Les Grosses Têtes: PÉPITE - Les Grosses Têtes répondent aux auditeurs

RTL RTL 10/6/23 - Episode Page - 9m - PDF Transcript

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The big heads answer to the audience.

Hello Philippe.

Philippe is in his truck maybe.

Yes, hello Laurent.

Laurent, I'm Laurent.

You are Philippe, I'm Laurent.

And you are Norman too, I think.

Yes, yes.

But the Normandy bus.

Yes, you write to me, I live the real Normandy.

I'm not from the real Normandy, am I?

No, the Normandy bus is the Normandy of Parisians.

Sorry, but I'd rather say the opposite.

The Normandy bus is the Havre, Dieppe, Etretat, it's the real Normandy.

And the Normandy of Parisians is Deauville, Enfleur, Cabour.

Sorry to tell you.

Dear you.

Yes, but the Touquet is a beach, Paris is a beach.

But the Touquet is not a Normandy bus anymore.

It's not a Normandy bus anymore.

Do you know who you are?


You don't seem to know geography well, because the Touquet is not a Normandy bus.

No, it's not.

Oh, well.

No, it's not.

Where is it?

Philippe, what is it, Philippe?

Well, yes, but I'm doing a little tour.

Yes, excuse me.

Yes, I can see it because it's the opposite of what you say.

The Normandy of Parisians, sorry to tell you.

But the Normandy of Parisians is Deauville, Céonfleur, Cetrouville.

It's Cabour, you see, whereas the real Normandy bus,

where the Parisians don't go, it's precisely the Haavre.

You see, the Normandy of the Haute-Normandy, Rouen.


I'm from Granville, so Granville is the longest.

Why would it be easier to ask for forgiveness?

So, Philippe, usually, it's us who are going to be forced to give us your watch, Philippe.

Well, you're a trucker.

Where and what do you do exactly?

What do you ride?

Well, when I say what do you ride, it's a question.

Not a question.

I'm driving a car.

It's always the antithesis when you're behind a truck.

But you don't call it a truck, it's called a trailer.


You're still here, Philippe?

Yes, of course.

Would you like to ask what you think of Marseille, the small town next to Deauville?

Well, Philippe, you're sending you a watch.

Do you want it?

Yes, if you want.

But, on the other hand, what would you like, especially, to receive a watch?

Why receive a watch?

Ah, you're not good at capturing in your truck?

We're not good at capturing.

Ah, yes.

You have to change your posture.

Ah, yes.

Especially in Normandy Basque, in the city.

Ah, yes.

That's it.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Well, when there will be all the 8 in the truck,

you'll see that it's less easy to drive.

We kiss you, in any case, Philippe.

And we send you a watch, Ertel.

Alexandre now.

Hello, Alexandre.

Yes, hello, Laurent.

Hello, the kids.

Hello, Alexandre.

So, Alexandre is complaining about a vaccine,

because he caught the virus of the big heads.

Is that it?

Yes, exactly.

In fact, it's because or thanks, I would say thanks,

especially from my father.


He's totally a fan of you since he was a child.

All the broadcasts on TV, radio,

either he came to drink,

or we watched them at home.

Ah yes, and it starts to do.

Yes, but it's...

And it makes me laugh,

and especially the big heads when I work.

It's great.

And you're very...

You're a 28-year-old trader, in Cannes.

That's good.

Yes, I work in the market in the city of Cannes.

I don't know if you see.

Yes, I see.

Yes, of course.

As a trader, what can you treat us then?

Well, treat us excellently.

Oh, excellently.

Oh, that's nice.

Yes, that's nice.

Yes, that's nice.

I do everything that produces the sea,

fish soup, bouillabaisse,

and by the way, Mr. Bigard has already tasted it.

Ah, okay.

Yes, it's easy,

but it comes back to me,

now you tell me.

Often, bouillabaisse comes back, yes.

What is your name,

your service as a trader in Cannes?

Do your job, take advantage of it.

So, I'm Las Gourmets.

I'm on the side of the fishermen.

It's Las Gourmets.

Very good.

Las Gourmets.

And you're going to see us in Saint-Raphael

when we'll come at the end of October.

I tried, but I didn't have the time.

We'll find you.

We'll find you.

We'll take you to the top.

We'll take your name, Alexandre,

and then we'll arrange it

if you bring us bouillabaisse.

Because often, it's hard to find a restaurant.

And the rouille, especially,

it's good.

The rouille, more or less,

it's homemade,

and I'm going to certify you that

when you eat it,

there's nothing left.

Yes, it's important.

I mean, I want the rouille.

From the rouille, we'll have it

because we come with Roselyne Bachelot

and Isabelle Mergo.

Ah, so you had six.

You had six.

And we'll go to Saint-Raphael on October 20.

On October 20, at 19 o'clock,

at the Esterel Arena,

with Jeremy Ferrari,

Sébastien Tohaine,

Roselyne Bachelot,

Stevie Titoff,

and Isabelle Mergo.

Here's the team of Saint-Raphael

for October 20.

Thank you, Alexandre.

We'll put you in two places.


Hello Laurent.

Hello Pierre.

You're in Bruxelles.

Absolutely once.

And I'm a fan of Rachelle Cannes.


It's going to make him happy.

Oh yes.

The little Rachelle, you say?

We found you.

It's wonderful.

I would like to tell you the pleasure

of listening to Rachelle Cannes.

Her interventions are always brilliant.

She is cultured, brilliant.

A good balance

with Marseille Ayakoube

and Ariel Dombal,

who are more explosive.

Well, in any case,

Pierre, it touches me a lot,

your words.

Really, I'm...

Very touched.


You're great.

You're brave.

I like to read you.

I like to hear you.

We can't talk about you.

We can't talk about you anymore.


We can't talk about you anymore.

Wherever she goes.

It's true that she is courageous.

If you come and see me, Pierre,

I'm in Liège on 26

and at Louvain on 28.

What are you going to do?

Well, I'm going to play my new show.

I'm going to stop the connoisseurs.

Well, I can't have space.

Oh, yes.

Well, you've got space.

Pierre, I place you space, no problem.

Thank you very much.

For Liège or for Louvain?


For Louvain.

For Louvain.

So, how many seats do you want, Pierre?


It's Jean-Marie's new show.

I'm stopping the bullshit.

But we weren't aware of it.

It's Mr. Uruguay who found the title of my new show.

I'm stopping the bullshit.

Yes, that's true.

Because it was time.

Thank you again.

Why weren't we aware of it?

I wasn't aware of it.

I would be in Geneva on the 13th.

For example, on the 13th next.

And on the 14th, I would be in Lausanne,

in Switzerland,

in order to get the money we've earned.


We're finishing with François now.

Hello François.

Hello Laurent.

Hello the team.

François has been in the show for a week now.

But there's nothing wrong with the show.

Now I can listen to you live every day.

That's right.

That's right.

And if you're looking for a member

in your team, I'm available as soon as possible.

What kind of member?

You need to know.

Why are you at a big level?

Cultivated or funny?

Very good.

Listen François,

it's a bit complicated. What were you doing before?

I was working in the banking field.

Oh yes, you were working.

It's funny.

They're really funny.

We'll see you in François.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Plaintes, compliments, interrogations... Cette saison encore, les Grosses Têtes répondent aux différentes questions et messages des auditeurs à l'antenne.

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