Skäringer & Nessvold: Mia i slagsmål på Stureplan

Polpo Play Polpo Play 3/13/23 - 46m - PDF Transcript

It's Monday morning. The struggle of air travel is a never-ending story. There are the delays,

you have Anonymous hacking the landline with a pair of scissors,

and the taxi drivers are trying to take you hostage. No matter what, the struggle is most

definitely real. Anyway, this is Waringer and Nessfold, a quite confident polpo production.

Welcome to whatever episode this might be.

Yeah, for fuck's sake. I've never done something like this in a long time.

Or do you want to take a crispy welcome?

But I think it's good when we have a bit of a pre- and a bit of an after-talk,

so that you can get warm and cold in your clothes before and after you've put on the pod.

But now we're just going to do the red thread.

I had a bit of an SMH in the beginning, I have to say. It's not what it's called.

No, nice ham. It's not what it's called. Now we have to be able to take it right.

Yeah, but we don't get to any kind of clarity.

But you said that, it sounds like some kind of smurred egg that's been baked in some

fat cheese, like some crispy right from another country.

But tell me what it's called today that has such a fucking goal.

No, I don't know. But I held up coffee here in the beginning to give a

bit of a soft start to our dear listeners.

We shouldn't do that. We got so much hate for that thing.

It was people who felt, the same way we felt when we listened to it,

they felt like we were listening to us.

But I still think, if I can only be a little self-sufficient, that there is a

shame, but that there should be a little bit of my allergy sounds.

I think there is a market for them, Hampus.

I don't know if I should answer to that, actually, that I should

press to it, or if I should let you believe that.

I let it be unsaid.

Can't I be in that feeling?

Yes, you are. If that makes you happy that you think there is someone

who would cut up on that you have allergy sounds and mills.


No, I apologize for this overheated and tasteless start that

was still present today.

You can take it away. Last week we were up in Gorkväll,

but then we sat in Umeå and were in the middle of that.

And then we continued this day, because we left the

listeners at the hotel and went to the airport.

And we were almost a bit stressed that we were going to be with the plane.

And then you start there, but we had to sit and wait.

It was too late, what was it, two hours?

Yes, it was a bastard who had been arrested by a cable.

Or hell, he had to be very bad for the rest of that day,

but he had been arrested by the one on the outskirts, I think.

And then it was so cool that you thought it was a hacker group

that has been released by Spade and Sax and Clipsladder.

That's how they work.

Anonymous, if Anonymous has been out with a little Triggers Spade.

No, you didn't say Anonymous, what did you say?


No, that's what I said.


You didn't think Anonymous had to be out with Spade and Sax, did you?

And then you were like, hey, that's not what it's called.

Yes, but it's because I'm an airport, Hampus.

You're jumping over now.

Now you're telling such a bad story for the listeners.

Now you're jumping over.

Yes, now you get me to stand up as a hysteria.

I'm a hysteria for myself, absolutely.

In some areas, I'm always on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

But now, if it's always about such delays,

when you're in a plane, I don't fly very often,

you still have this, you know, roughly when the fear comes to you,

so you can compare a little and talk to yourself.

Yes, so on and so on.

But here it has been so that you still have a strategy to clear this up.

And then someone has had a cable when you get to the airport.

And there was no more information to get.

Of course, my scared brain is running to the other side

and the worst part is that now it's fucking...

Now it's someone who has started to terrorize us.

Now it's someone who wants to fuck with us.

I understand that, but don't think rationally, then think,

okay, Anonymous, a hacker group, they're often given the technique.

Let's see, is it a big chance that they had physically taken it to the island

where they grabbed a group and cut it in pieces? No, that's not it.

And it's even more fun when you get to find out that it was some kind of Tommy

with a hat and three shoes that you had to grab wrong,

that was completely out on the other side, and that you were bad at it.

But I saw someone with a mask, you know,

who was out with a kitchen bag and looking among the cables around the island.

And it's like that.

So that it just becomes...

Hit all the computers.

It's also true that the undercutters were Anonymous-can.

They are so good at hacking.

But they have to be careful to hack and steal something technical.

That's how the world is now, Hampus.

It's not until you have it.

Thank you, analogues now more instead.

Today we are sponsored by DaftGårds.

DaftGårds, as we call them.

Yes, because they are well-known to you.

Yes, they are very...

That's why you eat useful, Hampus.

Yes, exactly. I love Karin's lasagna specifically.

And I know that because I have been invited to stay at home.

One portion that we got to share on two.

It's fantastic in all conditions, that's what I would say.

And it's fantastic just because you can buy it in one portion.

