My First Million: The Boys React: Andrew Tate's 3rd Month in Prison, Jake Paul vs Tommy Fury, & Covid Lab Leak Theory

Hubspot Podcast Network Hubspot Podcast Network 3/3/23 - 19m - PDF Transcript

Did you invent meter made?

Yeah, yeah, I did that last night.

I told you I'm in content mode, baby.

I'm writing and I got some gems.

I'll give you the headline of something I'm writing right now.

I haven't even released this, any of this stuff yet, but it's called

Congratulations, you climbed Mount stupid.

All right, what's up, fellas?

It's Friday. How you guys doing?

Doing great. Good.

We're reacting to the news.

We got some good ones this week.

Let's start with let's start with Jake Paul versus Tommy Fury.

Jake Paul, of course, the famous influencer,

has since become a professional boxer for the first time.

He lost a fight losing to Tommy Fury,

a professional boxer and social media influencer.

And not just the fight is notable, but what's also notable is that, Sam,

you basically called exactly what would happen in the fight.

So do you want to take your victory lap right now, Sam?

No, I didn't call exactly,

but I have been getting good at predicting fights.

I'm a huge combat sports fan, but I didn't exactly get it.

But I loved it.

You know, I know why I love it.

I love freak shows.

This was a freak show, and I'm always going to pay for that paper view

and watch freak shows. I thought it was awesome.

Second, I think if you're listening to this, whether you're a man or a woman,

you should go and train boxing just for like three months

and actually spar, not like rumble, where you're just hitting the bag.

But I think you should spar and I'm not talking spar,

like where you kick someone's ass or you get beat up because, Sean,

you remember when we sparred, it doesn't hurt, right?

If you do it with someone who like it doesn't have to hurt.

But when you know what it does, it scares you.

It gets the heart rate up.

It gets the heart rate up.

You if you do it right with someone who's been there, done that,

you're not going to get hurt.

I promise you're going to get hurt by running more than you will actually sparring

if you do it with someone who knows what they're doing.

But that like fight or flight response, we never get that.

And so I love that he did that.

I find it very courageous that he actually stood in front of all his people

and fought so kudos to him.

But yeah, I don't think he's going to like be a great boxer.

I mean, props to him, first of all, came on the show.

So got to give him credit for that, came on, came on our show.

Now he's doing other shows.

These are all, you know, just highlights of his life, I'm sure.

It's just a correlation.

Yeah, exactly.

I'm not saying one caused the other, but like probably we did do our show before.

You know, a lot of this stuff happened.

We did do our show before he did every other show.

And so I thought it was great.

You know, I think the transition from like Disney kid,

Vine star, YouTuber, kind of shithead brand to he's legitimately good.

He is legitimately good.

He is not.

I would not call him a celebrity boxer.

He's like an amateur boxer, actually.

Like he's a very good amateur boxer and he's an entertainer.

And like he, you know, he's done an amazing job staying relevant,

but evolving the game with him.

I think that a lot of people hate on this guy or laugh at him or whatever else.

I think there's a lot of good lessons you can take about reinventing yourself

and finding a way to merge maybe things you're interested or passionate about

with your skills in the world of business or entertainment.

And he's done it phenomenally well.

And thinking from first principles, like him and his brother, Logan,

they didn't just ask, what should I do next as a YouTuber?

They were like, what can I do next using this audience and this fame?

And they came up with different answers than 99.9 percent of other YouTubers out

there. You got any credit for that?

Yeah. And he's tough.

I don't think he's going to be a great boxer, but he's super tough for doing that.

So that's awesome.

Next, next from one controversial social media star to another,

Andrew Tate and his brother, Tristan, are being detained for a third 30 day sentence

in Romania.

Of course, they're charged with human trafficking.

They claim that there is no evidence and they still haven't had a trial.

What do you guys take, Andrew Tate, human trafficker or wrongly imprisoned?

