Les actus du jour - Hugo Décrypte: Le pape est-il révolutionnaire, la Coupe du monde 2030 se déroulera sur 3 continents… Actus du jour

Hugo Travers Hugo Travers 10/5/23 - Episode Page - 12m - PDF Transcript

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The couples of the same sex can do the object of a blessing.

It's one of the many declarations of Pope Francis last week.

So, it's taken as a word on this subject,

but also in support of migrants or even on the climate.

They are actively reacting and can surprise some.

So, are you watching a revolution of the Catholic Church by Pope Francis?

If yes, what form does it take?

Hi, I hope you're doing well.

A different subject today, but who you're going to see is very interesting.

Let's go together for a new dive into today's news in 10 minutes.

First, let's take a look at the context.

Who is Pope Francis? Where does he come from?

First of all, his real name is Rolleray Mario Belgoglio.

I have a little doubt about the pronunciation.

His two parents are from Italy, but he was born and has always lived in Argentina.

And before entering the orders, he was in charge of the nightclub.

He never really hid his past life.

For example, he already talked about his love story of youth

and his love for the Argentinian football club San Lorenzo.

He was then a professor of literature and psychology in the 1960s

and then became a priest, a cardinal archer.

He was then named Pope in 2013 to take the succession of Buenos Aires

and therefore become the leader of the Catholic Church.

And since then, the least we can say is that Pope Francis has ceased to boost the Catholic Church

and this, in particular, around three acts that can be summarized like that.

The first act of important shambles that we can note,

it may not be the most fascinating seen like that, but it is still one of the most important,

is the question of governance and the functioning of the Catholic Church.

Pope Francis comes from a church that is more democratic and decentralized.

In other words, where the power is not concentrated on a few people.

And one of the revolutions that we can note,

it concerns what is called the Synod of the Eves,

which started this Wednesday and which has been meeting every three to four years since the tenths of the year.

So the Synod of the Eves, it does not necessarily speak to everyone,

but it is in fact a consultative assembly that is composed of 450 members

and which debates 8 clubs for a month on many subjects,

and therefore typically on subjects of society such as union, couples, homosexuals.

On top of that, Pope Francis has announced that among these 450 members,

there would be more than just church men, but also laymen,

so people who do not have religious jobs.

There are also women who can in turn benefit from new responsibilities

and even a status of diacre.

So the diacre is the people who assist the leader of a church

and who are responsible for certain activities.

Anyway, I made you short, but there is a question of integration of the ICC

and also integration of women, progressively, we will say, within the organization.

Another element that we can note, the Pope would think about discussing the celibacy of priests

and therefore why not allow married men to become priests

while the Catholic Church forbids it today.

And finally, Pope Francis has also reinforced several legal measures

to fight against sexual abuse committed within the Catholic Church

by priests on children, especially.

Obviously, it is a very serious subject, very important,

followed by many revelations, many cases also in justice over the years.

This is the case in France, but it is also the case in many countries in the whole world.

For the second change that we can note, beyond these issues of organization,

it is the taking of positions on many subjects of society.

In fact, three months after his election in 2013,

Pope Francis answered a question on homosexuality by declaring,

if a person is gay and seeks the Lord, who follows to judge him,

a fairly immediate position that he then continued to defend until very recently,

as I told you at the beginning of the act,

he recently mentioned the possibility of a benediction of couples of same sex.

In short, Pope Francis wishes to welcome a large number of people within the Church,

including couples of same sex.

Once we have said that, he says that homosexuality is a sin,

a position that the Catholic Church has been adopting for a very long time,

and above all that the benediction, which he talks about for couples of same sex,

does not have to appear in marriage,

otherwise, he remains opposed to marriage between couples of same sex.

And in the same way, on the issues of society, typically on the subject of abortion,

Pope has denounced at the end of September,

I quote a false right to progress, which is actually a regression,

of quite traditional positions,

if we can say that like that at the Pope and within the Catholic Church.

But very quickly, we can also quote the fact that the Pope expresses himself regularly

at the moment on the situation of migrants,

he has still come back during his passage to Marseille a few days ago,

he supports an unconditional welcome and an aid brought to migrants who are in danger.

Finally, and after we will have finished on that, Pope François also takes position on ecology.

In 2015 already, he devoted for the first time what we call an encyclical,

so it is a letter intended for the eves to this subject.

And by the way, this Wednesday, he reiterated by publishing a letter on this theme,

which is on the same occasion, by the way, a charge against the climatosceptics,

so the people who doubt that there is an impact of man on climate change.

I will put links in description, I would like to know more about it.

So now that we have said that, we must remember that Pope François is not only a person

at the head of the Catholic Church,

he is also a man of state, at the head of a country, the Vatican, a state located in Italy.

And by the way, from a political point of view, we must know that Pope François is seen as a great strategist,

since he chooses carefully the men who surround him by avoiding his opponents,

which means, by the way, according to some observers, that he may be hard enough.

