment

the skills that you do have and produce something useful. Yeah, absolutely. And I think the danger

of some of this is that you have centralization of resources. And this is why I philosophically

very much am happy about what we're doing at Mosaic is that we are building tools to enable

more people to have access to these technologies. When it's all centralized in one or two or three

players, that creates a huge power dynamic. And, you know, that actually happened with the internet

too, right? I mean, yes, at one, in one level, it democratized access. But on the other level,

it actually centralized a lot of things, which caused some problems, right? I mean,

we're seeing the aftermath of that and politics and all kinds of disinformation and this and

that it allows centralized points to have influence undo influence on the population. AI is yet

another lever on top of that. And so figuring out how to make people be able to wield these

technologies themselves and and do so at various scales, small scale, all the way to large scale

is how we kind of mitigate that problem. Yeah, completely agree. And I guess just shifting

shifting a little bit. Like one of the things that's interesting about AI is historically,

at least in recent times, like software hasn't been compute constrained, right? Like we haven't

really like if you want to build a SAS application without machine learning, like you don't really

run up on the limits of compute capacity or compute capability. AI is running up against the limits,

or at least it appears to be in its cost prohibitive, its time prohibitive to train some of these

really large models. The good news is there are companies like Mosaic that are making training

more efficient. And just curious, like, how do you actually do that? How do you take something that,

you know, would use X compute and make it use a fraction of X compute, but get the same same

performance? Yeah, so actually, before I go into that, I disagree that software hasn't been compute

constrained. I think, I think Moore's law and software have kind of co evolved to line up in

terms of timing. But if you run a piece of software on 10 year old hardware, it doesn't

work so well. It is actually constrained by that. It's just that we were able to meet this. That's

very true. So I think, you know, we had a very stable environment for a long time, and now that's

been destabilized. The curve just kicked up even faster, right? And so we're sorting it out. And

to your question on how we do it at Mosaic, it's actually interesting that when we started the

company, we were looking for sort of a silver bullet. It's like, you know, one of the folks

that was around from the very beginning, and is now the chief scientist of the company is Jonathan

Frankel. He published a paper called the lottery ticket hypothesis, which was a seminal paper in

the space of compute efficient learning. And we were kind of looking for that one or two set of

methods that would be like, Oh, my God, this is so much bigger, so much better. Reality is it comes

from many different small tweaks. Some of them are are sort of basic hygiene tweaks. You know,

you know, getting the right packages, configuring the system the right way. Some of them are

understanding patterns that are seen over and over again, and actually optimizing those. So very

low level software. This is this is nothing groundbreaking. This is standard stuff that

people have done. We package it up and make it very usable. Then the next level of stuff is

where we actually start to modify the math. So there's sort of, we separated the world early

on into math preserving and non math preserving and then even pseudo math preserving. And so pseudo

math preserving is like going from 32 bit numerics to 16 bits for a lot of your calculations. It's

sort of math preserving, but actually not really because when you change the precision, you actually

change the math a little bit, but it's an acceptable kind of change, right? And then there's stuff

where we're even talking about modifying, you know, the back propagation algorithm pretty

significantly. So there's a whole set of methods. And so like the way we achieve this with some of

our computer vision methods, I think we're an order of magnitude faster, more compute efficient than

the standard implementations. We did that through about 25 different methods, some of which are,

you know, changing things like the convolution size, making anti aliasing data before goes into

a convolution that makes the convolutional learning more efficient. Some of them come from

how we present data to the network. And actually, I think this is going to be the big theme for the

next year or two or three is neural networks are like a brain, right? When you if you present a child

with with too complex of a data, it's the child's not going to learn anything. You have to present

the simple stuff first and then present the hard stuff later and build upon it. And neural

networks no different from that. You got if you present too complicated of a story to it early

on, it's just not going to learn anything. So actually, stepping this stuff up, like we do things

called sequence, like sequence length warmup, where we actually present smaller sequences and

learn those kind of primitives before we start presenting bigger stuff. So combinations of things

like this make a big difference. There's actually some really interesting things that the brain

does that we don't really do in neural networks today. So one example is, if I were to teach

you to play tennis, assuming you don't play tennis, and you never serve the ball, you know, you probably

know how to throw a ball. You've done that before. So you're not going to practice that. But you are

going to practice the whole motion and going behind your back and trying to swing. Because maybe that's

not something you've done. Our brain is really good at saying, Okay, I don't need to spend time

and attention and energy on the things that already weren't and only spend that time and

attention energy on the things I need to learn. And we don't do that in our networks today. We

kind of throw a bunch of data at it. It all turns through regardless of whether that data point is

useful to learning or not. And so I think this is going to be a big theme going forward is,

can I decide, is this data point useful for learning? If it is, then I'm going to use it,

and I'm going to learn as much as I can from it. If it's not useful, don't waste time on it.

