Les Grosses Têtes: INÉDIT - Côté coulisse : Anne Roumanoff se confie avant l'émission

RTL RTL 10/18/23 - Episode Page - 5m - PDF Transcript

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Dear viewers of The Grosse Tête,

we've discovered in the podcast an unprecedented interview

of the guest of the day, Lauren Ruquier.

She arrived in advance in the stores,

and Julien Bono took the opportunity to ask her a few questions.


Anne Romanov, hello. You're the guest of The Grosse Tête.

We're delighted to meet you.

So you've already come to The Grosse Tête very often.

You've even been to The Grosse Tête.

What memories do you have of this experience?

In fact, I can't really be The Grosse Tête.

No one has ever kept me.


No, even from time to time, he tried me.

I don't know, I can't do it.

It's quite complicated, in fact, that an exercise looks easy,

but it requires both spontaneity and playing a character, I don't know.

I can't do it.

In fact, I'm looking for a way to answer questions.


What are your favorite Grosse Têtes?

Do you have friends in the team,

some that you like more than others?

I was lucky.

It's been a very long time.

When I did a show with Jean-Yan, I found it incredible.

In improvisation, in quercison, too.

I love the cheeks.

Do you play your show, the experience of life,

in four Parisian rooms, until Christmas?

So why this choice of four rooms?

Do they have a particular symbolism for you?

I already had dates that went around.

I didn't know I was going to do a new show.

I had dates, so I couldn't do a long period.

So I said to myself, I'm going to go to several rooms.

For the theater, I had never been,

but I saw a lot of American comics,

and there was a good energy in this room.

European, I played 15 years ago,

and I thought it was funny to go back.

I wanted to start with medium-sized rooms,

and Bobino is a room I particularly like,

and I love the Olympics.

What are the social issues you deal with in this show?

Do you evolve your show through the present?

It's always evolving,

but the writing of the world is still very long.

Once something is written,

we're not going to have fun changing it,

because that's what happens.

Yes, it's a show that is very anchored in the present.

So I'm talking about a lot of things.

I'm talking about supermarkets,

robots at the post office,

accounts for children to build,

relationships with couples,

love instabilities.

I mean, I'm talking about a lot of things

in everyday life.


Do you have little rituals before going on stage?

What do you do in your lodge before the Eurydice?

Well, I'm scared.

I'm always a little scared.

I tend to eat too much.

That's what you have to eat.

What do you eat?

Everything, everything there is.

No, but the directors have to remove everything that is sweet,

because it's true that I tell you,

I take a little coffee,

but I take a little biscuit.

So I tend to eat too much,

but otherwise,

the lodge is an important moment

of reception before going to go.

And you are superstitious?

No, I'm not superstitious,

but I'm still,

even after all these years,

I'm not at all lazy to go on stage.

I think it's a sacred act.

Do you have any anecdotes

of Caucasian representation

or did something unusual

happen in the audience or on stage?

I have a bad experience in the European

precisely, but it was a very long time ago,

but the ceiling fell on my head

during the show that I threw in the room.

There was, well,

humidification with rain,

I don't know,

it's not a very good memory,

but I remember it.

What are the last shows of humor

that made you enthusiastic?

So I have a lot of trouble

having enthusiastic in humor shows,

because in fact,

when I go to see colleagues,

either it's better than me,

I say to myself,

oh, why didn't I think,

it hurts me.

Either I see you coming to the van

ten years in advance,

it makes me laugh.

It's a bit complicated to appreciate humor.

We are a bit like,

I think it's the same for pâtissiers

who make cakes,

people who make cakes

for years.

When we're going to taste another cake,

it's complicated to...

We're always wondering

what the recipe is,

why we didn't find it.

It's hard to take pleasure,

I think.


And you don't frequent

between humorists?

Of course,

when we get to know each other,

of course,

but for me,

to be enthusiastic

by a show,

I don't want to be enthusiastic

by a collective show.

For example,

I saw the show

with Ivan Atal and Nomi Lovsky,

Video Club,

it's not a humor show,

it's a humorous show,

but I loved this show.

Well, listen,

thank you.

We'll see you again

in an instant in the show.

Thank you.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

C'est une nouveauté que vous propose l'équipe des Grosses Têtes. Du lundi au vendredi, dans un podcast inédit, l'invitée du jour se confie au micro de Julien Bonneau avant même son passage dans l'émission ! L'occasion d'en apprendre un peu plus sur elle, sur ses projets et sur ses souvenirs de l'émission "Les Grosses Têtes".

Retrouvez tous les jours le meilleur des Grosses Têtes en podcast sur RTL.fr et l'application RTL.