ZM's Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley: Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's Big Pod - 20th September 2023

NZME NZME 9/19/23 - Episode Page - 1h 24m - PDF Transcript

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The Flesh Fawn and Haley big pod. Treat yourself to Mccaffay coffee with my Maccas rewards.

Good morning, welcome to the show Flesh Fawn and Haley it's Wednesday.

It is Wednesday, I'm out with that.

And for a warm day too.

I'm gonna say it's Wednesday and for a penny and for a pound, I'm sure.

And this is the week, might as well be.


Yesterday, I got my clothes off and put on a singlet and a pair of shorts and sat outside.

How good was the, God, great gardening with yesterday?

Gardening, I had vodka sodas.

Did you?

I'm doing no matter.

Two different lifestyles there, right?

Yeah, we just got different priorities.

Yeah, it's good.

It's good to have, you know, put a difference around.

On the show today, chances for you to win.

We've got our $25,000 cash catch up at eight o'clock.

And then around eight thirty, the activator, your chance to win some flights in a credit

with our flights in a captain's packs.

We got bags one, three and eight left.

I'd go three.

Three is my third number.

Yes, giving away $10,000 of the flights in a credit.

So Chancellor's Feord went on the show today, the top six on the way.

Yes, are the hop card database.

It was a breach.

This is the, like, the snapper card for Wellington.

Undern contracting Christchurch ever?

What are they called?

The Vis, Vis, Vis on the line.


The Richard McC personality.

The Richard Mcût card.


Yeah, we know I have no idea Christchurch.

What do you call?

Google Google um so this is here what you tag on to the buses the 18th there was a data breach, right?

Yeah, is it a metro card in Christchurch? Yeah, it's Melbourne

Yeah, we universally agreed upon a name that's confusing for you gonna

You're gonna be able to soon all over the country just use your wave. Oh, thank God

That's good. I know because you can do that overseas in places. So great

Well, there was a data breach, right?

They got the details. There was a whole lot of problems. Apparently should be fixed by now

They were like ransom. They said give us a million dollars. Yeah, we crash your system. Oh dear

That's why people couldn't top up for a while last week. Yeah

So I've got the top six things hackers now know about you from the hopcar data breach

Have you got one of these I actually lent mine to my friend because she went to why heck

Island where you need a hopcar because you catch the bus around there and I never got it back

I said ten dollars

And I think I've got an automatic top up. So it's just oh god you've got all that out

You're gonna sort that out

Could be your Kiwi saver in the end of the day. You've put money into it. Speaking of Christchurch

We mentioned the name of their whatever zip zappy card is metro

There's a meat mystery in Christchurch that we need to talk about soon. This is quite a bizarre story

Crime is a friend personally offended. Yeah, all this meat goes away. Yeah, there's a meat lover next on the show though

There's a Danish artist who was given a grant to create a collection and he's had to give it back

Because they weren't happy with what he produced. I'll tell you why they weren't happy next

There is an

Austrian is the Austrian Danish

Artist, oh, that's rude like it's a completely different totally different. I know calling you in Australia. I know I apologize

I have this yummy looking custard Austrian, please. I know oh, we wouldn't say that

I just wouldn't say it. I want to I want an apple Austrian. It doesn't work like that. I'm apologies a Danish artist

His name is Hans honing

It's the correct

You gotta sing Scandinavian

He's honing

Yeah, and he is what they call a conceptual artist. Okay conceptual artists meaning usually the meaning behind the piece is more

Important than the piece itself. This isn't the guy that


Duck taped a banana to the wall and was like tada and everyone's like, oh my god

I'm not sure can you have a little yeah, I'm gonna have a little I'm just literally gonna Google duct taped banana duct tape banana

Well, I'll tell you his recent

Malaki he was given the equivalent of a hundred thirty thousand New Zealand dollars as an arts grant to create a piece of work

That was inspired by something he had done before right though

Like we want you to do a a response piece to this piece of art. Yeah, we are he was given money

like cash money and

Created art with it

Consumerism probably

Anyway, so he was given a hundred thirty thousand dollars to create a response piece to that and then at the showcase they turned up and it was two



Nothing on the canvas whatsoever just blank frames to empty frames and

He said that it was about power inequality and money and the name of the work was called take the money and run

I like it so

Absolutely nothing and does stink of and I don't want to stereotype all artists

But it just it does stink like someone bought weed with it got lazy

Totally the date was fast approaching and then this is what he came up with on the morning off. Yeah, so he

The museum director who where this showcase was said he was overseas when the crates got open when they

When arrived, yeah, but he his inbox was like ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding with all the people been like

Hey, we've got yarns as new work

It's just to empty canvases

He goes look, I know it's no he's known for his conceptual and activist art with a humoristic touch. Okay, we weren't expecting this

He gave us

Humor but a bit of a wake-up call is everyone now wonders where did the money go?

So they just what art is there to do make you think this is his whole point

He's like, yeah, but this is the commentary, right? Like what is it all about need to do a little bit more like could he have?

Printed out his bank, you know like a little ATM receipt and put that in the middle of the frame

Yeah, you know and then they might not have asked him for it back because he's done a little bit more well

They've displayed it. They were like, okay

So they put it up. Yeah, and then afterwards they were like hang on. We're just getting webbing laughed at here

So they decided to ask

For the money back and he refused so they've taken legal action because the artist said the workers that I have taken their money

It is a breach of contract and a breach of contract is the work. I love this. I encourage other people to think this way

How amazing is that so he has basically been ordered to pay it back now

They're taking legal action. Yeah, that being like with the where's the money?

I know the money is the thought the money is the artist

I would I would be I'd feel so much pressure

You know like when people write a book or this kind of art they get it like a you know money in advance

I know and then you've got to come up with this work

But I know their money and then you decide have you ever been in this?