So these are the kind of themes that we've gone through in making things more efficient.

And when you have conversations with customers who want to train their own models on your platform,

and you sort of talk about the efficiency improvements, do you see customers optimizing

for performance or for cost? It's all over the place. We're trying to form hypotheses around

this, which would be more important? How do we pitch it? And it really depends on the customer.

Some customers care about the performance of the model at all costs. And sometimes they care about

the performance of the model within a budget of parameters, like co-pilot or the PubMed GPT.

We wanted a small model that had performance. And there's a lot of reasons for that because

of the downstream constraints of latency. Sometimes, I mean, there are certainly

applications where it's like, cost be damned, I just want the best thing. I would say that's

kind of been the open AI approach. Spend a billion dollars, prove that it works.

Most enterprises are somewhere in the middle. There's some mix of these things, and it's

not the same for each one. And so I think the way we now position things is we give you the tools

to make these trade-offs. You can say, this is going to cost 5x more, but you're going to get

30% better performance. So is that worth it to you or not? And I think this is the kind of

abstraction that enterprise customers seem to want. They want the ability to say, all right,

well, in this particular application, I really need to make the performance hit this certain level.

We've seen that. We had a customer who had to get out to a particular threshold,

or they couldn't deploy something. Okay, so spend what you got to spend to get there.

In other cases, I just want to see if this thing is going to work, or there's nothing.

So I want to build something that shows that I can make an application here. Then it matters

how much you spend. You don't want to spend too much. It makes sense. And it's different for every

use case, I imagine. If we look at cost declines historically, between, I think it was 2012 and

2020, your training cost declined at about 65% annually. Do you think that's going to continue

through 2030, or do you think that rate of cost decline is going to change?

I think it's going to accelerate. We've had discussions as we've gone through this story,

and I think you guys are undercalling it personally. So to break it down a little bit,

Moore's Law, when it was chugging along 2x every two years, rather, is about 40% per year. So

arguably, we're less than that now, so I'll call it 30%. I would say architectural advances have

given a lot of the year-on-year improvement. So going to a two-dimensional architecture,

a tensor core architecture, that's what we did in Nirvana, was a big step function. So when you

smooth that out over the last few years, you end up with another 10%, 15%, 20%. Software improvements,

fusions, that kind of stuff gives you a little bit more. So that's 60% kind of makes sense.

When we started bringing on these algorithmic stacks, we saw orders of magnitude. Within a couple

of months, we were able to hit 10x. And what's really interesting is ML Perf, it's an industry

benchmark. We actually won it in computer vision with ResNet. We actually did it again with BERT

just recently. The BERT submission, we decided to do literally two weeks before the deadline,

because we weren't sure we want to put the time in. We're like, all right, we'll just throw some

stuff together that we did months ago, and we were of state-of-the-art. So I think that shows

you that there is now a new well to pump, right, that you can basically say, okay, I can put these

pieces together in a new way and make things more efficient. And so I think we're going to be in this

regime of three to four x improvement per year. So that's, I don't know how you want to say that

in terms of percentages, depends how you count it, but it's more than 60% per year.

A lot, a high percentage. Yeah, it's interesting too, like if you look at throughout sort of the

history of the digital economy, it's like Moore's Law was such an important driver of growth.

And this is true across, I mean, many domains, right? Like if you look at the adoption of electric

vehicles, like you can create a, you look at a cost decline curve, and it's pretty well tied to

growth of that industry. And that's been true for software as Moore's Law has declined. And now we're

seeing, you know, double triple the rate of cost decline with training that we saw of just Moore's

Law alone. And so it's like, it seems like this will sort of manifest in two ways. One is, you

know, the very, very large models will continue to be, you know, push the boundaries of performance,

but then it just becomes cheaper to train models, right? And the, like, you know, if you look at,

even now it costs you a few hundred grand to train a model, like, it's not a lot, but like,

it's significant. But if it costs $500, like, how many models are you going to train? How often are

you going to retrain your models? It's going to be a really, really crazy five years as I think

more and more companies look at AI and look to sort of embrace them in different ways.

Yeah, 100%. And I think you're making our case, right? That's what I mean about millions of models,

right? You make this easy, you make it cheap. It's just going to blow up. It'll be applied to

everything. You can personalize everything. Yeah, it's like, you know, the great, the history of,

of the password is actually quite interesting on computers. It went back to, like, when computers

were really expensive to run. And you had, you know, maybe one computer at a university,

and you had an allotment of time. And so you had a password that you were assigned to use that

computer. And that's actually the first, I think the first reported hacking of passwords was back

in, I think it might have been MIT or one of the research universities where some computer

scientists wanted more time on the computer. And it's, we're sort of at that moment with AI, right?