I'm going to invite you again today and compete with Kåldormar, which is my favorite.

And Kåldormar is my favorite.

Just because I grew up with my grandmother, Nancy.

Nancy Johansson, who actually worked at Storök.

And made Kåldormar.

And they often took her home and she often made it at home.

Really, you know, that you have rice and meat and rolls in Kål,

which you put in yolk brown and then cook in tomato sauce.

It's a thing that no one does anymore.

Or there are probably some, besides the family Daafgård,

which is in Kjellby, and makes these Kåldormar.

Maybe there are some left that orcs are forced to do that.

But it's about the same salary as handwritten letter services as now.

So it reminds me a lot of moms when I eat these Kåldormar.

And you also put words on why I love Daafgård so much.

They do, I usually think that when I'm going to eat, the more home you eat, the better.

And they do exactly what you say,

dishes that you yourself can't make or others very rarely make,

but which you think are so damn good.

Also the rules that take some time to make.

A lasagne, even if it's very young, is still there.

It's a piece of meat with this meat sauce.

If you make a meat lasagne now, there's vegetarian lasagne as well.

It also has Daafgård, a very large vegetarian assortment.

Before, you are often, when it comes to ready-made food,

that they stop in as quickly as possible, or that's not good, or that's not right, or this, or this, or this, or this.

So you have to be very safe of hearing that it is a family company in Sweden

that makes this in large quantities and makes their own meat sauce, their own bechamel sauce, and so on.

There's no difference, it's just a bigger meal and bigger dishes.

Yes, and as damn good as it should be.

So thank you, Daafgård, and for more information, you can go to daafgå

Yes, we sat there for like two hours at Umeå Airport, and it was no fun at the time.

And you didn't get to hear anything, because you said, I could think of taking an earl, did you?

An earl, you were a bit like Antin Amitarru in Jönssonliga.

Look at that.

And then you said, no, I'm going out tonight, I'm starting now, then I'll be all too tired.

Yes, so I tried to sleep instead, but it didn't work out at all.

There was some position where I went to sleep in the chairs, the bar chairs, where we sat, the bar sofa.

So it was in the back row, and then I tried to break in.

We also came here. It goes so far that I tried to break in with you too.

Yes, God, you broke in.

It was such a bad break, like you had clipped on a 500-lap string and pulled it off when we were going to do it.

And such a break, you were down in that box.

A banana peel and a stick on the chair.

But it wasn't that bad, because you were holding it straight.

No, and then it started to crack.

That's when you're scared, you have no idea what I'm saying.

That's what I'm saying.

I do everything that you do.

At the end we came home, so it was actually so dramatic, but then you're quite...

I'm quite...

There's nothing that makes me so pissed off as the traffic, when people are so angry.

And to wait.

Wait for things.

This also sounds...

This can sound boring, but do you understand what I mean?

When there's no time that I have better to wait for.

To sit on a plane and say, I'll fall back in an hour.

We also got an SMS from you, because we flew home.

And it went pretty well, slowly, and changed.

And then we got some SMS from you, where you were far out on some river,

on some small gravel road, and wrote,

Now I don't know where we are on the road.

So as soon as I landed on Arlandas,

I was also waiting for something like that every damn time.

My luggage came last.

I was like, when the plane came from Prague and their bags started rolling,

all of them had already left.

So I stood there for maybe 30 minutes, waiting for something to go.

Then I ran to the taxi, which is booked.

And then I sat with it, and he says, first of all, we're driving out of Arlanda.

It happened to be a huge difference on E4 today in the morning,

so it's a bit closed, and it takes a very long time.

It wasn't a little closed, was it?

No, it was chaos. There were several trucks,

so the fruit was different than what happened earlier.

This was late in the afternoon, so we had to find an alternative way.

And then you come to the alternative, the so-called old road,

when you didn't have the E4 you drove.

And there was also chaos.

So he made a turn there and felt,

oh, I have to find something completely different here, I think.

We have to be creative.

And then he put the GPS on a road that is,

it was as if I felt even the vicinity of Stockholm.

It was cool.

It was dark.

It was rough roads.

It didn't go to meet, so in one meeting we got to back to Namsta,

so that the car could drive past.

And when we drove there, I looked at the GPS,

now it says 74 minutes on the GPS,

it should take about 40 minutes for me to get off the road.

And then these roads, I got sick.

It took me two hours home,

which was like five minutes before I went out in the evening,

and I was so irritated because there were three waiting times

that I didn't have a bed at the same time.

And that's the worst I know.

Then I was so angry.

And then I kept climbing, because I had to get out of stress.

I sat on the tunnel track,

because I felt like I was done with all the other transports,

because today we're going to drive a simple tunnel track.