Yeah, I've been given money like creative New Zealand money before and then you do this real money

You do this hot nuts not and you do a whole pitch of like this is the work

This is who the work will reach and this is work will do and then afterwards you they give you the money

And then you have to tell them how you did those things. That's the worst bit afterwards when you're like, okay

So like no one came and it was kind of like just a funny little show, but thanks

And they never give you money again

But I'm how much money we're talking I

Think for the show I made a show called vanilla miracle, and I think I got vanilla miracle

Yeah, what is that? What is the money like vanilla milk? Okay, like milk a milky woman. It was about being Māori

Oh, and I think they gave me 15,000

From memory maybe I'm over in flat it

So that pays for people designers crew

set design

My fee right is fee, but you but you but nobody came. No, okay people came. Oh, okay

No, no, no, no, no, no, okay. Well the outcome. We should do a show. We should do an art

Really hard. No, it's that can't be that hard if you did it. Yeah

This is fear

Fletch Vaughn and Haley

Would you be happy with a lab growing diamonds these are

Growing as we just said and labs versus blood diamonds

Ethically questionable diamonds because you've got blood diamonds in your sure do boss. Yeah

What makes any difference I went and got to myself you did

Into that mine I said get out of my way. I'm here for more blood diamonds and you brought them home and put them in

Yeah, that's wedding ring. It's lovely. I sold the rest. Yeah

That's nice because can you tell me my the difference between a lab run with him why my wedding ring

Engagement ring is black diamonds, which are really rare. So I'm sure that my

No, it's that's actually the color of the diamond

That's that I'm sure that's lab grown and then the white ones around it are


We know what you're gonna do for your wedding ring

The site the company


We'll be at the wedding. We've got the butterfly. I've got the butterflies. I'll

Waddle down the aisle. Yeah, I'm so excited about your wedding. Yeah, the company that makes them I read it's all recycled

Recycled jewelry melt it down and then reused into a new ray from like a divorce a yeah

What and then the diamonds are taken from old rings, you know what that bad kind of karma

They might be serious divorce a karma in there. It's all recycled

So they buy them. Yeah, you just get a old old gold. That's fascinating. I'd love to know that you melt it down

You make a new story of who?

Yeah, I guess

Well, the results we pulled it off a dead woman's finger

We've been digging some graves

Everybody in the story said that's a right. It's a lot

Would you be happy with a lab-grown diamond ring 82% of people said yes. Yeah. Well, if you can tell the difference

You can yeah, 18% said no, I'm looking forward to hearing the name. Yes. I am. Yeah, here we go

Catherine I am so grateful to have been proposed to lab-grown diamonds and not cheap either

It's the thought and investment into our life together and commitment to each other that means so much more

Justin Bieber hearthands

It's so true though, who cares how much it costs some people do though. Some people really do

Fletcher Greedo who cares how much it costs you get a cubic zirconia

Yeah, you get a burger ring

I had a bag of cheese balls in the weekend for you. Have you had that? Have you had the Costco?

No, no, no, no, who are the people that make the the Cheetos have you had the Cheetos cheese balls?

I have but they're not as good. You know, they're not as good arguably better

I'm sorry. They're not as cheese and bacon flavored cheese balls. No, they're not as good. Oh

Cheeseballs your original cheeseballs cheese balls fly. Okay, Erica says in fact

I've asked for a lab-grown diamond for when my partner and I get engaged more bang for your buck

Well, she sounds demanding and high maintenance, but she wants a larger diamond because it's cheaper than an actual diamond

Yeah, no one can tell the difference. True. Good luck, Mr. Erica

Sparkly finger go go you Helen. I have to my engagement and wetty man cost less

I'll say she's gone lab grind could have the ring I wanted as a I wasn't fixed to a price ethical better

Quality environmentally friendly mine also has recycled gold win win win. Yeah, recycled gold is quite common

Because otherwise they just sit there and anti-store is not being worn. Totally so they're bottom down them down

It's genius. Yeah, it's so good. It's genius

Emily I asked for



Moisian, that's looks Italian or Spanish. Yeah, Mois

Could you please Google this for me Haley if you've got a Google window open MOI



I think yeah, that's it

Right behind diamonds on the MOH hardness scale

Highest in brilliance aka more sparkly and way cheaper. No one would know if you didn't tell them

Okay, it's in the natural. Oh, that's that's a good idea. They've more sparkly

They're almost as hard as a diamond and the diamonds very very hard. Yeah, there you go

There's another option Tanya sees because every time I look down at my ring. I'd know it wasn't a real diamond

Oh, she's a purist

But it's sort of still real. It's just created in the lab with pressure

What out carbon and pressure right? Yeah, it's amazing. God that must be a hell of a clamp. Um, I love that

That's what gets you excited. God

Think of the pressure think of that noise. I reckon there'd be a YouTube video. They'd be an interesting YouTube video

There definitely would be how it's made series. Oh, I love those factory videos

My immediate factory video that I was fascinated by was chain link fence. Have you seen the machine that makes chain link chain link fence?

What's that like chicken wire? Oh my god?

Twist twist and there's a rather because twist twist twist twist twist

Amazing Mason says bitches be trippin if I if I drop the K on a ring. She'll only lose it

So there you go, he's not he's not just probably don't good luck mrs. Mason. Yeah

Yeah, good luck to mr. Erica or mrs. Mason. That's the two things we've learned from today

Yeah, 622 next on the show. There's a meat mystery. Yes

In Christchurch



Delvin to this next


ZM's flesh for the nailies dude fly tipping. It's up to dude if I might dude

Do it. Yeah, and didn't do thank you for acknowledging that non-binary dudes of the nation if I might address you for a moment, please do

Fly tipping drives me crazy. What's fly tipping?

It's where people dump a whole lot of rubbish. It's like they've got it all on a trailer and they stop in the middle of the countryside

And they kick it all off and then they drive away


No one's gonna see it set of a table and chairs like an outdoor plastic


Outdoor set just on the side of the road down the road from our house one day and I was like, oh, that looks like I'm done with this

I'm on the side of the road and anybody else wants it. That's how quickly Ratan's gone back out of fashion

Really outdoor plastic Ratan that you got one season with but you left it outside over winter in the sun

Yeah, the temperature just destroyed it in the next summer you sat on it and your fat ass went straight through it

Yeah, I joke it is terrible. I would never fly tip. Oh, no, it's too late for that

They have balance on the show yeah

But it drives me nuts just embers and the effort they went to put it all on a car or a trailer and drive to the middle of

No, it's because they don't want to pay the fees at the dump, right?

