Les Grosses Têtes: PÉPITE - Darie Boutboul demande pardon aux araignées

RTL RTL 10/2/23 - Episode Page - 2m - PDF Transcript

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Who's talking about death here?

Well, we're doing it.

I don't talk about death, but when I talk about a spider...

Oh no, you're crazy.

The one you have on the ceiling?

No, but because I talk about spiders...


That's normal.

No, but before inspiring them, I ask them for forgiveness.

Oh, I'm starting to inspire them.

In a house of others, I can't let spiders go.

So I have to inspire them with the inspiration.

Oh, with the inspiration, I thought you'd inspire them.

Well, yes.

The spiders are maybe the reincarnation of the mother of Christ.

Yes, but with the code Klarna.

Oh yes, that's right, with the poyopats.

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Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Avant de les aspirer en faisant le ménage, Darie Boutboul parle aux araignées... Une séquence hilarante vécue dans l'émission du 29 septembre 2023.

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