Les Grosses Têtes: INÉDIT - Les meilleures blagues belges de Christophe Beaugrand

RTL RTL 9/12/23 - Episode Page - 5m - PDF Transcript


When Carl's Jr. plays with fire

and a big char-brilled Angus burger

with melted pepper jack cheese,

spicy Santa Fe sauce,

and a whole fire-roasted charred Anaheim chili,

you get layer after layer after layer

of the big, bold, smoky, sweet heat

of the new Carl's Jr. Big Char Chili Burger.


For a limited time at participating restaurants.

His car shows 450,000 km to the counter.

So obviously, no one wants it.

So he asks for advice, there's a friend,

and his friend tells him,

hey, you two Maurice,

would you accept to do something illegal?

So apparently,

oh yes, I sell my car at all costs.

And well, let's see,

discreetly, my friend Tony, my canals,

he's going to put the counter at 45,000 km.

And there, the guy will then see Tony,

the famous Tony,

who puts the counter at 45,000 km.

And there, two weeks later,

he sees his friend, who asks him,

so that's it, you're finally sold your car,

you don't know how much I'm going to sell

a 45,000 km car?

It's a couple of Belgian who are in their bedroom to sleep,

they are in full action under the bed,

believe me, that's what they're going to do.

The pressure starts to rise between the two.

And then she tells him, she tells him,

go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Go on, go on, yes, yes, yes.

Don't be shy.

So the man answers, yes, yes, yes.

Show them you're a man.

Yes, yes, yes.

And she tells him at that moment,

go on, honey, tell me dirty things.

And she answers, oh, the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room.

Go on, go on.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is happening in Belgium,

that we have in a supermarket,

two Belgian who are like that, hanging on their caddy,

and then suddenly, at the turn of the rail, frozen,

they see that they get lost, violently,

they get in their caddy, and the other one says,

oh, excuse me, I didn't see you, I was looking for my wife.

And the other one says, what a coincidence,

what a coincidence, well, I'm looking for mine,

but how about your wife?

And then the other Belgian says, well, listen, the big ones,

brown, the eyes of a very deep blue,

extremely well-made legs, a generous chest,

you know, like these Pemplemosses

that we find in the south of Florida,

like that, very heavy,

sharp lips, she wears a tiny moulin,

you're so tall, a transparent shirt, very uncultured,

and the veil is very common,

let the ugly fall, we're going to look for the veil.

Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to end in beauty,

with obviously the story that you all are waiting for,

that of Christophe Bougouin.

He said of three prisoners, two Frenchmen and a Russian law,

it's funny,

he tries, in the middle of the night, an evasion.

He manages to sit down the barrels of their cellulite,

to go down in the court,

by putting on their drab or taboo,

he knows, he goes down and down and down and down,

and they reach the place of the wall of the St. Louis,

where a rope awaits them.

The first Frenchman climbs, but when he arrives at the top of the wall,

he makes a stone fall,

and there they hear,

who's going there?

The guard says,

and the prisoner goes to do,

oh, it's only the cat, the guard says, everything is fine.

The second Frenchman, he turns around,

he too, by stepping on the wall,

he makes a rock fall, he makes a little noise,

who's going there?

Then, like his friend, he makes,

it's a theater room.

Yes, yes, yes.

It's still the cat, the guardian is reassured.

Finally, the Belgian climbs last,

and as these two companions go up,

he makes a stone fall, it makes noise,

who's going there?

says the guardian,

and there the Belgian responds,

it's still the cat,

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Aux Grosses Têtes, Christophe Beaugrand a une grande spécialité : les histoires belges, mais avec l'accent s'il vous plait ! En voici une compilation.

Coups de gueule, anecdotes... A chaque Grosse Tête sa spécialité ! Tout le mois de septembre, retrouvez du lundi au vendredi une compilation inédite de vos Grosses Têtes préférées.

Retrouvez tous les jours le meilleur des Grosses Têtes en podcast sur RTL.fr et l'application RTL.