Tonny Media Tonny Media 10/7/23 - Episode Page - 50m - PDF Transcript

Hey, I'm Ryan Reynolds. At Mint Mobile, we like to do the opposite of what Big Wireless does.

They charge you a lot, we charge you a little.

So naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation,

we decided to deflate our prices due to not hating you.

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I think so, but...

No, but it's an important year. Super important, even.

We're also going to talk about the red leaf, and that's not the case at the moment.

But we're going to talk about that, because the new one is inside.

We have sugar on.

We have sugar on, and of course we have modern labels.



You reacted differently with a lot of fun.

Sure, a lot of people liked that.

They liked everything, yes.

And I get criticized by Monika that I don't like it enough.

No, but I like it when you show it, because it's fun to do it.

No, but that too, on this one, on that one, uh...

So you're taking that in now.

The cold, so I think this is a cold...

Yes, you're going to say that again.

Good, you can clearly hear the difference.

This is what, this is full.

Full, this is...

I notice it's angel-like.


Nice, isn't it?

Yes, I was already...

I was already on, but I like it.

Well, the week.

The week, how was your week?

Oh, my week.

My week was a bit of a sign of fear.


Yes, and then a little bit of your own fear.

I'm going to tell you first, I don't know if you've experienced that,

but I was riding in a kind of M.E. bus.

Did you do that?

In a M.E. bus?

Well, I was just riding, I have to say, about the dam.

About the dam?

Yes, no, but you can just say you can ride.

No, no, no, it's not a drama story.

It was weird, it was as if I was in a movie,

because there was an M.E. bus on and it stopped about in front of me,

about the dam.

That I thought, huh, something else, distance.

Yes, that's what I thought.



That's right, right?

Yes, that's what I thought.

That's what I thought.

The first one was the best.

Yes, it was the best.

Well, let's go back.

We're going to take the second one.

And then all the people got out with everything.



With shields and stuff.

And so I thought, huh, I'm standing again.

I thought, huh.

Or do people get out of an old woman and a young man?


And so they went to, uh, uh, that way, to the right.

For the people who ride.

They went to the right.

No, you said go straight, but that was for my right.

I, I'm riding.

I thought I can't ride all the way.

What is this for something strange?

And so all the fans of a football game were there.

Or something like that.

I thought, hey, am I suddenly in between?

But everyone actually.

And then you ride around thinking, well, that was exciting.

Oh, that's what I'm doing with my life.

My life is actually still simple.

And then this was such a story.

I have told you a story.

I have told you once, in the animal art, which is such a story.

But you can tell a good story.

Just like you.

Such a bad story.

It is in itself.

Girard, he had a story.

And I think I told him.

And he said, yes, he had a dog.

And that dog, we had called the police.

Because he couldn't find anything.

It was all about a highway.

And then the police had all the highway.

Ended things off.

And that dog was a single dog.

He was lazy.

And then they put it all down.

They were all looking for things.

So they just found the dog.

No, they didn't find the dog.

That was a story.

They just, they just.

No, I get it.

Because I also ride away.

Yes, that's what you're thinking.

You live together with the M.E.

That something happened.

Yes, but that was not.

Yes, but there was nothing.

But actually it was a little bridge.

Because that was the theme of this week.

Because I went to an exhibition.


Oh, you went there.

I didn't go there at that moment.

But that would have been very nice.

No, that's in Bellevue.

That's once a year for young makers.

They give them a stage.


And it's actually very nice.

I think you have to keep that in mind.

If you like theater.

And that was about fear and panic attacks.

And that's a personal story of Tony de Brouwer and Iris Ball.

Oh, what a very ball, a balcony.

I don't have it all clear.

But they were rock good.

And then I thought it was funny that this is the theme.

Oh, sorry.

You're looking for it.

Yes, no, Chris is looking for it.

Chris thinks it's a booyah.

She doesn't know the name.

I know Chris because I think, oh, she's looking for it.

Yes, I thought so too.

We're just sitting there looking.

Yes, it will do.

It will tear me apart.

No, ma'am, can you just look for it, Chris?

I have to ask.

I'm just not going to ask that.

We have now reached the level that you have to ask.

Dear Chris, would you like to look for haird?

It's fun that we've been talking about it for so long.



I, well, it's really bad.

Can that piece go over?


No, I can't.

I can't do that.

I can't do that.

Iris Bakker.


A great voice, by the way.

Iris Bakker.

She was able to sing very well.

But anyway, so then I thought that's funny because this is a...

No, really.


Very nice.

Always going to Scooby-Doo again.


And then the end result that I thought, yes, but I'm in stress this weekend for my

children's pop-up store.

Oh, they have a pop-up store.

They have a pop-up store, Limitless.

I have it.

I have it.

But I'm shamelessly complaining.

