Global News Podcast: Trump surrenders to Georgia authorities

BBC BBC 8/25/23 - Episode Page - 33m - PDF Transcript

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Es gab einen Parallel-Repräsentationen,

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Das ist der Global News Podcast aus der BBC World Service.

Ich bin Alex Ritzen und in den ersten Stunden der Freitag,

am 25. August, diese sind unsere Hauptsache.

Donald Trump hat kriminelle Chargen in Georgien,

um die US-Präsidential-Elektionsresultat zu overturnen.

Wir haben das letzte von Atlanta.

Präsident Putin freut sich über die verabschiedete Todesmöglichkeit

der Wagner-Barsch-Efganie-Progoschen.


Die meisten von diesen Penguins haben nie ein Mensch gesehen,

der in ihrer Leben ist.

Aber es ist eine menschliche Klimaveränderung,

die die Zukunft und die Zukunft verabschiedet,

die wirklich blieb ist.

Die Wissenschaftler sehen einen katastrophischen Entwurf

der Emperor-Penguins in Antarktika.

Auch in diesem Podcast,

Zimbabwe startet die Elektronikmonitore

nach Erkrankungen, die der Präsidential-Pol war.

Der Elektronikprozess ist grundsätzlich geflogen

und ist möglich zu produzieren,

eine freie und fähige Elektronik.

Und der Hauptsache von der Spanischen Fußball-Federation

ist erwischt, zu residen,

ein Spieler in der Weltkampffinale.

Wir beginnen in der US-Stadt Georgia,

in der Donald Trump versucht,

seine 2020-Elektion zu überwinden.

Er hat bis zum Freitag,

um sich selbst zu verabschieden,

um 13 Begründung gegen ihn zu füllen,

die Racketeering und Falschstätigungen sind.

Der former Präsident,

der any wrongdoing hat,

hat ihn in New Jersey geblieben.

Er hat die 18 Ko-Defendants,

including Rudy Giuliani,

schon verabschiedet,

in der Fulton-County-Jail in Atlanta.

Diese Trump-Supporten

haben sich verabschiedet.

Ich habe hier gestern Morgen,

um 11 Uhr, in unserem Auto,

und wir waren hier um 6 Uhr,

und wir werden hier alles hier sein.

Ich denke, das ist eine politische Perspektivität.

Und jetzt ist es eine politische Perspektivität.

Ich bin hier,


dass sie aus den Lärchen gehen können.

Es ist ein Problem.

Und relativ recent, ein Homeless Mann war da.

Er ist gestorben und er hat ihn zwei Tage später in Bugs gekauft.

Er ist stürz.

Es gibt viele Paintschipps.

Es ist einfach nicht ein schönes Ort zu sein.

Diese sind Herr Trumps vierte Runde kriminelle Charges in ein paar Monaten,

aber sie sind potenziell die größte.

Ein Trailer ist erwartet, zu beginn, wie vor dem Oktober 23.

Unsere Korrespondent Carl Nassmann ist außer der Fulton-County-Jail

und hat die letzte.

Das wird ein ganz anderses Prozess für ein former Präsident

gegen ein Petty-Kriminell oder ein Mitglied des Publis.

Das wäre der Unfall hier in dieser Jail.

Aber was wir von Donald Trump erwartet haben, ist,

dass er jetzt die Prämisse veröffentlicht hat.

Er wird sicherlich eine Runde haben.

Das ist nicht immer der Fall.

Die Prozesse, die Runden, können viele Defendanten holen.

Er ist sicherlich da sein.

Natürlich ist das für eine Sicherheitspräsentation.

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Er wird über eine Sicherheitspräsentation veröffentlicht.

Auf der

Je century we are.

Er hat Fehler gemacht, aber er war ein talentierter Mann.

Präsident Putin ging auf, um zu garantieren,

dass eine volle Investigation in den Plain-Crasch zu werden.