I sat on there, and I felt that it smelled a bit of bice.

This is like bedding, because it's really snow-filled.

We had bought my new perfume, you know,

on the Dutif shop.

A really good nip.



A really nice nip perfume that I had sprayed on me,

because I thought I'd style it with my new perfume,

and a really nice outfit that I had worn on me.

Sitting on the tunnel track, I felt like it smelled like bice,

but it couldn't be me, so I started sniffing around a bit on myself.

I felt like it wasn't me.

And then I saw a guy sitting a bit further away,

and I thought, what the hell is he doing?

So I went and put on some nice clothes,

so that he could feel something bad about him.

So I went and put on some clothes,

because I felt like I could sit on this floor,

and maybe throw myself away.

And then I walked off, and I felt like it smelled like bice,

and it was a bit unfeeling under the sun,

so when I came up on the Kungsgatan in Stockholm,

I asked him to take a look.

You know, it's not that kind of nice dog shit,

because you can find things like that on small potatoes, hard.

But this was a really loose, yellow, disgusting,

fucking cloth that sat under the whole fucking sun.

And I was standing on the Kungsgatan,

and I don't know how to get rid of it,

because I didn't find any pearls,

so I started to walk and loose like nothing.

And then I was standing here, this was the water premiere,

there was a red matt, so I walked on the other side,

and I started to loose shoes afterwards.

And I thought, I hope no one sees me.

And then,

just when I was at the end of the matt,

a girl came up to me and said,

I have a ticket until November.

And then I was so fucking excited about this bice,

so I said, yes, and I have climbed to the bice,

and show her shoes.

Oh my god.

That you should be a bit transparent,

and I'm always like that,

and I just tell you exactly how it is,

just take it exactly where I stand, right?

Of the earth where you come and the earth will be.

It was more a feeling that she came up now and said

that she was going to see us in November,

so it was easier for her to go here and think,

God, he smelled disgusting, he always smelled like that.

Well, that's what you wanted,

because otherwise it's very strange to say that

to someone who has bought tickets.

I have tripped to the bice.

It was just that I said it with a happy tone,

and I said, I have climbed to the bice,

so to speak.

You have got tickets, and I have climbed to the bice,

one that took the world.

It's wonderful here when we get the tickets.

It's wonderful that we can be so drunk, right?


So fucking stupid.

And then I have to stand outside the restaurant on the big floor

and shake off my bice in pearl,

outside the big yard,

for a very long time,

very humiliating.

I stand and look at the painting,

and then I couldn't get rid of all the smell,

still a little bit of aftershave on this bice.

Then it took me maybe 45 minutes at that place,

then I chose a whole fucking earl over myself.

It has never happened to me.

I mean, in such a full or pleasant condition,

I have a very strong alcohol over me.

Were you going to wave with your arms,

and tell us about this bice,

and make some cool-looking tree?

What's that?

You want to talk so much,

and so high,

and wave in fun with your earl.

Yes, of course,

to wave with your arms,

and wave down the whole fucking nice outfit.

And then I can say that this perfume,

it was more like you know,

you have gone in and shaved your teeth,

then you took a toilet and sprayed it with this bathroom spray,

and tried to die,

but you still feel bice and sour oil through,

so I smelled it, and sat here,

and then my friends said,

fuck, over there are our acquaintances,

shouldn't we sit next to them?

I mean, I'm just completely fucking stupid in the head.

Should I go over and smell bice and sour oil,

and sit with a completely unknown gang for me,

and loose,

and I can't even start with scratching about it,

because it doesn't feel fun.

Here I have played an earl and written to bice.

Let's raise a finger here,

so now you're ready.

Now I'm listening,

but now I'm coming out of here and listening to this.

Your friends have planned this out tonight.


Here in your head.

They're fucking a little bit about you being in Umeå,

and the plane has become too late,

and Anonymous has been and cut a cable,

and you have been out on a train,

because you have still come out tonight,

even if you were going to Trump by Bice,

but then you will then register all your friends,

so that you can just deal with each other,

so that you smell a little bice.

I don't know.


Then you shouldn't hit each other with each other.


You can still feel that.

I feel like this a lot,

I can't come to a new company,

and not say that I am now rich,

and smell sour oil and bice,

but I can't even start with saying,

hey, he's sitting here,

I've been in bice,

and I've chosen an earl over me,

because then you get so fucking unstable.

Yes, but there you have a little Ronald McDonnell.

Here he comes with the glass box.

The lowest level of pap hammers,

in some kind of unstable condition.