And of course they always have that message of mental health.


And what I think is very cool, and that's why I thought I can just tell it.

Because it's Saturday morning, if you listen, I think so.

And then you can just come.

Because you can do free yoga, free chikong.

They all offer that kind of thing.

They come in the podcast.

No, I'm just telling you that.

I'm just telling it myself, because I think it's very cool that they do it.

But because they are so mentally healthy, high on the agenda.

I understand.

Oh yes.

I thought it was a theme.

Fear and that we...

The theme is underground.

It is a theme, but that's a theme for me.

Oh, exactly.

Oh, no, I understand that.

Oh, yes.

Fear and calling.

And talking about it.

That's important.

That is also important.

And how has your week been?

Fear, right?

Where is it very quickly now that we're in the pop-up store?

Where is it?

Oh, yes, on the Browersgracht in Amsterdam.

Browersgracht in Amsterdam.

And that's called Om Shatka.

That's the name.

Om Shatka.

Om Shatka.

Come on.

I was completely in the podcast The Gift Dead this week.

Oh, do you know that?


Or Yvonne K.

Do you know that?

No, we're all sitting there.

Or that murder case in...

She lives in Tilburg, but her...

But the murder would then happen in Halsteren.

Because she was together with a man who used to have a supermarket there.

That she knew in Halsteren.

And then she took care of his wife.

She was sick and she was going to die.

And then she got a relationship.

Eight months old.

And two months before his death, he changed his testament that he got everything.

And when two months later he was dead.

And they all found a gift in his blood.

And there she made a podcast about it.

But she herself.

No, of course not herself.

But she died.

Oh, she died too.

Yes, because she has...

Spoiler alert.

No, but it all happened in the newspaper.

So that's...

Big head.

Big head people.

No, but it's hilarious.

Because she took care of herself.

But, because...

I find that interesting too.

That podcast came out.

That was really number one on all podcasts...



And what everyone was listening to.

But in the meantime, she was still free,

waiting for her process.

And on Thursday she would be released.

And on Tuesday she took care of herself.

And she also did it.

And a big punishment on top of the head.

Or do you think it's all not possible?

Well, we don't know that.

And the right one...

She left something behind.

No, no, no.

But the right one, who would say nonsense,

but she doesn't do that now.

It's not like, oh by the way, I thought...

That's not the case.

So now all the money goes to the daughter.


And what do you think of it?

Because he also had children,

but they don't get anything.

Or well...

He raised all the children

from his first wife.

And that wife already had children.

So those children.

But they don't get anything.

And so it will all be legal.

But if she was responsible,

then she wouldn't have gotten the money.

So anyway,

that podcast is very interesting.

But what I found so interesting,

what I just...

had a hard time getting,

and what they actually let go of in the podcast,

and they said no.

And she was at some point,

I say that's not a spoiler,

but she was...

So you're talking about the Ivanka,

really, episodes for a long time.

And then she's at the

security of the law firm.

Law firm.

And then she wants to go in.

She's at Ivanka there.

And Ivanka says to her,

are you a part of the podcast?

And then she said,

I didn't ask her anything,

because she wasn't allowed

to talk to the press during the law firm.

So I didn't ask her anything about the law firm.

I thought, yes.

But you can ask hundreds of thousands of other things.

How are things going with you now?

How do you feel?

They didn't do it all.

But she's shocked a lot.

Are you a journalist or what?

No, I thought

we were sitting there all the time.

In a book by Henry Mendel,

Wolf Hall,

a very good book about

Cromwell with Henry the 8th.

Super good.

And then she has the first episode.

So in the first book,

in Wolf Hall,

you see Cromwell all the time.

And he comes more and more in the

side of Henry the 8th.

If you write so well,

then she's going to meet Henry the 8th

for the help of the book.

And then when you read it,

you think, oh, he's going to meet Henry the 8th.

So then you're sitting in that

and then you want to be satisfied.

So that he finds a place to meet.

Everyone is looking for satisfaction.

So I think,

ask each other.

How is it going?

I don't think so.

But it's a very good podcast.

And so

listen to that.

It was a dramatic story.

But she really has something.

Because that happens in that podcast every time.

That she was a very unsympathetic person,


She doesn't want to say that she killed him.

So someone can just

not be sympathetic.

It's not forbidden in the Netherlands.

So it should be forbidden.

Yes, it should be forbidden.

Because it costs a lot of money.


So that's a tip.

And of course I thought

Yes, we're going to see.

And I had

a sort of

aha moment

I was at home

and I looked around.

And you thought

I bought everything here.

All those

I've ever bought.

You bought a lot.

But even if you don't have a lot of stuff.

But you think I've ever bought this.

Yes, that you think

I just have

from the bank

to the paprika powder.

I've ever bought it.

And how did that go on?

I just thought

Jesus, where did I get the time today?

