Les actus du jour - Hugo Décrypte: Le risque d’un élargissement du conflit Israël-Gaza, hommage au professeur assassiné - Actus du jour

Hugo Travers Hugo Travers 10/16/23 - Episode Page - 14m - PDF Transcript

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After the murder of Hamas against Israel, more than 2,400 people were killed in Israel,

including a large majority of civilians, and nearly 200 Israeli and foreign people

are still held in custody in Gaza.

In Gaza, the Israeli army's repost has already killed more than 2,750 people

and injured more than 9,600, according to local authorities.

There, too, we have a lot of civilians, including children,

with a balance that only makes it dirty, since the bombings continue in Gaza.

So, we've been talking about it for a few days, the Israeli army is preparing

for an offensive and an invasion of the Palestinian territory of Gaza,

an invasion of the earth, in addition to air strikes that target the territory for a week.

The goal, I quote, is to eradicate Hamas.

This pro-Palestinian movement, whose army branch is a terrorist organization,

such as the esteem of many countries, including France, and which is currently controlling the Gaza strip.

Before talking about other countries involved in this conflict,

the humanitarian situation is still critical to Gaza.

The access to the potable is very limited, we miss, overall, everything,

according to the ONG and according to the UN on site.

More than a million people fled to the south of Gaza after the warnings of the Israeli army.

The United Nations Organization is talking about an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.

In short, the situation is extremely critical.

We have already talked about it on Friday, we have also talked about it this weekend,

in the daily actions on Instagram.

We will refute a point much more detailed on the situation tomorrow.

So, I said it, this invasion of the earth of Gaza by the Israeli army

could clarify in a way the positions of many countries.

First, this weekend, strikes between Israel and Lebanon,

in the north of Israel, so we made a dozen deaths, including civilians, especially on the Lebanese side.

Behind these strikes on Israel, we find the Hezbollah,

a Lebanese political party and a terrorist organization,

an enemy judged by Israel and close to Hamas.

This weekend, the Hezbollah has claimed strikes by artillery and missiles guided on Israel,

making two deaths.

The Israeli army then reposted by killing the Hezbollah fighters,

but also civilians, including a journalist from the Reuters press agency.

The attention is therefore very important to this border between Lebanon and Israel,

especially since the Hezbollah is a very structured organization that has a lot of means.

And on its side, the Israeli army is ready to react,

I quote, in an aggressive way and determine each attack of the Hezbollah.

So there is already an important tension zone between these two countries.

This is therefore why this political organization is based in Lebanon.

But in Iran, by the way, it is simply the government itself that supports Hamas.

The Iranian government is an ally of Hamas's long-term date.

And according to the Wall Street Journal, Iran would even play a decisive role

in this attack against Israel last Saturday by Hamas.

The Foreign Minister of Iran has declared, I quote,

that Iran cannot stay the arms crossed against the situation in Gaza.

The Iranian government even threatened to intervene if Israel indeed leads this offensive to Gaza.

In this case, these information is not really a surprise

when we know that Iran is historically an enemy of Israel.

This is therefore for the bloc who supports Hamas.

On the other hand, we have Israel and its allies.

Among them, in fact, there are the United States, but also the European Union.

The United States has sent military help, including two American aircraft

and new munitions these last few days.

And following Hamas' attack against Israel last Saturday.

On the side of the European Union too, these last few days,

we have heard many statements of support for Israel.

Now, to emphasize, there are also some reasons for surveillance

that have been held by the West, especially since the announcement by Israel.

A potential terrorist offensive in Gaza.

The president of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron,

has for example recalled the historic position of France on this subject.

To know the will to have an Israeli state,

but also the recognition of a real Palestinian state.

A recognition that does not exist today at the international scale.

On the other hand, the Westerners have been recalling,

since the Gaza siege by Israel,

then by these threats of terrestrial invasion,

that well, you do not have to dive Gaza into a more important humanitarian drama.