And and this is what they're saying is happening Christchurch because there is a meat mystery

Fly tipping in Christchurch over the last six years. It's cost the council more than eight hundred thousand dollars

Oh, that's just the people that they can't ping for it because you will get fined for it if they can prove that it was yours

Yeah, like some cameras or they leave their


Yeah, well my auntie Eve's tracked down a couple of people that have flight tipped out their way

So just stay there and put your rubbish in the bloody bin if you live in Matamata


This is weird

670 kilograms of meat and

Wyrgram and Hornby in the recent weeks have been found


Andre Moore a counselor said we had

220 kilos on one occasion and

200 kilograms on another a couple of weeks afterwards last night

There were 14 bags between them containing

250 kilograms of chucked meat goodness chuck meat or chucked

Not Chuck. Thank you for the clarification

Yeah, yeah, I mean I was gonna say perfect for a gravy boil it until it absolutely falls to bits

You get yourself a lovely gravy. Yeah, they don't know what the hell the deal is. It's so much meat

It's got to be supermarkets, right? It's got to be who has that much meat

So they're saying home kill or like a business, but I also can't understand

At what stage because it might work you we did mention before off air the possibility of a freezer defrost

Yeah, yeah, that's when you left with a lot of meat. Yeah, yeah, but who has hundred like hundreds of KG

But the council's not mincing their words are they


This is a high stakes investigation

Panicking I can



I mean this is particularly insulting because meat is my sort of forte it is yeah, I think I'm so traumatized with the fact

That's how much meat's been wasted. Yeah

um, no, I

Can't do it. I'm just I can't do it. I'm silly. I'm a silly old sausage

Cuz it's more about me than it was about the situation producer Jerry just did that you might be a little bit snit out of luck

It's good because you don't even need to say the whole word schnitzel and we know because we all love schnitzel

Where's it coming from? Where does it go? Where does it come from? I Joe don't know

Mystery, but then why wasn't it get minced up and given to pet? Yeah

Take it down to a run a park. We've got some meat eaters out there. Yeah, but if it's been dumped, you can't right that's

But you're saying before they dumped it. Yeah send it off to a pet food factory. Yeah

I've got

400 kilograms of

Lions feel like a bit of a bougie


Some to some steak tartar. Yeah, I could put some bloody capers in there and some red onion hold on the capers

In a tartare

Tata Tata, I don't want to keep a capers guy

I guess that when I was a kid I thought they were peas and I went Oh, oh too strong a mouthful of capers

My good. Well, if you've got any information on the meat mystery of Christ, you know, the council want to know

Let me read out a phone number. Oh my

Have you seen those articles when the police are looking for someone they're like if you see anything call the

Number and quote this reference number and it's like N4 278 9 10 11 12

Just say you saw that guy with the face tats

Yeah, the one of these

Which one you took about seven four seven eight seven two two or he took about HQ W four seven seven eight

This is the top six

The Medusa ransomware gang was demanding one million US dollars

Florida claims is Auckland transport data, but the council's like who cares

Cool take it

Wait does that mean they know my credit card because it's auto top up maybe Medusa's also offering the alleged data

Do anybody willing to pay a million US dollars if Auckland transport doesn't jump in first

So there's that's what that was the problem with topping up your hop card. Yeah, right

How will you get to the why heck a ferret I don't know how I'm going to get on to the why heck a ferret darling

But is that can't work for the why?

It works for the why hack a ferret different company there darling. That's it's integrated now darling

Darling it's been so long. I always take the helicopter. I know darling. I know but last time my chopper was down

Yeah, but I went with the Möbre's darling



Such lovely weather

Darling the poor people can't get to because the drive's too far as a man of water brick

Right by the ferrets full of plebs and potters

We should go pop into my new world

Well, hopefully the hot cards working because I can't afford if people listening have never been to why he get that whole thing

It was just a bizarre Ramble on everybody knows

If you're in Christchurch, just pretend we're from Miraville and we're going like

The wine region, you know, yeah, it's all relative

If you're in Wellington pretend that was a bunch of what's the posh Wellington suburb

Carory Karoli, yeah, Karoli woman who are off to Manborough for the weekend. It's all relative on them if you're from Hamilton

Okay, not not for Hamilton

You are

All right, well, I got the top six things the hackers know about you from your hot card data breach number six on the list

You'll get off a stop early if that hottie you like to look of is on the bus and she gets off there

Okay, yeah, so you're gonna walk a little bit further, but hey, it's only one stop

That could be the next Mrs. Smith, you know, I've got one

Number five on the list of the top six things hackers know about you from the hot card data breach

You didn't say thanks driver once and you're riddled with anxiety about it every time you get on and off the bus from I always say

Thanks, I always thanks try that. I always say driver

Because I don't want anybody else scooping up that thanks

Okay, yeah, yeah, number four on the list of the top six things the hackers know about you from your hot the hot card data breach

You once broke the no food or drink rule on the bus and you spilled your coffee on the seat, but the pattern absorbed it

Yeah, and it was a curry the pattern

Spill a curry on that thing you could leave a curry on that thing and you still wouldn't be able to see it

It's camouflage. It's camouflage

Number three on the list of the top six things hackers know about you from the hot card data breach

You fart regularly on the bus and you just act like you can't smell anything

But you can hear other people even through your headphones being like

Actually, you can't smell it actually can't hear anything

It's not the same as a plane because you're not at that altitude. There's a

Plains you can't see

Plains you can get away with a rogue fart, but not a bus. No don't do that too much air number two on the list of the

Top six things the hackers know about you from the hot car data breach

You silently seeing the wheels on the bus go round and round every time you're on the bus

You can't help it. It's just in there. How does the hot card? No, just no it's not a breach. Yeah, it's got a chap

It's a chap. It's a chap in it

Isn't it and number one on the list of the top six things hackers know about you from the hot car data breach

You once saw a kid scratching his tag into the bus stop glass and you said hey

And they swore at you and you're intimidated by a kid that you're assuming is about 12 years old

You immediately regretted being a good citizen and you haven't stepped up ever since yeah

Just let them tag. Yeah. Yeah, they're gonna be sworn out by a kid. You don't know what that kid's scratching that with

Blee crazy bastards everywhere. That's today's top six

Zedem's flesh one and Haley

school Hololands officially start on Saturday

And airports are releasing their busiest days to be expected. We're not far away

Yeah, we're going Friday a little weekend in Melbourne

They're alien so June that will be busy, but the busiest day. They're saying will be

This Saturday the 23rd of September. That's the first day set to be the busiest day during the holidays 15,000 travelers

Set to depart from the Auckland International

Terminal international. That's just international. Yes, they're also where are they going?