The time?

Well, take so much stuff.

And I've always thought

that if Karim and I

have to come under the tram

Who then?

Oh, the family has to clean it up.

That's really unbelievable.

And are you a hoarder too?

No, I'm not a hoarder.

And the weird thing is, I can easily without stuff.

I can easily that everything goes away.

I don't care about certain things.

But the house is still for the stuff

that you bought yourself.

No, but I don't mean everything.

Because it seems like

you've talked about stuff.

I don't mean everything.

You just do everything.


Look, if you're listening,

look around you and think

I've just bought all of this.

I think it's unbelievable.

I suddenly thought it was unbelievable.

Nice moment.

Um, theme?

Well, let's do it.

Well, I only have one.


Well, there are people who don't wear underwear.

Of course there are.

I know one.

You know someone who never wears underwear?

Yes, I know one.

Oh, good.

Yes, you know.

It's suddenly getting very uncomfortable.

Well, yes.

Well, because I don't want to fool anyone.

No, but you know them well.

Or it's a sister.

It's a husband.

It's called commando.

Go and commando.

Yes, that's what it's called when you don't wear underwear.

As a man or as a woman?

And how do you know that woman?

I don't know.

What does that mean?

You always forget that I make jokes.

Yes, because I think, Jesus.

Yes, he's just sitting with his mouth

about mental health.

And then suddenly he jumps.

I asked you something.

I'm not saying that women are quickly determined

to wear underwear when they don't wear underwear.

Yes, but that...


That would also be a good label.

Someone said, I saw someone

on a...

On a station.

Yes, something like that.

And I saw a string.

What do I have to do now?

What do I have to do now?

Do I have to go to the bathroom

and say, you just see your underwear?

Or do I have to say it to colleagues?

Or is it just...

Exactly what I want.

That it seems to me that you see my string.


Yes, so I would pay attention to say that.

Because you would think, yes.

Yes, that's...

But if I would say it, if I would go to that person,

then I would say, maybe you want it,

but if you don't want it, then you know

that it's very strange.

No, not strange.

Maybe you haven't seen that.

Maybe it's not true.


Because what you say to it is that

you don't look like it.

And that you look like it's fine.

But it's very strange.

I see people looking at you.

But no, that's not true.

No, that's not true.

But we just had a ribbon cover.



It started with a ribbon cover, right?

No, it started with Adam and Eve with the firewood.

Oh yes.

It started with the snake and the scar.

So because of Eva...

What happened here?

What happened there?

Well, they came through the scar.

Because of Eva?

Yes, because of the apple.

And they had to stay away from that.

And they didn't do that.

That's a story.

No, I don't understand.

And I don't even look at words.

This is just what happened.


The punishment?

That all women

have been punished by Eva.

Because I should have been able to do it painlessly.

Oh, I think that's interesting.

I've never heard that before.

I don't think so either.

No, because it's like this.

It's a straight line.

It's a straight line.


I don't know if that's true.

Are you Catholic or not?

Are you also Christian?

No, I don't know.

Adam and Eva.

Adam and Eva.

She was in paradise.

It was all her favorite colors.

We were very happy.

And then Eva had the punishment for everyone.

But Eva had the punishment for everyone.

That she had the apple.

Because the apple was her fault.

And then she said God.

And now out of paradise.

Then they had to leave.

Close the door.

That's not allowed.

Then Jesus came.

When Jesus was crucified

for our sins.

Jesus always says that.

That's why we got the key

for paradise.

So when Jesus was crucified

everyone came to his death.

Paradise again.

So they often say Jesus is dead for our sins.

And people always think

I say it, but I don't know what it is.

The sins of Adam and Eva

Jesus made good.

And now we can all go to paradise again.

Thank you Jesus.

The punishment?

That they are dead.

That was the punishment.

But not with the pain.

With the...

So not the pain either.

Not the shame either.

That we became dead.

So we had to leave paradise.

That's the end.

What can we celebrate?

Jesus, can we go there?

They opened the Bali again.

But it's not the immortality.


That's why.

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You can stay there forever.

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They have their underwear, so they have 5 different types of slits, boxer shorts, strings,

bralettes and socks, but since this week they have also casualwear, jogging pants,

shirts, jackets and they are nice to wear on the bench at home, but they are also nice

to wear on the streets.

It is made of bamboo and it is very soft, so it is very nice to absorb.

It is breathable, so you stay fresh all day.

And what I always like, it is more expensive.

If you also wear a better shirt, well, we have 20,000 customers, we have decided on Migo,

and they came out at 4.6 out of the 5 strings.

Well, I have to be honest, I would also like to come out, certainly.

Good idea.

Yes, certainly nice.

It is a discount for our listeners, and the code is ISA25 and you get 25% discount.

On the whole collection.

