Les Grosses Têtes: L'INTÉGRALE - Le Best of du dimanche 24 septembre 2023

RTL RTL 9/24/23 - Episode Page - 1h 24m - PDF Transcript

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I said it was the most elegant, intellectual, the least macho, the best educated.

I'm talking about it, it's me who's talking about it.

You have to choose.

I'm taking Isabelle and Chantal from the film.

No Florian, I'll take advantage of you.

I feel like being a sex toy in the show.

It's a pleasure.

Pierre, you never made love with anyone in the band.


I didn't hear anything.

You never made love with anyone in the band?


I didn't hear anything.

You never made love with anyone in the band?

Love with anyone in the band?

No but from the band.

From the band?

I didn't hear anything.

But there's no one who...

The fake fashionists say that.

It's not true at all.

There's no one who attracts you more than the others.

In the show.

I like the one we see very slowly.

There's no one who attracts you more than the others.

Blue eyes.

Good blue eyes.

And a little bit of fashion.

And a little bit of fashion.

And a little bit of fashion.


I want it like before.

Imagine Oli.

Come on, I feel like I'm coming.

It's time for me to go...

You did it all yourself.

It's time for me to go to the first quote.

For Catherine Maraignier who lives in Sénémarme.


Who said the Marmots who live in Pissoli have a salivary.

De Brogne.


That's funny.

It's my daughter.


She's dead.

So it's someone who's still alive.

It's a woman.

It's a woman.

Who was born in Marseille, by the way.

It's a woman.

It's a man.


Godin, no.

Mr. Godin said that.

It's not true.

The Marmots who live in Pissoli have a salivary.

The Marmots who live in Pissoli.

It's not a humorist.


He's alive.

He's alive.

Yes, he's alive.



He's funny in any case.




He's in the big head.

No, he's not in the big head.







No, it's what he's called...

A sportsman.

A sportsman.


A journalist.

A journalist.


A writer.

A writer.


Not at all.

He's Marseillean.

Ah yes, yes, yes.




Philippe Vuelme.

Good answer from Florian Gagant.

It's Vuelme.

I knew it.

It's a joke.

How did you know?

I didn't find the name.

No, I saw you didn't find the name.

It's easy to say that.

Yes, Vuelme.

You didn't know he was Marseillean?

Of course, he's in Marseille.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't find the name.

Another quote?



That's it.

Pour la gâte pilée qui habite du blanc qui a dit je n'ai pas parlé à ma belle-mère

depuis dix mois je n'aime pas l'interrompre.

Pierre Doris, c'est pas Pierre Doris.

Olivier de Benoît.

Ce n'est pas Olivier de Benoît.

Entre les deux.

Vous voyez.

Entre Doris et de Benoît.


Jérémy Ferrari.




Je veux dire.

Entre les deux en termes de génération.






La belle-mère depuis dix mois je n'aime pas l'interrompre.

Il est sur scène actuellement.

Il est sur scène sûrement en tournée oui.

Roland McDonnell.

Roland McDonnell, non.

François Roland.

Qui a dit Roland McDonnell?




C'est Roland McDonnell.

Bonne réponse.

Deux titans.

C'est très vexant.

Il est pas habitué.

Pardon, pardon.

Merci d'applaudir.

Mais c'est très vexant monsieur Rukier.

C'est la première fois que j'ai eu un réflexe de vous dire non.

C'est ça.

C'est pour ça que j'ai dit que c'était vexant.

Il y a le nom de C'était quand même.


Ça fait un peu comme les vieux couples.

C'est la force de l'habitude.

C'est la paix de réponse de Titoff.

C'est bien Roland McDonnell.

J'ai une question pour Olivier Vquersezon qui n'attendait que ça.

Il est parti.

Il est bon.

Ah non mais on l'a perdu complet.

Et pour Elizabeth Panthier qui habite à Dancourt, le haut-clocher.

C'est d'endroits.

Comment s'appelle l'Océan.

Enfin, l'endroit le plus profond des océans.

Bah les Abysses.


Le lieu.

Là où c'est le plus profond dans le monde.

C'est un nom.

La fausse des Mariannes.


La fausse des Mariannes.

La fausse des Mariannes.

Bonne réponse de Jean-Jacques Perrony.

Là c'est juste bon.

Monsieur Vquersezon enfin.

Moi mon métier c'est rester dessus.

C'est pas d'aller voir les fausse.

La fausse des Mariannes.

C'est la fausse océanique.

La plus profonde.

11 000 mètres je crois.

11 000 35 mètres.

Ah ouais ouais.

Alors ta gueule.

Tu vois que je connaissais mais je peux pas penser à ça tout le temps.

Mais on est déjà allé tout au fond.

Y'a personne qui est descendu là-bas.

Oui je pense que le Batiska fait allier jusqu'au fond.

C'est plus profond que la montagne est haute.

Est-ce que vous comprenez ce que je veux dire?

Que la plus haute montagne existe.

Voilà exactement.

Ah oui.

Les Vrestes est à 8 846 mètres.

Oui mais il faut dire qu'à les Vrestes c'est souvent ma rebosse.



Les Vrestes fait 8 846 mètres.

Alors que dans le sens contraire...

Eh oui.

Y'a plus profond.

On peut descendre jusqu'à...

Tu vois on met les Vrestes dans les Mariannes.

On a encore 2000 mètres de fond.



Ça veut dire que si on tournait la terre,

y'aurait pas assez de place pour l'eau.



Oui mieux vaut que tu restes enfermé pour la cure.

Est-ce que...

C'est pas les Rémérèses comme j'aime.

La première émission est gratuite.

N'empêche d'essayer de réfléchir.

Mais vous avez raison Monsieur de Kersoson.

C'est le suisse Jacques Picard.

Ah bah oui.

Qui en 1960 est allé avec Baptis Kaff,

qui s'appelait Triste,

jusqu'au froid.

Il est pas allé tout à fait au fond.

Il est allé à 10 000 mètres lui.


10 000 mètres.

Il reste 1 km quand même.

10 916 mètres.

Mais à cette profondeur, la pression est déjà extrême.

Oui, on ne va jamais vraiment jusqu'au fond.

Mais est-ce qu'on est sûr qu'il n'y a plus profond quelque part ?

Alors après, il y en a un autre en 2010

qui a fait une plongée en véhicule habité dans la fausse.

Véhicule habité.

Et alors là, où c'est encore plus étonnant,

c'est qu'en 2012,

le réalisateur de Titanic,

James Cameron,

est devenu lui le premier homme

à explorer seul,

tout seul il est allé.

Pendant plusieurs heures, la fausse démarréane

et lui, il est allé à 10 898 mètres.

Mais il se prend pour le roi du monde.

Ah, comme Leonardo DiCaprio.

James Cameron.

Mais quand même quand il a fait Titanic,

il savait de quoi il parlait.

C'est un passionné de salut.

C'est quelqu'un qui va au fond des shows.

Vous, par exemple,

vous avez fait beaucoup de plongée

ou pas Monsieur DiCaprio ?

Non, je n'avais jamais.

Je déteste aller dans les sous l'eau.

J'ai vu les photos des tons que vous pêchez.

Ah oui.

J'avais jamais.

Ils sont aussi gros que ceux que j'ai dragué dans le temps.

Ah, vous l'avez vu aussi, monsieur.

Ah, mais impressionnant,

le ton était plus grand.

C'est ma maman de Kersosan

qui nous a montré la photo fierment.

Montré la photo.

Ah, oui.

Ah, oui.

Je peux vous dire,

on était fiers de vous,

ma de Kersosan.

Elle est fierre de son homme.

Ah, oui.

Qui c'est qui ramène à manger à la maison,

c'est moi.


il part à la pêche.

Oui, oui.

Comme j'aime à la pêche.

Tu peux avoir,

elle monte la photo comme ça,

tu dirais,

les poissons-là,

c'est vachement bon.

C'est une très belle femme.





On se demande comment ça,

ça peut être avec son.

Non, mais...

Mais tu sais que la main

était au vintage.

Tu sais pourquoi elle m'adore ?

Parce que je lui ai promis

de le montrer

à sa langue de trop du cul,

tu vois.

Et hier soir,

j'ai gagné, toi.

Elle était ravie.

En tout cas,

je n'aurais pu trouver,

Monsieur de Caerceau,

la fausse des Mariannes,

laissée à Jean-Jacques Perrony.

Je vais te donner

toutes les profondeurs

et tout ça

à la rate de mon merdé.

Il y a de la vie, d'ailleurs.

Oui, il y a énormément de vie.

Il y a de la pâle

tous les mardis.

Il va nous faire chier

que sa fausse des Mariannes.