But there you have to go in,

and start to wipe your shoes,

and crawl in these edges,

because it was such a deck,

what is it called here,

which is on deck,

there are always such,

what is it called,

sheep in the woods,

where you have to go in,

with some form of readiness,



bank card,

and then you have to use two years,

and be able to scratch.

You can't go on with the bice,

because there will be a little smell,

which will spit out,

when you put it in a basket,

with your legs,

or lift a foot, or...


now I think that,

after this red carpet,

a water pool,

out of the big farm,

and a cool tree,

up to the restaurant,

I think I would have worked quite well,

but perhaps the doft is in the dojo,

when I don't know.

And the earl isn't nice,

it's a bit like that.

So you know,

there was a person,

when I had a little earl over me,

there was a person behind,

because it was quite tight,

when we sat there,

and then there is a person,

who is sitting in the company,

behind me,

a guy in my age,

who has a backslick,


looks a bit expensive.

A guy like this,

who if I'm going to be completely honest,

who I have really little patience with,

when it comes to fighting.

And here I am,

usually I see that,

you know,


in the school yard,

if it was snowballs,

throw one snowball in the head,

then run in and hide,

just behind the window.

So that red hair,

is me.

So here it was,

that now this day,

had been so damn,

on so many plans,

so that my stubbornness,

was so short,

when he,

on that company,

in front of his own company,

was going to start joking,

on my expense,

and scream a little.

So you know,

it turned into me,

in two seconds.

That was what I said in the beginning,

that this is like bedding,

for a snowfall.

I wasn't even so full,

but there was something,

that said,

come not now,

your damn,

damn, big plan,

and joke,

on my expense,

because then it's fucking.

And I have all that drawing,


but right now,

I felt that I had to,

I said something about it,

and my company said,

come in here,

come now,

you know,

if this goes on,

we'll know,

he'll take you out on the street,

and you'll be blown away,

not him.

So don't go too far,

to this.

But you,

this is so moving,


a normal guy,

who always invites himself.



what I did,


come and wave your arms,

you know,

and tell,

and a little transparent,

and go,

and self distance,

and so on.

And so this day,

I've been too much,

it burns,

it burns,

so fast.

And who,

it's something,

who else,

would have been surprised with me,

in that situation,

had I been able to take,

but just that type of guy,


there is a hair-fine border,

because there I also have,


you have to think a little,

through the years,

when this is just,

if you are a person,

who always,


invites himself,

and has a self distance,

and can always invite,

then it also becomes,

it's also very,

it's also a fine balance,


when someone else,


takes and invites that thing,

then it's like,

oh, but it's so damn nice,

if that can work,

or not?

You know,

if someone else uses,

so not invited,

on their own,


it was their own,

their own,

to come,

but start,

to invite,

from another.

But it's still,

a kind intention,

but often,

the people who do,

even if it's wrong,

but he here,

had only this,

and it smells a little ugly,

can you move away a little,


have you played out,




it smells ugly,

can you move away a little,

I don't want to rub it down,

in my cabai.

If it was going to smell,

at some point,

it would have smelled,

on Stureplan.


I would have actually,

if it was Visor,

who was out that night,

and he had taken that tone,

towards me.

That can,

I take care of,

for you,

Hampus Näsvold.

If it smells,

at some point,

then it's there,

but if it's backslick,

and some fucking dropy,

such a little,



and say,


so you don't say that,

that's what was annoying.




like this,

I would have said,

when I,

when I lost it,

I would be like this,


what are you,

be careful,

stop a little bit,


what are you,

standing and saying,




what are you,


what do you want,

somewhere here,

should we,

should we,


and then I would have,

you know,

I have a fucking speed,

then I would have,

then it would have become

a real one,

straight down in the market.

I would have loved that.

And it would have only happened once,



and I would have done that for you too,

if someone had bitten,

under the swamp,

if he had,

I don't know what you heard about me,

put up this niggie that I love,



come with the pig,

then we'll take under the swamp,

we'll take under the swamp,

then I would have,

run around the swamp,

I would have run around the swamp,

put up this niggie that I love,

you know,

it was a ground and pound,

should we also,


spread it,

that's when you get someone in the back,


and then,

floor choke,

that's when you take the head

between the floors,

and climb so hard to that,

you can't climb,


that's what I think I would have done

with this little slipper,

slipper pot,


until he was angry,

let me go,

let me go,


I would have said,

now you're not in the church anymore,


come on,

let's go,




















































I think it's a different type of wax in the hair.

We're going to bake the band for the flight home.

It finally left the ship.

I wasn't the only one on this trip who was flying.

It was also our editor who was with us.

We had two people who were quite scared and you who were going to kiss the whole time.