So go to and women, be quick, because the ladies collection is very popular.

Yes, but good under good.

Oh yes, I said no when you said no.

No, it is ugly.

But what kind of under good do you wear?

You have all my names said, so I had to make a lot of jokes, strings, hipsters, slits.

I wear, I think boxers are very nice, stricter than, I don't know how that is called.

A boxer is just loose.

Yes, for men.

But for us, I think that's just a little brook with pipes.

And that is often, yes, I also look at clothes that you think, oh yes, otherwise you see such a edge of a slit.

And sometimes also a string, which I really think strings are very stupid.

But then you don't wear anything because you don't see the edge, because then you only have your picture.

Yes, but then people often have a mistake, because you do see a edge.

Yes, you mean from that string, yes, that's what you wear.

Then you can better wear such a one with a pipe.

I'm very naughty.

I don't think you can get me on a edge.


Well, I'll get all the pictures later.


Yes, I've seen you.

How is there no edge?

Who is there then?

Yes, yes.

Well, that's fine, I like that.

Yes, so I'm not looking at my content all day.

No, not at all.

Not at all.

There really is a quarter or so that it doesn't matter, that you have to do something.


And you, what did you wear?

Well, I have a lot of boxes.

I just don't like that.

I think, I always have slits.


Yes, just slits, but slits are very important.

If you look at it again, I sometimes wear a yo-yo, I think I'm a bit thicker, I'm thinner and so on.

And then you listen to that, then you think, yes, then it's too tight.

Then it's too tight, then it's again.

So I never throw something away.

That's not really coming.

That's what I really want to see.

I never actually throw.

I think that's, well, yes.

A lot of underwear.

A lot.

I look at that and think, I bought all of them.


But are they all the same?

No, so not.

No, and I think that's so interesting.

Are there holes in your underwear?

Well, I don't look like I'm fat, do I?

But I'm really slitting.

Well, I had it with a friend when I said, we're going to have underwear, he said.

But why do I always have a hole?

He immediately said, I think by cycling.

But exactly at your face, he said, there's going to be a hole somewhere.

Well, if it's bad quality underwear, I have no idea.

But do you recognize that?

No, I don't have a hole in the middle of my underpants or something.

But it's a bit tight.

Well, of those pimples, and then those pimples are going to break, but I don't think there's a reason to do something wrong.

So my mother always takes care of it well, because she was afraid that she would get sick.

My mother is exactly the same.

I come to visit her in the hospital, and she looks at me.

That's what you find on the street.

So you get an accident.

Imagine, my mother makes you just that heavy.

Yes, so I lie on the street and then they come.

They come to pick you up and then you have a broken underpants.

Well, I had one time, it was in Austria, I was skiing.

And then I thought, who thinks that you have a good underpants for that?

No, but you can fall.

Then I was, and I had a pants borrowed from the father of a friend of mine.

An underpants borrowed?

No, a pants, a ski pants.

And then we had the first lessons.

And then we had to go up with the sleeping lift.

And the sleeping lift was very good for me, because I felt it every time.

Maybe then I have to go.


I think it's very funny.

As a person, I had it myself, but not like that.

The whole time I fell in love.

It's so embarrassing.

Well, those people started to look at me when they came to me.

Oh, I think he's back.

And then I started well.

And then I felt it and then I had to stop everything.

And then I had to get out of the train as soon as possible.

Then I had to go, you go so fast.

And then you had to go skiing well.

Because otherwise it was like that.

The track was like that.

Yes, so you went really well.

The first time I was finally up.

And then he said to me, he said to me, you have to go there.

Well, then I had to go down somewhere.

I, at first, because I was always going to wait for him.

So I went.

And then I took the wrong turn.

And that was a very difficult turn.

And then at some point I went straight down.

And I thought, yes, it was just, then there was a series on TV, Espen.

And then I felt Espen for a moment.

Because then it went like this.

I went down like this.

Yes, this is it.

But suddenly I thought, no, I don't have any more control.

I have to, there is an accident.

But when I can sit better now, because I will go faster and faster.

So the accident is getting bigger and bigger.

Then I go down.

And then suddenly I thought, well, I'm just going to sit.

So then I just went to sit like this.

But that was really hard.

And you still glanced a lot.

And then there was that bridge here.

So that's how I was on the track in my underbook.

Because this was completely broken.

And then I thought, I couldn't think ahead of time.

No, no.

Then today an underbook that I had to think about.

And your mother said, think about it every day.

And it was next to the sleep lift.

So those people from the sleep lift, they saw me.

They saw me all over here.

And then I had to go down to the hotel.

And then I did the rest in the spider book.

Oh yeah, that's possible.


Then you looked so pale.


But then there was an underbook.

And they did keep the underbook.

So I wasn't in a bloodbath or something.

But it was really completely gone.