Ah, where's popular doesn't say it's his Australia the US and China

Along with domestically Wellington, Christchurch and Queen's Town topping the list of the domestic

This would have been your Fiji. Yeah, a rarotonga your yeah, maybe

friend and

Our Ross bosses in Raro a German Corbett's and Raro at the moment. Is he it looks bloody nice

Beautiful. Yeah, we've got to go

I've been born and I had a lovely holiday there

Family that lives many years ago. Yeah

Well, you're family that lives there. Yeah, Aaron's cousin was free. We've got for a calm. Yeah, my

What kind of free a calm though like the couch or you're probably

Well, I've got to marry me a rarotonga, you know

One another bit of that party land otherwise

Airport I could pass shut out as a rarotonga. Sorry to interrupt. She could she is ambiguous, dude

What did you get asked? She was the other day?

Someone's someone started speaking to her in like Spanish. Oh

And we were just

Completely lost. I think somebody believed she may have been a Mexican sister. Oh, well, it's the first time that's happened in New Zealand

That's happened in the States before. Yeah

Mexican people start talking to shut a Mexican. Yeah, anyway, what'd you say anyway? So Saturday

For coming back Saturday the September 30 and Friday September 22

Sorry, this is for leaving those will be the busiest days and then arriving October 1

The Saturday after the first week and then October 7 and

October 8th, that's Sunday because we're back. We're coming. We're just doing the weekend

You may have seen a story this week. There are people in the huge lines at Auckland international rivals. What happened?

Did they say what happened there? Well, apparently there's work

Continuing it's getting a new buy a screening technology and upgrades to the baggage reclaim facilities

Can they do that?

Scanny face thing so kids under 12 can use it because god damn can they not use it?

You got to get in the line

Still growing yeah, no, no, but just let us have a shot, you know, and if it doesn't work

Then we'll go and speak to Steve at the counter, but God's Steve. He's always such a grouch though. Yeah

Well, yeah, just a bit a pick a bit of patience

Can you carry on a smile and some patience?

It's Olivia Rodrigo vampire you're loving her new album. I am loving a new album

90s, it's very 90s. I mean, that's why I like it so much. Yeah, it's very 1990s

I picked August up from school yesterday and when she got in the car

I was mid-chorus of a song called all-american bitch

She got in the car and she locked eyes with me and she did up her seatbelt can maintaining eye contact and

Then when I got to a quiet part, she's reached up and she muted the stereo and she said let's not do that again

Oh my god, you mustn't do that again. You must embarrass her at every opportunity. Yeah, that's what dads do. That's what dads do

Speaking of parents. There is a woman. Her name is Kirsten Drysdale. She's an ABC journalist in Australia

Mm-hmm, and she was doing she was heavily pregnant

Yeah, I'd have a child of her own and she was doing a sort of light-hearted investigation

Into what you are actually allowed to call your baby

This is my favorite one of my favorite lists and we must be due for it

Yes, because we're getting towards the end of the year

Yeah, those lists of the year that declined baby names. Yeah, 2023 in New Zealand

Well, she said they couldn't quite get clarity. There was no real guidelines

They just sort of do these lists each year and they're like hey, these are the nose now

She's like how far can you take it? So she was investigating as part of a job

Yeah, and just could not get clear enough answers. So she was like well

I'll just put myself on the line as someone who's about to give birth

Mm-hmm and she

Oh, no, she gave birth. That's right. She gave birth and then was like, okay

Well, here's the perfect opportunity to do this to slip a name in slip a name in and she was like

I want to know what when you get a name that will be declined what the sort of

Name that break it. Yeah, gotcha. Do they give you a placeholder name placeholder name. Okay. It's a number

Yeah, maybe one or something. Okay. Yeah

So she registered her child as methamphetamine rules

Wow, she went like the deep end of the pool

Okay, she threw the baby in the deep end of the awful name pool. Yeah

Spout just as it is methamphetamine rules drives down rules was middle name rules was middle name. Okay. Yep. Yeah

And she put it off and was like now we'll get to see how the process of having a name declined works

Which is great because she's reporting for the abc on this very thing. So she's right in the middle of it

It's gonna be a great story, right? The only thing is uh quite quickly afterward. She receives the birth certificate

And the name has been accepted officially her son's name

Is methamphetamine rules drives down. She played with fire and ladies and gentlemen, she got burned. She got burned

So what she was thinking was that there would be some

Roadblock right that would stop this and go no, you can't call a human child that let you get a call from birth deaths and marriages

Yes, and that that name's been yeah, you can't call your kid that

Now so she was like this whole thing is supposed to be lighthearted now in an admin nightmare

Because I've got to change it straight away. Yes. Yeah, but for a time

Her son's gonna grow up having been methamphetamine rules drives down

And she won't say what her new son's name is because she never wants it to be linked to her. She's like hopefully we can just like forget this

She said I don't know how it slipped through. I'm not sure if someone was overworked and just went off, you know, it looks greek

Yeah, or if it was an automated system that didn't pick up on it. Oh, yeah, okay

I googled 60 the the list. Sorry, and it's just oh, no, it's 83 names that are banned in australia

So this might have been in there

To do did it checking against it and it didn't work and it didn't pick up because under m you've got madam


Malik, which means king majesty mere messiah minister and mister and monkey

Monkey monkey

Under m's but other than that methamphetamine is not there. So technically approved, right?

