Between Two Beers Podcast: HAMBASSADORS #3: We say 'Journeys' Too Much, Fletch & Vaughan Drop F Bombs + more!

Steven Holloway Steven Holloway 8/8/23 - Episode Page - 25m - PDF Transcript

Welcome to episode three of Ambassadors, our show that lets you in behind the scenes of the Between Two Beers podcast.

How are you doing Shay?

Yeah, I'm good. I was thinking maybe I should have done the intro that time around because it seems that the Between Two Beers universe is calling us out on repeated themes and sayings.

Yep, and you're going to get called out for the universe, I'm sure.

There's a lot of words we say we've been made aware that annoy people and this was our own doing by blowing it up, but it's...

I don't know, it's been a bit of a reflective week.

Yeah, I feel like if you spend a lot of time with somebody, maybe you zone out to the words and terms of phrase they use all the time, but we got a Facebook comment.


Oh god, a YouTube Facebook. I don't know, there's so much going on in the universe now.

Stop saying universe, man.

That's the new thing, but we did get a YouTube comment which said, love the episode, wish you wouldn't use the word journey so much.

Love the episode would love it more if you didn't use journey so much.

I don't know if I needed to correct you on that.

No, I feel like you do, and people might pick up on that I'm a little bit frazzled because I'm really being mindful of what I'm saying because we've got a list in front of us of apparent phrases that we use a lot.

So we took that comment and we opened it up to our listeners on social media and said, what words or phrases annoy you that we say?

And we got an avalanche of stuff.

And this is what I mean by it's kind of shaken us a little bit because every time a new message would appear, I can see how that's annoying.

It's hard not to take it personally as well.

And when you do so many episodes, it's easy to fall into lazy tropes of doing the same thing and it kind of just highlighted it and it's given me a bit of a shake up.

I think we need to freshen everything up.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's true.

So yeah, we're going to work through some of them.

First one was, you're going to love this one.

Can I say this in every intro?

Oh, you're going to love this one.

And it's lazy.

All it is is lazy because the worst part of this job is writing intros.

And what am I going to, how am I going to sort of just like say the last thing before I get to the sponsors?

Oh, you're going to love this one.


Do you literally have it kind of typed out and then you just delete the paragraphs above?

You're going to love this one and then write something.

Yeah, yeah.

We're going to freshen it up.

Have a sausage is made.

That's so good.

That's a good one.

Another one is I'm not the outro guy and we got this one.

I think this might have been the most popular comment got liked a lot is the little stupid thing I do at the end.

We've made out Shay to be the outro guy and he does a bloody good job.

We're going to keep that, but I don't need to announce it every time.

I'm not the outro guy, but here's something I'm going to say and I'm going to throw it to Shay.

Who does the big outro?

I don't need to say that.

You started the pre outro, which I think is why you've had to reinforce that that's not the outro, that there is an outro coming up.

But I can imagine people getting to the ending.

Oh, that's fucking shit, man.

Just get on with it.

But but also I think in our defense, the guest has not heard maybe that I'm the outro guy until we're in the recording.

So well, that's the world we're in the universe where these people that listen to every episode, I can imagine it would just roll them up.

But yeah, always sort of trying to get new listeners.

I need to let them know you're the outro guy.

Yeah, rudimentary.

This is you.

And this pissed me off because you used it about four times in one episode.

Like in quite quick succession.


And I didn't know.

I didn't know this became this came as a shock to me because I had, you know, a rudimentary understanding.

So yeah, I'll retire that one.

Maybe it's a basic understanding or my understanding is or correct me if I'm wrong.


Yeah, we've been over that one.

We both use that one way too much.

Journey's been retired.

Strength of character.



I know we're both saying it.

I say it all the time in my outros.

I feel like there's a lot of strength of character with the people that we speak to, but maybe I shouldn't point that out in such a way.

It's just an easy default one to go to where you're trying to think of something like clever to rip things up.

Just the strength of character.


The vulnerability.


Royal authenticity.

We've almost depowered a lot of those words.


Just carry on with it.

This one was hard to read.

Steve talking about his four kids and football injuries because I consciously make an effort not to bang on about the kids because I know that would be annoying to people.


But I feel like you're pushing that agenda sometimes.


I wanted to humanize you as a father and a family man, but I realized as well like really referencing the football injury.

