ZM's Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley: Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's Lil Bitta Pod - 30th October 2023

NZME NZME 10/29/23 - Episode Page - 6m - PDF Transcript

The ZM podcast network.

Fleshworn and Haley's Little Bit of Pod.

Treat yourself to McCafe coffee with My Mac's Rewards.

Welcome to A Little Bit of Pod.

Now I'll say I think considering the weekend we've all just had,

we pulled together a pretty good show today.

Because none of us on Saturday morning were in any state to function

for at least three more days.

I saw Vaughn Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

We had lunch on Sunday.

We had a break Saturday, didn't we?

You and I.

On Friday, we recorded at my apartment some Christmas podcast shout-out messages,

some Christmas specials.

We set out to do eight.

No, I think we set out to do...

I thought we set out to do five.

And then turned into eight.

And I feel like we ended with coming.



Yeah, yeah.

So that means we can have one a day,

every day from our last show of the year,

through to Christmas,

and the last day is the Christmas special.

I believe so, yes.

There will be podcasts while we're away for our holiday breaks,

but these will rank up a third of the podcast.

And I'll tell you what, it starts...

We pretty much do a cocktail per episode.


And then when the cocktails were taken too long,

we decided we would do some shots.

I was in bed, I think, by nine.

I had to check the Uber the next day to see what time I got home.


And then I looked on my phone,

because I was like, I wonder if...

And then there's videos of the Uber,

and a photo of Hailey just like,

blah, asleep.


And I'm just like, got it.

And I think I sent that one to Aaron saying she's on her way.


And then I sent a video to Shade,

because the next day I was like,

this is how tank we were in Shade.

I was like, yeah, I know, you sent that to me.

And I was like, ooh.

And then on Sunday, I had to be like,

do I have a fork?

I have a gray's knee.


And then when you got out of the early, you hit the deck.

It got wild, didn't it?

It really got wild.


It got loose.

So there'll be some warnings on those episodes, I think.

I think we need to listen back 8, 9, 10.

The other ones, I'm kind of like, oh, you know,

we're all right.



We were laughing a lot.

8, 9, and 10.

Were we laughing?

Heaven knows.

Because it was funny?

Or because we were...

Just kidding.

No, I think it was funny.

It was out of control.

I think if you dropped straight into 9,

or without doing 1 through 8, you'd be like,

what the hell's happened?


But if you were there for the whole journey...


I do remember laughing so much that I was crying.

I laughed so hard.

I hit 8 from laughing.

We were sweating as well, because we're just getting so worked up.

And I invited a few friends over, just because we were having drinks.

And then they started serving us, and they were just beside themselves.

And then the producers smartly took off.

We didn't, did we?

No, we stayed on.

We stayed on, didn't we?

Should we have one more as becoming a terrible catchphrase?

I know.

Should we just have one more?

One more.

I'll go.

Yesterday at the pub, before we left, Shade said,

should we have one more?

And I was like, no.

Because that's been said multiple times this weekend,

and it's never ended well.


I don't know how you guys did that whole weekend of...

I didn't drink Saturday, didn't touch it.

Then Sunday, I had a non-alcoholic beer at lunch,

and I didn't have any champagne at...


No, I have not.

So I had a stag deal on Saturday,

and I had to put in a terrible effort.

I know.

I was messaging you being like, how the hell?

Because the friends that you invited over,

they were also at the stag, too.


It's going to be celery this week, I think.


Is that what you say?

Yeah, I'm doing celery juice.

Celery juice?


How does it juice so fibrous?

I don't know.

I don't know.

It feels like what we need, though.


I'm excited for those to come out.

I don't know if it's awesome.


Well, let's say, yeah.

Something to look forward to.

Something to look forward to.

Merry Christmas on us.

Explicit tags, Jared has said.

We'll be on everything.

What are you suggesting, producer Jared?

Because you weren't drinking as much as we were.

Look, I can't remember.

You had one.

You had one the whole night.

Yeah, I had one.

Jesus, how was that experience?

It was a fun night.

I had to leave early because I had D&D plans.

Oh, that's right.

I mean, we ripped you out.

Some of them were so drunk.

D&D got cancelled.

Oh, because you couldn't do it.

Yeah, I could not.

Well, I didn't get home till nine,

and we were supposed to start at seven.

And then I said to the lads,

I was like, sorry for bailing last night.

They're like, oh, no, you did us a favor.

I was in bed at like 7.30,

and the other one was like, I was so tired.

And I was like, yeah, me too.

Oh, my God.

I bailed as well.

I had plans.

I mean, when we were getting our little buzz on,

you were cancelling that,

and I was cancelling our dinner.

So they'll have explicit tags, these podcast specials.

Yeah, so normally I just write explicit content

in the body text.


So this time I'm going to do that.

I'm going to chuck one at the start,

like a pre-recorded thing like we normally do.

And then I'm also pushing the button I've never touched before.


That'll have an E on the episode.

Oh, we got road.

We did get road.

I feel like I shared too much.

There was one of two moments.

There was one or two stories I shared too much.


Oh, gosh.

We should also put that thing that Haley sees on her website

she goes to, are you over 18?

Yes or no?

Oh, yeah.

That one.

You just click yes.

You just click yes even if you're not.

Even if you're not.

It doesn't know, does it?


You enter that?


Wow, wow, wow.

It's going to be fun.

I was going to say let's have a quiet weekend,

but we're all off to a party on Saturday together.

Absolutely working ahead of bail on going to that.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

On Today's Lil Bitta Pod; Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley had a HUGE Friday recording the upcoming Christmas Cocktail Podcasts!

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