It's like, it's still somewhat cost prohibitive and hard to train these models. And like, you have

to be a computer scientist to use the computer at your university. And same thing here, you have to

know what you're doing to train these large models, and you have to have access to a lot of

capital and compute capacity. But that's changing very quickly. And like, I mean, with what you

guys are doing, like it's becoming a lot less complex and a lot cheaper. And so I think that

the way that, you know, computers sell mass adoption because they got cheaper and they were

easier to use, probably see the same thing with AI. Absolutely. Yeah. And I think, you know,

the algorithms are an important part of that, how we actually make these computing elements,

you know, learn from data, right? You know, what's really interesting is, so I am a neuroscientist,

and, you know, if you look at a rat's cortex under a microscope, and you look at humans,

it's really not that different. The cells, the structure, the layers, they're all the same.

We diverged from rats, I think, I don't know, 120 million years ago on the sort of evolutionary

scale, maybe more than that. And the fact that the cells and the structure has been relatively

stable says something very important. It wasn't the underlying compute element that actually gave

rise to human intelligence. It was the organization of those compute elements. And I think that's

what we're seeing now is that Moore's law is slowing, right? We're not building transistors that

have a huge economic advantage on the next generation anymore. They're a little bit denser,

a little bit more power efficient, but that comes at a cost. So the economics aren't playing out

anymore on the substrate. So we sort of halted that. But now it's really how do we put those

things together? And I think we're just now scratching the surface, because we have to.

Scaling of devices was a really quick, not quite easy, but sort of a straightforward way to keep

making economics chug along. And now we've got to think a lot more creatively. And I think computers

in 30 years are going to look significantly different from what they do today. I don't think

they're just going to be numeric manipulation machines. They're going to be something very

different. Do you think, just touching on this neural architecture for a second,

there's a lot of debate on Twitter on whether AI will become sentient, however you define that

at some point. What's your position on that debate? I mean, first, sentience or consciousness is

such an ill-defined term. I don't even know really how to approach this. I mean, it's funny

because as a neuroscientist, every first year neuroscience grad student comes in and wants to

ask that question. And then it's basically beat out of you. It's like, don't ask that question.

It has no real answer. But that being said, I think there is, there are attempts, right? Like

Kristoff Koch and others have tried to codify what this might really mean. And there's definitely

something about being attached to the real world, like some kind of input representation,

action space and this loop that has to be closed for something to be sentient. So,

everyone's like, there's a lot of people saying, oh, GPT three or four or whatever is going to be

sentient. I completely don't buy it at all because it's static. It doesn't learn while you're using

it. I mean, there is a loop, right? You can take in data, you can then fine tune it, you can modify

it, and you can put out different kinds of data, but it doesn't actually see the modifications

into the real world. It doesn't have an action space really. And so there's still a ways to go

there. And that's okay. It doesn't mean that we're failing. I think that's a great step on the way

there. We're just not there yet. But I think there is this idea of embodiment also, where AI

and computation needs to kind of act on the world, see the results of that action, and then

represent that, come up with a new action. That to me feels like what a true conscious intelligence

would need. It's a better defined framework than the debates I've seen on Twitter.

Well, yeah, that's not surprising. Again, democratization of your voice leads to some of that

those viewpoints getting espoused. For sure. And as we wrap up here, just want to circle back a

little bit to your experience as a founder. This is obviously your second AI company. You spent a

lot of time at Intel. If we rewind back to Nirvana, what was the transition of selling to a big

company like as a founder? Yeah, I mean, it's an interesting one. I've talked about this before,

but it's an emotional one. The first thing that hit me when I talked to my company was I told

everybody that we're going to do this acquisition was it's just sadness. I broke down in tears in

front of my company without any warning because it was like, oh my God, what would I just do?

And so I think there's that one aspect. Just as a founder, you feel this intense ownership

of a company that you've seen from day one. Then beyond that, I think I fought the struggle

of the innovators dilemma daily. And it's just amazing to me that that keeps happening. Everyone

keeps making that same mistake over and over again, but it's just human nature. In big companies,

there's sort of an established revenue stream. There are things to defend, and you will get

people who will defend them to their death, and they will run every kind of political smear campaign

they can against you. That's why I said I learned a lot about people. And it was like, look, I just

want to build technology. That's what I care about. As a startup founder, you kind of have these pure

intentions many times. But to actually make it work in a big organization is very, very hard.

So I learned very quickly why these kind of innovations don't happen in big organizations.

Status quo is very much defended. So I think as a founder getting acquired, presumably by a large

entity, you will hit that. I have not talked to a founder yet that's been acquired by a larger

company that hasn't hit that at some point. I mean, some companies do it a little bit more

hands off. Every large corporation is different. Google has been like a lot more hands off with

many of their acquisitions, which is sometimes not a good thing. They don't actually incorporate the

technologies. I actually am very proud of the technologies that we did incorporate into Intel.