And they didn't care. The only thing you wanted was to come home so you could go out.

The other one was through the white archive, the dead and the climate.

We were through the whole emotional register.

I can only say that my belly was trying to slow down and open up the situation.

It wasn't really realistic.

I don't think so. I think it was that you were so fucking tired that you had to make a mess.


But anyway, we were going to fly and go home.

And then we went inside the plane.

We didn't sit next to each other so we tried to organize and see if we could handle each other.

But no, it didn't turn out like that.

You had to sit well away from each other.

It was so weird.

You would have been booked up there.

You would have been in contact with Umeå, which wasn't me.

I didn't know that.

But Hampus would have been booked up there long ago.

They would have got a driver's license.

So it wouldn't be allowed to kiss the whole time.

I was sitting there all by myself.

It was so much fun.

I had two girls.

I didn't get to sit there.

We didn't get to sit there because we weren't welcome up there.

But Hampus would have been so good.

Hampus would have been sleeping before the animals had left the market.

I said that to Anna.

No, he didn't want to sit next to me.

Because there was no support.

You know, we were sitting like this.

Our hair was flying back and holding us in these fucking arm supports.

And then I also had the feeling that I was going to wake up the emergency exit.


I had to explain that I was just going to take it for you.

If we were different now, you would have been responsible for the emergency exit.

Under this flight.

I felt like, no!


Not me!

Yes, and I was almost bent.

I was shaking my whole stomach when there was a black lump in the solar plexus.


And then it's like this.

We are in a emergency situation.

Then you just have to pull here and there.

You have to show it up and down.

And then you have to throw out the door.

And then I got to start counting out like this.


I pull out the door.

I throw out the door.

Then I have to run up in the fine room and pick up Hampus.

And throw out the lump.

Because you won't react.

And I still do that.

I mean, it's some kind of emotional connection.

So I want to do that.

Then I have to get Anna out.

Then I have to get her out.

And finally I have to jump out of here.

So I had done a good job.

And then I felt that the rest of Norcan and I can't get Anna out of here.

Because then I have still opened the door.

So everyone is free to jump out.

Or how?

Yes, because you can't have an answer.

Because everyone is passing by.

And that can't be you.

No, but that can't be me.

That you are going to stand up and get out of this way.

No, my answer is just to open the door and throw out the door.

But only that thought.

You know that I'm going to open the door and throw out the door.

It's so horrible because it's the point of no return.

But it also feels like you can put that answer on whoever it is.

It should be like, this is a cheaper trip for you.

Because you have an answer to this trip.

No, but it would be clear that I have to, if I sit there and turn my head towards the emergency exit.

So it would be clear that I have to have the answer to the Tampus.

It's just that to know.

On a train you don't have an answer.

It's no one who says to you that you are sitting there.

You don't have an answer there.

And in a car you don't have an answer and you don't drive.

But on a plane you always have an answer.

And that's what you have to be able to do pretty quickly.

Pull, pull, pull out with the door.

And then run and pick up your younger friend.

It's a bit boring with the age difference.

That I don't have any friends there.

Because you are so rock and roll.

You just lie back and say, oh, are we here?

I was more like this.

I also said to Anna, wait a little bit here.

We'll see. Because they started to shout out.

That you who are going further.

There was a lot of flights.

That was Syrish.

That was Sandviken.

There were so many flights.

And in the end...

On the plane we were on?

Yes, and you didn't hear that.

No, I didn't hear that.

That was you somewhere else.

In the end they shouted out Jötterborg.

Jötterborg, then I took my cover book.

So I wrote in my cover style.

And that's when you understand that you are a pilot.

Jötterborg, I have written in my cover style.

16, 20, gate 10.

Just in cover, you know.

Then you know that you have been so scared.

And then I had this one when we left.

So we could find which gate.

Because then it was a bit boring again.

But spontaneously I would feel that this is good for you when you are flying.

That you get an answer.

Because then you have something to focus on.

That doesn't make your save.

You can't overdo it as much.

But maybe it's completely wrong.

Maybe it strengthens your save.

Yes, but it can be a bit like that.

I look at it several times.

There is a pull there.

There you have a pull.

And then you have to push it up.

And then I start to think about the thumb.

So that I wouldn't...

Then I thought that I wouldn't sit there with my hand.

I would have pushed the pull here now.

Then he would have started to push.

Like you did when we were playing that movie.

When we were opening a weird door.

And it also had a pull on it.

Then I said I wouldn't push it now.

And then you pushed it.

And my thumb, the whole finger top, was gone.

But I could at least put it on for 15 minutes.

And then I started to think about the pull.

There you have a pull.