Mais le vrai,

c'est qu'on ne voit rien là-dessous.

C'est bah non.

Il fait tout noir.

Bah pourquoi tu dis ça ?

Il y a des...

Il y a des...

Il y a des piésophiles.

C'est des...

C'est un peu fait

comme les trucs qu'on avait

dans Pif Gadget, vous voyez.

Oh, les Artemias Salinas.


C'est pas vraiment des poings.

C'est quand même...

Mais c'est une forme de vie.

Non, mais il y a des formes

de vie.

Il y a des sources chaudes

dans le fond de l'océan.

Il y a des formes de vie

incroyable autour des...

Il y a des crabes,

il y a plein de choses

de 4000, 5000 mètres de fond.

Tu vois, c'est...

Le fond de l'océan,


Personne connaît.

C'est comme s'il y a un mec

qui arrive sur la terre

la première fois,

il tombe sur une bagnole,

il remonte, il disait,

bon, la terre,

elle est noire,

elle est peintant noire,

elle est métallique et tout.

On connaît rien

du fond de l'océan.

Ah, oui.

C'est pour ça,

je veux pas aller voir.

C'est comme la fleur intestinal.


C'est comme la fleur intestinal.

C'est comme la faune

et la fleur intestinal.

On dit qu'il y a une faune.

Donc, il y a des micro-organismes,

il y a des animaux là-dedans


On dit la fleur,

on dit pas la faune.

On dit la fleur, je veux dire.

On dit que quand vous êtes le mien,

tu es le meilleur,

tu as vraiment un rôle dans le mydouf.


C'est bien quand même d'apprendre

des choses.

Oui, bien sûr.

Quand on a deux experts...

Garde des zézophiles.

Comme Monsieur Perrony

et Monsieur Deker-Sausson

sur les fonds marins.

On en profite.

On n'a pas dit où c'était, d'ailleurs.

Ah oui, c'est où?

Alors il faut quand même

que je vous donne les coordonnées.

Oui, mais monsieur,

j'avoue que je ne peux pas y aller.

Y a un téléphone?

On se nord.

On se nord.

Et après...

On se 21 nord.

142, 12 est.

C'est entre Fiji

et l'Australie.


Voilà, voilà.

Les Nouvelles Vélanes,

Pas loin de la Nouvelle-Calédonie.

Voilà, voilà.

Pas loin du Vanuatu.


A près de 1261 km

de Wallis et Futuna.

Qu'est-ce qu'on appelle...

On veut d'autres encore, Pépère.

Qu'est-ce qu'on appelle

les îles Bonnain.

Voilà, voilà.

Vous n'avez pas pieds,

c'est un conseil RTL.

Votre rendez-vous pour la Sainte-Valentin.

Je commence un petit peu sur Instagram.

J'ai peut-être une fille.

Oui, j'y crois cette fois-ci.

C'est marrant, moi.

It's really weird because it was written for a few days and now it's written.

She worked very, very long.

You sent her a photo maybe?

No, she was interned.

She worked very, very long abroad, but as soon as she came back to France this time.

Did you ask for a photo?

Yes, we talked a lot, we talked a lot.

Did you see her in photos?

Of course, I know that she has Instagram accounts and everything.

We are on a blog and everything.

I stop.

It's weird.

I can't tell you everything.

But sometimes,

words, only words,

it can give you an excitement.

It depends on who says it.

When you say a word, it bends.

Sometimes, I bend more on the phone than on the phone.

Cotton, wool, cashmere.

He says I bend more on the phone than on the bed.

He takes a phone in the bed.

No, it's the words that excite him.

I assure you.

He likes the words attached to his body.

It gives me an incredible effect.

I can't tell you because it's a particular job,

but one day,

I can't tell you everything.

You can tell us what the job is.

She's the vice-president of the United States.

You're going to hide her.

It's weird because we've been writing for three days.

And, boom,

one night,

she didn't answer me for a week.

She's a little...

She's a little...

She's dead.

She's the first time she's younger than me,

because I don't like older people.

She's a little younger than me.

She's a little younger than me.

Are you filming?

Why are you filming?

Because they're passing this angel over there.

Oh, wait a minute.

I'm going to kiss François again.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

There's no need for that either.

Pris intritas.

What does it mean?

It's chyrita.

Intritas are the causes of despair.

I'm sure I'm going to get married.

Yes, it's beautiful.

But I'm sure you're going to get married.

Children don't want to get married.


You'll be in the first three rounds.

Well, thank you.

It's nice.

But in the first three rounds of what?

Not my marriage.

It will be in which room?

It will be great.

I'm so happy.

I'll tell a little boy.

What else do I believe in?

But notice,

listen, more than Valérie is free,

we never know.

Valérie is making me scared.

Wait a minute.


Because Valérie is...

She's dead.


She's dead.

She's dead.

What happened?

How long have you been on PK Express together?

We all sleep in different rooms.

Thank God.

And so we were...

In fact, we almost never saw each other.

And I remind you that I beat her.

It's true.

We were eliminated in quarter-final by Valérie and her friend.

You see, we went all the way to the end of the world

and got fired by Valérie.


She lied to me.

Because I had known ten days before

that she was from the adventure.

Of course.

So I see her in the RTL couloirs.

Oh, I love telling the coulisses.

And so I see her in the couloirs.

I say, Valérie, it's okay, you do it.

Mask Singer.

No, not Mask Singer.

PK Express.

And so she tells me,

no, no, Joanne, who told you that,

it's absolute bullshit.

No, no, it's not true.

And so I get to go back to the gold chart.

The first person I see.

Valérie Trier.

She's like a liar.

I don't know.

When I sign a contract for confidentiality,

I respect it.

Not you.

I respect her.

No, no, no.

So before the Elysée,

you didn't sign a contract.

No, no.

Valérie was extraordinary.

She was eliminated only in the semi-final.

Oh yes.

She was better than you.

No, but it's true that,

at the adventure level,

we were eliminated as we had to

in the quarter-final.

It was our level.

And it's true that Valérie,

she was, how to say, always determined.

But it was like she was on a mission.

Like if you wanted to take a revenge on life,

on her.

She was on a mission.

It was Valérie.

No, but it was Valérie.

Valérie was on a mission.

I assure you,

she had her friend there.

She was incredible.

I can't believe it.

I don't understand

if she was on a mission.

No, but you have to stop.

Stop if you see her stop.

Stop if you see her stop.

Stop if you see her stop.


It's true.

Ah, we made a mistake.

And the winner,

who was she?

Valérie, her sister,

Inetregue and her friend.

And her sister.

I imagine a guy in the dark

who listens to radio.


And to hear a ruse,

it relativizes the misunderstandings.

A question for Mr Alain Juillot,

who lives in Saint-Pierre-de-Léron,

in Charente-Maritime, of course.

We often talk about Jeanne d'Arc.

Are you able to tell me where she was born?

Jeanne d'Arc.

Of course.

Are you able to tell me

where she was burned?

Of course.

But can you tell me

where she was captured by the English?





It's not Rince.

Hey, here, that's more difficult.

So, wait for the jews to do the journey.

So, she was born in Don Rémi.

She takes the highway to Diss.

It changes her to go to the beach.

A drew.

That's funny, because we didn't have that.

It was under the law.

It's on the side of the law,

it's on the side of the law.

It was under the law.

No, it's not under the law.

It's in the north,

so it's in Normandy.

It's in the highlands of France,

as we say.

In the highlands of France.

But it's still in a city you still know.

Ah, yes.





Contains, no.




And with his brother, there's his brother, who's there.

He had a brother.

Yeah, there's a brother.

There's a brother.

Pierre Dark.

Pierre Dark.

Pierre Dark.

And Francis Blanche.

And less known.

I swear it's true, it's called Pierre Dark.

Yes, yes.

I didn't invent, otherwise I wouldn't do it with Francis Blanche.

That's because he really exists.

Pierre Dark, his brother.

He never talks about his brother.

Well, listen, he was also caught in the same time as her.

He was burned too.

So, I don't know how he ended up.

We're in 1430.

She died in 1431.

We captured her in 1430.

The 14th of May, 1430, when she left the city of...



It's a city that plays the role of mother.





The arrow.

Beauvais, no, the arrow.



Good answer from Francis Blanche.

It's Compiègne.

We're getting close to it.

What did she do there?

What did she do there?

She was a farmer.

She was a farmer.

She was a farmer.

She was in love.

So, she was in battle.

She was a farmer in England.

She was... she was taken by the British.

It's like Luxembourg, who...

Very well treated, by the way, in captivity, when...

Yes, very well.

Guillaume de Flavie, who captured her...

