Les Grosses Têtes: PÉPITE - Elie Semoun ne voulait pas des Grosses Têtes à sa fête d'anniversaire

RTL RTL 10/17/23 - Episode Page - 2m - PDF Transcript

At Ralph's, we know the minute a tomato is picked, the fresh timer starts.

The sooner we get our produce to you, the fresher it is.

That's why we've shortened the time from harvest to home

for our tasty tomatoes, strawberries, and salads.

So no matter how you shop, you have more time with your fresh produce.

Ralph's, fresh for everyone.

We've locked in low prices to help you save big store-wide.

Look for the locked-in low prices tags and enjoy extra savings throughout the store.

Ralph's, fresh for everyone.


You're a piece of shit.

He's going to the hairdresser.

He's dressed badly, he's messed up in any way.

He stinks, he's really a piece of shit.

I'm the only one who put on the color, and then you're screwed.

We're going to talk about it completely.

You think we're old, you really think we're old?

No, of course not.

Last night, did you wake up old?

No, not at all. Last night, it was the 60-year-old.

We celebrated it at his place.

I had invited everyone.

It was great.

I loved this birthday party.

We weren't invited.

We weren't invited.

We were invited, we would have made a nice present.

Caroline, I wasn't invited.

A piece of honey in the middle of the night.

I sent him a text for his 60-year-old.

I can't say otherwise, I did it.

Very nice.

He didn't tell me, come to the house tonight, there's a party.

No, I don't think so.

You wouldn't have come.

I wouldn't have come.

I wouldn't have come.

No, I wouldn't have come.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Elie Semoun a fêté ses 60 ans hier soir en compagnie de ses amis. Mais apparemment, il a oublié d'inviter les Grosses Têtes...

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