It's a little bit punching down, so I should probably stop there.

I'm not going to apologize for trying to bring your family into the universe.

Do I need to be humanized?

Am I just a robotic question answer?

So unrelatable.

That fucking intro robot, you asked the question.

I tell you what, they tacked on Seamus at the Olympics in the cheeseburger.

I'm not shelving that at all.

That's got a life of its own now.

Yeah, that stays.

It's a gag.

Anytime that someone has been at the Olympics, I'm bringing that one out.


Let me paint a picture.

That's me.

That's me.

Don't try to pin that one on me.

That's my picture.

How we do things around here, that's me as well.


You just hate yourself, eh?

It would be remiss if I didn't mention.

That's very much of me.

I don't know why I don't say we should mention.

It's funny.

I say it's funny as well.

And I also say this is going to be the end of Between Do This.

Yeah, we may as well not record anything.

We can't say anything.

I feel like is another one that we say, but that's almost to justify in case you say something wrong.

I feel like my rudimentary understanding on this, and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention it.


Yeah, fuck, it's hard not to fall into those kind of, yeah, those bicycle marks, those

rut marks of just this is the way I talk.

That's nice.

That's original.

That's original words.

Oh, okay.

Haven't you?


People are sick of ambassador already.

They're probably not tuning into this then.

Yeah, we can't really change that.

That's the horse we're with.

What's the saying?

We've ridden it on.



I think that's the saying.

Ambassador kind of got freshened up a little bit on socials too when Zambia were in town

for the Women's World Cup.

People were saying, you missed the trick.

Should have renamed it Zammelton.


And talked about them being Zambacitors, which again, this is kind of dated, but at the time

it would have been funny.

Yeah, people are going to hate that too.


That being dated?

Just more ambassador chat.

Well, funnily enough, someone, Courtney from the ACC, Courtney Enor, thought that Ambassadors

was a reference to cured meat.

That we were just really, really ham guys.

Really enthusiastically supporting the delicatessen section of the supermarket.

So no, it is Hamilton where we both reside.

My two-year-old daughter's favorite food is ham and milk.

Oh, here I am talking about my kids again.

Maybe you do it more than your real life.

So yeah, that was all swirling around in our head.

Reflective week, but then our white knight, Mike Berry, swooped in.

Mike Berry commented, in their defense, you try making two hours of original content every

week without repeating yourself.

And Seamus, please don't stop making obscure 90s references.

Love them.

Bloody good point.


Good point.

Repeat ourselves a lot, but...

But fuck it.


Who cares?

Deal with it.


But thank you.

Thank you for the encouragement on the 90s obscure references.

I feel like sometimes they fly over people's heads.

I feel like sometimes they're very, very good ones.

And maybe, maybe Ambassadors, the Facebook, rate yourself.

Sometimes these are amazing.

Well, they are.

And I think sometimes maybe I could, on Ambassadors, just clarify or reference what I'm meaning

in an episode by adding a link or something in there to let people into the mind of a madman.



So that was kind of weighing on us, but we actually had quite a good week, didn't we?

We were out in the public speaking arena over the last week.

What did we do?

Yeah, we had three speaking engagements.

Two on a Wednesday on a school night, which is probably another word.

It's late on a school night.

We won't keep you up much longer.

On Wednesday, we were invited to Soda in Hamilton to speak at their power lunch about our journey, which was a little bit.

Do not use any of the words you're about to use.


To speak about our podcast and how it had started and where it is now.

At the same time later in Auckland, we were asked to do the same thing.

And it was awesome to reflect back on the last four years.

We put a presentation together.

We used the Dalvid.

I'm really conscious about what I'm saying and how I'm saying it.

It's ruining your flow.

It is ruining my flow.

We spoke about the David Galbraith analogy of the cake and the icing.

And we spoke a lot to the cake, which is the effort that we put in into putting the best podcast episodes out.

Really, really enjoyable.

And our first time to actually kind of speak about the podcast and what we've done and how we've done it.


Reflecting on it was really cool.

We've never been asked to tell our story before.

And then twice in one day, they asked for the exact same thing.

It was like a 20 minute presentation and then Q&A and slides and videos and stuff.

And a chance to just tell people how we started in my garage and how we've got to and the downloads and the guests and stuff.