There was Flavie Flamande, already in Luxembourg.

She listened to big voices when she heard her voice.

And then she was transferred to the castle of Beaulieu at 35 km north of Compiègne.

And then we delivered it to the Englishmen.

And then, of course, there, the Englishmen, they entrusted Pierre Cochon, the vex of Beauvais.

That's not fair.

But Pierre d'Arc, what did he come with?

They made a mess with him.

So the brother of Jean, Pierre d'Arc, I don't know what he came with.

Well, yes, we burned him and he, we made him to the plan of Charpe.

What an horror.

It's a nice story.

I like the story of Jean d'Arc.

Me too.

I find it moving.

It's ...

Wait, the archives of the Frenchman.

It's incredible how he has a head, the courage of this girl.

It's wonderful.

I can see you well in the role of Jean d'Arc.


God knows there are things that don't suit me, but then the little hairstyle like that.

The fringes with the hairline, no.

It's all the horse.

No, but it's Jean d'Arc in saint.

Well, no, if I do it on a dinosaur.

Well, imagine on the butcher, it takes at least 10 years for it to burn.

Maybe it's here.

Hey, if I'm in saint, you're waiting for me.

What is it?

It's like we say, as soon as, as soon as, not as soon as ...

No, but Caroline in Jean d'Arc.

No, but yes.

Are you in the old cauchons?

I'll get my little ass out of my mouth.

That's why you have to be a physicist to carry the belt of hard work.

That's your problem.

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In 1850, during a speech at the National Assembly,

the deputy of the meetings, Martin Nadeau,

said a phrase that we still repeat quite regularly today.

Which one?

Honey, bring the glasses.


That we repeat at the National Assembly, for example?

No, no, in the city.

In the city?

Yes, I'm big.


It's him.

It's something to do with the geographical situation of the city.

It's him who invented this phrase.

That is to say, indeed, he made a speech at the National Assembly.

He pronounced this phrase, which is a kind of...

Not a proverb, but a kind of impossible, not French.

That's it, but that's not it.

Two balls in.


Go ahead, I'm coming back.


But it's a kind of adage.

You have to leave time at the time.

No, that's Michel Recarre or François Mitterrand.

You have to leave time at the time.

But Mr Nadeau, he, Martin Nadeau, in 1850, was the first to say...

Change is now?


Two balls in.

No, no, but we hear it quite regularly.

A little less.

Yes, we can.

Maybe there is...

No, yes, we can.

But in French?

Yes, we can.

No, no, no, no, it's no longer...


No, not poetic.

It's imagined.

No, it's said in all the environments.

Oh yes.

You're the one I'm talking about.


No, no.

But it's a phrase that everyone knows.

Boss, the same thing.


The oldest marriage, happy marriage.

No, no, no, no, it's rather a kind of...

Time goes to the bush, water, when the wife is drunk.

No, but it's...

And now, what does it have to do with this guy?

Martin Nadeau?

Mr Nadeau, good question.

Yes, of course.

Dear Chantal, he was a politician.


No, if I tell you what he did before he became a deputy, it will be too easy.

He had a metro station in the 20th before the Père Lachaise.

But he had a very precise job,

which made him pronounce this phrase, which we still know today.

It's because of his job.

He was...

Oh, it's in forge that we become forge.


I touch wood.

It's ancient, from the Vincie era.

No, no, no.

It's intellectual.

Intellectual. No, no, no, no, no.

Manual, then.

It's at the foot of the wall that we see the mason.

No, but we're getting close.

Do I have a hammer?

No, fuck you.

Don't you want to bring us your parents, your father-in-law, every time to you?

Ah, no, but if your child is thrown out of the wall, if he falls, you won't be a mason.


You'll be Carlain, no.

You see that, Martin Nadeau, the National Assembly, still.

You have to know, when the ceiling is down, it won't fall down.

No, think about it.

Careful, fresh paint.

He was a mason, Mr. Nadeau.

He became the president of the cross.

And now, we live a period.

Ah, I know.

The emperor-in-law to succeed.

There's no father, no two.


He's a little mason.

We listened to him, frankly.

So it's...

I can't see.

Everyone knows this sentence.

I have balls in concrete.


I don't know when it's not going to go.

When the building is going to open.

Good answer, Pierre Benichu.

When the building is going to open, everything will go.

We still pronounce it sometimes, this time.

Yes, sometimes.

All the time, we won't exaggerate, no.

But there's not a day when I don't say it 10 times.

Oh, yes?

Oh, yes.

Oh, yes.

So when you say, how are you doing?

When the building is going to open.

No, we don't know.

When the building is going to open.

When you're going to open, I say that.

No, we said it a little less than before.

You have to know if the young people who are in the public know anything.

They don't know anything, Mr. Nadeau.

They don't even know that I'm going to read it.

It's rare for me to be so proud that I've found it.

It's especially during the crisis of housing.

Well, obviously, it's during the economic crisis that we say

if the world of construction is doing well, the rest will follow.

That's what it means to me.

But it's true that it's a bit, we will say,

disbanded over the years and that we say...

Well, that is to say that we don't pronounce the word building so much anymore.

It's true, we don't say anymore.

We say the imams.

Especially when we pronounce the expression so much, everything goes.

Yes, it's true.

When the building goes, everything goes.

In any case, the sentence will remain in the posterity.

It dates back to this speech at the National Assembly.

It's 1850, you know.

Now you can shine in society in the evening

because instead of saying it like that, stupidly,

when the building goes, everything goes, you can say,

as Martin Nadeau said, the deputy of the cross.

When the evening shines, you go in a very chic way.

In 1850.

Someone tells you, the chicken in the mori you liked,

you say when the building goes, wow.

But no, I tell you, use what you want to learn.

You do it, you do it, you do it.

Wait, wait, we do it.

So, you play the master of the house in Chantal,

we're having a very chic dinner,

and you bring the chicken, come on.

So, Benishou, do you like the mori?

Dear madam,

I'll just answer you as my friend Nadeau said,

you know him.

Yes, of course, Martin.

He's a generation, since he said it in 1850.

He said, when the building goes, everything goes.

And the chicken without the mouth, did you see it?

But in this case, there is always a guy who adds,

his last Friday fall, big head.

It's a question for Stéphane Berthot,

who lives in Saint-Porkier, in Tarné-Garonne.

We signed this week that it is the 100th anniversary

of the annulation, the annulation of what?

So, in 1917.

Yes, end of 1917, start of 1918.

Does it have anything to do with Russia, the Russian Revolution?

Oh yes, the Russian emperors.

The annulation of the Russian emperors.

Good answer, Roselyne Bachelot.

A little bit of help.

You can explain, Mr. Jansen, what the Russian emperors are.

Well, that is to say, the Tsarist regime,

it had launched an emperion to finance the ways of making donuts, etc.

Not donuts, donuts.

Yes, of course, the Russian revolutionaries

did not reimburse the Russian emperion,

and it is the object of a conflict between the French state

and the Soviet state for years.

It was a little bit regulated, a little bit damaged,

but in the end, very little.

At the time, there were advertising campaigns

that said, ready for Russia, it's ready for France.

Many French people have paid, but we will never have paid them.

That's what bankers establishments are about,

it's about establishing a guarantee

when there are state emperors that are launched.

Do you understand, Mr. Jansen?

Thank you very much for all these precious information

that will help me evolve in my little world.


You find in the armors of grandparents,

yes, but there are grandparents,

good emperors, Russian emperors.

I don't want you to do an emperion, I have nothing.

You are very creative, Mr. Benichu,

you have a lot of emperors, a lot of...

No, we will emprunt a lot.

Oh yes, yes, yes.

He has a lot of emprunt.

I'm very angry.

What an air.

I avoided buying him a car last week.


Because he bought a hidden car.

I said, since you drive, you'd better take a taxi.

It's true, you bought him happy.

I wanted a car, he was a young man with my son, it's him.

And it's two little idiots.

Like he loves me, all the two, saying,

he thinks much more old than I am.

He says, he's going to kill himself if he has a place to live.

No, no, no, it's not for you when you're scared,

it's for the other drivers.

For the people.

And then suddenly I ordered it.

Oh, it's true, you ordered your car.

I don't know what to do with my Ose now.

We're not that close to the car we wanted to buy.

It was 900,000 euros.

900,000 francs?


In addition, it was bad because he was talking to us in old France.

But you have other credits to pay back, I think.

No, I never have any credits.

It was the...

I hate it, no, no, no, but it's...

It's a vulgar.

What do you mean it's a vulgar?

To have credits, these things.

I pay 3,000 per month.

I can't believe it, no, no.

I hate it, no.