Oof. I don't know much about it, do you?

No, I mean, who knows what he did.

But first of all, Romania guilty until proven innocent.

What's going on here?

Why is he he says it because he's tweeting out.

He says he's like in solitary confinement, basically, while he hasn't had a trial.

That's a that's a little strange.

Dude, he said, I've been in this thing for 30 days now.

They don't let me out.

Just imagine blocking yourself in your bedroom for 24 hours.

Just go ahead and do that.

Now, think about where I'm going through.

I wanted to cry, but then he said, like, but I realize I'm too tough for that.

But it's not like access.

Does anybody can somebody explain this to me?

Because he tweeted out two hours ago, my body is in jail, but my mind is not in jail.

Do you understand?

What I don't understand is how do you have Twitter right now?

Yeah, I don't know either.

What kind of lax prison is this?

Yeah. And you said, are you going to be putting free Tate in your Twitter bio?

No, I'm not going to be putting that.

I don't care.

Dude, I will pay you $100 to put a free Cobra Tate in your Twitter bio.

That would be so funny for 24 hours.

Just do it. That'd be amazing.

Oh, no, not a chance.

I'm not team Andrew Tate.

I wouldn't say I'm not.

I don't like how he talks to people.

So I guess I would say I'm kind of against them.

I have no idea about the story other than if he did do what he's accused of.

And yeah, that sounds pretty fair, but I have no idea what the truth is.

Yeah, he's kind of cringe, to be honest with you, but yeah, let's go on.

All right, let's move on to the lab leak theory.

So multiple government sources are now saying that they think the lab leak

theory for the origins of COVID-19 is true.

This includes the Department of Energy and the FBI.

So fellas, are you surprised?

I am not surprised.

I am not surprised.

This is ever since that one John Stewart clip.

Have you seen this this John Stewart clip, Sam, where he goes?

No, but he was ringing the bell early on, right?

Yeah, it was pretty early on.

This was like when it was still unpopular.

And in fact, you would get like censored or your videos taken down

or like a giant flag saying this person's a conspiracy theorist for saying it.

And he goes on the Colbert show and he does this little bit where he goes.

He says something about the lab leak and you know, this leak from a lab

and it's crazy and then Colbert goes, well, well, well, well, we, you know,

lab leak. I mean, you're saying that we have we there.

We don't know that there's no evidence.

It was evidence.

There's a coronavirus that originated in Wuhan,

where there is the Wuhan coronavirus lab because it's in the name.

He just keeps going off.

He's like, he's like, there's a chocolate leak in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Is this, you know, is this random or maybe it's the chocolate factory, you know,

like it brings us up and it was just like so obvious at that point.

It's like, what, how unlikely would it be that in all places, the novel,

he's like the novel coronavirus originates in Wuhan,

where there is the Wuhan novel coronavirus research lab.

Like, you know, you're telling me that that just happened to be the case.

Like seems like the odds are that it came from that lab,

not that it just happened to be in that lab, in that same area.

I remember my friend, Jack, telling me about this like early on.

And my friend, Jack is not quite a, he's not a conspiracy theorist at all,

but he is very open-minded and like he believes like he doesn't believe lots of things.

But he'll like when people say that they originally were thinking, well, that's crazy.

And his response was like, OK, well, let's see what the evidence is.

And maybe we'll explore it.

And I remember him telling me that I'm like, Jack, you're pretty crazy for thinking that.

And my big lesson over these last three years as it regards to this story is not like,

did it or did it not come out of that?

Of that. But now it's looking like maybe it did, or at least for sure it did.

Somewhere in between maybe and for sure, not for sure it didn't.

And my takeaway is there's things that I used to dismiss as just crazy

and only crazy people would believe this.

But I've seen over the last five or 10 years as I've like become more of an adult

and like paid attention to these things, I've seen that like, man, crazy things do happen.

And also a lot of huge life changing things are just accidents.

