ZM's Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley: Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's Lil Bitta Pod - 3rd September 2023

NZME NZME 9/2/23 - Episode Page - 6m - PDF Transcript

I knew you'd love this place.

What was that?

A selfie.

You just took a selfie.

With my new Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5,

I can snap selfies while it's folded shut

and use the best camera on the phone.

It's so small I can put it right back in my front pocket.

Now it's in my pocket.

Now it's taking selfies.


And the huge cover screen lets us see our pics without opening it.

Aw, you look cute confused.

I do look cute confused.

Get your Galaxy Z Flip 5 now at the Samsung Experience Store

at the Stormbreaker Centre in Frisco.

The ZM Podcast Network.

Fleshworn and Haley's Little Bit of Pod.

Treat yourself to McCafe coffee with my Mac's rewards.

Welcome to A Little Bit of Pod.

Now last week,

Vaughn came over to...



What I was going to say,

you mentioned something prior to my old popover.

You said...

So you just want to reiterate that it wasn't for a nice social visit.

Thank you.

I know I am.

What do we have?

We're heading to the Granny Spagli.

Oh, no, just an agronome.

Not a Spagli item.

Vaughn would like to reiterate that it was a forced visit.

Didn't want to socialize with you.

I also saw the look and shadow's eyes the minute she was like...

She was like...

I think she was ready to kick off,

but we had to go pick the girls up from school.

And as Haley said,

do you want another drink?

I said, no, we're going to get the girls from school.

Haley yelled at us as we were leaving.

You did this.

You did this to yourself.

You chose that.

You chose this life,

which is exactly what you want to have screamed at you

when you're off to pick your kids up from school.

And then me and As kicked on.

That's our sweet life.

But you came over because we were mentioning...

You said you were going to get a skip.

I love getting a skip.

Oh, the big skip.

I love filling up the skip.

I actually scooted past one outside of construction.

It's like today on the way to work,

and it was like overflowing.

And I was like,

and there was so much wood in there.

And I was like, I don't even need wood.

But I was like, you could do so much with that.

And they're just chucking it out.

Here's a little something that I'll admit to.

When we first started our renovation,

eco consciousness was really,

I was thinking about it a lot,

like how could we be less wasteful?

How do we put less junk in?

You get a few months into it.

It's, you can't keep up.


You used to be pulling shit out of the walls.

You're like, well, what do you do with these old bags?

You got to put them in the bin.

And you can't burn the timber

because it's treated.

Or treat it.

It's treated, it's sanitized.

Yeah, I know.

So in our whole backyard,

luckily we've got a long driveway,

must be nice it is,

is like stacked with wood.

And as the Renault is coming to being,

getting there, moving further forward,

it's all now junk wood, bits,

off cuts, bits of shit that we're not going to use.

You can't on sell it.

Some of it's been outside.

Some of it's not long enough.

So it just goes in a skit.

It's nuts, the waste from the construction industry.

It is truly nuts.

And I am contributing to that wholeheartedly.

Which is where Wambelworn comes in.

He's wandering around with his car.

What do we got here?

Have you got some freebies?

So you offered your services today.

I also love loading a skip.

I love chucking things in a skip

because the noise that that goes

DONG when you chuck stuff in a skip.

We've got a biggie.

We've got a walk-in skip.

Oh my god.

What is it?

It's a 12 cubic meters.

Like ones that you open the back end.

Blah, blah, blah.

Yeah, that's the big one,

but those are the big dogs.

But the reason this came about

is because Wambelworn came over.

We're like, come fish through some stuff.

You want to add a bit to your girl's tree hard.

And I want to put some benches in there.

In the garage and like the lengths of wood.

Perfect for that.

Yeah, that kind of stuff.

But then when you came over,

we had a Negroni,

then you felt overwhelmed.

I don't know where to start.

And Aaron's like, you can take that.

I was like, no, that's like a six.

That's like a load bearing six by two.

And he's like, I don't want it.

And I'm just like, oh god.

And then it just got too much.

But then Vaughn said, look,

I'll help you load the skip.

And as we're doing it, I'll just, you know,

take some stuff.

Well, Aaron just said to me, hey, is Vaughn,

because we're going to get head home soon,

is Vaughn going to pop by?

I'm leaving some nice stuff out of the skip

to see if he wants it.

And I said, yeah, he's coming to help us load it.

And he said, well, we're mostly there.

It's 9.30 in the morning.

Scott doesn't fuck around though.

I know.

I love that he's left you some treats though.

That's pretty good.

So Aaron's curated some treats.

Plus the back of the skip will still be open

if you want to have a proper, you know.

Oh, I just chucked some stuff in.

I just love getting stuff.

Rambler, jambler.

Yeah, I know.

Have you ever thrown glass bottles

in one of those recycle ones?

Oh my god, Anise.

You smash every, oh, so good.

The best is where you smash,

not only the bottle you threw, but the bottle it hits.


That's a double smash.


For the price of one smash.

It's going to be a really satisfying afternoon, I think,

because everything was looking absolutely terrible.


Now I'm going to get rid of the scrap.

The other thing though that like blows my mind

thinking about like wastage and such,

is the screws and the nails.

They don't get wasted.

No, no, you drive over them and they pop nicely into your tire.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so wasted.

Those big, beautiful tornado screws or bugles or whatever

they're called.

Oh god, I love them.

They're thick and they're grunt right in and they grip.

And they go, and they're like, they hold things together

and they go, and they've got a hex head on them.

They're an erotic screw.


I found three of them on the ground.

I think those go for about a buck each.



Oh, they just pop out of people's pockets

and they just leave them on the ground.

I'm bringing around my magnets.

My fishing magnets.

Oh yeah.

I'm going to make a sort of an apparatus to tow behind

something, myself maybe.

And I'm going to drag them up and down

Haley's driveway, collecting all the rogue screws.

Yeah, good stuff.

Fun afternoon, please.

Do you want to come over?

I absolutely not.

All right.

What have you got on?

What, the gym?



Gym and the lifts.

No, I've got the gym and Haley's already

bailed on that again.


Well, should we get in there?

Should we get in the lifts?

Should we jump in there?

Yeah, I'll be doing that.

Oh yeah, that's true.

We're cat.

I'll make sure she squats into every time

she projects something into the skip.

There you go.

We all win.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

On Today's Lil Bitta Pod; Vaughan gets excited over Hayleys skip!

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