ZM's Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley: Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's lil Bitta Pod - 4th October 2023

NZME NZME 10/3/23 - Episode Page - 7m - PDF Transcript

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Navy. Forged by the sea. The ZM Podcast Network. Fleshwater and Haley's Little Bit of Pod.

Treat yourself to McAfay coffee with my Mecca's Rewards. Welcome to A Little Bit of Pod.

Now yesterday I spoke apparently out of tune. I also may have been speaking quite emotionally

in the moment. Yes. And I accused the gays. The gay agenda. The gays and their agenda. If only their

menu was as long as their agenda. I claimed that I hadn't been fed adequately at gay weddings.

The gay weddings. Now you've only been to two gay weddings.

Thank fuck. Only one of the two gay weddings has heard about it. Because the other one I feel

like I'd be in big trouble. But one I have Manny McClane and Ryan Teast. Very dear friends.

Yes. You remember I played much like I'm playing Storage King at my house for your couch. Yes.

I played Storage King at my house for all their booze after their wedding. And you drank a lot of

it. But unlike my couch, you don't get to take a little cushion. Yeah. You took a little bit of

wine. He's humping your couch. Don't you worry about it. Humping it. Humping on it. Yeah.

You know, sly couch. No, no. Sly couch. Anyway. Wow. The messages were nice. I spoke and I was

as I was speaking. I was like, I wonder if they'll hear about this. Now someone told them. Yeah.

And they heard. And they heard. And in the group chat, I was getting really quite a telling off.

Ryan popped up and said. I love that they screenshotted your face. Having a good time at their wedding.

He's looking happy. He's laughing. He's having a great day. I was delirious. To be fair, there was,

I was not hungry at their wedding. I found the food absolutely plentiful. My mistake was,

because my Land Rover was their wedding car. Yeah. And they said, we're driving down there.

And Ryan's like, I'll drive. We're talking about earlier. He's like, I'm going to drive. I'm like,

mate, it's your wedding date. You're supposed to be champagne. You're supposed to be drinking and

like, don't I'll drive it. It's fine. Plus it was a cliff. If he was a person driver for a cliff,

it'd be Tata Land Rover. My grandfather. Yeah. So I was, I'd had one beer. I'm not Tata them.

Tata Land Rover. My Land Rover would be my first concern. He would come later in the piece. Yeah.

But I would, I said, I've had one beer. I said, I'll chill. I'll drive you around for your photos

and the farm and stuff. It's all good. Beautiful photos too. I just want to do some rad

forward driving in the Land Rover. Yeah, you're a good friend. It was a great farm. And so when I

left, I remember as I was leaving, food started coming out. And I was like, oh, I think I said

to Shade, who was probably five wine steep at the stage on an empty stomach, put some food aside for

me. And I got back like an hour and a bit later where I just been sitting down. It was great too,

because I got to have a social break from the wedding and just recharge my social battery.

And when I got back, oh my God, the, the, the platters and stuff have been pillaged. Yes. And

then the paella was soon to be this man with this giant pan of paella. Yum. I was a first person

up there. Yeah, that was yum. And I yum, yum, yum, yum. I made a couple of those. He put two

scoops in and I was like, hoping for a third. Please, I have some mold. Please. And he said,

oh, you have to come back. And then I went back for another big second bowl of paella. And then

upon my third, I was cut off from the paella. You're a hungry boy. He's a growing man. But he said,

he's like, there's some people who haven't had it. And I said, I believe quote, fuck them then.

Yeah. But, and then laughed. And I'm definitely going to be hitting that again soon. And then

it was gone. And I, he didn't let me have it. I was cut off from paella.

Yeah. That's what you said in the chat yesterday. The paella man cut me off. He cut me off.

He cut me off. He cut me off from the paella. Yeah. And then there were snacks and such when,

when I took them out of the car. And maybe, you know, my own fault there.

Yeah. Not popping into the kitchen because I got to a wedding to eat. I'm clear. My wedding

priorities are eat, drink, then be merry. Yeah. And be merry is a distant, distant third.

Cause I'm not, I'm not a merry fellow in a social scenario. I'm just sitting, oh, quietly watch.

Let's hope the other guys don't hear about your bad man being there. I've just been invited to

another gay wedding. I know. We've just booked flights to another, I've got two gay weddings

in the first two months of next year. That's a big gay summer agenda. That's a big gay agenda.

We still kept that legal aim. Yeah. Yeah. And you know what? What? The guys are doing a bang up job.

You know what? This next gay wedding though, there's going to be plenty of food. I've heard

food trucks. Don't you worry. Trucks multiple. I've heard. Moral trucks. Yeah. And also we're

going to take you some sammies. I'm packing. I will, I will give you space in my handbag

because I know Shade will probably have a nice like glamorous handbag. I'll take a big fucking

whopper. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And you can add a handbag in there. Enough for a bag of

cheese balls. Enough for everyone. Yeah, that'd be great. I've got you covered. I've got you covered.

I mean, Aaron's coming. I might take a backpack with my suit on. With snacks. Yeah, with a snack.

Aaron is sewing for a backpack. What about a nice like a little cute man bag, which is just

a snack. No, it's a satchel. We can't be rocking the satchels anymore, men. I'm sorry. Are you

anti the satchel? I'm anti satchel. What about the bum bag across my chest that really says

in here I have a vape and some drugs. Yeah, I'm into that. I'm into that. No satchel,

no bloody delivery satchel. But an anti that's bum bag are going diagonally across the chest

on a full grown man. Yes, full of snacks. Okay, full of snacks. That's you. That's you. Full of

snacks. Okay, well, I'd like to apologize to all the guys. All the guys. They've got great food

at their works. The best was I had a couple of different gay couples, one lesbian, one

dick, male, dick on dick. Wait, because gay couples to me are males and females. You can

have a gay couple and two males, but lesbians haven't turned their own title homosexuals.

But again, that's not specifically gendered. But tell me about this dick on duck.

The picture wasn't the dick on dick, but it was just like, here's the food from our wedding of

two men. Oh my God, really? You really started a thing here. And then the lesbians were like,

you know, who won't let you down when it comes to a gay wedding lesbians, lesbians. Check this out.

It was just this fucking table of lesbians. They're hungry constantly.

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On Today's Lil Bitta Pod; Vaughan has an apology to make...

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