Like, we did a great job there. We did bring those alliances in and stuff like that. But

there's a frustration level that you're just not used to dealing with when you're in a small

company. Because it's like the analogy I like to use is when you're on the highway and everyone's

going 50 miles an hour, if you go 50 miles an hour, your life's pretty good. You sort of sit

there and you drive. If you want to do 90, you're constantly running into the back of someone. You're

passing someone. You're pissing someone off. That's what has to happen if you want to go 90

when everyone's going 50. So I think as a startup, you're kind of on an empty highway. You're just

driving. That's the mentality shift that you have to take is like, no, this is not a you just go as

fast as you can kind of thing anymore. Now it's collaboration. It's bringing people under your

tent. It's like this whole political game. And I think that's just really hard for a lot of founders.

That's a great analogy. And I mean, if you look at like the companies that are threatened by AI today,

you know, I mean, using an example with Google, you know, everybody on Twitter thinks the chat

GPT will disrupt Google search. And this is a bit of an extreme example, which I think maybe

a stretch too far. But, you know, when when you're in Google, and you're a product manager that's

trying to release some AI product, you're facing a lot of, as you put it, cars going 50 miles an hour.

Do you think that that AI will go to the advantage of the incumbents? Or do you think it will go

to the advantage of startups that are trying to disrupt the incumbents? And that's a very broad

question, right? Like, Google is probably going to be really hard to disrupt. But if you look at

other domains of, you know, take like Microsoft Word and look at all the new writing assistants

that are coming out that are trying to steal market share there, how do you think this is

going to play out just in general at a very high level as companies face this innovator's dilemma?

Yeah, that's a great question. I think we touched on a little bit earlier, like some of the moats,

right? Data is a sufficient and not sufficient but necessary part of the moat. I think what startups

do is tend to get higher quality people driving the agenda many times. And so what happens is

you've got on one side, you've got this massive mode of data. The others on the startup side,

you have this massive mode of talent. And, you know, the question is, can talent do better than

the mode of data or not? And I honestly, I think it's going to depend on the specific domain.

It's going to depend on how quickly some of those incumbent players move. I mean, I will give

Microsoft a lot of credit under Satya. They've done really well in terms of being unafraid to

disrupt some of their legacy businesses, right? That's what you got to do. It's hard. It's really

hard because you're holding a degree down your neck and you've got quarterly, you know, earnings

reports and this and that, like saying I'm going to spend a bunch of money on something that hasn't

been proven out is hard. Now, in more conservative industries like insurance or even medicine,

I think it's going to be dominated by the new players because the incumbents are just too

conservative. And again, I think it's a cultural thing, right? Like, you know, in insurance, it is

by nature a conservative thing, right? And so if someone comes out and comes to the much better

risk modeling framework using AI and they can be much more adaptive and using these technologies,

they're going to beat the incumbents hands down, even with their data modes, right? So I think it

comes down to the culture of the business. That's a great way to look at it. And just as we wrap

up a final question for you, if you go back on sort of all the experiences that you've had through

your career and you could go back to day one of founding your Vana, what advice would you have

given yourself? Oh, man. Okay. I guess there's a few points. One is, you know, keep the team

lean and mean from day one when your gut tells you to do something, taking an action like,

you know, employees not working out or, you know, a partner is going to waste your time,

listen to that. You got to trust your gut. That's probably the first one. I mean, of course,

it takes some time to develop those gut feelings. But like a lot of times are right. And you're

regretted not listening to them. And I would say, you know, don't be afraid to go big when you talk

to investors, you know, that big vision is what matters. And we had that big vision at Nirvana.

But, you know, we're just almost afraid to talk about it sometimes, like, oh, they're going to

think we're crazy. It's like, no, no, we are crazy. And that's what you want. This world is all about

like that craziness becoming reality. And I think don't be afraid, you know, I don't do something

for a crazy sake, do it because it matters. But like, don't be afraid of it being crazy.

It's probably the biggest advice I've given myself. That's great advice. And thank you for

joining us. If people want to keep following you and the journey, they can find you on Twitter.

And then where can they learn more about Mosaic? We have a pretty rich blog series

there that we try to highlight some of these topics and discuss them. And we have a Twitter

handle as well at MosaicML. And on LinkedIn, you can follow us as well. So take a look. We're always

posting content there. One of our researchers posts a, you know, every couple of weeks synopsis of

all the big papers in AIML. His name is Davis Blaylock. You can follow him on Twitter as well.

And you can see those updates. It's a pretty cool sub-stack. That's great. Well, thank you.

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