Die Russischen Autorität hat heute gesagt,

dass die Bedingungen von all 10 Menschen auf Bord,

sieben Passengers und drei Crewen,

von der Szene geübt wurden.

Die Efforten sind nun unter dem Weg, zu identifizieren der Tod.

Die Russische Aviation-Autorität hat gesagt,

dass Yvgeny Prigoshin und sein zweiter Inkommand,

die mit Udkin waren, auf Bord.

Die Aufmerksamkeit ist nun auf dem, was genau passiert,

zu dem Embraer-Legacy-Jet,

und ob Yvgeny Prigoshin in einem targetierten Angriff war.

Räume haben in Moskau über mehrere Wochen

überrascht, dass Herr Prigoshin's Tage geübt wurden.

Zwei Monate später, seine Vagina-Truppen haben eine Mutinie geübt,

eine große Russische Stadt und sogar auf Moskau geübt.

Die Insurrection war eventuell geübt,

aber es war eine significant Humiliation für die Kremlin.

In Moskau heute, Russen haben mir die News über Herr Prigoshin's Pläne

und die Vagina-Truppen, die verurteilt wurden,

als keine Überraschung.

Das war nicht wirklich ein Schock.

Bezüglich der ganze Situation,

habe ich etwas so erwartet.

Man kann nicht die Russische Leiter ausprobieren.

Schöne Dinge werden passieren, wenn man das tut.

Ich habe die Pro-Putin-Russian-MP Maria Butina gefragt,

ob es möglich war,

dass die Kremlin hinter Herr Prigoshin's Killing war.

Ich glaube, dass es nicht möglich ist.

Ich glaube, dass es Investitionen gibt.

Wenn es Menschen, die in einem Angriff sind,

verabschiedet werden,

werden sie durch unsere Law verabschiedet und verabschiedet.

Die Message von den Autoren hier ist klar.

Sie warten auf die Resultate der offiziellen Investitionen.

Aber viele Russen haben bereits ihre Gedanken über was

mit Herr Prigoshin passiert.

Sie glauben, dass er in Russland den goldenen Ruhm gebrochen hat.

Don't cross, Vladimir Putin.

Will Vernon?

Als Russen-Officieler verabschieden,

was für Herr Prigoshin's Pläne zu fallen,

haben die westen Intelligenz-Agenz,

gesagt, dass er von den Kremlin gebrochen hat.

Ein Senior-Präsidium von BBC sagte,

dass es alle Hallmarken von Russisch-Domestik-intelligenz-Agenz,

die FSB, hatten.

Er fragte an eine Newsbriefung,

warum der Pläne gebrochen hat.

Der Pentagon-Spokesman,

Brigadier-General Pat Reider,

sagte, dass die USA nicht glauben,

dass eine Flasche für Air-Missile gebrochen hat.

Unsere Initial-Assession ist, dass es möglich ist.

Wir haben keine Informationen,

die wir jetzt zeigen.

Der Press-Reportag,

sagte, dass es eine Art Flasche für Air-Missile

gab, die der Pläne gebrochen hat.

Wir haben keine Informationen,

dass es nicht möglich ist.

Es gibt keine Informationen,

dass es eine Flasche für Air-Missile gibt.

Brigadier-General Pat Reider

hat den Pentagon gebrochen hat.

So, ohne its Leadership,

was passiert,

was passiert,

dass es eine Flasche für Air-Missile gibt.

In Marley,

für Beispiel,

sind es ca. 1.000 Air-Missile.

Sie sind von Marley's militärische Regierung


um die Insurgenz für Al-Qaeda

und der islamischen Staat zu verteidigen.

Letztes Jahr,

haben die französischen Fortschritte

der Air-Missile gebrochen.

BBC Afrika's Feras Kalani

ist der erste Journalist,

der in Marley gebrochen ist,

seit sie ausgeführt haben.

Reising across the desert.

