Les Grosses Têtes: PÉPITE - Les Grosses Têtes spécialistes de l'espace

RTL RTL 9/29/23 - Episode Page - 5m - PDF Transcript

Looking for free outdoor family fun this fall?

Join us for EarthCare Day on Sunday, October 8th at Cheesequake State Park.

The environment offers something for everyone and this day connects people with those experiences,

learning opportunities for all ages, including crafts, games, guided walks, wildlife, and

touch stations, as well as information on native plant gardening, birding, clean energy,

and the importance of all types of pollinators.

Come to Cheesequake State Park from 11 to 3 p.m.

October 8th for EarthCare Day, visit earthsharenj.org.

Ah yes, you can't make an anti-sibling return without you knowing it, you see.

But if there's a woman in the plane...

In the plane, of course.

He goes by plane, the guy.

No, but I think there were stories in the space...

It's difficult with the weight.

Already that you can't do it on Earth.

The last time you were in a bathtub and it was a fan of yours.

Oh no, I don't want to know.

Yes, because you had...

Because of the water, it was boiling.

Oh no, but I don't want to know.

And frankly, I heard a little bit about the space.

How does it have to be?

I don't want to know the space.

He put it there.

I don't want to know the space.

It's true that Jean-Belle Liddy is one of our biggest professionals.

It's known.

But you see, what I wanted to tell you is that I always shut my mouth.

I never talked about it.

It's true that he brings this Thomas Pesquet.

He's there, he takes pictures.

He's up there.

I would like him to be a little bit more.

He doesn't have any hope.

No, but it's true.

All his opinions are normal.

He doesn't have any...

He doesn't have any shirts like yours.

And what do you mean he doesn't have any shirts?

The moon?

It's an astronaut.

But it's still someone who,

at least once he was up there,

continued to talk to us, to send us pictures.

At least his wife had news.

Yes, yes.

And he also said hello.

Several times a day.

I'm just kidding.

He says hello.

And he says hello to Thomas.

Yes, because the sun rises several times a day.

Yes, yes.

He doesn't turn around.

Try to explain to me.

I'm talking to the astronaut.

When we're in Nairobi,

I'm holding a professional secret.

So I won't say anything.

You know him anyway.

He turns around all the time.

Time goes faster when we're in space.

So he has several sunsets.

He has several sunsets.


For me, that's what he told me.

The last time I saw him,

he was the one who didn't talk to me.

Do you know Thomas Pesquet?

Who I don't know.

It's true, but where would you have met him?

I met him in Corsica.

You don't get along with Thomas Dutrault.

Thomas Dutrault?

Thomas Dutrault?

I love you so much.

You like him.

I love him so much.

You had concerts this summer?

Buff effects?

No, but it's a volunteer.

No, it's a volunteer.

On the 7, 3, 4, 30,

you did something extraordinary with him.

Besides, we welcomed you at the arrival and everything.

Yes, in 2019.

It was the end of my first year.

Laurent, you organized a dinner in June.

We were going to see you.

On my boat?

Yes, on your penis.

It's not a penis, it's an idiot.

It's a fuse.

What are we laughing at today?

You, maybe.

Thank you very much.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Si vous avez des questions concernant Thomas Pesquet et l'espace, pas de panique, les Grosses Têtes semblent être de vraies spécialistes...

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