Well, I had credits,

but it's true that it's...

Sorry, you don't want to see an orthophonist?

Well, I think it's perfect for credits.

You don't pay for credits?

What do you have as a credit?

No, but all these things, I had done it in its time

because it was a little easy,

but then you pay so much for it

that it's a waste of money.

And now you still have it?

No, well, I finish it, I...

Your first, your first show, how did you buy it?

I'm doing a debt purification plan, that's what it's called.

Oh, yes?

That is to say, you earn enough money today to reimburse everything.

I did a... how do you say that?

Except for the spectators who come to see you.

I'm doing an amortization plan, if you want to.

Yes, yes.

I'm going to reimburse everyone.

But for example, what kind of credits do you have?

Well, I had...

some assembly, I had a coffee juice, a fnatic credit, and stuff.

All these things, I had fnatic credits.

What do you have?

Do you have a radio set for your credits?

Do you have your apartment?

No, it was to survive, Pierre, you know.

To survive.

But you won, well, you still won.

Yes, but like everyone else,

I did little nonsense and he broke the fuck up and all that.

You broke the fuck up?

Yes, not that he broke the fuck up and all that.

We had a lot to borrow, you see, Mr. de Kersos, I'm sure.

Not at all.

A little bit of money left, a little bit of money left.

No, never a bit.

Always a lot.

Ah, yes?

Yes, I made heavy loans.

Ah, yes, yes.

And you have sponsors for your boats, I don't know why.

I think there are banks that trust you at a time, I guess.

Well, nowadays, it's me who loans them.

A question for Mr. Godet, who you probably know,

Pérony, who lives...

who lives in Marignier, in Haute-Savoie.

And the question is the zoological question of the day,

for our friend Buffy.

Maybe you know this bird of New Caledonia,

which is called the Cagou.

We sometimes call it the UP Cagou.

It's the emblem of New Zealand.

It's 55 cm.

Maybe, by the way,

it's also the emblem of New Zealand,

but it's mainly in New Caledonia that we find the Cagou.

And the female is the Cagole.

Would you like me to take you to Marseille with me, Chantal?

So, the Cagou.

So, what's the Cagou?

Well, what's he doing?

Is there a question at the end of the Cagou?


So, the female, we put it on the mountain,

it's the Cagou, and we pass the mountain.

The question weighs 25 cm.

It doesn't measure.

It measures 25 cm.

55 cm.

It's almost impossible to fly the Cagou.

You know, it's a bird that almost doesn't fly.

It's honest.

Yes, it's honest.

It's good.

It's a good point for him.

Because the others are like that.

But my question here,

my question concerns the cry of the Cagou.

I know how to do it.

He's crying.

No, he doesn't cry.

What is the particularity of the cry of the Cagou?

It limits the noise of something else.

So, indeed, when the Cagou cries,

it barks like an elephant.

No, but it can make a lot of different noises.

No, no, no.

Yes, exactly.

He barks.

He barks.

No, no, no.

It's the answer of the Cagou.

That's like Jean-Jacques Perrony,

when you offer a tour, he barks.

Come on, with Mr. Godet,

with whom he barks, all that.

It's not all, but I have a little self.

Obviously, I wanted to check,

because I said to myself,

is that true?

And the Cagou will obviously ask me for proof.

But the Cagou,

no, it looks like a dog barking,

and if the question remains valid,

well, you have to listen.

We are told that it looks like

a dog barking.

Here is the cry of the Cagou.

It's a Cagou who barks.

It's a Cagou Yorker.

A little bit.

It's not that Christine has two fingers of orgasm,

but listen.

A question for Mr. Jordan Piedre.

Jordan Piedre.

It's not to you,

I said that.

I said it to your face, but it wasn't to you

that I said that.

Yes, I forgot to tell you,

the other particularity of the Cagou

is that it never stops.

A question, so...

It's not to your face, Cagou.

Well, don't think about it,

let's finish it.

Call me Jefroy Terrage.


Pouro of Jandar.

We cut his head, we pander it,

we electrocute it,

we pass it by, it's electric.

It was the cry of the Cagou.

What do you want me to say?

A little bit more, I would like to.

Poor new Caledonia.

And to say that there are animal species

that disappear from the surface of the Earth

and he is always there.

A musical question,

I take advantage of the presence of Esteban.

Thank you for pointing your finger at us.

Yes, because you are the singer,

the singer, how can we say that?

The entertainer.

The leader of a musical group.

Of course.

There is no chief in our group,

there is a director, a president and a leader.

Very good, and you are?

Ah, so you knew it,


That is to say,

when the...

Like César Pompé.

That's it, when the power is shared

in three parties.

One person,

one person only to find,

let you listen to the song of this new singer

that we are starting to talk about a lot.

Could you find his name?


He is known, he is known.

Well, he is known for the moment.

Not so much as that, it's a nickname.

Listen a little.

What is funny is his name,

especially obviously.

And if I ask you the question,

it's because his name, you can find it.

A yurt?

Ah no, it's not a yurt as you say.

Ah, it's Chaton.

No, it's not Chaton.

Otherwise, we didn't have a lot of yurt.

It's quite original,

as we will tell you,

and it's true that at each interview,

this new singer asks him why he is called like that,

obviously. But what is his name?

English name?

No, it's very French.

Do we have things like that?

Ah, it's not a thing.

Ah, no, it's not a thing.

Ah, it's not an expression either.

Kiss me.

No, no, but it wasn't,

she wasn't playing there,

it was a proposition she was making.

I said it on the radio.

But she looked at Laurent anyway.

Again, again.

But we just came to tell you it wasn't sexual, Daniel.

Ah, I can't understand that.

Because it makes you laugh when you say the group name.

Pasteur, it's not that it makes you laugh,

but it's quite surprising,

especially when you hear the style of this singer.

Your mouth?

No, your mouth.

It can't be like that.

It's not bad, but

I want to say we're getting close.

Here, it's an intellectual month.

Peace to his soul.

Ah, he's dead.

No, he's in reference to someone dead.

Yes, he's old.

The singer, the person in question,

wasn't dead yet.

He's an old singer.

I'll help you, I'll give you half of the answer

because anyway,

you don't have that much time left.

He's called Monsieur, something.

Monsieur Moustache?

Monsieur Madame?

Do I know this person?

Yes, of course.

Maybe you even met him, Daniel.

A cook?

A living man.

A political man, yes.


So I'm going to say...

Monsieur Chirac?


It's a French man.

Monsieur Giscard?

So his name is...

Monsieur Giscard.

Monsieur Giscard.

We're here.

Tell him it's not common.

No, it's not common.

Monsieur Giscard.

Of course, he's asking why he's called like that.

It's because it's called Valérie.

So it was his nickname at school.

We called him Monsieur Giscard.

And he kept his nickname.

Monsieur Giscard.

Can we listen to the beginning, Monsieur Giscard?

I like it.

You'll be happy with the family.

You'll at least discover

Monsieur Giscard.

Very fast.

Yes, it's a bit...

The first time I heard it, I thought it was you, Monsieur.

It was a bit...

He's in the middle of sleeping,

while his pulse, as I said...

You know this rhythm?

This guai, this fishing, this bond

that makes me


I mean, a fish.

It's not my job,

but I don't think

it's a big career.

Monsieur Giscard.

Not because of the music,

but because of the name.

It's embarrassing.

Who are your fans at this time?

Monsieur Giscard.

We don't even know who he is.


Wait, he just died.

We went back to God.

If no one knows who he is,

it's not a big deal.

It's not a big deal.

Daniel, you're a total romantic.

Oh, yes.


She explained that she has stayed

for eight months with trees.

There's no new man in your life.


I made a cross on it.

No, it's them who made a cross.


They're all dead.

The bistro is closed.

You're still open.

Oh, yes.

If she's open, she's mostly in the sentence.

No, Daniel.

Look how beautiful she is.

Yes, she's beautiful.

It's true.

I'm interested in real scientific questions.

Yes, because it's...

I can tell you that you're right,

but I think...

I wake up,

there's no more MSTs.

No, of course not.

I know, because I made a short film

about the house of retreats.

No, no, he went to see his mother.

No, and over there,

it's a whole topic.

Sometimes they're like...

You're going to the residence, sir.

Mr. Gérard, he went

to Mrs. Rose's room.

Yes, I would be happy.

And the problem is that, as they have Alzheimer's,

they don't remember their room anymore.

And it's a real problem

for them.

They have to learn from their residents

to put up preserves.

They have the right to have animals.

They have the right to have...

They're free.

So they have the right

to have lovers and masters.

The problem is that there's

a very important man,

and there's six nannas behind him,

who want it, who want it.