You just pull it up like that.

And then you pull it down.

You pull one up and one down.

And then you push it again.

Yes, yes, yes.

That's going to go well.

But I wish that I was like you in the air situation.

Because it actually hit me.

Because I usually sleep right when the plane is backing out from the gate.

And then I wake up as soon as the Christmas comes down the hill.

And I was like, what the hell?

It's provoked for that.

It's totally...

Think about doing a long flight with it.


I was going to get older for several years.

I was alone sitting there.

While the whole plane was sleeping.

The different inner travels we have on such a flight

would be incredible to follow.

But what I felt was that when we flew home

I woke up before we were going down on the support wheel.

And then I thought that if it would...

He would also do such a small inner travel if it would be possible to fly once in a while.

Because I have flown so much.

So even though they have safely passed through the gates in the beginning

they are most likely to take out their headphones.

Listen to them now.

I don't listen to them for a long time.

Because then I plug in music.

So I just listen to how they are waving

and saying something about death and the west.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. You are all very well.

If something were to happen now...

What the fuck am I doing now?

You don't want to sit in the letter.

You just listen to it.

No, I just had panic.

You have...

Then I have been brutally against rule number one.

Take on the mask on yourself first.

I have been yelling at you both in the airport and in the mask.

And blouse in the pipe.

Blouse up.

I have been...

Wait a minute. I have to blouse up the plane.

I would have died.

It would have been Titanic.

Because what I could have done then,

when you would have gotten on my mask and this fucking blow-up

only airport,

I would have been able to get such panic

so I could have brought you out.

I think I saved you too.

So I keep you.

You can do this.

But you don't do that.

No, because I have been an airport or a mask.


No, Hampus.

I don't count on you actually.

But I always count on that.

That is what I mean.

Now I have got a little bit of the responsibility again

after three children.

So I have one more child.

That shows that I feel a mother's responsibility.

That I have to make sure that it is good for you.

But then I was involved in a terrible turbulence

when I was going to fly to Florida.

So when I got there,

I started googling how long it would take

to go to the boat home.

I said to Gabba,

I am going with such a container boat.

What are they called?

These things that are fracking things.

Yes, a garbage bag.

Yes, I do that.

I only take the plane home.

And then it was added so that my daughter reacts.

She doesn't usually come here.

She can shake pretty well in both coffee cups and things.

And she still looks at some romantic comedies like this.

And the head goes like this.

But I am already sitting,

so as soon as it just moves a little bit,

I say, what?


I start looking around like an ary-pap.


Back and forth.

But then she had to say,

Mom, what happens to me?

And when she says that,

you have never experienced that?

No, I experienced that kind of super-turbulence once.

But then it was,

we were in a kind of seven-year-old who traveled by herself,

who thought that she should think that this is pretty scary.

And it was enriching.

But then she put her hand on my hand

so that I was alive.

And it was so fucking yellow,

so then I couldn't, like,

take it out.

And then when we landed,

it was going to be applied.

When we had landed in Kalmar,

I thought the floor was so easy.

And it was no danger.

So I often say that.

But that's not enough for me in that way,

because I want to take a helicopter flight.

Then I took a seat.

Now I have started to look at this program,

a helicopter flight that is out in big waves.

And then I felt that it was not always alternative.

Then it was more that I got to emigrate

and see if I could get your family before a year,

at least that I got to stay in Florida.

You know, here in Key West,

I thought I might be able to create

a little apartment here.

There are many surfers,

some kind of old surfers with dreads.

I can become a friend.

I'll take a little beer here

and a little colored house.

That would be nice.

And a lot of lobster rolls.

So maybe the family can move down.

But we haven't found anything.

Now we've come up with one situation.

When we land in Slagsmål,

you're the one who's going to save me.

If we land on a plane,

you're the one who's going to crash.

You're the one who's going to save me.

There must be a time when you can save me.

We have to have some example

on how I can explain what the hero is.

Now it's a bit too quiet,

a bit too long.

No, Hampus, of course we have.

Wait a minute.

Now we're going to think about this.

What's your biggest fear?


When you're done working,

the question is...

Then we only have one.

And then it's about

if we land on a spy bar.

Maybe you could save me

if I show you.

Maybe that's why

I want to land on a club with you.

That I feel like

that's the situation I'm in

for once.

Yes, you might be able to help me

in any way through a night

or evening.

I don't know if you're going there.

I think so.

Are we 23?

You're rolling in, right?

No, it's pretty early.


Maybe 0-2.

Okay, 0-2.

Oh, you see already.

And then I'm going to survive.

How many hours

should we start?

Two hours.

Yes, you don't have five.