Well, not completely, but that bridge.

And I still laughed at the father of that friend.

Because his bridge was broken.

Did you solve that?

Yes, just give it back in the bag.

And I mean, I'm always aware of that underbook.

If something happens.

But I think that's a minor problem.

But what you said about cutting edges.

I also find it so irritating.

And indeed, if you're a little thicker or thinner.

It's very nice if you're a little thinner again.

I think, oh, well, it's all good.


And then you're confronted with such a cutting edge.

I can be so sensitive to it, but underpants.

And I can also be sensitive.

No, but I'm also sensitive to the color setting after an hour.

So you have it on.

It's washed.

Very nice and frizzy.

I do it on.

Oh, it's really nice.

And then an hour later, then he does something.

I hang it like that.

Well, I also stopped there with buying a cartoon.

Is that a cartoon?

That's a cartoon.



Cartoon stelteleur.

That's not me.

That's the top of the article.

Cartoon stelteleur.

Nothing to me.

Why not?

Because I don't recognize that at all.

I recognize it.

Because that underwear is going to sit between your necks.

That's also super.

Do you ever see women pulling their necks like that?


And then a underwear.

I was so stupid.

Yes, but yes.

Yes, what does it have to do with it?


But that's a cartoon.

I bought a completely different underwear.

Yes, I thought I had it.

You thought it was also a cartoon.

Yes, you did.

Did you?


No, it doesn't make sense at all.

I think it's also a bit of your own form.

Oh, yes.

And I don't make much of the material.

And do you think the figure is corrective underwear?

Do you think that was corrective underwear?

Do you think that was corrective underwear?

Do you think that was corrective underwear?

No, I don't think that was corrective underwear.

I do.

That's straight.

Yes, of course.

That's also the intention, but it's actually terrible underwear.

But there it's always about where you stop.

Yes, because I think about those things.

Then I think, yes, then that's a cool thing to do.

Then I think, yes, then that's a cool thing to do.

So I've never really been so happy with it.

Because the sausage has to be out somewhere.


So if you do it in a sausage shape, say, then...

Yes, I also think that it's on the body.

So if you have very thin legs, you can do it.

Because then you probably don't have any trouble with that.

Then you put everything down.

Well, that's what I thought.

Oh, well, does it come out again down or something?

Yes, you have to put it down.

Yes, I found it complicated.

But I get it for women.

Where does it work?

Yes, because in such a skirt you think, oh, then I suddenly have a skirt that I had never seen before.

But I always think,

if you go home with someone, what do you do then?


Then you have to go to the toilet, you have to quickly do that properly and suddenly have a different body.

Or something like that.

So I would never advise that on a date.

Well, of course, you don't always have to bet with everyone.

So I also have a good idea.

Yes, that's really a good idea to come in for a moment.

It's a whole shift, isn't it?

Oh, so it can also...

Well, yes, but that's...

Did I ever have to say that?

You eat, right?

What an idiot.

And you say that?

No, but that's a joke, right?

People don't do that, do they?

Just a funny thing.

What do they do then?

What are you going to do then?

Um, no, but this is indeed...

I mean, of course, if the moment is there.


And you have cut yourself off, say, but you have completely released it.

And you're like...

I would never do that.

Just always show your body like that.

Or do you always do it or do you do it with sex?

Oh, I can do it all.

But that's not possible.

Oh, that's not the choice, huh?

No, that's one of the...

You have to do it again.

You have to do it again.

What do you mean?

But I would like to know what is the advantage of one of the two.

Do I know something now?

No, no, but you have to choose now.

Yes, you have to choose.

Do you do it or do you do it?

So they did a thousand times.

Oh, then completely dark.

No, you just do it now, because I think it's good for the audience.

Yes, I have to choose from you.

Good for the audience.

Love it.

No, it doesn't matter to me.

But I think it's good for the audience, huh?

You have an extension.

That's really the pin.

So they always do everything light-up.

But it doesn't matter where you are.



No, but I have once been...

...figured in a film in Vincent and Theo, or Theo van Gogh.

From Robert Altman.

And then I was at the search...

Are you still searching?


Well, figuratively, I don't really need to search yet.

But then we arrived at the clothing studio.

And there were Americans who did that, of course.

And they said in English, they said,

Yes, this is your clothing.

It was a long break, and the book...

No, in the morning everyone was standing here in the long break

to work on the country.

Well, really not.

Nobody worked on the lens in the long break.

Yes, yes, yes, really.

Who would say this?

No, no, no.

I thought I'm not going to be on the film for a long break.

Why not?

Well, luckily, someone came along and said,

Oh, no, he's the artist.

And then I was the artist.

And then I wore a very nice outfit.

And a nice pants.

And just a pants.

I think that's so interesting.

Corriging the undercoat really well.

No, it's not.

