ZM's Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley: Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's Lil Bitta Pod - 28th October 2023

NZME NZME 10/27/23 - Episode Page - 6m - PDF Transcript

The ZM podcast network.

Fletch Born and Haley's Little Bit of Pod.

Treat yourself to McCafe coffee with my Mac's rewards.

Welcome to A Little Bit of Pod.

Do you know the other day, we were at, uh,

what was the movement we were doing?

And I couldn't believe how unflexible you were, Fletch.

Doing this movement at the gym and I was like,

Oh my god, no, I am so unflexible, unflexible.

Me too.

Are you?

Oh, terribly.

I've been trying to do way more stretches at the end of like working out.


Way more.

10 to 15 minutes into it now.

I'm sorry.

I don't think it's getting any better.

As soon as I'm done at the gym, I want to be gone and I hate stretching.

Do do this one for your lower back where you lay flat on your back

and then you put one arm up so your right arm goes up.


And your left leg is out.

You put it out flat and then you take your left arm and you tuck it under

and try to push it as far as you can.

I've seen that.

That's a good one.

That really stretches the lower back.

Well, if I lay on my back and you bring a leg over,

my shoulder will instantly go off the floor.


I'm so unflexible.

I'm just not flexible.

I'm kind of.

I'm all right, but I should be better.

And yesterday I was getting a sore back just from working

and I was like, hell no, bitch.

Like we're not studying this now.


And I know that like mobility and flexibility are things that I don't put

any, you know, like functional stuff.

I'm all about that dumps.


And that shred life.

You know, maybe we need to go to Pilates, babes.

Babes, maybe.

It's a bit of a spence of.

No, they've got one at the gym now.

Pilates though.

That's where it's at.

You can do it.

Oh, I was going to say you can just, there's YouTubers.






















And it cost me $180, and then I canceled it.

Jesus Christ.

I know, but that's how Madalyn Sammy got shreds.

So I was like, I'll do that.

Didn't use it.

Well, I got one called Better Me,

which is about somatic workouts.

Because I've got high cortisol levels in stressed.

So I got that to do, like,

breathing shit.

Boring, that's what I paid for.


Not letting me use it.



The other one I got yesterday was after my back could get like getting out of

place and I kept getting in, like,

I was like, can you click it like?

I like a bit right and I could work again.

And then it would get out of place,

I'm like, can you do it?


It's called bend.

And it's like supposed to make you more bendy.

I got tired of every time I tell you this yesterday.

Well, maybe we'll be into it.

So it's, oh, if you did this every day,

it would eventually be able to touch your toes

and be flexible.

And I think the good thing about it is consistency is key.

Consistency and not my forte bend.

I'm just opening it up.

When is a good time for your daily stretch?

I think before bed, before going to bed.

Oh, it's a bit like though,

like whenever you go to the physio,

and this always happens,

you get a big list of exercises.

It just comes so.

And you never do that.

I literally have paid so much money for physios

and never done the exercise.

And I'm like, why don't their injury heal properly?

Why is that knee still doing that thing?

When you go back for your next appointment,

they're like, now, how are the exercises?

Yeah, good, good, good.

I'm finding they're helping a bit.

I'm having trouble with some of them.

They know, right?

They know.

Then they go, show me how you've been doing it.

And you're like, doing which one?

The one with the thing.

How does that go again?

Yeah, they fucking know.

How does that one go again?

They know. You're in the right place.

So this one, you could take photos like, you know,

when we've done this before, like touch your toes

and you guys are quite far away.

You take a photo of that.

Do you want to see, I can do this one real close?

Oh yeah, if I put my leg up.

If you put your leg up,

but going from standing to bending.

No way.

Yeah, but don't, you're straight,

you're bending your hips.

You're contorting.

Yeah, I'm bad at that.

So you would take a photo like that.

And then a few weeks later,

you take another and you can see

the progressions, but then do I have to keep it up?

Or once I'm down there,

is that just going to last forever?

You got to keep it up.

Ah, fuck.

Just be stiff.

Mind you, as a body, do you want to focus full body?

My nana was one of the most, as an old lady,

like even like, then the year leading up to her death.

Get her bloody legs behind her.

Well, I never saw that to be fair.

I don't even know if my papa ever saw that.

Oh my God, it's asking.

She could like, reach down and she'd grab her toes

and then she'd like, walk her hands back.

Insanely flexible.

You could do the one, I got taught this one,

where you stand on a step, right?

And you'd been like, you're trying to touch your toes,

but you'd hold a heavy plate.

So you stand like this and you want to get the plate

past the point of your toes.

Well, that's not happening.

You go further.

Oh, it feels so good.

I've done that with the bar before

and yeah, it pulls you down.

And then you take a breath

and you go a little bit more.

Well, maybe there could be a 24 resolution.

I did this, and remember,

this was my resolution in like 19 or something

to be able to touch my toes.

Well, why don't we do this together?

We could do it during the show.

We could run the app each day and do a stretch.

Yeah, okay.

And how long does each one take?

It's already hard enough to get

Vaughn focused between the songs on show.

This could be what I need.

This could be what I need.

It could be great.

I don't know.

Select any specific areas of caution.

None, babe.

I'm a fit as a fiddle.

Knees back.

So back.

Okay, well, this is another app.

Lower back, middle back, upper back, upper back, neck.

I'm gonna spine, I'm gonna shoulders.



Guys, I think we should do this.

Oh, I'm gonna go hands.

Okay, well, good luck, good luck.

Well, thank you.

I'm a real bendy and you're just not gonna know

the bloody end of me.

You know what I mean?

And there's other benefits.

Bloody flippa leg here and there.

Yeah, bloody octopus over there.

Yeah, blah.

That's what they call it, the octopus.

Octopus sprout.



What's the blah?

Octopus sprout.

That was the sprout.

Being here like, oh, I'm super flexible.

Watch this.


I know this work to be sexy

and then you fuck it all up like a blah.

I do have a habit of fucking that thing up.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

On Today's Lil Bitta Pod; Hayley has a new App!

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