Emmanuel Macron called the Israeli government to respect the international humanitarian law.

And the United States also calls Israel to do everything to spare civilians.

It is therefore a form of change of tone,

even if some believe that these propos of the Westerners

are not enough to dissuade Israel from carrying out a very important attack on Gaza.

An attack that could have consequences on extremely important inhabitants.

Knowing that we have already talked about it these last few days,

but with the blockade historically for years,

then much more recently, for a few days,

the state of siege on Gaza and the water that is cut,

as well as electricity or even more recently internet.

Without even talking about the bombing,

the situation is already extremely critical.

So beyond all these countries,

we can still mention a few other countries whose position is interesting to observe.

On the one hand, there is the question of Syria.

Rockets coming from Syria,

but which we do not know the origin,

were drawn towards the Golan plateau.

The Golan plateau is a Syrian territory annexed by Israel since 1967.

In response, Israel has launched strikes in Syria,

especially on the Aleppo airport.

On the Russian side,

Vladimir Putin has, in particular,

judged unacceptable the siege of Gaza led by Israel.

Finally, we can also mention the position of Saudi Arabia.

Last week, we tried to understand in another video of Actu du Jour,

how and why Hamas had led such an attack on so many civilians in Israel.

However, one of the reasons put forward by some specialists

was the idea of preventing an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Indeed, Saudi Arabia was on the point of officially recognizing

the Israeli state,

but finally, Saudi Arabia announced this weekend

to suspend its discussions with Israel,

primarily because of the current situation in the conflict.

Finally, last country we can mention, Egypt.

Egypt therefore shares a border with the Gaza strip.

Today, hundreds of Gaza inhabitants are massed

in front of the border between Gaza and Egypt

to try to escape Israeli bombing.

Egypt does not intend to open its borders for the moment.

We will talk about it in more detail tomorrow.

That's it for now.

I'll keep you posted on Instagram.

You know it for daily news.

Let's continue with a second subject before moving on to the news.

In short, I wanted to talk about the attack

in a high school in Arras, Friday,

in the north of France,

which made one death and three serious injuries.

A tribute to Dominique Bernard,

this 57-year-old teacher,

who was killed by an old student

radicalized on Sunday on Arras Square.

On Monday, in the schools and schools all over France,

the previous classes at 10 o'clock were canceled

to predict a moment of exchange between the teachers.

One minute of silence was observed at 14 o'clock.

Note that this tribute is only three years old

after Samuel Patti's death.

This teacher of history, geography,

murdered to have shown the caricatures of the prophet Mahomet.

Another element to know,

the school city of Gambetta,

where Dominique Bernard was killed on Friday,

was evacuated on Monday morning

because of an alert to the bomb.

Fortunately, it turns out that it was a false alert.

In parallel to these homages,

the government also formulated some proposals

to avoid this type of attack in the future.

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Armanin,

particularly wished, I quote,

the systematic expulsion of all foreign countries

considered as dangerous by the French intelligence services.

Many measures should be linked to the immigration law project.

It is a law project carried by the government

that brings a certain number of changes.

A law project that makes a lot of debate

and that the government wants to adopt

as quickly as possible at the National Assembly.

We will therefore see what it is.

And indeed, the assailant of the ICC of Arras

was born in Russia, then arrived in France in 2008.

He was monitored by the intelligence services

since this summer.

He was also displayed there by the intelligence services

since October 2nd.

He did not have a record of his days for his days in France,

but he was no longer subject to an expulsion.

And finally, the last information I can give you.

I know that you were a lot to ask yourself questions on Friday,

so I tried to make a story to give you some first elements.

But therefore, the government announced that France

would not be alerted by emergency in Tanta.

So, what is emergency in Tanta?

In fact, it is the highest level of the Vigipirate plan.

The Vigipirate plan is this plan

that aims to ensure the security of the country

by fighting terrorism.