But now we're on the lens.

We're in Corriging the Undercoat.



I love it.

The farmer's all the correct underpants.


Oh, you had a bit too much to talk about.

Well, stars, how many stars do you give your undercoat?

Your undercoat.


I also have quite a lot of underpants in my bag.

No, because you always asked me,

I just have quite a lot of underpants in my bag.

With holes.



Because it's nice.

And nobody sees it.

No, because it's also often in the...

Well, I'm going to be very private,

but you have a double layer in the cross.

And then in one of those layers you think, yes.

But how did that come about?

If it's a hole that doesn't go through and go through.

I'm moving.

Shall we just say it?

You can still learn a lot about underpants.


So you never throw an undercoat?

No, not fast.

While I really have to do that.


But if you still want to learn something about...

Well, not about underpants.

But if you want to learn something,

then of course we have our sugar on it.

Study go.

Yes, study go.

What a good idea.

Yes, and then we do that for a few weeks.


And every week we of course have something else to do,

another function.

And today is the last one again.


But we have to explain to people who haven't heard it before.

It's actually a kind of help for your children,

or for someone who wants to learn.

And the study go closes on the school books

that they use at school.

And it's really suitable for all teachers,

and also all levels, and all vacancies.


And last week we talked about the handy equipment videos they offer.

And study go has a live help line,

but you can chat with university-led lesson teachers.

Yes, that's really nice.

Because you can directly ask about English,

Dutch, French,

who can be able to study biology,

of course,

AND be able to shout.


So if you look at it,

and you hear it above your child,

they think you can do it.

They shout.

You hear it every time.

If you don't understand,

then you understand what you have to do.

And then it's nice to study go.

Yes, and if you click on the link

in the description of this episode,

then you get 20% discount on a study go subscription.


Well, I say.

Do your advantage.


Then we're going to give stars.

And then we're going to give stars.

Under good.

Under good, yes.

I wouldn't want it without it.

Oh, I think it's so nice to have a good underbook.


You also do that.

Because I do it then.

That I think, oh no,

he's going to do it on Saturday.


Oh, what a love.

What do I have to say?

Oh, I really love it.

But it's okay.

Is there also Saturday group?

No, we used to have one before.

Oh, that's a whole session.

Yes, I know all seven of them.

Do you know them?

Yes, of course you know them too.

All of them.

Of all generations.

It's been a shame to miss them since Eva.


It's been a shame to miss them.

But do you also sleep with an underbook?

Off and on.

Me too.

But I don't know.

I like it.

Oh yes, sometimes I don't.

Sometimes I don't.

Then I wonder if I'm sitting again in the time of nothing.


It's that we don't have to find each other at night.


We don't have anything.

If there's a fire, it's fine.

But I would certainly, if there's a fire,

go first with an underbook.

Yes, I know that there are people at the radio who think,

well, it's a fire.

Yes, that's right.

And I really believe that you just...

But I would still like to go with an underbook.

No, I wouldn't go to the fire.

I would do something.


Or then I just take a thinker with me.


Yes, but you can always take that with you.

Or you have to stand on fire.

Then it's difficult, I wouldn't do that.

But otherwise...

Where do I stand on fire?

It's possible.

If there's a fire, it's not that they don't think you're there.

No, I thought you're lying in bed.

I think I can always take it because it's never on fire.

No, of course that's the way it is.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.


I give the underbook because I sometimes think it's very annoying.

Four and a half stars.

That's three and a half.

Yes, no.

I'll try again.


Yes, that's a positive four and a half.

Yes, nice.

No, because I suddenly thought,

I'm going to do that when we give zero stars.

That's what happens every time.

Underbooks, yes, because sometimes it's too annoying.

And that you think for an hour, why did I buy this?

I give three and a half stars.


And then we go to the Beaumondée.

The Beaumondée, the Beaumondée.

Who's in front of it?


Oh, oh, I have to laugh very hard.

She's in the Faraday.


Have you seen it?


And she started playing the game right away.

Very strikingly playing.

I thought, yes, then you look like that.

And she also laughed like that.

I'm not going to talk about that.

Oh, no, no, no, exactly.

Yes, I thought she also participated in the exhibition Robinson.

Then I got a weak point for her.

That, yes, well.

What are you going to do now?

The editorial, because of course she always goes into the world.

Are you going on a trip?


They are this month, they are in ...

This month they were a bit sad, I think.

Yes, Sandra, come on.

Yes, Sandra Timbrink.


They have been in Belgium, but also in the Houthaven and Rijkswijk.

Yes, the Houthaven in Amsterdam and Rijkswijk.

Yes, but you also have to move to the Netherlands.


And you have fun too.

I think so.

I also think it's fine.

Only, yes, normally they are really, well, yes.

Then in Rome, then they are there, then they are there.

And that was of course not.