It was really quite a powerful day.

I don't remember driving back thinking that was really cool what we just did.

And that led into Friday night where we hosted the Hamilton Boys High Foundation Dinner.

You MC'd it.

I did the Q&A.


Third time for me to MC the Hamilton Boys Old Boys Foundation Trust Dinner auction and dinner.

I didn't start so strongly with my intro remarks.

So third time I kind of maybe rested on my laurels a little bit.


I'll jump in here because third time in a row, I've been to all of them the first time you did it.

Man, hit it out of the park.

Great gags and throwbacks and you clearly put a lot of work into it.

You were firing on all cylinders.

This last one, you know, you did a job.

You got a pass mark.


I think I felt maybe into a little bit of overconfidence and what rattled me or what got in my head.

There was a story in the New Zealand Herald about Hamilton Boys and its rowing program

and a number of breaches that they'd made in the Māori Cup.

And someone mentioned this to me on the day, literally maybe an hour before I was due to kind of start.

And one of the guest speakers was Sean Kirkham, Tokyo gold medallist in the men's rowing eight.

Couldn't find him beforehand, kind of panicking that you were a bit flustered.

I was really flustered because guest speaker, guest speaker not there.

I thought he wasn't there. He was there.

So I thought, oh, I'll jump up and he's a rower, rowing's in the news.

Oh, cool. I've got an idea for a little, a little piece.

So I made a reference to maybe he'd avoided the dinner because of the alleged breaches that the school had made in the rowing.

It did not go down well.

I think it was a combination of it was a shit gag in a room full of people that support the school.

And also the news probably hadn't permeated through.

There was just kind of confused looks.

Growns, there was a few, oh.

Yeah. And it just goes to just stick to script.

If you're going to do something, just stick to the script.

I think if I'd stuck to the script, it would have been a bit better.

And that rattled me.

But I thought you came back and saved the night.

First time for you to get on stage.

You did a Q&A with three old boys who are now All Blacks Sevens stars.

And you had a difficult slot.

Post auction, shout out to export beer.

They provided a lot of the beer for the night.

So thank you very much to our friends there.

But there was a few, there was a few of the of the sponsors products sunk it by that stage.

Yeah, it was.

Me and Che looking to get more into this live sort of Q&A scene.

And it was quite a big gig.

It was like 250 people.

And the later these things go in the night, the harder it gets.

So this was after the dinner and the keynote and the dessert and the auction.

And people were pissed up.

And the last thing you want.

So this was a on stage Q&A with three guests and one mic that are passing between them.

But the last thing you want is a little sort of pre-check combo with the guests.

And one of them says, oh, yeah, if I could just talk as little as possible, that would be great.

Cool. 25 minutes.

I guess I'll just talk to myself.

No, I thought you did really well.

No, it was good.

And they were good.

And they sort of warmed into it.

Payton Spencer, Regan Weir and Joe Weber.

It had fun in the end.

And yeah, definitely something we want to do again.


Well, complete opposite to me.

Well researched, thoughtful questions.

Yeah, the challenge of one mic between three guests.

But you navigated it really well.

Oh, cheers, man.

And I know it's hard for you to say nice things about me.

I say nice things about you all the time.

Except for your parking.

Oh, jeez.

So another cool thing that happened this week is we got sent some audio from an episode with Fletch and Vaughn.

So we got approached a while ago.

Air New Zealand want to carry between two beers podcast on their flights.

But in order to make them, I don't know, good for everyone, kids included, they had to edit out all the swearing.

So it was this legend Helen's job to go through all of the episodes which we nominated for Air New Zealand and take out all the swear words.

And I think she took out 27 from our mit with Fletch and Vaughn and put them into this little compilation which we're going to play for you now.

Fletch and Vaughn welcome to between two beers.

Fuck fucking fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Fuck fucking fucking fuck fuck.

Fuck fucking fuck fucking fucking fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Yeah, Fletch & Vaughn, thanks for your time.

That's a lot of swear words from one episode, isn't it?

Yeah, I feel like we got away too, like that was definitely Fletch & Vaughn's

voices for the majority of those.

I didn't I didn't pick my voice, I didn't pick your voice too many times.

But they must just bottle, bottle the profanity out.