There, it is the highest level

that is generally placed after a Tanta.

Concretely, it means more policemen and armed gendarmes

mobilized, more means overall for the state.

There are also information campaigns that can be broadcast

on television or on the radio.

That said, it does not change anything prior to your daily life.

If not, well, a request by the government

to be more vigilant.

I put links in the description.

I leave you with Lea for the news in short,

and I'll come back right after.

Thank you Hugo and hello everyone.

We start with this act.

The highway to 69 between Castro and Toulouse

will go to its end.

That's what the government announced this Monday in a communique.

In fact, last Tuesday, the work had been suspended

after the admission to the hospital of the military ecologist

Thomas Braille, who was at the end of the day

and of the SWAF to protest against this highway project.

He had therefore put it at risk that he led with two other militants.

But now that the work is going to resume,

several opponents to this project

call for a huge protest next weekend.

They judge this highway project climatic.

I put you links in the description if you want to know more.

Second act, in Poland,

legislative elections were organized this Sunday

to renew the parliament composed of 460 deputies and 100 senators.

Finally, it is the European pro-European centrist coalition

which has brought back the majority

according to the polls at the end of the day.

The three parties of this coalition,

which is led by the former Prime Minister of the country Donald Tusk,

have therefore beaten the nationalist populists

who have been in power since 2015 and the extreme right.

Donald Tusk has, in particular, promised to establish good relations

with the European Union,

but also to establish again the right to abortion,

which has been very strongly restrained in Poland in recent years.

Third act, at 35 years old,

the man of the affair Daniel Noboa

has become this Sunday the youngest president of the history of Ecuador,

a country from South America.

He is the son of the richest man in the country,

Alvaro Noboa,

who had been 5 times candidate to the presidential election.

Daniel Noboa, who is said to be from the left,

but who is also quite close to the right,

has brought 52.1% of votes

to the left candidate, Luisa Gonzales.

He has promised to immediately get to work

to bring peace to Ecuador,

which is ravaged by the violence of drug trafficking.

The country has also been marked in August

by the assassination of Fernando Villavicensio,

one of the presidential candidates

who was in the middle of the campaign.

Fourth act,

it is no longer possible to buy pills

in the European Union since Monday

for environmental reasons.

So these are the free pills,

so the pills that can be found in the garbage cans

or that can be glued on his body, for example,

which have been forbidden.

This ban is part of the zero pollution plan

of the European Commission,

one of the main instances of the European Union,

which aims to reduce pollution by microplastics

of 30% from here in 2030.

Last act,

the TF1 chain beat an audience record this Sunday

thanks to the final quarter of the Rugby World Cup

which opposed France to South Africa.

16.5 million spectators in the Middle East

watched the game,

which was sold by a defeat from France,

which is therefore eliminated.

In addition to other sports infos,

the French football team this time,

qualified for Euro 2024

after winning a game this Friday

against the Netherlands.

The Euro 2024 will be held in Germany

from June 14 to July 14, 2024.

That's the end of this summary of today's news.

Obviously, think about subscribing

to not miss the next one,

whatever the application that you use to listen to me.

Also, visit YouTube or Instagram

for other exclusive news content.

You know the name of the accounts,

it's Hugo Descriptes.

Listen, I think I said everything.

Take care and see you soon.

That's A-U-R-A dot com slash safety.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Chaque jour, en moins de 10 minutes, un résumé de l’actualité du jour. Rapide, facile, accessible.


ISRAËL-GAZA : La Croix, Le Devoir, Le Point, franceinfo, Libération


AUTOROUTE A69 : Franceinfo, 20 Minutes


NOUVEAU PRÉSIDENT ÉQUATEUR : Courrier International, Le Monde

INTERDICTION PAILLETTES : Radio France, Ouest-France 

INFOS SPORTIVES : L’Équipe, France Bleu

Écriture : Blanche Vathonne - Léah Boukobza - Hugo Travers

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