And Belgium did find them super fun.

I haven't been there yet.

I don't think so either.

No, well, it really seems to be a tip to be with this.

And then the article of Faya.

Faya Laurens.

Yes, yes.

Annette Tone.

Has she written it down?

Do you know her now?


This is then a difficult photo, I have to say.

With clothes.

For correcting the undercoat.


But ...

Oh yes, bustiers.

Yes, bustiers.

I don't know.

But what I always find complicated, I think, with Oprah Winfrey,

I also always found it complicated.

Is then ...

She is then very, very body ...


Well, no, you are working very hard on your body,

you just don't accept what there is, but you are very ...

Oh, you can still ...

And you can eat less.

And you have to look at them, then you can kiss them.

But then she says, earlier I always had to train every day,

but actually I never enjoyed how tight I was then in my life.

That I think, yes, but then you did tell me that you were very happy.

You get it?


So I always find it complicated.

Oprah Winfrey can do that too.

She can then ...

Yes, then it's in the thick period.

And then she's going to say, no, but you have to be able to accept it.

You are ...

And then they say later, yes, I said that, but I didn't find it at all.

Then I think, yes, yes, but ...

And all those people thought again, and then it doesn't matter again, right?


And then they have an article, and I think it's a nice article, about ...

Look at you.

About the fact that people are known to buy all these weird things,

that we talked about that you bought them all.

Jennifer Lopez has a WC-brill of 105,000 euros.



A WC-brill.

But you can't buy it all there.

With small sapphires, and robes, and pearls, and diamonds.

But it's like, yes, I think ...

Do you see that brill too?

No, they just put a toilet on top of it, that glitters.



And Drake has a bed to make at Heastens, especially for him.

Of 367,000 euros.

367,000 euros for a bed.

And that doesn't really matter how that bed goes on with a couple of hair,

and how it's all put together.

But I just think that's ...

You're so crazy.

Do it normally.

I just think that's ridiculous.

What can you all do with that money?

For the world.


And I don't believe in some things here either,

because it's Sandra to bring.

You think that's for the world.

Thank you.

Because this smells very much like an article from someone else.

The name of the person who wrote the text is almost unreadable.


Because they want to write it together.

But I don't want to write it against anyone.

Well, that's what they call pressure on a jury that you can't really see.

Oh no, it's Sandra to bring it herself.

Has she made up with each other?

Because for example, I just don't believe this.

Lady Gaga has already for 50,000 euros a portable ghost detector.

And then they take it with them.

And then they can see or be ghosts somewhere.

I don't believe it.

I also don't believe the story.

Sorry, Sandra.

But I also don't believe the story that Eric has found somewhere on the toilet.

So that Bono had her favorite hat.

She was officially forgotten in London.

Then he has it for that hat.

He has a business class ticket of 1500 euros.

And then that hat flew to business class where he was then.

No, I don't believe that either.

I don't believe that either.

Because you can just send a hat.


In a box.

In a box.

I want him to go well.

I want him to go well.

But no one, because that hat can't go to the toilet itself.

So she will have to go with someone anyway.

So I just don't believe that.

That was the story.

Someone said I want him to get it for you, but that would cost it.


Could be.

So Sandra, you could have put yourself in question.

I think so.

But anyway, it's nice to read it all.

And at the end there are still a lot of things with Annette Weidom.

She organizes parties and lives in Ibiza.

No, not really.

She lives in Monaco.

Monaco really...

It seems so heavy to me.

That's terrible.

She thinks it's heavy.

But that's just about your money, right?

She says, oh, people feel nice.

She says, according to the Japanese scientists, you can eat in the ground energy with plushies and minnows.

That's not Belgium.

I was just saying, that's not Belgium.

But it's nice.

But anyway, minnows and plushies.

And in a Monaco place with a lot of plushies, people feel nice.

And it's organized a lot.

So there are 52 plushies a year.

It's relaxed.

If you're going to get a bread with your Ferrari and your keys in contact, no one will drive away with it.

It's terrible.

I've been there once.

I was looking for a museum.

I thought, the families will do.



Nothing at all.

There's just nothing at all about culture.

So when I was about to leave, she lived there.

And Shirley Bessie.

Well, she already said that.

So you think...

I was really a fan of Shirley Bessie.

Me too.

I still have.

I've also seen her live here in the Rosetta building.

I like her very much.

But good. So just Monaco?


But Monaco never goes there.

I just don't like it at all.

Well, we'd like to hear if you have any nice tips.


But you don't have a tip in Monaco.

Yes, if you're standing with your back to the sea and you're going 100 meters to the right,

a very nice coffee shop, you don't have a tip in Monaco.

I'm curious.

I would have given them a nice tip.

I would have liked to see what comes with it.

To seep.

Oh, in Monaco.

In Mallorca.

