Les Grosses Têtes: INÉDIT - Côté coulisse : Elodie Gossuin se confie avant l'émission

RTL RTL 10/5/23 - Episode Page - 9m - PDF Transcript

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Dear viewers of The Grosse Tête,

we have discovered in the podcast an unprecedented interview with the guest of the day, Lauren Ruquier.

She arrived in advance in the stores and Julien Bono took the opportunity to ask her a few questions.

Enjoy the interview!

Hello Elodie Gossuin, you are the guest of the day of The Grosse Tête.

We are happy to welcome you.

You had already come as a guest of the day.

Once as a guest of the day, we will celebrate the ultimate consecration.

I'm passionate about the radio. It's my first job. I hope to come back one day.

I was very bad because I only remember once.

But several times, I also invite mystery.

First of all, coming on RTL and The Grosse Tête, to be quite honest,

it's always, even I live it, you vibrate.

For me, it's really a gift, but a real gift.

What are the Grosse Têtes that you enjoy the most? Do you have any favorites?

I love the Grosse Têtes in general,

in fact, the diversity, precisely the personalities.

I find that everyone is ultra complementary.

I have a little weakness for Caroline Diamant,

still Isabelle Margot,

and a real affection for Olivier de Carre-Sausson.

Christophe Beaugrand too, I love him very much.

But they are, frankly, Juan Rillou.

I love, I love his humor.

So in short, I really like to listen to you, in fact, to be quite honest.

Elodie, you are an expert in parentality.

We remind you that you have four children, two pairs of twins.

Yes, that's it.

The oldest 16 years, that's it.

They are in first and the youngest 10 years.

That's one of them.

What are the mistakes that you made with the first ones,

that you did not reproduce with the second ones,

in terms of your experience?

That's right, it's already depending on the age,

from the first to the second,

and I think it's not at all,

you don't have the same approach at all to maternity.

I think the mistake that I wanted to make,

for my first ones,

was I wanted to be a perfect mother.

I wanted to try to approach, to roll the perfection,

by doing as everything was written in the employment modes,

to the oil in the bathroom,

the such protocol of each gesture.

You see, to follow the lead,

to go get my vegetables, the things.

In fact, I got bored with a pile of junk.

And I just forgot to take advantage of life

and to be happy to be with them.

To basically, in fact, just by saying,

but if you want to take a bath with your baby,

if you want to do a little bit of coda,

it would be nice to wear it like this

or like this, the summer, like this

or not the summer, just to listen to yourself.

Except that it's hard when you're fragile

and I was listening to you.

I'm always fragile, but I learn

to be rather the mother they need.

Are the situations you describe in your BD,

so MAMS,

are all experiences lived with your children and your husband?

The source of everything is our reality,

it's my life.

Except that obviously, I was inspired

by the life of my best friends.

You see, there are divergences.

Weekends in love with London,

like Sexy London, with discoveries

of the latest innovations in matter

of erotic creativity.

We have already done the sex shop, but not London.

We did it in other circumstances,

besides, in short, there are many little reflections

too, where I was bored

with my best friends

on the reflections they heard during their pregnancy

or on the part of their children.

I tried to regroup,

but yeah, necessarily the inspiration

is life.

You say, yes, it can only be life.

Yeah, it's certain.

Do your four children feel each other

or do they have very different tastes?

They are very different.

And between twins, it's even more exacerbated.

So, no, totally different

from character,

from interest,

but there is still a gender bubble

and they are like the best friends.

And at the same time, they are also exclusive

in the conflict, it's first between them.

They are very different,

there is no way of employment to be a parent

because in fact, you have to adapt to your children.

You don't have to give birth to your children,

but it's up to you

to let them leave you hand in hand

and let them grow up as they are.

And it must not be projection,

it's not mini you,

my daughters are not mini me,

my grandmother doesn't want to become Miss France, for example.

And accepting that, it's difficult

because at the bottom, it idealizes

to be proud to let them grow up

as they are with their personality.

When she said it, you are active on social media.

Are you allowed with your children

on this subject, do they have a Instagram account,

TikTok, etc.

It's quite paradoxical, it's true that

a part of my activity is on social media

or at least even when you work on the radio,

on TV, today it's part of your whole

of your activity on social media

to communicate on what you do.

The only advantage, well, it's not the only advantage

but the big advantage about education

is that you even know

some tools not to watch them,

but to protect them a little

parental supervision,

certain key words, etc.

It can help

by being aware and knowing

the mode of employment on social media.

So I'm quite permissive

because I know that their social links

are done through WhatsApp groups,

SNAP groups and you can't prevent them from having friends

and communicating. After that, I'm not at all the axis,

on the contrary, that is to say that

they have an Instagram account, for example,

but nothing has ever been posted if there is not my agreement.

All these things, it may seem stupid,

but there may be topics

that we haven't talked about with our parents

or that are more complex within other families

and I think you have to succeed in one way or another

even thanks to someone else,

I'm not a confidant

to talk about these topics because

it's true that it's the reverse

of the media with networks of harassment

perhaps gravely.

They have never been victims of that, of harassment

by your notoriety, mockery or

things like that at school?

They have never been victims of harassment

they have already had reflections

on shortcuts,

that is to say, if you want,

you work on the radio,

you are a billionaire,

it's rather the cliché

to have a lot of illusions

that our professions can burst.

It's a little bit like that.

After, harassment is not

and they do the trick.

It's true that they can,

it's not about harassment, but to have friends

or messages from people they don't know

that's also in the rules.

If you don't know that it's not a real friend in life

you don't accept invitation.

However, yes, it can attract

certain people who would like

to use them or use me

by using them more

which is worse than anything.

So you were Ms. Rans,

you were Picard's regional advisor,

you are animator at the radio,

what are you most proud of in your career?

Radio, because I really found

my voice in every sense of the word

and that I love this freedom

that still exists, that the relief

gives flavor to the radio

and that you are in a direct link

with people and that I love to share.

So to receive the audience,

to wake them up for years,

to have that taste, to try to accompany them

with a little smile of good news.

There is nothing for you to enrich

and to put a good heart

for the days of pain or the days of you

you are not going well. So the radio is missing me.

That's what I'm most proud of because

somewhere there was also a certain motivation

because I started the radio and not

filmed and to tell me that we could

trust me that for my voice after being

out of a beauty contest, there was

still a little bit of this beautiful

Piennese, without a doubt too, I try to analyze

but today I stopped the morning radio

but that's what I miss the most, the radio.

The radio and we find you in a moment,

in the big heads. With great pleasure.

Thank you for the invitation.

And the bonus of the big heads accessible

only on the RTL app.

Download now the RTL app.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

C'est une nouveauté que vous propose l'équipe des Grosses Têtes. Du lundi au vendredi, dans un podcast inédit, l'invitée du jour se confie au micro de Julien Bonneau avant même son passage dans l'émission ! L'occasion d'en apprendre un peu plus sur elle, sur ses projets et sur ses souvenirs de l'émission "Les Grosses Têtes".

Retrouvez tous les jours le meilleur des Grosses Têtes en podcast sur RTL.fr et l'application RTL.