It can't be me.

Three, maybe four.

Two hours.

No, but we're sitting on five

and I'm going to survive to five.

That's good.

That's what I'm good at.

And there's no such

emergency exit.

There was a time when

you had to go through the kitchen.

Was there a time when they took

in through the kitchen

on the spy bar?

Maybe you can take me out

through the kitchen

if I hope so.

That you're helping me out there.

But this is not a

life-threatening situation.


I think that kind of situation

I really wanted to get

out there.

I have to be safe.

You still have some kind of

strategy for

how to act

in any case.

How to act

in any case

if it would be a crisis.

I always think that

it will never be a crisis.

I wonder if that's

what makes me not really

able to go into

these thoughts

that you have

with plans and things.

Because I don't get

that far.

I think it's easy

to solve them.

Yes, but I think

that's because you have

a hypochondriac.

Because that's where you

go into all possibilities.

That's where you draw

all the diagnoses

and make decisions

and think about it.

And then it's about the same


Have you made

exactly the same

kind of attitude

as me?

Although you are

a hypochondriac.

And I am

more existential.

How do we


as human beings

on earth?

And you have more

how do I


How do you


How do you


How do you


How do you


How do you


How do you


How do you


That makes

me 30 in an

hour in my


How do you


How do



How do you


How do you


How do you


How do you


How do you


How do you


How do you


How do

you survive?

So Ellen laughed a lot in the middle of a little joke when I got a little sad.

I love when you take from the household like this.

But then she films me, like I usually film you when you get angry.

And then when I got to see this video, I got angry.

Because she has, like, got all my personality in 10 seconds.

This is what you put the word on sometimes.

That I'm like a buddy, but also like a child type.

That it's two in one, apparently.

And then it's a joke where I'm sad because she's acting a little too late at night.

I think I'm sad and angry when I want to take it easy.

And then I keep it in the glass bowl at the same time as I am very sad.

And say it to her, but grow up.

Who even eats the glass, Hampus?

It's this long glass bowl in ice.

Yes, I know exactly, but it's yellow.

It's yellow inside.

When you have been sad for a long time, there will be something disgusting that looks out of the glass.

You're going to see this video now, just see if you can see it.

Here I am, in pants and T-shirt, with a screw in hand.

And tell Helen that she is angry.

Grow up!

Should I grow up?

Yes, absolutely.

What have you bought now?

I have a screw.

Oh, I should grow up.

You can't even remember that you should grow up.

I don't know how to say it, but it's disgusting sometimes I just say it.

And you also lick it at the same time.

Do you have to beg to take a sip while you are discussing?

To go around in the glass bowl and say to someone,

you are so disgusting and at the same time hold a screw in a glass, but half a meter long.

You can't take it in the glass bowl, it's not possible, Hampus.

To be stupid, but ice in hand and glass in hand.

I love Helen that she catches things like this on film, because it strengthens my whole.

It also helps me in our relationship with Traven.



And Gabbe is not late to help you in Traven either, so it's no longer right.

He has helped you in Traven many times with different films and shorts and so on.

So I think that Helen will also start more directly in collaboration with Mia Schärringen.

It was funny that you said shorts too, I also think it's a matter of direction.

It's like B.P. photo, you have called it shorts.

Now I'm more of a picture when it's a phone call, but you still say shorts.

Think of that lovely time when you went with a roll.

When you left the roll down there, and then you had to wait like a week before the pictures came,

and there was one single picture.

You saw a little thin sunburn and a nice cut in the hair on it.

Even if you blend the picture, you were damn happy.

You sorted out all the pictures where people blend, but then there was one picture here on top,

but there were always still four people with ugly eyes that are loose.

But it didn't matter, you were thin and sunburned, I think.

I had many pictures of myself.

I was away from the pictures where I was lying and had open eyes for the pictures where I looked nice,

even if it was red or when I was blending.

So it was like, it was based on what you had before shooting the picture yourself.

But it was funny that you continued in shorts.

You get a picture that I have fractured, that kind of cold picture to me,

that I can use against you in Hat from London.

It was still lovely at that time, I think.

Now it's so damn...

Now everything is going to be perfect.

Then it was, it was those pictures you had to work with.

And the negatives, I think you got the negatives with,

so you could hold them up in sunlight and look at them.

This is far ahead of my time, I can say.

You know, I'm going to tell you about that, for example.

Then you got a paper.

I'll take the popcorn.

Yes, but now you can listen to this in that case.

This is history.

This is not a history lesson, you have to know that.

There were places you could put a card on.

And then you got a nice piece of paper,

where the cards were in one pocket,

and then there was a small pocket in front of it,

where all the negatives were low.