They just happen.

And now I have a little bit more of an open mind when people say like,

well, this person is conspiring with this other person to make this happen or whatever.

And I'm like, oh, maybe they're let's let's have an open mind

and explore the facts if we can. Right.

Yeah, there's a I remember back when this first started,

it was basically considered racist to say that the virus might have leaked from the lab in China.

And I never understood that.

I was like, why would that be racist? How is that racist?

I lived in China. I don't find this racist in any way.

Like, what are you talking about?

And it reminds me of one time I tweeted out my favorite books.

I've tweeted out five of my favorite books or something like that.

And then the comment goes, a bunch of you will start commenting.

They go, there's not one woman on this list.

And I go, these are my favorite books.

What are you talking about?

What are you talking about?

I have to have 50 percent diversity in my favorite books.

And I just replied, I go, all my favorite NBA players are black.

And that just set people off that totally triggered everybody

because I was like, no, I am not apologizing

because I named five of my favorite books and they just so happened to be written by men.

Like, that is not at all what I'm talking about.

And you're trying to like, you know, I call these people meter maids.

They just run around the internet looking for little tickets at the cars that they could ticket.

Like, where can I go be offended?

Oh, you didn't, you didn't, you were not inclusive enough for me ticket.

And it's like, what are you talking about?

That's not even what this was about.

Did you invent meter maid?

Yeah. Yeah, I did that last night.

I told you about content mode, baby.

I'm writing and I got some gems.

I'll give you the headline of something I'm writing right now.

I haven't even released this, any of this stuff yet, but it's called

congratulations, you climbed Mount stupid.

And I'm just working backwards from that headline to be like, what's the,

what is the content here?

But I've just got a bunch of gems that I'm putting in my email list.

By the way, go, go subscribe to my email list.

I'll put it in the show notes.

It's and go, go put your thing in there.

I'm writing 365 original pieces in the next, in the next year.

So one a day we'll go out and one of them is going to be called

congratulations, you climbed Mount stupid.

What are you doing like a daily email?

Yeah, but it's a sequence.

That would never work.

It'll work.

I know I'm joking because we both had.

Oh, OK, that's a bad joke.

All right, Ben, what do you got?

All right, let's go rapid fire through a few of these.

I don't know if you guys saw this, the Felix Dennis house.

So Felix Dennis, very famous entrepreneur.

Your boy. I love him.

Yeah. Publisher of Oz and author of how to be rich.

So he built this house for five million pounds.

It just sold for four million pounds.

It's really cool, but one of the weirdest houses you'll ever see.

It's mostly a pool in the middle and it's a treasure island themed

with like palm trees and like a bunch of pirate stuff.

And the whole house only has two bedrooms.

So the question is, fellas,

does this make you guys into themed houses?

Are you guys going to be building themed houses now?

Well, the takeaway here for me is F legacy

because this guy built something that he wanted

and oftentimes people will say things like,

well, what about the resale value of this thing?

Or how is this going to impact your legacy?

And my reply to that lately has been like, well, I don't know.

Like I'm going to be dead. I don't care.

And so what I appreciate about this is that he spent his money

the way he wanted to and he made something cool,

even if it didn't make any financial sense.

So I think it's cool.

And if you haven't read his book, How to Get Rich,

we talked about a bunch here.

It changed my life.

Whenever we talk about that book,

it like goes up to like number 10,

top 10 in the business category.

So go read it. It's awesome.

There's a picture in this article of him

with a extremely voluptuous person that says,

Felix Dennis spent $100 million on sex,

drugs and rock and roll in his lifetime.

That was on your bucket list, right, Sam?


Wasn't that your new company's mission statement?

Core values.


Basically from age like 35 to like 40,

he was addicted to crack.

That was his drug was, I swear to God, crack cocaine.

He loved it.

And he died single.

He had a partner, but they had an open relationship.

