ZM's Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley: Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's Lil Bitta Pod - 21st October 2023

NZME NZME 10/20/23 - Episode Page - 7m - PDF Transcript

The ZM Podcast Network.

Fletch Born and Haley's Little Bit of Pod.

Treat yourself to McCafe coffee with My Mac's Rewards.

Welcome to A Little Bit of Pod.

And I didn't know, born did you know,

we are in the midst of a charity queen.

Yeah, is it Fletch Born and Haley or is it Fletch Born and Mother Teresa?

It's hard to tell.

Now was she, did she get cancelled in later years, Mother Teresa?

Oh, fuck off.

I thought she was a bit of a C-word.


When it came, it all came out on the wash.

No, Saint is spout with an S, not a C.

Oh, I apologize.

It's an S, not a soft C.

Oh, right, a C with a little...


Sante on it.

Sante Bar.

There was, there was a couple of questions about Mother Teresa.

How should the official figure during her life and after her death,

Mother Teresa was admitted by many for her charity were admired, sorry.

Was criticized for her views on abortion and contraception.

But she was a cat-like woman, of course.

Yeah, right.

That's like saying, I'm not happy that this French person likes bread.


Cigarettes and coffee.

You can't, like, that was drilled into her.


Shut up.

Of course she had controversial...

If you talk to any old person, they're going to have controversial opinions on it.

Oh, I know.


Never watch a Morgan Freeman movie with my granddad, I tell you.


He just had like a...

He just had a really...

No, he's married to a Maori woman.

He wasn't racist, but he had a strange way of describing Morgan Freeman.



Sounds like an off-air conversation.

Yeah, it was.


He's dead.


We've got him.

He's cancelled from beyond the grave.

Yeah, I am.

I'm an absolute charity queen today because I am trying to get the wardrobe down again.

Fletch, stop looking up, Mother Teresa.

Don't cancel her.

Don't cancel her.

Don't try to cancel Mother Teresa.

More sanitary conditions in some of these places where she...

She was in India, in the slums of India.

What did they expect?

Fucking hand sanitizer and jiff on every beach tour?

Mother Teresa is going to be watching you and being like,

okay, well, let's talk about your shit then, Fletch.

Yeah, yeah.

Workers wash needles under tap water and reuse them.

Oh, stop it.


Anyway, my act of charity is...

Because I don't have anything bad.

You couldn't Google anything bad about me.

Is that I'm cleaning out my wardrobe at the moment and I've got a bag of clothes that

is simply so expensive they must be sold.


I've got a bag of clothes that are definitely for the donation,

but they're not that cool.

And then I've got a bag of clothes of stuff that's really cool and a bit designer-y,

but I can't be bothered selling it.

And so I just text the girlies, Shannon and Karwen, and went,

oh, do you guys want some clothes?

And so I was sending pictures and I said,

I'll just bring you bags of clothes and you can fish through them.

And they were on the receiving end of my colorful, tatty old clothes.

Not tatty at all.

Some of these have not been worn by you.

I know they haven't.

Oh, okay.

Some of them haven't.


But I mean, I think this is a good thing, a good sharing of clothes.


Do they smell these clothes?

One of them is grubby as a.


I haven't given them a sniff to you.

You've got a couple there.

Can you grab them and just give them a sniff?

Some of them have definitely been in storage for months.

It's going to smell a little bit mothbally slash prosecco.

No, we don't put mothballs in my wardrobe.

Is that all right?

It's giving, like, old incense.

Not bad.

They'll build a weed.

They'll build a gunja here at my house.

All of them.


I feel like I'm in, like, a nice shop in Ponsonby.

Oh, yeah.

That's what my clothes smell like, darling.

So thank you.

Thanks for the charity.

One of them is real grubby.

Got a grubby collar, but it's a nice shirt.

I was like, you can wash it.

Yeah, right.

You always get a grubby collar.


Rubbing against necks.

I don't have anything for the boys, but I just think, you know,

Aaron's jeans might not fit JP.


Aaron being six foot six and JP just being the point six.



But there's more to come, because I'm working through the wardrobe.

I've got all these bags of stored clothes that don't fit.

They're just, you know, they're too small.

They're too colorful.

I don't know.

More to come.

I do have a question about this.


So these dresses are gorgeous.

I will be wearing them to work.


Are you going to then see us wear them?





Are you going to then see us wear your clothes and ask for them back?


Because you'll make them look better.


Well, because you have done this in the past.

Oh, yeah.

I have too.

Remember, I gave, I gave Karween a hair curler and then I cut my hair short and I needed

a specific type of hair curler.

I was like, I swear you start.

Oh, I gave it to Karween.

And then I knew that she hadn't been using it.

So I took it back.

She does this.

She does this.

I do do this.

No, the clothes are yours.

I don't want them back.

And I've got some.

So I did think about donating fruity boobs.

Oh, yeah.

Do you remember fruity boobs?

Oh, yeah.

I remember fruity boobs.

Why are you donating fruity boobs?

Because the boobs have gotten so much bigger.

They'll be fruity boobs.

And I just, I don't know.

I don't know.

I'm considering it.


Anyway, stay tuned for the girls to be walking into the office looking absolutely stunning

in my old clothes.

There could be something out there for Fletch.

Some sort of flowy blouse.

Flowy flowery blouse.

I think a couple of old kimono.

Oh, I do love a kimono, don't I?


He loves appropriating different cultures' nightwear.

Yeah, absolutely.

And a few turbans I can chuck into the mix as well.

Oh, my God.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Yeah, it's going to make going out of the dairy for a quick thing.

But much like a tie, much like a tie, you're going to need to tie that turban before you

give it to him because he can't tie his own turban.

No, pre-tied turban.

Vorn ties all my ties.

And turban.


Vorn, do you want anything from the wardrobe?

You want to look out for anything?

No, I can't, I can't say I am.

I do have an anini bing blazer that I was considering parting ways with because it's so small and

I actually think it would fit Chade but.

That would be great because that feeds the addiction without costing me a small fortune.

She said to me the other day, I'm just going to pop in for a look at Newmarket.

Now to put that into perspective, that's a 50 kilometre drive.


From our house.

A roundtrip, yeah.

No, no, it's more or less 100Ks roundtrip.

You're not 50Ks away from Newmarket.

No, you're not.

Well, we're 30Ks to here and it'll be another, oh, maybe another 5K, is another 5Ks?

Oh, it's F4.

Google it please, because this guy's.

Wait a minute, because you were talking fucking shit.

Well, she went somewhere else then.


Thank you.


Much closer than I thought.

So it's a 62.

Well, the story's better.

A roundtrip.

A 100 kilometre roundtrip.

And she's like just popping for a look.

I'm like what the fuck's a look?

We're just seeing what's out.

Seeing what's closer.

And then what's out and about.

Yeah, but the mall's that's close to where we live is shit.

So she just popped for a look.

I'm going to Newmarket today.

We're actually about to go and bloody pop off and go have a little shoppy to do and

Newmarket the gullies now.

And then I'm going to stay behind.

I'm going to spend a voucher I got and then I might have a little look around.

And then I've got a mecca.

That's a 250 kilometre roundtrip from here.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

On Today's Lil Bitta Pod, Hayley does some Charity!

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