How strange was that?

And then you got to sit there for a long time,

when these pictures came.

If we had taken pictures of a theater exhibition,

and Christmas Eve, and New Year's Eve, and school and graduation,

then you start to bled and look at these pictures,

and then you would put them in a photo album.

And if you wanted more, you had to leave the negatives in,

so you could take more pictures,

because if you found a good one yourself,

you could put it up in an example of ten.

So you had that picture,

and sent it out to different guys,

who you were different in love with.

But do you know what I missed at that time?

We can get a bit of panic in our present time.

When you yourself were little,

pictures and photos, or even my parents did it,

and collected it in a photo album,

and then there was a bucket on the wind,

very specific.

Here we have memories of things,

it's parties, it's children's room,

it's engraving, it's a lot of things.

Now you only often have your mobile phone,

where you take pictures of your children and life.

I can get panic about that,

that you have so 34,000 pictures in one phone,

when the fuck should you get them out,

should they always be here in support?

Should you say that later? No, unfortunately, Lilo,

for Helio and Alfred, I got these,

and Pyssla, I know.

They got an album,

and this fucking band from BB,

almost dried up,

I'm not saying that,

but everything that was from BB,

the cards on those plastic bags,

they were in newspapers, pictures,

they have, from what they put out,

the head of their mother,

until they were a couple of years old,

there were small yellow handwritten notes.

Lilo, he's hanging loose in something,

in an iCloud-mode.

He got so Facebook-video,

remember Lilo.

No, but that's actually a bit of a shame.

But that would be kind of exhausting,

because it's also something when you have a phone,

you can take 14 pictures of the same object,

and then they're in a phone,

pretty common,

but before they had a camera,

it was so boring,

put it up now,

now we take a picture,

so that it's not so complicated,

you almost had to do it in time,

with some important additions,

just to have them saved,

because here it will disappear,

I think.

No, I think we actually have to take a picture

of if we're going to take the back

of the physical photo album,

because this with the goal and the iPhone,

I'm panicking a bit about that,

that a lot will go wrong.

I like what I hear, Hampus,

now you're,

now you're starting to come in here,

from Rista Lakan,

did you come in with?

Now you're going to take the back

of the photo album.

Don't forget that I'm with you

almost every week,

it's a long interview with me,

that I'll tell you more.

And then in Kala Vagnan,

on Sunday,

I have a program,

all night long,

you can listen to me

when I tell you more about this.

Can you,

can you call into the program,

that Hampus?

Yes, man,

and talk about Lakan

and the photo album.

And not least,

Hampus will also tell you about hand style,

is hand style on the way,

that you die or is there hope?

In Kala Vagnan,

on Saturday,

23 o'clock.

So I'm sitting in Kala Vagnan,

with ice cream in my hand.

Yes, I think so,

you should do that.

You should keep it young,

if you only have ice cream,

yes, exactly,

you only have ice cream in your hand,

so I think we will

stir in between,

something that is very good.

Yes, I like this.

And in the meantime,

let's just thank a little for us,

this month,

and remind you that

tickets are available

to our show,

show, show.

And then you can,

if you don't already,

follow Skäringen and Näsvold

in different platforms.

No, there you have to say,

mail address,

where do you come in,

do you have the tickets, Hampus?

Yes, have you thought about that?

Okay, back.

So here you have to know

if you are going to send Kala Vagnan,


A little radio knowledge.

No, you suck on a little ticket,

or more,

then you go in

at skä

Yes, and now you can also listen

on this podcast,

in a very cozy way,

by loading the app,

that we have made,


and there you will find all the podcasts.

So like to listen to the podcast,

download the app,

Pollpoplay on App Store,

it is very nice,

and walk around in it.

Walk around,

and I'll see you next month.


Have fun!

Thank you for listening to this


Thank you for listening to this podcast,

and only at McDonald's.

Also ASA in

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Mia tar hand om nödutgången, Hampus flytväst samt syrgasmasken på planet från Umeå medan Hampus sover gott FRAMFÖR lyxgardinen ombord. Men allt brukar ju jämna ut sig för vid hemkomst väntar både försening, avföring och utvevad öl. Tur då att man har en kompis som verkligen kan slåss och ta hårda grepp under svampen på Stureplan. Nessvold bråkar med isglass i munnen och leder inom kort Karlavagnen. Skäringer håller kurs om kort och negativ. Viktigt!

Medverkande: Mia Skäringer & Hampus Nessvold

Skäringer & Nessvold klipps och redigeras av: Micke Solkulle & Anna Spolander

Produktionsbolag: polpo play

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.