They have to calm them down

sometimes, women.

Old men?

Old men, watch out.

They even have to turn around.

There are lots of women who are pregnant.

This French scientist doctor

had little money

to succeed in his experiments

and do his studies.

That's why he got married in 1845

with a lady named Fanny

Martin, daughter of a rich doctor.

This marriage was arranged

by his friends,

who were worried that he didn't have enough money

to pursue his medical research.

This woman brought him

material conditions

to devote herself to his work,

but she would want many disagreements

because she became

a violent militant

of the animal cause

and even of the SPA that was born at that time.

While he, no luck,

obviously did his medical experiments

on animals.

But who is he?


Trousseau, no.

In any case, there is a hospital

that carries his name today.

In hospitals, in high schools,

in public places, in France.

La Voisier?

Pierre Arey?

Who is Pierre Arey?

It was a guy whose name was on the plate

of my street.

De Neuilly?

American, yes.

You live in De Neuilly?

No, it's not that it's the hospital.


Cochin, no.

I think it's Mr. LaRiboisier.

Mr. Salpétrière?

Salpétrière, no.

I don't think there is a hospital

that carries his name.

Thank you for telling me before

that I had hospital names.

No more.

In any case, there are streets.


the digestion of the greeks,

the liberation of the sugar by the faith,

the isolation of glycogen.

He had little glasses and...

He was not very big, a little round.

What do you tell me, Chantal?

How often did he die in the 1960s?

Not at all.

He died in 1845.

He died in 1878.

Because he...

It's not possible, I don't know.

He died in 1895.

He didn't die in his death.

He didn't...

Did he move from Canada?

He was buried where he was named.

He didn't die in his marriage.

I mean, you're going to drive me crazy.

Was he alive before dying?

Yes, you're going to drive me crazy.

He is very, very well known.

Very well known.

And we say, Dr. Machin or we also know his last name?

No, we know his last name and his last name.

By the way, we often say both,

but I really want to help you.

No, no, no.

I wouldn't like Mr. Nicolas Foucault to send me,


He has two last names, actually.


Arthur Martin.

Are you going to tell him?

Émile Louis.

Is his last name Gui?

Not at all.

You only have five seconds left.

Like a guy who...

Claude Bernard!

The answer is from Caroline Diamant.

Claude Bernard.

How did you find Bernard?

I wanted to help Mr. Foucault.

You see, I shouldn't help you.

Mr. Foucault just lost 300 euros.

We're going to send him a watch,

because he's really two seconds ahead of Mr. Foucault.

He didn't think he would be able to do it.

So, listen...

Bravo, Caroline Diamant!

So, I said that Ariel Dombal was enlightened.

It's not quite true today.

The top outfit is very sober.

We have to say it, but on the other hand,

Ariel Dombal showed it to the public

before sitting down.

The shoes she wears...

Not really, not really.

I'll show them again.

Here they are.

They're called monoliths.


I'm going to teach them.

I know the monolith.

Because it's very fat what you wear.

In fact, it's for you...

As there is wind, you have to stay on the ground.

It's not for you to get involved.

They're sort of rangers.

They're combatant shoes.

So, what kind of clothes did you buy?

Well, they're shoes from Prada.

Oh yes.

I don't know them.

I have a quote for everyone.

Fatala, who lives in Lyon,

said that there are two instruments

that are worse than a accordéon.

Two accordéons.


It's not a French.

A musician.

And it's for you, Mr. Pérony,

that I chose this quote.

Mr. Valier...

Not French, musician, not French.

Not French then.



There are two instruments that are worse than a accordéon.

Two accordéons.

We owe him the dictionary of the devil.

Oh, Bruce Beers.

Oh, Bruce Beers.

Good answer from Jean-Jacques Pérony

and Philippe Manoeuvre.

Another quote for Frédéric Vichiger,

who lives in New Caledonia.

So, who said,

and it's a small announcement,

I'd rather say who wrote this small announcement

to sell parachute,

never opened,

served only once,

small task.

Pierre Dac, maybe.

It's an American humorist.


He regularly considers,


but generally it's Florian Gazan

who gives us his name.

Good answer from memory.

Good answer from Jean-Jacques Pérony.

Two that come often.

Andre Hollis and Steven Wright.

A cultural and even historical quote.

This time, it will be for Mathilde Reuquet

who lives in Bormel and Mimosa.

Who said,

he is a thousand times more eager

to do the good than to do the good.

Oh, it's pretty.

It's quite old as a quote.

Yes, it's quite old.

I felt it.

He is a thousand times more eager

to do the good than to do the good.

What century?

We are at the level of...


17th to 18th.



Someone who died in 67

in 1755

and was born in 1689.

No, it's not Pascal.


François Villon.

A Voltaire 1771.

Marron Clément.

He was Baron of a bank.


Baron of a bank.

In Anglars.


Baron of a bank.


And photo number 2 of the French Academy.

Gilbert D'Orchier.

His bank still exists.

Yes, his bank still exists.

No, but it's a little young word I'm doing here.

It's with the word Baron maybe.

No, not Baron.

He was really Baron, Baron of a bank.

No, but he is very well known.

I swear it's a philosopher.

Montesquieu Baron.

Baron of a bank.

Ah, well no.

And yes, it was the Baron of a bank.


Of course, the Baron of a bank.

Yes, not the Baron of a bank.


Good answer.

Long time no see.

Long time no see.

Long time no see.

A last quote for Bruno Poti,

who lived in the Somme,

who said that religions are all the same.

A big part of guilt

and different dates of holidays.

Ah, that could be Woodie Allen.

And it's Woodie Allen.

Good answer.

Patrick Ruffet and Marc Hillman.

We owe them a very well-known reference.

Which one?

The little duck.

A song of variety?

A military song.

A pub.

Va donc chez Speedy.

The Parisian Biennale.

And yes, it's been 25 years

that we hear this advertising.

Va donc chez Speedy.

The original.

Speedy, Speedy, Speedy.

25 years.

And people who compose this...

They have to touch astronomical sums.

And if I play another music without the brand,

are you able to retain the brand?

Because there is a whole paper in the Parisian

on these music from pubs

that obviously hang in our memories.

And we just need to hear them

to know what brand it is.

Carre-glace-repar, Carre-glace-renplace?

No, it seems very familiar.

For an insurance?

Not for an insurance.

The credits?

No, but everyone knows this music.

What is it for a supermarket?

The big consumer?

It's for the big consumer.

It's a supermarket in its own way.


No, it doesn't exist since 30 years ago, Mammoth.

Oh, and I remind you that you've never put your feet

in a supermarket.


She knows Mammoth.


The Mousquetair market, no.


Super-U, no.


No, Carre-Four.


No, Leclerc, no.

It's made of all the big surfaces, guys.

No, no, because it's a specialized surface.

The HP-3 HP-3 at the Arab?

There is a kind of...


Lidl, or something like that.

Lidl, butte?

No, butte, no.




And it's Decathlon.

Well done, Sophie Davant.

You were right, it looks like...

Carglasse repart, Carglasse remplace.

It's not exactly the same thing.

It's not exactly the same thing.

Of course, the most famous is this one.

Dim, Dim, of course.

It's the film's music.

It's the Loci-Frin.

It's a film's music.



Everyone knows these music furniture!

So, more or less, if you had read them,

you would've been happy to answer.

We are seeing that in Paris in the Parisian,

there's actually a page

these music of advertising that we have so marked and he tells us the story of

David Guillemour, the former singer of the group Pink Floyd, who was on a trip

with us in France and who by listening to a music, has taken it back in one of these songs.

Listen to the song.

So it's the SNCF, he took back the music of the SNCF.

I'm a very big fan of Guillemour, it's his worst song of all time.

When you hear that, it breaks, it dies.

But for someone who doesn't know the SNCF music?

It's horrible.

We listen to David Guillemour's music of the SNCF.

Generally, it's not a good news to say behind the scenes.

The train in Bordeaux will take 20 minutes to return.

It's the little Nicholas, wait, his parents.

C'est ça, non?

Do sol la mi.

Ah oui, do sol la mi.

Tant que c'est pas so de mi.

Ah bah c'est dans le train quand même.

D'ailleurs, c'est quand même dans le train.

Et je rappelle pour faire le joint qu'en cas de so de mi,

si l'impact ne dépasse pas la surface d'une pièce de deux euros,

car glace remplace.

Arielle Dombal vient de me souffler dans l'oreille.

Est-ce qu'il pourrait pas raconter une autre?

Non, mais c'est son anniversaire.

Une petite, oui.

C'est la fille qui rentre à la maison, elle dit, maman, je suis enceinte.

