ZM's Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley: Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's Lil Bitta Pod - 24th August 2023

NZME NZME 8/23/23 - Episode Page - 4m - PDF Transcript

Welcome to a little bit of pod. Now Hailey, you'd like Vaughan to help you with something?

Yeah. I haven't eaten anything today, right? So I haven't put my hands... No, it's fine.

It's breakfast time. I'll eat something now. But I haven't put my hands in any food or

anything like that. And my fingers smell a bit. You know when you're sniffing your fingers?

You haven't picked your bum? I haven't picked my bum. It's not a pooey smell. It's not a poopy smell,

and it's not a B.O. in the armpit check. It's not like a dirty... It smells a bit

meaty to me, or like a bit barbecuing. And that's why you came to Mindvorn,

because you are a barbecue man of Fiscianato of meat. Do you want to sniff my fingers? Hailey

would like you to sniff your fingers. And just if you can... And I lost this, I'll sniff my mate's fingers.

I absolutely regret it. Now where we're really treating a fine line here, this is quite grim. I

am never in... And I can say this honestly, in my life, had a mate, or have I ever said to anyone...

Smell my fingers. Smell my fingers. Oh yeah, that's disgusting.

You're a... Oh, you grow up. You've got to get the cluster. It's... It's these three.

I jump on a closer microphone between me and halfway. Yeah, go on. I've gone Mike2Vorn,

there you go. I've just turned that mic on. How's that? My mic too? Yeah, there you go.

Imagine like a kettle barbecue chip. Okay, Hailey's bringing over the fingers now to Vorn.

Oh, he's had a good sniff there. Can you smell it? Yeah. It's... It's like a barbeque. No, just

remember she doesn't shower. When's the last time you showered? Yesterday. Yesterday morning. Okay,

let's walk back. Yesterday lunch. Yesterday lunch. Let's walk back. What have we eaten? What was

the last thing you ate last night? What did you have for dinner last night? I didn't eat dinner.

Didn't eat dinner? On you... Oh, no, that's a lie. That's a lie. Did you have pizza? I had a pizza.

That could be... There's a pizza. A tomatoey garlicky. It was a wood-fired pizza.

I didn't eat dinner, but after the show, I had pizza. Wood-fired pizza could be a smoke.

Yeah. It's a smoke. It's a tomatoey sauce. There's a tomatoey sauce to it.

And if it's wood fire, that explains it. I've washed my hands. I've washed my hands.

Never have it's like a really garlicky tomatoey base. I would buy the pizza oven.

And it was garlicky. You could have touched something. See, I knew all it took was having

a friend brave enough to sniff my fingers. Why wouldn't you sniff her fingers?

Why wouldn't you sniff her fingers? I don't want to do that.

You don't even sniff at the smoke? No, absolutely not.

It's barbecue-y. It's not bad. It's not off-putting.

No, I'm fine. It is. It makes me hungry. I've always wondered how my nose would measure up.

Okay, you know those people that are like professional sniffers? I've always said you'd

be a good umbeagle at the airport. Yes, you good boy. I can always smell

things before people can. I'd be like, poor, can you smell that? And my whole family would be like,

no. And then, and then they'll smell it later. You're a beagle. I'm a beagle boy.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

On Today's Lil Bitta Pod; Hayley's fingers smell funny!

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