So then the registrar has come out being like, oh my god, like obviously not

Yeah, but we wouldn't if we would not that's there's been a blunder. Something's happened here

And we're working to make sure something like this never happens again

I've always thought there should be a panel

That every name comes across their desk. Yeah, and they say yeah, you know, they say this is bloody stupid

Fanny flippies

I would say no

Go and rename your kid again. Yeah, and be like, look, I don't care if it's a family name

I'm telling you that kid's gonna have a rough time with fanny flippies

Yeah, I'm sorry mr. Mrs. Flippies

I'm sorry

And your grandmother's name. Yeah, but fanny was on of the flippies

She was of your mother's name, which had a different

Yeah, so then the flippies would have to go back and rename fanny can't be fanny flippies. Yeah, so apparently

Uh brand names are also

So in australia, they've rejected natala

Natala sprout harry potter. Yeah, facebook. I'm ac Ikea

Oh, I'm monkey. I mean, I mean, I can kind of see as being a name these parents shouldn't be breeding


It's not a joke to name someone

Joke to have a kid and call it harry potter and natala. I know natala

And then they're not going to be they're gonna have to wait till they're at least 18 or you know

Coherent enough to be like, hey that name really ruins my life. Yeah, can I please change it or I'm 18. I'm gonna change it myself now

You know

Anyway, and and methamphetamine rules

Uh, we'll have a new name

But when he is 18, he would he'll be the artist previously known as methamphetamine rules

A long time ago on a long-lost tv show called have you been paying attention?

R.I.P. I challenged Vaughn smirth in a game to spell the surname mcconohay

As in Matthew mcconohay impossible, sir

Try it again. I've got a red in front of me. Oh, damn

So bizarre mccorn. Oh, hi. Yeah, it is. It's weird, isn't it? Never makes sense to my brain. Anyway, Matthew mcconohay

He how long has he been married to his wife camilla alves?

11 years very good-looking woman

She's 53 on a he's 53. He's 53. She's 41. That's hot

Uh 11 years of marriage

One of the most successful marriage, you know, like they're always seem happy and make time for each other and whatnot

He has been

Spouting some advice on how he thinks what the secret is to their long marriage because we spoke to him early in the lockdown

Hey, because he that was when he released green lights and he's released another book a kid's book called just because

And that's he's doing publicity rounds again. I just said about a smart list podcast this week

Right, and he still does like he still does the

And a bit of

Like, you know

All right, and then you gotta you gotta get in there with a little bit. Oh, that is him

A strange guy

Yeah, but you know in hollywood like so many marriages finish because

Someone's over here for six months and then you're here for the and then you go away and then you're

This car and then there's rumors about your cast man

You know sleeping with them and the doodle. Well because you had to kiss your cast mate. I know

Exactly. Well, his role is the nine-day role where him and his wife refuse

Just being more than nine days apart

Oh my god, I will at this stage ask remember when we spoke to him. Yep. He was in a cabin

Yes, and he said he'd retreated to the cabin just him and some fine beverages and a ribeye steak

And then I was just like that sounds glorious and he said he'd been there for a while

Now there was no mention that anybody else was there. He said he remembers having a solo retreat

Oh, he says he has never spent more than nine days away from his wife

Or maybe she was coming the night would be the most

Okay, he's saying it's the nine-day role

It's a secret to a healthy and successful marriage because you don't it's it's you're spent it's quality time

And you're prioritizing it by going if we get to the point where it's going to go beyond nine days

Or we're going to make it happen. I'm going to come to you. You're going to come to me a way for work for three weeks

That's no big deal there. I know I'm also going this reeks of privilege like sure

Sure, if you're going to fall to fly me over there

Yeah, or you fly home and then fly back

Some people, uh, I mean we talked to that that lovely woman a while back who worked on boats

Now they go off

Three months fishing boats and they come back and they do that so they can bring money home to their families

You would have to but she met she met if I recall correctly

She met

Her now husband on on the boat. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, so there you go

But if you were leaving someone behind that wouldn't work. Yeah, I don't know if I've

I don't know if I've been apart you've been away for work, but never for that long

Well, maybe when we went

When we went with work to like Scotland and in the UK. We're away like two weeks. Yeah, that's probably the longest two weeks

Have you ever been apart? Me now and be like four months


Four months. He went to France to go to gollia school clown school and then I don't laugh

It's a very prestigious school. Hey, Hayley. Where is Aaron? He's in France at clown school at golly. Yeah

Look hold the golly. Yeah

Sounds a bit of a clown school, doesn't it? Yeah, it does. They're on day one like the red nose

They did do a bit of red nose

He did get some funny

Sorting hat you're this sorting nose. It tells you what kind of clown you're gonna be but he was away for four months

It's a juggling clown

But so you didn't find that hard

No, we thrive on it because I would always go off for trips for marching and then I moved to Auckland

Before he came we were apart for a year. I mean we'd visit each other every three or so weeks, but

No, I

You're a way more independent though. Yeah, Aaron was talking about the potential job coming up

And he was like I might have to go away for a bit and I was like, oh, no

It's nice to miss someone it's nice to miss people. Yeah, I guess it gives you the chance to miss him, doesn't it? Yeah

Also, I can just like go out and I'd be like, oh my god, we can go out. Yeah, I know no one's gonna be like, what time do you call this?

It's freedom

These articles always come out this time of year and I tell you what you got to be quick

These articles how to turn like X amount of days and all you know X amount of days for your annual leave next year

Well, this one how to optimize your leave in 2024 turn eight days of holidays into almost seven weeks

Eight days into seven weeks

That sounds like my sort of holiday. No, that's not right. The reason you've got to start thinking about this now


Because you want to get the jump on everyone else you work. You've got to playfully now because if you get your you leave in first, right?

Is it first come first come first served?

Sometimes sometimes I mean some workplaces. It depends if people are around to cover, but if you get in first

You you might get your holidays. So okay, give it to us over Christmas

They've worked out Christmas and New Year's you can take three days off now

Obviously this only works for people with annual leave and like, you know year-long. It's not part-time workers. No, they can suck it

They can work

For time and a half sweet time and a half though

Christmas and New Year's you can take three days off 27th 28th 29th because those aren't holidays. Yeah, and then you can get 11 days

Are you because we're including weekends? That's right. We include weekends. We include weekends and the stat holidays

So those are that if you want the Christmas

Holidays to turn three days into 11 go for that

Anniversary weekends, they've used Auckland anniversaries as an example, but most most kind of anniversaries over the

Country are a Monday aren't they or a Friday to take Friday one day off and then get um, yeah

Three or four days if you're Auckland Wellington anniversary, right? It's the 22nd of January

So you'd take the 19th and that's a four-day weekend. Yeah, there is someone isn't there a region that has it in the middle of the

The week yeah, there is. Yeah south

Oh, hello

We must be about south canterbury anniversary

Oh, anniversary bon anniversary. Yeah, because I'm looking at Auckland anniversary is also Nelson anniversary

That's on the 29th of Jan. We could take the 30 of 31st first and second

Yeah, that gives you four days and then why tangy days on the 6th? So then we could take the first now

We're having a holiday now. You know those years where Anzac Day and Easter rolling together. That's not next year


When that happens you can normally take like three or four days and you get like 14 days. Yeah, so good. So good

Anzac Day next year you can get four days off because that'll be a thursday anzac day next year

So one day of leave and you get a four-day weekend

Oh, yeah, because you get thursday. Yeah, friday satay sunday. You can just quit your job. Oh my god

I've got a I've got a hack to get 365 days off a year

Come on. How are you paying your mortgage or your rent?

