ZM's Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley: Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's Lil Bitta Pod - 2nd September 2023

NZME NZME 9/1/23 - Episode Page - 8m - PDF Transcript

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Fleshwater and Haley's little bit of pod treat yourself to make cafe coffee with my Mac's rewards

Welcome to a little bit of pod now on this was so much fun

You say it was so much fun on yesterday's little bit of pod. We've decided to do it again. Yeah wavelength

This is a drinking game, right? It's so good. This is a drinking game. Is that origins in the drink?

Um, it could be if you don't get it

Where did you say this on tiktok who is doing on tiktok? Oh, it's just a couple of lads

To the lads because this is a fun game well, I want to play I want to I only like playing

I don't want to be the one guessing I get to a temperature. We're all gonna pick a number between one and ten

For example like yesterday's game. We all picked we decided on eight. Yeah, and then we decided on

Based on our category something that is worth an eight out of ten and your humble opinion

Yes, now how well I know you will help me work out what number out of ten this that's right because today Vaughn will be guessing

Yes, Vaughn doesn't know the number all right cover your eyes. Okay. All right. Let's all come up with a number

Yeah, you did say

Okay, born uncover your eyes we have decided on a number

Let's start now Haley. What is your category today? My category today is jewelry and

At that number I'm going to go

I'm gonna go

Second earring

What would this material what would the second earring be made of?

I'm a silver girl

Okay, I have silver. Okay, so we're going a high number again. I don't know Haley's feelings on the second earring

Oh, I don't wear them. I don't wear earrings at work because of our headphones, but you do have two piercings

I do have two holes. Okay, so

Don't know where the third one


Okay, Fletch, I'm choosing cities. I've been to fantastic out of the whole world out of 10

Brisbane, oh

He's not a huge

Oh my god, I will say though that in like

It has got better. Oh, yeah, it has got a lot cooler, but it's in my opinion

This is the rating. It's the Hamilton of Australia. It's a Hamilton of it

And you know, yeah now or where you've got the Goldie, so why wouldn't you just go to the Goldie?

Okay, after this after two, I've got six okay after two

I've got six as my as my thanks. Let's go to Brisbane. Yeah, okay. Let's go to Shannon now. What's your category Shannon?

I've gone colors. Okay. Okay. You playing it safe after yesterday's way


Donald's specific yeah

Okay, colors. I'm gonna say a burnt orange

Mustard deep now like yeah orange like on the photoshop thing. We've gone hard left. Yeah, yeah rich


Because you wear bright colors

Doesn't mean you love

You'd hate a dark orange, but I don't think I've seen it wearing a burnt orange

It's still around it's still around

That might that might take it to a five. I'm sitting at the moment between a six and a five

Okay, well, let's hope somebody doesn't warn you and chuck in a cucumber

Let's chucking in a cucumber

Reporting the man was taken to the after after he warned it

And it went right up can't wait. What's your category my category is social media platform

Okay, my pick is Facebook. Oh, she's yes. Yeah now

Now I'm a bit more five because I know she doesn't love Facebook. She's a she's a tiktok girl

She's over

Facebook she present doesn't remember the glory days. We go out to a party and take a thousand photos and upload them

called Wild Night Journal

Which you'd have to sometime in the 2000s delete

Only me. Yeah, we're no one else can see it and every photo of course had its own caption

Oh, yeah, a witty witty recollection of the moment me and Hannah slamming them down. Yeah

Not the first time Hannah got slammed that night

Now I'm circled five. Okay

See a producer Jared can help you out. Sorry my topic is superpowers. Okay. Okay. I think we were on similar pages here

wall crawling

So that means you can walk up wall like a spider-man like the specific part of spider-man's powers

Let him climb up walls on ceilings. Okay, not not not this not spider-man's powers on a whole

Okay, another jump in the swinging the

Spidey sense

But it's right superpowers guys. It's no invisibility and it's no flying X-ray vision. It's not super healing. Yeah

This is all very average. You've all said very average things

Okay, I think after this I will be average though. I will be locking in five

Okay, final answer five



Imagine if Jared had done a Vaughn and said X-ray vision

X-ray visions are seven. I think it's a hard seven. I think whoever says a thing last. There's so much pressure

I'm the current champion

Well, we haven't had a go

I'm the current champion. Give me the trophy. Give my name and grade nine. There's four of us. They haven't even had a whack at it

Yeah, I wonder if you can your chance to take the trophy. Okay. Well, congratulations. I by the way, I got there at burnt orange

Yeah, yeah orange was the one Brisbane. I thought because you said it got better. I gave it a six. Yeah. Yeah

Hey, we didn't do our jingle. Second earrings though

Yeah, well because I was like bracelets, but you know I wear bracelets these don't come off

Yeah, I use your wear rings, but a little fat for them at the moment

And I always wear a necklace, but I was like second-airing. I'm always like, I like it when I wear it, but it's all right

That was a game of

Quite high that was quite high. Yeah, so I did that way you didn't join it. Yeah, that was a game of

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On Today's Lil Bitta Pod; Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley play another round of Wavelength!

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