Oh, of course.

Look, in Mallorca, if you're in the city, then everything can be quite pricey.

But if you look at the city with your back to the sea and you're going 100 meters to the left,

you're sitting in a little garden.

There's just, there's a lot of fun.

But where do you see the city?

If you say 100 meters to the left?

Yes, so you're in the center of the city and you look at the city with your back to the sea.

Then you go 100 meters to the left.

And there's a lot of fun.

So that's a good tip.

Very good tip.

Do your advantage.

We're going to the modern one.

We're going to the modern one.

You're on a family party and you see that your sister is wearing the ring that you still live in your mother.

What do you do?

A lot of people say in the beginning, yes, I can clean it.


Let her wear that ring.

That's nice for her.

Yes, Benny Nepplerbroek says, wash your hands and stop in the dove spot.

Yes, of course.

I'm glad your mother is still alive.

Yes, that's the way it is.

And this one is also funny.

Just give your mother the guilt of everything you've become.

Contact, break, wait until she's dead.

And then you get regret, like a normal person.

I don't know either.

And Jelle Klerk also said that the fact that I apparently had a sister from whom I didn't know.

Also funny.

Accept that you're not the favorite child, say Benny.


Well, I think you're not born with anything and everything you could possibly get or get after someone dies, that's taken away.

But you have nothing to do with it.


So I, I, we have a big joke with Annette and Janine, with her sister.

We don't have a little or something.

Then we see a skull that you used to have.

I say, oh, you have it.

He always says that.

But we don't have one of three to think about that.

That's funny to say.

And you?

No, I don't have that either.

No, I got some silver from my mother.

And pearls.

After death.

After death.

And they really didn't look like it.

That you also think, oh, cheap, from my father.


Because you think, oh, it's funny.

Yes, it looks so nice.

So that makes me all my nothings out.

I thought it was very funny and cute.

And yes, no, I wouldn't have any trouble with it either.

Enjoy it.

I do find it very annoying that I have my skull.

And with those hands.

Yes, with those hands and that, well, how is it called now?

With all, all, opal.

Opal, it really comes from Venice.

We found it there when we married there.

And when Flindor was born, I got a ring from Anzindis.

They are all gone.

Yes, I find that very annoying.

But gone, gone.

Do you know where they are?

I even had put it on my Instagram account.

And then a man came and said, I found it, lost, that company.

They find a lot of things.


They dive, they go into the sand with, I don't know, it's really a nice man.


I don't really know that.

I don't know, but in the Netherlands, he had, we went to put it under, call me or contact me.

And then he came to my house and I found it very funny.

Then I still live in the Vondelstraat.

And then he said, I found it here in the house light.

I said, yes, but where then?

And then came the room from Merlijn.

And then I left all my building costs.

And then he said, yes, I think that's in the closet.

I said, yes, there are still a lot of boxes.

So when I went home, I thought I was going to find it.

Almost to such a box that you don't take out.

But you didn't go through the box at that time.

Yes, even a little bit.

Then I thought, yes, maybe I didn't look well in the pressure of speed.

And then I was at home, nothing, nothing, nothing.

And then I thought later, or should I lie behind that box?


That's annoying.

But you can't, no, I didn't go through the boxes like that.

Well, sometimes my mother went to the garage, the Santa Fridt pan.

And that was also important.

It was also very important.

So the Fridt was on the floor again and almost to the table.

Boys, wash your hands.

Mama is coming this way.

And she hears that her mourning is missing.


We have looked through the whole garage.

That is, or that is in a box.

Or that is not, at least not in the kitchen.

Not in the kitchen.

We just say, no food, of course.

Yes, no.

Because it doesn't mean anything.

That's important.

Because we immediately needed everything to look for.

So I think, there will be food.

And then we were full.

That's what we do the next day.

Well, it's a bit too much food.

But never, even at home, found anything more.

It's still wonderful.

Yes, it's wonderful.


And we are back through it.

And we are back.

But of course we are also always listening to the stage.

Anyway, and for two weeks we are back on Wednesday there.


And on the link in the show notes you get 30 days free stage.

And there we have a new one.

Because we always do a birthday.

Oh yes, we always do a birthday.

But we're going to do something new.

And it comes from the cooker of Sebastian Jelle.


He has thought about it very nicely.

The bee hive.


Super nice.

So if you have something to be bee.

If you have pain.

Or just want to share something with us.

And think, do I get a solution from you?

Or what is it called?

Yes, absolutely.

For not Jodemeyst.

Not Catholic girl.



So send it in.

We find it very nice.

We are very curious.

Super nice.

So send it in.

You can send an email address.

Is Mark Marie and Issa.

Find something at

And then it comes to us.

And then we will see if you get a solution for it.

Or that we still have to do something else.

Well, that was it.

And we will see you next week.



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