One thing before the other how are you paying to eat first things first? We've got to quit

We've got 365 days of holidays. You have a plan your holiday. Then you're going to work out how you get a four day

People on Christchurch keep chucking out hundreds of KGs of meat. I'll just get in the bin

I reckon like 12 hours on a crock pot. That'll be fine. Yeah, you just slow cook

It'll cook off the virus cook off the bacteria. All the ciggies will float to the top as well

All the bean juice pick them out dry them out when you are crock potting free roll them off the top, don't you?

Yeah, this stuff off the top

meaty ciggies


There has been an update on one of the most sort of wild date stories ever

And you may have heard this story yourself. There was a couple they went on a date

And she was 25 weeks pregnant. Didn't keep it a secret or anything like that was just like hey pregnant

But i'm still dating i'm single. Yeah, dude. The guy had no problem with that

Um, they went on two dates and then he had to take off for a work trip, but they kept in touch the whole time

And it was really it was blossoming. It was really cute. Okay at 20

Really early she uh started going to labor right and so she had to go to the hospital

And yeah 25 weeks. No, no, no. It was 34 weeks pregnant. Her water broke, right? This is on a date

No, no, no. She was going to pick him up from the airport when he was coming back from the trip that he came on

She was like, i'm gonna pick you up and then her water broke at 34 weeks, which is a little too early

As you know, yeah, yeah, and she was like, hey, i'm gonna go to the hospital

I think i'm gonna have my baby and and instead of him being like, oh, yeah, okay. Well, that's probably the end of that

for an uber

He gets in a cab

That would be yours. Oh, you've kind of said you were coming though. You said you'd pick me out

This is you should at least reimburse me. Hey, i'm about to turn to labor. I'm like six to seven weeks too early


I oh no, i'll probably be able to get there in time. Okay. I'll be there

So she goes to the hospital and he just grabs a taxi from the airport goes to the hospital with her

Waits with her they give her a steroid injection to slight try to slow it down

But a week later she ends up giving birth the whole time she goes home from this thing

He's there looking after her. She goes back to the hospital to give birth to the baby. He's there looking after her

And that was technically their third date their third date was her giving birth

Oh, and he's at the hospital and he's there and just like well

Everyone was like, look, it's a circumstance. You know as if he's gonna be a prick and go. Okay. Well, I'll just

Leave you to it and back out. But I don't even think that would be a prick

That would just be like it's this is a very intimate moment. Yeah, you might have plans

Totally far be it from a guy you hardly know to be involved. Yeah, no one could blame him for that

Well, she said he had to shoot him. He was happy to wait outside. Just like I'm here if you need here if you need, right?

Um, well the update is that they are still together. Are they I think it's about three years later

Not only they're still together. They are engaged and they've also welcomed their own daughter together


That got you to love roles. That's so nice

So let's just still just working on how much the airport trip home would have cost them

So that's like 80 bucks. Well, it's been three years later. Did she reimburse him for the taxi?

My god

People are delighted at the story. They are but the weirdest part is yet technically the third date was like in hospital

And she's popping out a baby

Yeah, I want to know where's the weird place that your date ended up

Like maybe you didn't plan to be there, but somehow you ended up

You're on a plane to a different city and you're like, how did I was

You just out with someone and then something pops up. So you have to go along with them

He's going along good story though. I like I like yeah

Even if it didn't end up working out if if you ended up somewhere weird on a date and you're like, what?

That's one for the story

Someone thinks this would be a great place for a date and you're like, this is weird

Yeah, just the weird place that your date ended up because

Maybe it was yeah an emergency. We've got to change plans. Yeah, well, maybe yeah

They just said come meet me here and you're like, it's what how bizarre

It would be like going on a date with someone who's on call. Have you ever had a friend who's like on call?

Yeah, and they they can't drink


Call for something and they've like just I've just got to be ready to go

And then yeah, we had a mate who worked in like back in the day like with

Like on road stuff like signs or if there was a crash and they go and do something

Yeah, not like an emergency services, but like just on yeah on behalf of the roads

Yeah, and yeah one time we went with and it was pretty wild

Yeah, but I guess if you're out with someone and they get called into work

You have to go with them because of your ride

Oh my god, it's like in bridesmaids and then she gets in the car and he's like

We've got a god and she gets in the back of the cop car and they chase off after a speeder

Maybe they're heading to you maybe you're out and he had to go hop on duty. Okay. I'll add 100 dals at M

Let's take your calls. You can text through 9 6 9 6 the weird place that your date ended up

But right now we want to know the strange weird odd place that your date ended up

Amber, where did your date end up?

Um, we ended up at the cemetery visiting his grandparents

Oh my god, hold me back. Oh my god. It was our second date too, so um

That's a lot. Yeah, when you were at the cemetery, were you like god so turned on right now? Yeah, oh my god

Oh, yeah, it really got me to um run away as fast as I could

So there was no third date?

Uh, no, there was not. How did he bring it on?

I couldn't believe it too much. Um, he said we were going out for dinner and then we um ended up sitting

And he I'm telling me his life story with his grandparents that he

Had not much to do with but he thought it was quite important that I met him

Well, is that like do you reckon that's what he was going for? He wanted he thought she's gonna love this because it's gonna show

I'm sensitive and I had a great relationship with people in my life

But completely almost the market just dragged you to literally a paddock full of dead people

Yeah, and he was he was just explaining how horrible they were when he was growing up

I don't really know what this work was

What are we doing here?