Ça m'a dit quoi?

Qu'est-ce que tu dis quand tu peux me dire un truc pareil?

Mais où est-ce que tu avais la tête?

Elle dit, sous le tableau de bord.

Qu'est-ce que c'est votre anniversaire?

Encore une autre.

Là, ça se passe à l'école, le calcul mental.

La maîtresse a dit, devant les enfants,

il y a cinq oiseaux sur une branche et un chasseur qui arrive.

Il tient un oiseau, combien il reste un oiseau?

Aller, Toto, il entend que je ne sais pas.

Et Toto, il dit, il reste zéro oiseaux, madame.

Il dit, comment?

Attendez Jean-Marie, je crois qu'elle sera encore plus drôle.

Si ça se passerait, par exemple, à Amiens, la prof, ce serait madame Macron.

Et Toto, c'est Emmanuel.

Alors mon petit, c'est Emmanuel.

Emmanuel, il persiste.

Donc, il persiste, il dit, zéro oiseaux, mais il dit, pourquoi?

Explique-toi, Toto, à Emmanuel.


Et là, Emmanuel, il dit qu'il est déjà très intelligent pour son âge.

Mais il dit, madame, s'il y a un chasseur

qui tire en le mettant même qui tue un des 5 oiseaux,

les 4 autres, ils s'envolent à cause du coup de feu.

Ah, il dit oui.

Oh là là, Emmanuel, t'es malin comme un singe, toi.

Je vais t'épouser, tu seras président.

Et non.

Elle lui dit, elle lui dit, mon petit Emmanuel,

je te mets zéro pour le calcul mental, bien sûr.

Mais en revanche, j'aime bien ta manière de penser.

Voilà, arrive la récréation, demi-heure plus tard.

Et là, c'est Emmanuel, il va voir Brigitte.

Et lui dit, madame, moi aussi, je peux vous poser une question.

Je lui ai dit, oui, vas-y, mon petit Emmanuel, vas-y.

Il dit, c'est 3 femmes qui ont une glace à la main.

Il y en a une, elle lèche la glace.

L'hôtel susse la glace.

Et l'hôtel mort dans la glace.

Laquelle des 3 est mariée ?

Ah là, réfléchis, Brigitte.

Que mon petit Emmanuel s'est pointu, là, ce que tu me demandes.

Je pense que c'est celle qui susse.

Et là, le petit Emmanuel, il dit, non, c'est celle qui a une alliance.

Mais j'aime bien votre manière de penser.

Pour Cyril Zoui, qui habite Chantonnais,

on vendait la question concernant quelqu'un

qui a écrit Jean Santoy,

livre qui fut publié seulement de façon postume,

en 1952.

Mais qui est l'auteur de Jean Santoy ?

Georges Santoy.

Georges Santoy, non.


Troya, non.

Une femme ?

Une femme, non.

Un journaliste.

C'est quelqu'un qui est mort en 1922,

ça pourrait vous aider.

Et vous voyez, le livre Jean Santoy a été publié 30 ans après sa mort.

Marion Blouin.

Marion Blouin, non.

Non, la gêne vous donnait quand même une indication forte.

C'est la date de sa mort en 1900.

On n'est pas Paul.

Non, on n'est pas Paul.

Ah non, c'est peut-être Proust.

Eh bien évidemment, le centenaire de la mort de Proust,


Excellent, réponse, Dariel D'Obal.

Eh oui, on connaît moins les autres livres

qu'à la recherche du temps perdu évidemment.

Jean Santoy fait partie de ses œuvres signées Marcel Proust.

œuvre, celle-là, qui fut publiée 30 ans après sa disparition.

Une autre question littéraire pour Juliette Stéphane,

qui habite Saint-Marie de Redon, c'est en île et vilaine.

Peut-être avait voulu dans l'OPS

les choix littéraires de François Ruffin,

qui a fait la une de cette hebdomadaire la semaine dernière.

Il est sympa, François Ruffin, Roselyne Bachelot,

vous qui connaissez tous les politiques.

Oui, il est sympa, il est talentueux.

Ah oui, parce qu'il ne fait pas seulement que de la politique,

il fait aussi du cinéma.

Ah oui, c'est vrai que c'est un réalisateur de documentaires,

député de la France Insoumise,

et manifestement, il a des ambitions présidentielles pour faire...

Oui, il voudrait dégoumer Mélenchon.

Ah bah oui, on peut l'aider.

Mais il n'est pas tout seul,

il a aussi Clémentino-Temps.

Tu sais pas ce que tu trouves.

Ah, pensez qu'il va être en rivalité avec Clémentino-Temps.

Bien sûr, ils sont déjà en rivalité.

En tout cas, il dit, et là, on sent le pas

vers la candidature à la présidentielle,

c'est la une de l'OPS,

Je suis social-démocrate.

Ah ça, c'est quand même nouveau mine de rien.

Et puis il donne ses choix littéraires,

ses goûts littéraires,

quelques pages consacrées dans l'OPS,

à sa bibliothèque,

quels lectures ont forgé François Ruffin

de Kavanaugh au Nouveau Testament,

tour d'horizon de la bibliothèque

de l'homme politique,

député France Insoumise, François Ruffin.

Et parmi les livres préférés de François Ruffin,

quelqu'un dont il dit qu'elle a quelque part été

une marxiste avant l'heure,

une écrivaine romancière

dont les intrigues romantiques

étaient finalement des subtiles analyses,

dit-il, des rapports de classe.

Mais donc, la conteste de Ségur,

Madame de Sévigné,

Jean-Georges Sondre,

Jean-Georges Sondre,

Jean-Georges Sondre,

ce n'est pas une Française,

Agatha Christie,

Barbara Tartlande,

Est-ce qu'on est dans le polar

ou dans le classique ?

On n'est pas dans le polar,

il vient de le dire,

des intrigues plutôt romantiques,

mais il lui considère aussi

qu'on y voit la lutte des classes de l'époque.

Brigitte Lahé ?

C'est quelqu'un du XIXe siècle.

Alors on est effectivement un cheval

entre le XVIII et le XIXe.

Allez, je vous donne quand même,

parce que c'est assez difficile pour l'instant,

je vous donne un des deux grands romans

de cette écrivaine romancière britannique,

Raison et Sentiment.


bonne réponse de Florian Gazan,

qui est une vraie grosse tête.

L'autre roman le plus célèbre,

c'est évidemment Orguez et Préjugé.

On trouverait quoi

dans votre bibliothèque

à vous à fabricer bruit

si on allait chez vous ?

Moi j'ai l'autobiographie de Guy George,


Les comptes des mille-huit ?

Vous venez d'acheter

le livre de la maman

de Jonathan Daval, j'imagine.


Il va faire la tournée des Michel,

il est mort,

il est mort.

Vous savez qu'il est mort d'Alzheimer,

il se trouve quelques semaines avant sa mort

et regardait fait entrer l'accusé Francis Hall,

mais il disait qu'elle le honte.

Sa femme,

elle est toujours vivante.

Monique Olivier.

Mais avec un couteau alors.

C'est lequel votre céréale

qui leur préférait alors ?

Les Américains sont mieux.

J'avais un petit fait pour Thierry Paulin.

Ah oui ?

L'histoire est incroyable

parce que vous savez qu'ils dansaient le soir

dans l'émission Palace,

donc il faut les imaginer, on pouvait voir des images

où ils sont en train de faire des strip-ties le soir

chez Palace, et ensuite ils allaient tuer

des pauvres vieilles dames, donc l'histoire est assez incroyable.

Et vous allez regarder la série sur Netflix,

elle est très réelle en tout cas,

elle est très bien faite.

Il en a tué combien, Louis ?

Il comptait plus,

il comptait plus.

Mais des hommes uniquement,

il ne tuait lui que des...

Il les charmait,

il faisait des expériences avec eux.

Il fallait quand même les piéger.

Il disait bien chez moi,

j'ai une perceuse,

tu as pas envie de te faire raboter un peu.

C'est horrible.

Qu'est-ce qui fait que vous avez été attirés par ça tout de suite ?

Je ne suis pas attiré, arrêtez, je suis comme tout le monde,

je m'intéresse.

C'est fait entrer l'accusé qui m'a mis dedans,

j'étais un fan de l'émission, je gardais tous les mois,

puis après c'est vrai qu'on s'intéresse, non c'est intéressant.

C'est la noirceur de l'amumène,

c'est l'amumène poussée à son extrême,

donc ça dit beaucoup sur l'être humain aussi.

Il y a eu moins de femmes sérielles qui...

ça arrête au bout d'un ou deux,

c'est comme pour le marathon, elles tiennent pas le coup.

