Hard Fork: Reddit Revolts + MrBeast’s YouTube Empire + Peak Trust and Safety?

The New York Times The New York Times 6/16/23 - Episode Page

Moderators on Reddit have shut down their forums in protest of a new policy that charges users for access to the site’s API. The revolt has put Kevin in child care-wisdom-withdrawal (RIP r/daddit) — and left many other users without their favorite subreddits. But does the incident say something more about the future of the internet?

Then, the MrBeast Philanthropic-Industrial Complex.

Plus: Platforms are already fumbling the ball on misinformation.

Today’s guest:

Max Read is a journalist, screenwriter, editor and the owner-operator of Read Max.

Additional information:

Casey examines the Reddit revolt and why the company isn’t backing down on shutting down third-party apps.Max Read on MrBeast’s rise as a viral philanthropist.Following the algorithm doesn’t always lead to philanthropy, as Kevin explored in a 2019 article on PewDiePie.Platforms are backing away from peak trust and safety.