So the guy's been doing a lot of psychedelics

and open relationships before it was cool.

No, he was a very weird and quirky guy.

And he like basically says he spent

a hundred north of $100 million in his book.

He goes, I spent a hundred million on hookers and crack.

So, you know, whatever.


I don't believe that.

Everyone's happy.

Bill Chamberlain said he slept with 10,000 women

in his lifetime.

And if you do the math.

Dude, the math on that is like horrible.

It's like, it's crazy.

It's like, dude, you got to sleep with two women a day

for, you know, many years.


I think it's even more than that.

Because he wasn't that old at that time.

By the way, you said something about themed houses.

I'm in on themed houses.

I think themed houses are great.

And more than the theme, more than the theme actually is

epic common area.

He said two bedrooms.

I think bedrooms are a giant waste.

I think you only need a couple bedrooms

and you should have epic common areas

if you're going to have a mansion.

I don't like the eight bedroom mansion.

You know, like I got opinions on mansions

and that's one of them.

You got to have epic common spaces

and only a couple of bedrooms.

Three, four bedrooms max.

I don't want to see a fifth bedroom.

And do you know what his charity was

that he left all of his money to?

Was creating forests.

So he's like the Johnny Appleseed of England.

The guy, he like has like thousands of acres

of forest that he owns.

And I think this house, it's known for having

all types of trees.


In Colombia.

He's like the crack cocaine foundation.

I'm doing my wealth too.

All right, next one.

All right, I love this one.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation

ran a snow plow naming contest.

So they got a new snow plow, they needed a name

and they out, they crowd sourced it to the public.

Here's some of the top vote getters.

You're a Blizzard Harry, Blizzo, Clearopathra,

Better Call Salt and Han Snowlow.

So guys, do you have a favorite from this list?

The last one.

I think I like Clearopathra.

I think that one's pretty good.

I did not see that one coming.

Remember when they did a Bode McBoat Face?

When like, I think it was like, I think it was like

either a fairy or a tugboat or something like that.

Like a town let people vote on it

and Reddit got ahold of it and they made

the number one voted thing, Bode McBoat Face.

And so I love these viral stars.

I think they're awesome.

Sam, I don't want to steal your thunder,

but you did want to announce your tattoo naming contest.

Sam is willing to get a tattoo on his back

that anybody that is going to be a contest

from the fans of my first million.

Isn't that right, Sam?

That is totally wrong.

I was, that is, I think I did, what I did say,

there's this, you remember how we talked about mini Katana?


They're sending me a gold sword, I guess.

Katana, I don't know the difference.

That has MFM on it.

So I'm collecting all kinds of MFM stuff.

I don't know if you have-

It's pretty racist to call a Katana sword, by the way.

Is it?

The meter maids, the meter maids are running around.

They're excited about that one.

Well, I have a gold Katana on my way

that has my first million on it.

So I'll accept all MFM stuff,

but I'm not gonna tattoo with these degenerates.

How about at a million YouTube subscribers?

Will you get a crowdsourced tattoo?

I will get a tattoo at a million, for sure.

When I went and did this podcast in LA

with like this guy, Cody Coe.

So he's a kind of like a comedy YouTuber guy.

His studio looked awesome.

He was telling us about, they have this,

they have like a network and they have some other show

called Trillionaire Energy or something like that.

And so they put it up on the screen.

There's like a screen you can see

while we're sitting there.

And it was the two hosts in slow motion with music,

just getting closer together.

And then these two guys just made out

and I go, whoa, what's the show about?

And he goes, no, they had said,

if they get to whatever, 100,000 subs that they would kiss.

And I go, oh, yeah, that's a good idea.

That's how like you comedy YouTuber Hollywood people think.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

We're not gonna do that, but that's a great idea.

Did they really do it?

They did it, it's a hilarious video.

It's in slow mo as they get closer and closer

and they just make out.

And they tongued?

It's intense.

