ZM's Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley: Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's Lil Bitta Pod - 14th September 2023

NZME NZME 9/13/23 - Episode Page - 5m - PDF Transcript

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The ZM Podcast Network.

Fleshwater and Haley's Little Bit of Pod.

Treat yourself to Mccaffay coffee with My Mac's Rewards.

Welcome to A Little Bit of Pod.

And for those podcast listeners that may not listen to the live radio show, we did have

a big announcement today.

Do you know what, this is right up Haley's alley.

And she's got a big old alley and it's being filled with this show.

That's right because we're going to do a live show.

That's right live in front of an audience.

Live, yeah because our radio show is live every day.

That would be one of the top questions you could ask, like how much of the show is live.

All of that.


Very, very, very rarely would you have to like do an interview as a celebrity over in

a different time zone.

So you pre-record that and then you play it back, but yeah, the whole, yeah, it's always


But the podcast isn't.

That's why we get to say things like, fuck.

And bumhole.

And fuck my bumhole.

Oh, jeez.

I was going to say the start of this with your big alley being filled was probably enough.

So I'll run through the details again.

So if you're listening to this today is Thursday, the 14th of September, tomorrow the

FAM, the podcast FAM presale starts.

Now, where's this bit of paper here that, here we go, is it somebody's mortgage coming

up next week, don't I?

Just hearing that date's reminded me.

One of my mortgage is coming off that sweet 2.5.

Oh, you're a new old babe.

Straight up.

Two drinks.

Who do you think it was going to go what, down, did you?

I thought it might stay down for a little while.


Got cocky, didn't I?


Someone got a bit greedy, didn't they?


Well, so tomorrow, which will be the 15th of September on Friday, the presale starts

at 9 a.m. New Zealand time, ZM Online has the details there to register, or you can text

live to 9 6 9 6, and I know this is really for New Zealanders, New Zealand podcast listeners,

unless you want to fly over, that's absolutely up to you.

General tickets will go on, say on Monday the 18th of September 9 a.m., and then we're

going to do, on stage, we're going to do all the features, or your favourites, but I can

guess your mum's name.

You're going to bring out the piano.

I'm going to bring out my live piano and play a Haley's version.

I think that's when I'll go for a toilet break.

You know, when bands are playing, and you know, they just leave a drummer to do some

10-minute solo, not that I'm saying you're a 10-minute solo, but if you're telling me

that you want to leave the stage to me in a moment, so I can have it all to myself,

I don't f***ing care.

You can go and do whatever you want.

That's what you absolutely crave.

I love it!

Yeah, no, it's going to be very exciting.

It's going to be a fun night.

My audience has just absolutely jazzed me up.

I love performing.

I can tell, I can tell.

Yeah, all the details that's in online.

You'd love to see you along for a Fletch, Juan and Haley live Auckland Sky City Theatre,

October 19th.

Should we all go get spray tans?

No, no.


I'm going to get a spray tan.


How much of you are you planning on showing?

I'm going to be pretty slutty.

Are we going to show everybody that big alley?

I thought you were just going to get a nice black sack.

No, I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to get slutty.

Okay, good girl.

Well, should I get slutty too then?

You can get slutty.

Get a bit of cleavage.

We can get those beautiful legs of yours out for one.

No, I won't be getting slutty.

I'll be...

We should do a segment called Born's Legs or...

Yeah, or Chippaladas.

What are Chippaladas?

The skinny sausages.

And then we'll get some actual sausages made that are the size of human legs.


This is going to be so fun.

This is going to be fun.

I love this.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

On Today's Lil Bitta Pod; Something BIG is coming...

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