So he's taking you to a Nazi graveyard

Oh my god

How bizarre

That is odd. Okay, that's odd

That people are weird. I jokingly said someone would have ended up at a graveyard and it's actually happened. Wow. I'm so sorry, mate

What are people thinking? Amber, thank you. Some messages in

Um, of where you've ended up on an unusual date

Early date with my partner was five hours set outside a local gang house waiting for the cops to turn up because

At the start of the date. He'd seen his stolen car driving in the other direction

So we ripped a yui and followed it and it was taken took us to a gang pad and we waited outside for five

Hours for the police to show up. So we're on a stakeout. I would have actually found that quite fine

Exciting my date was at the pit street fire department. You used to live across the road from there

God, they'd always turn on the woo woo woo. Is it like two a year?

Well, that's what they're saying

And we were getting busy in the staff room when the alarm went off and all of a sudden heaps of other firemen arrived

And I was just left there while they went to deal with it. That is hot. That's hot. Yeah

I personally prefer the all the all the other firemen to turn up

Before the alarm goes off

And the frozen passion on the count

You don't have to turn away. What are we doing here? Put the lights and sirens on

No, she had to stay there

Okay, love put your put your panties back on and you can play with the sirens. Yeah, well, you can't come any brawl dog

We want to know where your first date or an early date ended up

Yeah, somebody's ended up in the maternity ward as their date gave birth to a

A prim baby. They're still together. They're still together and they've had a baby themselves

And it's just it's just a lovely. They built a family. It's just it's just the best story

Stephanie, where did your first date end up?

Um, I feel like it's a little bit more wholesome

And we also like wholesome. Yeah, yes, we don't want any more of those smutty fireman stories. No naughty fireman

I've been naughty too

We're all naughty firemen. Stephanie, please wholesome us

Um, no, we actually ended up at bunnings


I would I would like that because I love going to bunnings at minor 10. Yeah, I love it. I love it

How did you end up with what for?

Well, he was an out of towner and we started with coffee

Moved to a beer and then we were just like we kind of wanted the date to keep going

Yeah, so I had some errands to run at bunnings and I was like, do you just want to come with me?


Are you guys still together bunnings? Do they have a bunnings where he's from?

Yep. Yep, absolutely here. Just like come through town. But yeah, we are still together. We've been to like two and a half years

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. He needs to propose and bunnings

Over the speaker

In a sausage

He needs to propose and when you get married you have a sausage sizzle

No, no ring one of the hats. Yeah

And then when all your guests leave the wedding they all check their receipts because they think you've got a power drill down their pants

Yeah, exactly. A pair of parkings is not going to be a problem. It's all the goodie bag

And then one of your nieces will turn up and be like, I can beat it by 10%

And if your mum gets so pissed you can put her in one of those garden center trolleys

Oh, yes. Wheel around in there.

How did he got childcare taken care of there?

It's from a bunnings wedding. Someone needs to do a bunnings wedding. This sounds fantastic. The flowers are already there. They're already there

There's a gazebo to walk through. There's gazebos. There's seasoning everywhere. I know. This is a fantastic idea. There's a cafe?

Yeah, there's a fantastic idea. It's already catered. Spark up the barbecue. Hailey, uh, your second tender date. Where did that end up?

Um, the best. It's uh, 1 a.m. in the morning. Oh no, emergency vet. Someone's dog swallower. Um, something to show them.

No, no, no. I've got a big gym. She's my and the guy I was seeing loved dogs. So we're talking for a walk

Wenheim had been ahead

Watched a movie. He was leaving

Watched a movie. Watched a movie. But you've already watched a movie. Yeah, I've watched a few movies

Okay, and then I closed the door and the dog was inside. He's a 50kg gym. She said so he was he was only about 18 months old

And he had a smash wood done. He'd gone straight to the ranch slider

And back out and there was blood

Booting out of his front leg

Oh my god

He's severed. Yeah, severed too much. He wanted actually

But the guy I was seeing was a fireman. So he's hot

Naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty

Oh, yeah, he probably was. He's not now. Okay, right. Oh, you're still together. You made him a good fireman

Yeah, but yeah still together. He saved my dog's life. So I had to

Oh, that's nice. Does he let you has he let you turn the sirens and the lights on?

Oh, sometimes

Yeah, that's hot man. It's hot. It's hot. See

What do you still want? Do you still let him turn on your lights and sirens?

We were trying for halson. Do you let him get out his hose and

Thank you Hailey. Uh, let's finish with Ingrid Ingrid. Where did your first date end up?

Oh, it's a little bit of a story. So, um, I had this crush on this guy and we went out on our first date and he had a motorcycle

So, um, I'm on the back of his bike and we're driving for

Ages, right? No conversation

Nothing and it's getting quite late. Like we we met up quite late. Um, so

It like some ungodly hour in the morning after going on the bike for like nearly an hour

We're on this like rickety old street in the middle of nowhere and I have no idea where we are

And he goes outside this house and turns off his engine

Takes off his helmet and I'm like, where are we and he takes his like big meaningful sigh and he goes

This is the house where I lost my virginity

I've been uber from here

My mom bells are ringing Ingrid

Uber did not exist back then. So honestly, I was like, you need to take me home right now

And not like not that kind of take me home. You need to take me home immediately. This is over. Um, and

No, no second date, but he and I actually worked together and then a little bit later

He started dating a friend of mine

And did the exact same thing

Why is he so proud of it?

We all did it. Most of us did it

Just take take them for a ride on them

Yeah, I just got to see where he did it

Oh my god, he's now bizarre

That is odd, that's so odd

Weirdest idea of what they think is going to impress someone

That's so weird

That's so weird Ingrid. Thank you, uh, some messages

Thank god Ingrid's alive

I know, that's creepy

Um, my first date I went with his brother and his brother's girlfriend to the home show

I love the home show

I mean, I would love that

The home show raw


It's not a first date location though


But the baby is all good because you don't want to end up in a relationship with someone who goes a little bit crazy over the free pens and bags


And also you get to see what kind of tastes they have like if they want those garden ornaments, you screw to the fence

He'd be like, this is not

Oh my god, the yagikos

This is not the person for me

I'm on the fence

My date took me to a Wellington cemetery not to meet his dead family but to show me where prominent people of Wellington's history are buried

Ah, I'm interested


I'm interested

Not romantically, just because it's a soft one


No, ma'am, I got a hard on for Wellington history

Ah, I take that back

Although I do enjoy history

Not that much, not that type of enjoyment

Um, bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh


Okay, somebody else ended up outside a gang house as well

Why not?