I'd rather be unsuccessful.

Yeah, exactly.

You know when people say like, how bad do you want it?

I don't want it that bad.

This is going on success.

You gotta find the price of success

and then pay it too expensive for me.

Yeah, it's out of my budget.

I'm out.

We have food at home.

You wanna do one more?

Yeah, this is the last one.

All right, last one.

So Blue Sky is a new Twitter clone backed by Jack Dorsey.

And unlike Twitter, it is decentralized.

And so the question is, fellas,

are you supporting our comrades over at Blue Sky?

Or are you supporting the capitalist pigs over at Twitter?

What's your move?

Dude, Jack Dorsey owns a bank.

How are you gonna call him a comrade?

Right, I mean, he's moving away from capital.

He's seen the air of his ways.

Dude, when I hear, okay,

so here's some of the words they use.

Open source, social protocol, and decentralized.

When I hear those words, I just don't care.

I just don't care at all.

Like, they want me to care about it.

And that's wonderful.

And maybe sometimes I'll act like I do, but I don't.

I don't care at all.

Like if you tell me probiotic, antioxidant, right?

Yeah, I don't care.

If you wanna shove it in there

and I'll drink it if it tastes good.


But I don't need to know.

That's exactly right.

I'll drink it if it tastes good.

That's my take on this as well.

I'll use this app if it's awesome.

If the content is great and the people on it are interesting

and if it's something different than Twitter,

if it's Twitter, but the database is different, I'm out.

I don't care about that.

That's not what draws people in.

That doesn't mean it's not a good idea.

Great, do it.

Do it differently under the hood,

but it has to result in something different

that the person actually gets to use.

Yeah, and the same thing happened with Web 3

where they give me this horrible pitch

and then they end it with Web 3

and I'm like, well, I don't care if it's Web 3.

Just does this thing work?

Is it awesome?

And I feel the same way about this.

So I don't care.

And also, have you tried Mastodon?


Dude, it's stupid too.

So anyway, I'm not on board with this.

All right.

All right.

Best pod.

I feel like I can rule the world.

I know I could be what I want to.

I put my all in it like no days off on a road.

Let's travel, never looking back.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Episode 426: In the Friday segment called The Boys React, Shaan Puri (@ShaanVP) and Sam Parr (@TheSamParr) give their two cents on a few relevant business stories. Check it out...

* Jake Paul vs Tommy Fury
* Andrew Tate Twitter
* John Stewart on The Late Show
* Felix Dennis house
* Do you love MFM and want to see Sam and Shaan's smiling faces? Subscribe to our Youtube channel.
Show Notes:
(00:30) - Jake Paul vs Tommy Fury
(03:35) - Andrew Tate detained in Romania
(05:20) - Lab leak theory for COVID-19
(11:10) - Felix Dennis house
(14:15) - Snowplow naming contest
(17:00) - Bluesky
Past guests on My First Million include Rob Dyrdek, Hasan Minhaj, Balaji Srinivasan, Jake Paul, Dr. Andrew Huberman, Gary Vee, Lance Armstrong, Sophia Amoruso, Ariel Helwani, Ramit Sethi, Stanley Druckenmiller, Peter Diamandis, Dharmesh Shah, Brian Halligan, Marc Lore, Jason Calacanis, Andrew Wilkinson, Julian Shapiro, Kat Cole, Codie Sanchez, Nader Al-Naji, Steph Smith, Trung Phan, Nick Huber, Anthony Pompliano, Ben Askren, Ramon Van Meer, Brianne Kimmel, Andrew Gazdecki, Scott Belsky, Moiz Ali, Dan Held, Elaine Zelby, Michael Saylor, Ryan Begelman, Jack Butcher, Reed Duchscher, Tai Lopez, Harley Finkelstein, Alexa von Tobel, Noah Kagan, Nick Bare, Greg Isenberg, James Altucher, Randy Hetrick and more.
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