Les Grosses Têtes: INÉDIT - Côté coulisses : Sarah Schwab se confie avant l'émission

RTL RTL 10/25/23 - Episode Page - 5m - PDF Transcript

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Sarah Chua, hello, you're the guest of the Day Grosse Tête.

We're happy to welcome you to the show.

What are you doing to participate in this show for the first time?

I'm very happy. I've been hearing about it with my parents in the car for a long time.

So it's something to be proud of.

Did your parents come?

Yes, of course.

You're going to play a medley of your imitations in the show.

Do you sing in the Grosse Tête? Does it give you the track or not?

I have a little bit of the track, yes, that's true.

Do you doubt some Grosse Tête?

No, no, not at all.

But it's about me, about my performance, I'm still a bit perfectionist.

So it's true that I still have a little bit of the track, but it's a good track.

In your dream show, in reality, that you play in Europe, there are obviously imitations.


But tell us your story, that of a little girl from her room at the stage.

So precisely, what little girl were you?

What were your favorite singers when you were children?

Oh, it's complicated.

It's true that I listened to a little bit of everything.

I was raised with the Beatles with Metallica.

So it's true that I still have a rock base.


But it's true that progressively, it was the musicals, Mozart, Le Père Rock, etc.

And then Lady Gaga, who played a lot of my musical field, we will say, who put me on the piano, etc.

Did you have children or teenagers aware of your imitator talent?

No, not at all.

Because in fact, the imitations, I have only done it for a year.

So I never wanted to imitate before.

It's really done like that.

And that's all new.

But when you sang when you were children, did you like to sing?

Yes, I sang with my voice, but I never tried to imitate others.

And so you were revealed by a video that you posted on social networks in 2022, right?

Yes, that's right.

And that made a buff effect, right?

Yes, that's exactly it.

And since then, it has been on for you.

So among the 180 voices that you master, that's it, there may be more of them.

I saw the information 180.

We should be around 180.


Which one did you ask for the most work?

I think Adèle asked me a lot of work.

Maybe the Arafabian too.

In fact, all the powerful voices that can approach my real voice to me, it's true that it's a little bit complicated

because I tend to have my little tricks to me that will come out.

So it's a lot of work.

And how much time do you need to master a voice?

It depends.

It can be almost, well, I'm not going to say instantly, it's still work,

but it can be a few hours, like a few months, and as always not the case.

It depends.

Are there still singers that you can't imitate?

Yes, there are still singers that I can't imitate.

It's often very current singers.

Because I have a little bit of less trouble, more trouble, sorry, to tighten their characteristics.

And who, for example?

One that I have never been able to imitate is Oshi, for example,

which is a particular voice, for the moment.

I can't tighten the thing yet.

Are there some singers that you imitate?

You have made returns on your imitation.

Yes, yes, there were several.

There was Lara Fabian, Fabienne Thibault,

there was Chantal Goyard recently,

Olivia Ruiz, well, there were a lot like that.

And there are unpleasant returns?

It happens too?


Until now, never, all the way from the wood, but not until now, it's always okay.

I think you have a solo album project too.

It's envisaged, yes, strongly.

And you say that it will be for soon?

Or for the moment, are you really on this show?

For the moment, we focus on the show, in any case, officially,

but it's true that officially, we work a lot on the songs,

we look for someone who could also write a song.

We work on it, it's really in our heads all the time,

and it's really the goal of maybe 2024, why not?

Is it true that Patrick Sébastien will write songs for you?

So that's a good question.

Maybe, it's possible.

Anyway, thank you, we'll see you in a moment in the big heads.

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C'est une nouveauté que vous propose l'équipe des Grosses Têtes. Du lundi au vendredi, dans un podcast inédit, l'invitée du jour se confie au micro de Julien Bonneau avant même son passage dans l'émission ! L'occasion d'en apprendre un peu plus sur elle, sur ses projets et sur ses souvenirs de l'émission "Les Grosses Têtes".

Retrouvez tous les jours le meilleur des Grosses Têtes en podcast sur RTL.fr et l'application RTL.