This is the start of a thousand mile journey.

Across vast open lands

to an unseen conflict,

where Wagner fighters clash with

jihadist groups and separatists.

It's impossible to operate here

without a convoy of heavy security.

Guided by dozens of armed Arab Tawaric

in pick-up trucks,

we have swapped our jeans and shirts

for their traditional blue and white robes

and headscarves.

An assembles of western culture

puts us at greater risk of kidnapping.

Abdullah, the head of the convoy,

says we need to blend in.

We are now on the way to Qidal City,

but we are currently in Timbuktu region.

The desert is massive,

and as you can see, there are no good roads.

It's very risky.

There is no security here.

As we speed across the desert,

we dodge patrols from a group

linked to Al Qaeda.

It's a dangerous and difficult journey,

but it's the only way to reach the camps

outside the northern city of Qidal.

Hundreds of people live here,

make shift tents stretched

across the desert area.

There's little in the way of medicine or food,

and some of the kids are suffering from a fever.

Many are orphans who lived in an area

controlled by Al Qaeda

until the Islamic State attacked

and killed their parents.

We are standing outside the holy school in the area.

These children are being taught

to recite verses from the Quran.

They are hit with a stick

if they get a line wrong.

It's the only education they are ever likely to receive.

We have spent five days on the road

to reach this remote camp.

These children's stories

may have been hidden from the world,

but they are another generation

whose lives were destroyed

by the so-called Islamic State.

We meet Fatima, sheltering in her tent,

along with her daughter and grandchildren.

She walked hundreds of miles from the village.

They lived in to reach the camp.

Islamic State forced us to come here.

They forced us to come here.

All our men were killed.

They burned all our food.

When we arrived, we found water and shelter,

so we stayed here.

Jihadists may have been defeated in the Middle East,

but the grip of the African Sahel region

is growing.

Many here support the cause.

Al-Qaeda treats us according to Islam.

Ayes doesn't treat us as Muslims.

Al-Qaeda helps us.

Last year, help from the West

was pushed aside as support

on the streets for Russia grew.

Many in Mali looked to Euphgenie Burguzine.

And the military operation by the French

ended as Wagner fighters

took up arms in Mali.

Just days ago,

Burguzine appeared in this video.

Some of his supporters claim

that Kleb was filmed in Africa,

possibly even in Mali.

The Wagner group conducts

reconnaissance and search activities.

We make Russia even greater

on all continents,

and Africa even more free.

We are for justice and happiness

for the African peoples.

We terrify Islamic State, Al-Qaeda

and other gangsters.

His death will add to the growing power vacuum here.

This month, UN basis

dotted around the north

started pulling out,

renewing some of the fighting.

The big question now,

what role can Wagner play in Africa?

And who else is left

to stand up to the Islamic State?

Faras Kalani.

Scientists say there's been

a catastrophic number of deaths

among Emperor Penguin chicks in the Antarctic.

Up to 10,000 young birds

are estimated to have drowned or frozen to death.

The sea ice on which they were being raised

broke up before they'd fully developed.

The waterproof feathers needed to swim in the ocean.

Experts say the changes to the sea ice

are likely to become more common

as the Antarctic warms due to global warming.

Our science correspondent Jonathan Amos

has this report.

Emperors are the largest of Antarctica's penguins,

and their existence is intimately tied

to the frozen continent's ice.

Specifically, the sea ice around the coast,

which the birds use as a platform

on which to breed and bring up their young.

But this platform is becoming

increasingly unreliable,

taking longer to form in winter

and breaking up earlier in summer.

And that's what happened

in the Bellingshausen Sea Sector recently,

where four Emperor colonies were devastated,

their chicks drowning before they could molt,

their grey downy feathers

and fledged fully waterproof plumage.

Scientists fear this scenario

will become more common

as sea ice recedes in a warmer world.

Dr. Peter Fretwell is from the British Antarctic Survey.