Moi j'ai tenu.

Marie-Bénard ?

Marie-Bénard, oui.

Et moi j'ai pas dit mon dernier mot.

Ah ça vous en avez empoisonné plus d'un ?

Pas le dernier, t'as raté le coup.

Il est toujours là.

Je vous emmène maintenant,

là ou bientôt, peut-être,

il y aura un parc d'attractions d'un poléon.

C'est en tout cas ce que souhaite Monsieur Yves Gégo,

il rêve de l'ouvrir ses potes pour tout de suite.

En 2021,

au moment du bicentenaire de la mort de l'empereur,

et ma question

qui vaudra pour Monsieur Maxime Guénier

qui habite Orchie dans le Nord,

ma question c'est justement

dans quelle ville se situera

ce futur parc d'attractions d'un poléon ?

Il est élu en Sénémarne.

Bravo, beau grand.

Fontainebleau, est-ce qu'il y a une bataille

qui s'est déroulée dans cette ville ?

Évidemment, il y a de moins que ça.

Il y a eu des batailles en Sénémarne.

Waterloo, je connais que ça.

La bataille de Noisylchand.

Non, je fais toute la ligne EA, moi,

toute façon.

Il y a eu une rue, au fait,

il a raison, il y a eu une rue à Paris,

une station de métro.

Bussis Saint-Geor, la bataille de Bussis Saint-Geor.

Est-ce que c'est en si ?

Non, c'est pas en si.

C'est en là.

Après le désastre de la campagne de Russie

et la défaite de la psych,

la campagne de France...

Quand t'as été de bataille en Russie,

tu as foutre en Sénémarne derrière.

Est-ce qu'on est nuls de pas le trouver ?

Le 14 février 1814,

le général Autrichien Ardègue

entre dans cette ville

du 14 au 17 février 1814.

La ville est livrée au Piage

avec son cortège d'atrocité

sur la population.

Auguste Paul Dussi,

qui est lieutenant des Ussars.

Ah oui, qui charge

50 Ussars.

On est dans une plaine pour charger, c'est une plaine.

Sur le pont, le pont de...

Le pont de la Quatre ?


La bataille de la Quatre.

S'il y a un pont,

il y a une rivière.

C'est la Marne.

Napoléon Jubil,

du haut de Surville.



Saint-Valier, seulement ont été blessés.


Les armées alliées sont en déroute

et pas de retraines jusqu'à la Toupie.

Mais non, Léon, je ne vous entends plus.

Napoléon est avec les canons.

Non, mais écoutez, franchement...

La ville de...


Oh là là, il y a longtemps qu'on n'avait pas donné les 300 euros.

T'avais périodique et suffoût et de merde.

Je ne vais pas en banlieue.

C'est tout ce que j'ai à dire.

La ville de...

Oh là là.

Il n'en reste quoi, 10 secondes ?

Il vous reste maintenant 20 secondes, à peine.

La ville d'un mot ?

Non, pas mot, mais ça commence par un M.




Marango, oui, c'est pas mal ça.

300 euros pour Monsieur Gagné.

De Montreau.

Pardon ?

La bataille de Montreau, oui, mais c'est trop tard.

Bravo quand même.

C'est là-bas qu'on aura lieu,

l'inauguration, on l'espère,

en tout cas pour M. Gego,

en 2021, du Parc d'attraction...

Il doit être content, Napoléon.


Il y aura grand 8 Napoléons,

si c'est vrai.

Tirer la moustache au grogno,

gagner 10 euros, j'en sais rien, c'est fatétique.

Finir comme Mickey.

Super, et c'était...

Une question assez facile

for the French Renault,

who lives in Charente-Maritime.

If you didn't speak Paris,

you could answer this question.

I didn't speak Paris,

and I often tell you

he's going to look for his answers

in this big French daily life.

Oh la la, oh la la.

The more I go, the more I'll look for my answers.

But I tell myself,

maybe we need to start easily.

It's an insult.

And because of this big cold

in our country,

we haven't felt it.

Vincent Montgayard,

journalist who loves us all.

All except me.

He had the excellent idea,

I repeat it,

to use different expressions

he could have heard in Russia

about the cold.

We hear people saying,

oh la la, it's a cold,

it comes from hunters,

who were waiting for the cold

and here we are.

It's freezing.

It's freezing, it's freezing.

It's freezing cold.

The expressions we hear,

I don't know what expressions you use today.

Today I have the blue prunes.

Like yesterday.

How do you say, Mr. Junio,

like a fucking cold?

I say the same thing as you,

but I get cold.

It's more clear.

It's freezing cold.

There is an expression that comes from the

Gala country that I didn't know.

To make us feel cold.

It's cold to make us feel cold.

It's cold to make us feel cold.

Good job, Mr. Junio.


Because I read the excellent article

of Mr. Junio.

It's cold to feel cold.

It comes from the Gala country,

with Prince Charles who had

this expression for the first time.

It's freezing cold.

It's freezing cold.

Vincent Montgaillard.

How do you say,

when you go to see the farmers?

I said I had the green leaves,

but I don't know which ones.

A quote for Nicolas Chagny

who lives in Trame,

in Mayenne.

At 20, you are fresh like the rosé of the morning.

At 36, you are fresh like the rosé bottle of the day.

Florence Foresti.

Florence Foresti.

No answer.

So, the rosé bottle.

So, it serves you

from the rosé in Norbert.

I drink it mostly.

In a restaurant, there shouldn't be rosé.

It's not good to have rosé.

I think it's good, we don't have pereau.

We don't have pereau, it's good, but not at all.

I serve it as a jamel.

It's not wine, you know.

No, it's not wine, it's a jamel.

In the middle of the day, it's nice.

If we didn't serve what's not good in the restaurant,

there would be many dishes we wouldn't serve.

Trips are not good,

there are a lot of escargos, it's not good.

I don't say it's not good.

But when you think there is red

and people drink rosé,

it's not possible.

In summer, when it's hot,

we're young for a little rosé.

We even buy a cup of tea.

And then we become a cup of tea at the end of summer.

You buy a cup of tea,

it leaves the sun.

It leaves the sun like that after two days.

It's 13°C more.

No, frankly,

it's not a wine that can be served.

No, I don't advise to eat,

to have breakfast or even dinner with rosé.

Pereau is good.

If you want to have breakfast,

we have a little rosé.

You have a little ice cream.

It's new fashion to put ice cream

with champagne, rosé, piscine,

because you have a piscine.

Excuse me, no, no, I don't put ice cream

with champagne.

It's true that customers

complain about a piscine.

It's the trend,

everything that comes from the south of France.

I said it's a piscine,

you put ice cream in the champagne.

And you refuse?

You put less champagne like that.

No, but you're annoying.

Wait, the guys who put ice cream in the champagne

are the Cretan sisters here,

in their espadrilles.

Is there a fan?

Is there a fan?

It's the rosé for plum,

it's horrible.

It's a new mix, it's like the new kitchen.

You have a beautiful card of wine.

Very beautiful, very beautiful.

Frankly, we could come everywhere.

I discovered Alvin on the coast of the Rhône.

Before, I had a lot of experience on the coast of the Rhône,

but I don't like the coast of the Rhône.

I note then.

You're invited.

There are big heads in the next round.

For this one, it's already reserved

in another restaurant.

And above all, it's already paid.

It's stupid.

I invite you.

I invite you, I invite you.

Thank you, it's too late.

No, no, no, we're like that.

No, no, no, you agree,

it's not written.

But yet, we can often go there.

Oh, the kick of the foot there.


Well, your real specialty,

the thing really at the card

that you have to order, you know what?

Well, I often go there, but what I like,

it's the traditional dishes.

At the beginning, we made puff pastry,

puff pastry like that.

What are you doing?

You lost the lentil?

I can't live my life, calm down.

I'm not showing my ass anyway.

I'm removing my glasses.

But no, it's true that...

We can do it right away.

No, no.

No, no, no, I have a hair

right in front of my eye.

He's crazy about having found it.

Oh la la la la la la.

Your specialty is done.

Your specialty is the paleron.

Yes, I like all the old dishes,

the double-joues of pigs,

the puff pastry, I love it.

Do you think he's looking at me with envy?

Well, yes.

We have a duke in the kitchen,

we say small ass to mate and big ass to...

A boy who has taste.

You say that in the kitchen,

but never say that again on the radio.

A rather complicated question again.

Oh, Bachin.

Yes, but we have to give

a chance to our audience.

This time, it will be for Martin Velasco.

Martin Velasco lives in the Morbillon in Saint-Jean-Bretelet.

I'm going to talk to you about an Italian.