So now that we have said all that in terms of organization, in terms of position,

can we say that Pope François leads a revolution within the Catholic Church?

Some believe that yes, others believe that certainly, there are changes that are notable in terms of organization,

but that, from a point of view of values, it is ultimately quite consistent with the previous popes.

He progresses on certain subjects, such as ecology, for example,

but still, conservators on other subjects.

We said it on the subject of abortion.

In any case, what is certain is that within the Catholic Church,

these positions are greatly debated and are discussed a lot.

It seems to me that it is therefore interesting, including a few days after the passage of Pope François to Marseille,

to make a small point about his position on all these subjects.

Indeed, it is obviously a personality, a person who has an important influence.

I leave you with the A for the updates in short, and I come back right after.

Thank you Hugo and hello to all, first act.

The French soldiers will amortize their retreat from Niger, a country of West Africa, in the week.

In fact, at the beginning of August, the soldiers who took power by the end-of-July force,

and which France does not recognize the legitimacy,

had illegally qualified the presence of French soldiers deployed to the Niger

as part of the fight against the jihadists in Saël.

These last few weeks, several demonstrations asked for their departure,

and by the end of September, Emmanuel Macron had finally announced

that the 1,500 French soldiers present in the country would leave progressively

at the end of the year.

Second act, to fight against the UN, there will be a great cleaning of the spring

before the Paris Olympics in 2024.

That is what announced the Minister of Delegates in charge of transport,

Clément Beaune, on Wednesday, on France 5.

So, concretely, public transports,

especially in the island of France, will be treated and cleaned,

even more than usual, to ensure the absence of UN.

The minister explained that he wanted to avoid that there is bad advertising

that could spoil the jihadists, while the foreign media have left this problem for several days.

Third act, images showing violent and illegal practices

in an intensive raising of pigs of the marne,

have been reported by the Association of Animal Defense, L214.

These images have been shot between May and September 2023.

We see live castered porcelains,

where the neck is cut without anesthesia,

immediately to reduce their pain, which is forbidden in France.

The video also shows the weakest porcelains,

so the least profitable, have killed the head broken on the ground.

Their corpses are sometimes devoured by cats.

The Association L214,

has therefore carried a lot of this mercredi,

to save serious and bad treatment on animals.

Fourth act, the average temperature in the world since January 2023,

is 1.4°C warmer than at the industrial price,

therefore between 1850 and 1900.

This is what announced this Thursday the service on climate change

of the Copernicus Observatory.

Concretely, it means that we are getting closer and closer

to the limit fixed by the Paris Agreement,

which aims to limit the increase in temperature

to 1.5°C above the pre-industrial levels.

By the way, always according to the observatory,

September 2023 has been, I think,

the hottest month of September,

never recorded at a global level,

beating the previous record of 2020

with an extraordinary margin.

Fifth act, in Taiwan, a wide island of China,

the Tifon Koinu, which touches the country since this Thursday,

has provoked the most powerful raffles ever recorded on Earth.

According to the weather services of the territory,

the raffles of wind have reached more than 340 km per hour.

For the moment, the disaster has made many damages

and more than 190 injured,

but no one has died.

So by precaution measures,

more than 200 international flights and interiors

have been cancelled and 3,000 people

have also been evacuated from the mountainous regions

before the Tifon arrival.

Sixth act, the World Cup of Football 2030

will take place for the first time in six countries

and on three different continents,

this is what announced the FIFA this Wednesday.

So why this?

In fact, the first matches of the competition

will take place in South America,

more precisely in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay

to celebrate the 100 years of the World Cup,

whose first edition was held in Montevideo,

in Uruguay in 1930.

The other meetings will take place in Spain,

Portugal and Morocco.

So this announcement does not yet have official value

since technical criteria must first be validated,

we should have the results at the end of 2024.

In any case, this choice was quite criticized from an ecological point of view

because it will inevitably lead to long flights

which are likely to contribute to climate warming.

The last act, the Mont Blanc,

which is the highest peak in Europe,

has lost 2.22 meters in two years

and therefore measures now 4,805.59 meters.

Concretely, the peak of the mountain

culminates in 4792 meters

and it is the thickness of eternal snow that covers it

which varies depending on the winds and precipitation.

Climate change has a scientifically proven impact

on the rapid disappearance of glaciers in the mountains

but in this case, this variation is not directly linked

to climate warming.

I'm so excited, thank you.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

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PAPE FRANÇOIS : Le Figaro, Radiofrance



L214 VIOLENCES PORCELETS : L’Union, France Bleu 



COUPE DU MONDE SUR 3 CONTINENTS : Franceinfo, Eurosport

MONT BLANC : Le Monde, Ouest-France

Écriture : Blanche Vathonne - Samy Rabbata - Léah Boukobza - Hugo Travers

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