Our models predict that by the end of the century,

about 80 years from now, 90% of the colonies

will have become extinct.

And this is really poignant,

because most of these penguins will never have seen

a human being in their life.

But it's human-induced climate change,

which is driving the futures and the future,

which is looking really bleak at the moment.

Next month should witness Antarctica's sea ice

reach its maximum extent

during what is the height of the southern hemisphere winter.

We are far, far below where it should be,

setting a new unwelcome record.

Jonathan Amos.

Still to come on the Global News Podcast.

We finally have an athlete

who's not just saying what he thinks we want to say.

Like it or not, she's going to tell you what she really feels.

She's not trying to be rude, she's just raw.

The outspoken Newstar of Athletic,

Shaqari Richardson.

Ein Podcast macht kurz Pause.

Hate-Speech dagegen hört nicht so einfach auf.

Wer hat dir überhaupt erlaubt zu Reden-Schlampe?

Verzieh dich in die Küche, bevor ich herausfinde, wo du wohnst und dir...

Ihr persönlich Danke sage.

Hör nicht auf die Hater.

Du machst einen richtig guten Job.

Und wir stehen alle hinter dir.

Wir alle entscheiden, ob wir das Netz dem Hass überlassen.

Werdeteil der Telekom-Initiative gegen Hass im Netz

und setzt so ein Zeichen.


Ich fühlte Stigma alle um mich.

Ich war drei, vier Jahre alt.

Ich hatte dieses Secret.

Das ist Lives Less Ordinary,

ein Podcast,

mit zwei berühmten persönlichen Storien.

Ich beginnte mit mir zu strengen.

Jede Woche hören wir die Geschwindigkeit der unerwarteten.

Schauen wir die Schuhe an,

die ein paar andere Schuhe haben.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das ist die Schuhe.

Das war unser

Wir wussten das vorhanden, und wir haben uns selbst vorbereitet,

um eine unabhängige und unverschuldigte Election zu gewinnen.

Viele Gesellschaftsgruppen haben versucht,

ihre eigene Votokount zu vergleichen,

mit dem offiziellen Tally,

in der Zeit der Diskussion über die vergangenen Elections.

Unsere Korrespondente in Harare Shingai-Nioka

haben mir mehr über die Räder gesagt.

Eine SOS wurde von einer der Lawyer-Gruppen,

die eine Nacht lang abgewandt war,

gesagt, dass sie von vielen Staffel-Members

von diesen Electionobserver-Gruppen

der Zimbabwe-Elektions-Support-Nettwerk

und der Election-Ressour-Zentrum gelangt.

Aber es war nur heute,

dass wir eine Konfirmation von der Polizei hatten,

dass diese Menschen eigentlich vorhanden waren.

41 von ihnen,

according to the police spokesperson,

und various Laptops,

I think about 38 were confiscated,

and 93 cellphones.

Now the police are saying that they received a tip-off

that led to this raid,

a tip-off that the voter tabulation that was happening

at one of the hotels,

organised by a network of observers,

was actually trying to preempt the presidential results

and announce Nelson Chameza as the winner.

That hasn't been proved,

but we're expecting them to appear in court on Thursday

to learn exactly what charges they will face.

But there are also accusations that the electoral body

has been trying to fix the vote in favour of the ruling party.

And that has been a long-standing accusation

in the run-up to these elections.

There were a lot of accusations against the electoral body

around the boundaries, the number of polling stations.

There were a lot of questions by non-governmental organisations

and civil society groups about why there was a change

in the number of polling stations

from the initial number that was given in the Gazette.

But as you mentioned earlier,

these are historical issues between the opposition groups

and the government.

And the election results is a battlefield.

And in previous elections, previous by-elections,

the electoral commission, the state-run body,

has urged opposition parties as well as civil society groups

to set up a parallel voter tabulations.

And this is what they were trying to do,

and now they've been arrested for it.