I think that's it because I can't swear on radio they do that five days a week three hours a day

And so the freedom to swear I mean they they really embrace it. They did really they really went for it

When you hear them all back to back like that. It's quite a it's it's quite a piece of content. Yeah

We'll be right back after this short break


Question from Eddie Trubshoe

So he has written in and said

What guest has given you a takeaway motivation perspective that you've taken into everyday life for me

Lisa Carrington saying each race is like a trip to the playground was an awesome way to look at footy

And james harnett has come in with a similar question which we'll address both at once

He said which answer from a guest made you react in a way that you never expected

and why


Firstly a little shout out to eddie and james. Otherwise known as elmo to form a y cut or unicol

Footballers that uh linked together at the labor weekend tournament that we used to go to with lock anew fc

So great that uh that they're tuning in

For me it was a recent episode with madeline sami and talking about the d dc

So i didn't know what the d dc was she made a reference like she went to fist bump me for for being part of the d dc

Which is the dead dad's club

it kind of

after the episode

I threw that term out d dc to someone else who i knew was in the club

And they were like oh, yeah, yeah, I know I know exactly what you're talking about

And I think it is a unique kind of position when you have lost a parent it gives you a different perspective of that and

Um shout out to our social media guru marcus who messaged me privately

In the lead up to that and said hey, man

Would you be comfortable to share if we use that piece as as one of our social media promotions and initially I kind of went

Oh, no, not really

And then you know, he sort of said oh look at had a real I thought it was a real awesome piece

It made me think about my relationship with my dad

Um, and I think it'll resonate with a lot of people and I listened back and I thought oh, yeah, actually cool

Let's let's share that and it is a it's a special thing


To kind of to kind of be part of I guess and and to kind of have that

Um perspective on relationships with your parents and how things work. So definitely made me

Reflect on

The current relation like the relationship I have with my mom who's still around and the relationship I had with my dad

and also like look at other people's kind of

Um dynamics with their parents as well

So really kind of thought provoking for something which kind of started just as a throwaway line

Your perspective is the word which I'm going to let John do for my answer. Uh, josh coeman episode we released on Monday

Um, we used it a lot. It's probably one of those words. We're going to get cancelled for now

but uh

When you hear the story the epic incredible story of what he has been through and how close he's been to death

store and the absolute pain and suffering he had gone through and come out the other side of with a

Optimistic half glass full

eternally enthusiastic attitude

It puts your daily struggles or you the things you think are hard into perspective

It reminded me of when I read uh, david goggin's audiobook read his audiobook listen to his audiobook

Uh, it just put into perspective what you think is hard. There was a story about him

Doing a hundred mile race around this course to qualify for this ultra and he got about 40 percent of the way through

and thought he was done

And then pushed through and did another 60 miles and it was just an absolutely broken man

And it's like that is the point when you think you're at your pain threshold or whatever the most challenging

You've still got more than 50 percent to give and I thought about that with josh about the struggles he faced and

you know, he's coming out of beating cancer twice and he has heart attacks and he

Bounces out the other side and he's married and he's got a kid and he's got this incredible story to tell so perspective of

You don't actually have it that hard. Your life doesn't suck that much

Um, other people have it worse. Just keep going and and it kind of ties into dwayne dalton

so I'd like to talk about that one because

it's the it's the beginning of these low-key legends which we're really excited about sharing guys with

lower profiles who just have the most epic stories

and his tale of loss and tragedy and


was just so well received by our audience and

I think the reason why is because of his attitude his his

optimism and his outlook on life despite suffering the worst thing losing your partner

The mother of your your kids the way he approached life in the aftermath and is today

Uh inspiring and we always talk about wanting to share rooms with people who

Leave you feeling great and energised you. He certainly was one josh coman. Certainly was another

So, yeah, I think those two. Yeah having those two almost back-to-back as well

Was a phenomenal in terms of yeah energising. It was a little bit the same with Izzy Whitley as well

like you take little pieces of information that

Resonate with you away from these episodes and you can kind of build your own toolkit on

How to respond or how to be it definitely

in terms of

What we do and how we do it is pretty cool pretty special like eddie's point on lisa carrington

You know the opportunity this is our playground. We get the opportunity every week to come in

And have fun with someone and share their life stories

It's um that part of storytelling is really really powerful and you get to do a few accents along the way

Highlight of your month. I've got here might be an accent related

Yeah, one of our social clips with madeline sami around accents. I flexed my south african accent and

friend of mine mark oats

His wife who is south african said jeez chamis's south african accent is is better than

Leonardo DiCaprio and blood diamond

I don't know whether that was a compliment because the accent in that is pretty terrible

It's not a great one. I I think my south african is pretty strong. What did she say about my south african accent?