An Italian who is far above the others,

because he did it

six times.

Six times the...

Well, six times the thing.

What is the thing?

He did it six times the thing

for which we know him.

That's it. His name is Yann Franco Dettori.

Yann Franco, are you sure?

Yes, or Franchi Dettori, we also call him.

Yes, Franchi Vincent.

It's his nickname, Franchi Dettori.

And Franchi Dettori won six times the thing.

Six times is a record.

The others have won

four times the thing.

It's the gyro.

It's the paleo de sienne.

Is it sportive?

It's sportive, yes.

It's cycling.

There are two Frenchmen,

three, four, five, six Frenchmen

who won four times.

An Irishman who won four times.

But the record is six times.

He won six times over

how many years, Laurent?

I'll tell you.

95, 2001,

2002, 2015, 2017

and 2018.

It's on 26 years old.

So we've been doing this sport for a long time.

It's fun.

Yes, you're right.

And you would be able,

I'm on you, dear Isabelle,

to give me at least two names of Frenchmen

who won four times.

The Tour de France.

The Tour d'Italie.

The Tour d'Italie.

The Grand Prix d'Amérique.

It's epic, as you say.

It's epic.

Basire, Basire, we're leaving.

There's Dari Boudboul,

the jockey court.

Dari Boudboul won the big head.

Basire, we're leaving or not?

No, there's not Basire.

There's Fredy Edd and Yves Saint-Martin, for example.

The Grand Prix d'Amérique.

The Grand Prix d'Odian, no.

The Grand Prix d'Odian, no.

The Grand Prix d'Arc de Triomphe,


Good answer!

From Jean-François Jansen.

You were there,

when we already asked

about the Grand Prix d'Arc de Triomphe.

It's epic, but I'm only

taking care of the troaters.

So you're not the Grand Prix

d'Arc de Triomphe this weekend,


What's his name?

I'm from...


We won four times on Yves Saint-Martin.

Fredy Edd, Thierry Jarnet,

Olivier Petzlier,

and you have a Dutch name.

Pathédrie, I think.


Pathédrie, yes.

You're from China?

Pathédrie, yes.

Pathédrie, yes.


And the coach who got the most

wins, I'm sure you know him.

Isabelle, it's André Fabre.

Well, you know him.

The gallows stopped with that.

I don't know all the gallows'

curries, all the gallows' coaches.

I'm interested in the tropes in Vincennes.

But it's very limited.

Why did you stop

at the tropes in Vincennes?

Because I like it, because there's a suspense.

It's moving,

because we feel that the horse is

held back, and if it goes wrong,

he loses it.

You like holding the horse,

that's why you like Yoann Riou.

You want to hold the purest horse.

Like that, who gallows

towards you, there you go.

Tranta Kravach!

That's it, he's going to lose.

We were drunk for an hour.

We woke him up.

Who reanimated Riou?

That's my friend.

Tranta Kravach.

What's the tropes?

Imagine, you're the horseman,

and you're doing that on the...

I don't want to see that little arm.

You don't have to be their horseman.

No, you're mean.

No, it's just that

if it goes wrong and it goes wrong,

it's a bit of a mess.

But is it on a small car or not?

Yes, it's on a small car.

Did you say that last Tuesday?

Yes, but...

Did you play or did you win?

He did it in three days, and he forgot.

I don't know where Razi is.

He's on a trip.

Yes, that's right.

Tomorrow, too.

But Razi was amazing.

He ate apples.

He had a problem to count after, I think.

No, that's funny.

Yes, but it was a genius.

He had a problem, he was in his price.

He couldn't get up.

He'll take me one day to the race.

No, he said no.

He said no.

He'll take you to the field.

We'll take you to the field.

To Vincennes, yes.

I think there's a square on the 10th.

There's a square on the 10th.

No, but not in the...

Not in the podium.

Yes, the horses.

The horses are often in the hair.

What is the Kazakh, Isabel?

What is the Kazakh?

What is the Kazakh?

What is the Kazakh?

The wellner of Johan.

With the excitement!

The well of Johan who was driven by John Bergo.

He will win.

The same, a subject.

himself, the wellner of Johan

who wins this corner, the extraordinaryż

Do you get the result?

It's a small relationship.

For Sébastien Bouvier who lives in Martiniers,

who lives in Martinier-Ferchaud, it's in Île-et-Vilaine, we just celebrated the 170 years of the first,

of the first what?

It's an object?

An object? No.

170 years?

170 years.

So it's a journey.

A journey.

A journey.

A journey.



A monument?


So it was, there was 170 years.

A boutique?

170 years.

When were you born?

I wanted to do the calculation 1849.

Thank you.

And I can tell you, the first January 1849 appeared on the first...

How many are there today?

In France, be careful.

How many are there today?

Oh la la, today.


The first Perouche?

We use it much less than before.




Much, much, much less than before.

Televiseur in 1849?

Much less than before.

Much less than before.

It's in the street, Laurent.

Be careful, it didn't take right away.

As you say.



No, prespire.

It's a balloon.

No, no, no, no.

Last weekend, if you were going to the Champere space, you would have celebrated this

anniversary, the 170 years of the first.

It was a toy.

A toy, no.

It's big.

Oh no, there were several sizes.

But the one that appeared 170 years ago had a unique shape.

A shoe?

A shoe.

So actually, we use it much less than before.


A tie.

A tie.

A tie.


We don't wear any more costumes.

No, but these are objects.

It holds in hand.

It holds in hand.

We can wear it.

We can wear it.

You have it, Laurent?

Yes, I have it at home.

How much?

But today, in fact, we buy less and less.

Ah, salt?

Salt, no.

And curda?

And besides, I'm going to tell you, the first was black.

Ah, good.

But black, black?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Ah, good.

But black, black.

And that's why the first one didn't work because it was black and because of this color,

it didn't work very well.

And now they're white?


Ah, a torch lamp?

A torch lamp.

They have a dedicated color where they are ...

There were all the colors.

And it didn't work very well because of the black.

Because we didn't see what was inside.

Because we didn't need it in the dark?


Because we didn't see what was inside.

No more.

Do you have toilet paper?


We have a decorative element.


No, we can't say that.

No, no, no.

Even if some like the side ...

There were many in the Champere space to celebrate that last weekend.

There are people who collect that?

There are people who collect that?


There are collectors?

Oh yes.

Ah, good.



There are 170 years old, so ...

Ah, it's the invention of the timbers.

The first French timber appeared 170 years ago.

I'm going to ask you a subsidiary question for Amandine Valué, who lives in Loisère.

How do we call it?

So the one we saw on the black timbre, because it was black.

And why, by the way, it didn't work.

It's because, as it was black, we didn't see the obliteration on the timbre.

The Marseille?

So the Marseille?


The Queen Victoria?


The Sommeuse?


Do you speak French?

So it's not because the first one was the Queen Victoria?

It's the goddess of the ...



Good answer, Rosile Bachelot.

The first black timbre, which cost 20 cents, indeed represented the Cerès.

Then, of course, we knew all the colors.

The second was the Cerès.

No, but red, blue, yellow, green.

Obviously, the Philatelists were many to collect them, and the French timbre celebrated

the weekend last.

It's 170.

We all collected timbres.

Of course.

You too, Stevie.

I had a nice collection.

I had a nice collection.

I inherited my father.

It's not true.

My father collected them.

But it's expensive.

Did you evaluate it?

No, but it's true that I really have a lot, a lot.

And I even, what surprised me, because the other day, I put it in, I found

timbres with Adolf Hitler, from Germany, from the Third Reich.

It's not true.

I actually have everything.

My father, he was absolutely ...

Your father was Nazi.


For me, it made me feel good.

To have that, it's weird.

If that's all, it's worth the money.

When the time goes by, the most shocking thing is the poster in the living room.

So be careful with the English.

Before us, the timbre, it was in Paris at home in 1840.

The Queen Victoria was the first.

The Black Penny with the Queen Victoria.

The Black Penny.

Penny didn't dream of Black Penny.

It was indeed, she ran away from the Queen Victoria in 1840.

And we, it's nine years later, that we put the Moisson Sérès on the French black timbre.

And then I'm going to tell you why it didn't work at the very beginning, the French timbre.

It certainly, everyone has forgotten it and ignored it.

But it's because at first, it wasn't the one who sent the timbre, who paid the timbre,

but it was the one who received the courier, who had to pay the timbre.

Like a call call.

That's why it didn't work.

Yes, it was in any case a good answer.

One more from Laurent Bassi.

Bravo Laurent!

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Écoutez ou réécoutez l'émission des Grosses Têtes avec Laurent Ruquier du dimanche 24 septembre 2023.

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