Meanwhile, counting is underway,

and voting has been extended in some places.

Voting was extended into a second day

in some constituencies in Harare,

as well as the eastern province of Manikaland.

What happened yesterday is that despite the electoral bodies

suggesting that they were ready to hold these elections,

they were not.

We arrived late at many polling stations in Harare.

People were waiting for 8 to 10 hours

for these ballot papers to arrive.

And so late on Wednesday night,

the president issued a proclamation,

extending voting day into today.

And so polling stations that opened have now closed,

and the vote counting is underway.

But it has seriously damaged the electoral body.

And we have heard accusations from the opposition

that this was actually an attempt to suppress voters.

Shingay Njoka in Harare.

Reports from Spain suggest

the head of their football federation, Luis Rubiales,

will quit his post on Friday

after being roundly condemned by the football world

for kissing a Spanish player

following the Women's World Cup final on Sunday.

Football's governing body FIFA

had already started disciplinary hearings

into Mr. Rubiales.

The court at Nigel Adderley has the details.

Rubiales was initially defined

in the aftermath of the final

before later apologising.

But that wasn't enough to spare him

from FIFA's disciplinary code.

Article 13 refers to offensive behaviour

and violations of the principles of fair play.

In addition to kissing Jenny Hermoso on the lips,

Rubiales was filmed grabbing his crotch in celebration

following the game while stood close

to the Spanish Queen Latithia and her teenage daughter.

The legendary American player Megan Rapino

has claimed the behaviour portrayed

a deep level of misogyny and sexism.

And the pressure has steadily grown on Rubiales in Spain.

Hermoso has spoken of her disgust at what happened.

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said an apology

wasn't sufficient.

And senior figures from across the sport

called on him to go.

Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti

also described Rubiales' actions as unacceptable.

I think this is a very delicate subject.

Yes, as a citizen, I think that like most people

this type of behaviour is something that I don't like.

Obviously, the behaviour has not been the behaviour

of a president of a federation.

Rubiales has been a very powerful figure,

also serving as a vice president for UEFA,

who run European football.

And this controversy comes at a time

when Spain is also bidding to co-host

the Centenary World Cup in 2030.

And Rubiales has been central to that.

A decision will be taken late next year.

The Spanish football community will now hope

to limit the reputational damage caused by Rubiales.

But there's no doubt.

This episode has completely overshadowed

what should have been a moment of triumph

for the country's women's football team.

We are here and no one will keep us quiet.

The defiant message of a drag artist in Lebanon

who was applauded when a show was disrupted

by a homophobic Christian group

in footage of the attack circulating on social media.

A man outside the venue in Beirut

is heard yelling, this is only the beginning.

We've warned you 100 times.

With more, here's our Arab Affairs Editor, Sebastian Usher.

Members of a hardline anti-LGBT Christian group

calling itself The Soldiers of God

disrupted a drag show in the upmarket

Marmichail district in Beirut,

late on Wednesday night.

Staff rushed to close the doors to protect the audience

as the activists screamed homophobic abuse

outside the venue.

One of the drag artists hosting the event,

emigration, stepped on stage

and brought the show to an early close.

We are here, we exist.

No one will keep us quiet.

However, sometimes to keep doing what we're doing,

we have to do it smartly.

Unfortunately, we have to cut the show short.

I know, there's no reason to be worried or anything,

that's better be safe than sorry.

The drag artist and some of the audience

took refuge in the changing area

for about 40 minutes

until the security forces arrived.

Lebanon has long been seen as one of the most open countries

both socially and culturally in the Middle East.

But it's recently been witnessing

an escalating anti-LGBT campaign

not just from conservative Christians

but from other communities

in the country's complex religious framework.

Hassan Nasrallah,

the leader of a powerful Shia Muslim Hasbulla movement,

has been spearheading the campaign.

Just last month he said that gay people should be killed.