She said she'd love to hear it again. So

Oh, absolutely

It's good. I've only got one word. Yeah, no, it's good. I think I think it's really good. So, yeah, no, that was uh

Yeah, that was nice to um to get a little bit of feedback on a little bit of comedic relief

Yeah, uh, my highlight of the month

Uh, a call to plumber had some work needed done around the house and after a few exchanges

I sort of started giving him my name in details and he said, oh

You uh, I listened to your podcast. I thought I recognized the voice

And I got a real buzz out of that as a shout out dave from soda plumbing

So he came round and him and his off sider, uh, they were both big fans of the pod

And I don't take that sort of thing for granted like it's it's this whole and oh, jeez. I very nearly said journey there

Just be careful. Just be very careful. This ride. We're on is sort of snowballing and there are times like that where we get

Recognized or someone who's totally random says I love the pod

And it means a lot and I don't want to sort of um

I don't I want to get used to that like it gave me a real cool feeling and chatting with him

A couple of minutes about you know, he started listening back at paul nixon at episode number two and he's stuck with us

And his mate said he listens every monday

Those little interactions really cool highlight of my month. Yeah, the other thing that's really cool is is getting feedback

Good bad or indifferent. So we get sent. Well, we've been sent a couple of times

One was a hoodie someone wearing one of our hoodies shout out ben latham on the way to waikato stadium for one of the women's world cup matches

That was awesome. And then matt silverton

On holiday in fiji rip and his ambassador's cap, which was pretty cool

A lot of the kind of fiji

They got a good got a good little fiji and accent in my locker sometimes too as well

Which if you want to poke the beer I can go on man

It seems like you want to share your fiji and go on fiji is a good like it's a good one because they roll their

Ours and it's quite sing-songy and up and down it sort of

So if we I guess if we were to thank matt


Matt we really want to thank you for wearing the ambassador hat on your holiday in fiji

We really appreciate that and hope you had a chance to drink some grog

And try some fiji and ciao

I really want to say it's bad but it's actually quite good

Every part of me will say that's cringe bro, but no it is it is it is yeah, I don't know

I don't I just still don't know whether accents are problematic or not. So we might have to we don't have to shut that thing

You're okay doing that. You're you're all right doing a fijian if I did it

Maybe not so well look matt eddie

James everybody else that's taken time to to send some stuff and thank you very much keep them coming in

If you haven't already get on to our Spotify follow us on socials like subscribe

All of that good stuff. I'm trying to take good hustle man. I'm trying to take that heat off you

Because you often have to carry the can do those intros

I'm going to freshen things up. You just wait there's going to be some new intros coming

But good chance to plug the merch we do have hats three different styles of hats and hoodies go to the ACC website

Or their shop on their facebook page or flick us a message if you can't find it and we'll we'll link you in

Or if you want us to do something slightly different in the merch space, maybe we could explore some ideas

Or if you want us to come and talk to your company or

Conference or whatever we're here to tell a story. Yeah, that's actually that's a good point

It was it was cool. It was cool to be out and about amongst people that knew the podcast

But also people that had no idea about the podcast and were discovering between two beers for the first time

Amazing as well like with two quite amazing bro. You gotta stop saying amazing

Okay, I'm trying to think of another word. It was I'm like I'm actually like really consciously thinking of what I'm trying to say

And it's disturbing my flow. Um, I'm gonna fuck it. I'm gonna stick with it

It was amazing that the questions in the q&a from both sides were quite similar from two really different groups of audiences like

What was your favorite episode? Um, I can't remember any other questions right now

Do you still socialize with guests? It was almost like they'd listened to the last episode of ambassadors, which hopefully they had

Catch you next week. Enjoy

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

On this episode of Hambassadors, Steve and Seamus work through all of the most annoying things they say, they reflect on a week of public speaking and episodes with Duane Dalton and Josh Komen, why Fletch and Vaughan broke the record for most swear words on an episode and answer your questions.

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