Even if, as he put it, they only do it once.

The LGBT community in Lebanon is used

to dealing with sporadic crackdowns

by the authorities

that sees the latest developments

as a dangerous turn for the worse.

Sebastian Usher.

Fast and feisty,

Shaqari Richardson is the must-see star

of the World Athletics Championships in Hungary.

On Monday she won a thrilling 100 meters final.

Richardson has been described as a role model

for youngsters growing up in challenging circumstances.

But she's also seen as controversial

and sometimes volatile.

Whatever your opinion of the 23-year-old Texan,

she's essential viewing.

And she's back on the track over the next few days.

From Hungary,

here's our sports news correspondent, Alex Kapstig.

Budapest is her first major championship.

So far it's been a stunning debut.

Dazzling on the track,

but off it, things can get awkward.

Obviously I didn't make the team last year.

I don't think you had to say that.

But blocking out the noise, blocking out media like yourself

and just continuing to go forward,

I feel great.

Every so often an athlete comes along

who demands attention.

Shaqari Richardson does just that.

There was a difficult childhood.

Her mother walked out when she was young.

She was though a fast runner and found sport.

But even that turned sour when,

just before the Tokyo Olympics,

she tested positive for marijuana.

Sensational, spiky,

and sensitive.

Perceptions of her differ.

Few people know Richardson better than her manager,

the former athlete, Ronaldo Nemeier.

Well, I guess in today's term she can be polarizing.

She's kind of a rebel,

and she reflects young kids wanting to do

and say whatever they want to say

and be free to do what they want to do.

My opinion, it's a defense mechanism

because she's very much afraid and she's a fighter.

She's going to fight.

She can read 1,000 positive comments

and she'll find out one negative and she'll fight.

She's definitely what our sport needs.

She's charismatic.

If she were a male, no one would have a problem with it.

But she's a woman.

And so she's very boisterous and flamboyant.

There were often times where I felt shut out

and she wasn't talking to me,

but it wasn't me.

It was just what she was going through.

And it takes time. That's the other thing.

She's very non-trusting and so you have to earn it.

And so was she did growing up.

And so I would always tell people,

the naysayers, you don't know her.

Everybody matures at different times.

And as you said, the sport needs people like her.

It does.

In these people like her, just to be their authentic self,

I recall when she was disqualified

from our trials because of the marijuana ban.

And then she went on a national show the next day

and owned it.

And it won over a lot of more fans

because they were like, we finally have an athlete

who's not just saying what he thinks we want to say.

She's like, I'm in perfect.

I made a mistake.

I'm not going to apologize for being human.

And I think that's why people connect with her

because like it or not,

she's going to tell you what she really feels.

She's not trying to be rude.

She's just raw.

Gold medalist

and World Athletics Champion

representing the United States

of America,

Shaqiri Richardson.

She's a woman.

One thing is clear.

Here in Budapest, Shaqiri Richardson

is a star.

At the 100 meters medal ceremony on a plaza

just outside the stadium,

there's a packed crowd, mostly locals.

And there's no question whose side they're on.

Yeah, yeah.

Very inspirational figure, for sure.

For everyone watching all around the world, 100%.

I like her message.

Don't give up on your failures.

That's definitely something very inspirational.

I'll only be looking to hear more from her

and hopefully look out for more of her successes.

And it's not over yet

for Shaqiri Richardson here in Budapest.

There's the 200 meters

followed by the relays.

And whatever happens, the word is spreading.

And this latest star of the sport

is being watched every step of the way.

Alex Kapsic with that report.

And that's all from us for now.

But there'll be a new edition

of the Global News Podcast later.

If you want to comment on this podcast

or the topics covered in it,

you can send us an e-mail.

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at Global NewsPod.

This edition was mixed by Holly Palmer

and the producer was Siobhan Lehi.

The editor is Karen Martin.

I'm Alex Ritzen.

Until next time, goodbye.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

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