Well, lots of people ended up inside gang houses

I was on the date and ended up at the police station

Oh, naughty policemen

My ex, oh, no, no, no, the reason being that my ex-husband was

Like fascinated with who I was seeing and like was following us and we were just like, this doesn't feel right

Oh, yeah, that's creepy

How bizarre

I had a date with myself

After a messy breakup, you know, treat yourself a few lemonade later. I was in jail for indecent exposure

You've missed a big part of the story

Hang on, you've left out the guts of this thing


You're drunk on your own

And now you know


Um, my ex told me he knew a good spot and then took me to the lowest point of my life

That's, I mean, that's, that's, feels mild

Now we're getting a bit, yeah

Cheyenne, good morning

Good morning

Good morning, good morning

Okay, well, let's see if we can give you some cash

Holy moly

You've just come to say stop

You've got to say stop before cashy blows up and you get that cash amount

But if you're too greedy and you hang on too long

You miss out

Get nothing

Here we go

All ready


Here we go


I'm in financial heaven


Tasman can't catch me


Mummy helps me try


Hi, I'm with Chippanyu


Chasing Mummy's so much fun



Hey, there's David and I can't wait


No matter how much I get, I always want more


Don't expect me to share with you just because you're-

Oh, oh


253 dollars

You left it there for a bit, you weren't sure

Yeah, well, it's going quite slow, but, you know

I did it speed up

I know

Let's see how high-

Let's see how high cashy would have gone


I'll take what's yours and make it mine


If Mummy is tithing and fisting to 11


I'm skipping town and moving out to the sticks


I'm finally free from my poor credit rating




Oh, whether you did well

Cheyenne, congratulations

253 dollars is yours

Well done

Thank you guys so much

Also, also, long time, the first first time for that

Where's the bell?

Where's the bell?

Right behind you

Right behind you

I had Bell Blindness

I had Bell Blindness

You're holding the bell

I'm holding the bell

I forgot how to use the bell

Hey, just breathe

Ha, ha, oh, ha


Ah, congratulations Cheyenne

And another chance for you to win some cash

With our Cash Catch Up

With Georgia at midday

And then Brand Clint this afternoon

At four o'clock

Oh my god, last night

So many people were coming up to me

I went out to the pub for dinner

As I want to do

So many people were coming up to me

And kept going

Girl math that bloody meal for me, will you?

You're really making girl math that bloody

A round of drinks for us, won't you?

People loving it

Even the bloke's out in bloody west Auckland

Well, we welcome Bethany to girl math this morning

Good morning, Bethany

Good morning

Bethany Frankel

Is it?

You've got plenty of money

You don't need girl math any so

All the podcast

The girl housewife or something, isn't she?

Bethany, what would you like

To justify?

What would you like the girls to girl math?

I want a girl math a diamond ring please

What context do we buy?

Have you bought the ring or are you buying the ring?

No, I want to buy the ring

And what's its purpose?

Is it an engagement ring?

No, no, I've recently separated

And I'm actually missing wearing a diamond ring

So I just want to get rid of it

Whatever, whatever to it

Well, I've still got it

But I just don't feel I can wear a diamond ring

From a previous marriage

Wait, no, no, I can't get on board with this now

You want to buy something that you already have

No, no, no, no, I can't get on board with this

You've actually already made our job easier, Bethany

Cause you should, we could do a resale

We could do a resale

What kind of ring are you rocking?

Would you sell the diamond ring from The Tainted Love?

Tainted love of I've got to

Yes, sell that ring

I don't know if I would sell that ring


Oh, well, we talked earlier this morning

You need to melt this down and contribute it to your new ring

Dude, at least we did

ring exactly diamond swap we've already made this cheaper I know so how much is

the diamond ring you're wanting to buy do you know which which one it is the

one I'm wanting to buy is actually on sale and it's eight hundred and something

dollars but this is gonna be you've got the blood diamond on that ring I got the

guy back home and Joe burger get your good ring too many questions but where's

the ring from great great reputable reputable okay well so I love that you're

doing this as a sort of like statement as a solo woman because I have one diamond

ring and I waited nine years for that diamond ring so you could say that I

waited sort of round about $90 a year for that might be slightly more expensive

still waiting but I mean you you're not waiting you're just going you're saving

time here it's not just about saving money it's also you're saving yourself the

time if you waited nine years from now to buy this ring I mean it one it wouldn't

be on sale anymore inflation it actually be more expensive yeah so you have to

buy it now if you wait nine years like I waited nine years for my diamond ring

that's gonna be double the cost at least what's the metal on diamond ring on

the diamond ring you want to buy like is it gold or no it is white gold sorry I'm

a silver girl too let's bring out girl math girlies and carwine and shannon

hello they've got a group chat you know they've got a face we do yeah it's got a

little abacus that's how I organize to bring me in some nail polish today okay

I did my nails where where what do you guys think about this diamond ring I

think that's a reasonable price yeah this is great okay I'm gonna expand off

of your whole nine-year situation yeah so we've done studies we talked about

studies recently about how expensive it is to date at the moment if you were to

date for nine years to then potentially end up with another engagement ring you

could be spending on average about six nine six on dating on dating six hundred

dollars each year each year that comes to about six thousand two hundred and

sixty four dollars that's ridiculous that eight hundred dollars is looking

like nothing just once you got a diamond ring you don't need no man no man he's

gone he's out of the picture she's living an independent life that's what

the ring marks exactly that's a bit that's a good savings there shannon what

about you yeah I've got a way to knock it down some percentages so diamond rings

are an asset and they last more than a lifetime yeah so if Bethany has a child

hopefully a daughter maybe one day or an niece a nephew anyone that rain buoyant

son exactly that ring is now 50% off because it has two owners two owners

two owners gets the ring down 50% if that child or whoever then has a child we're

down to what we're 33% off we just keep on going until this ring is basically do

you think this ring that you're going to buy is a timeless or is it sort of a

modern cut oh I think it's time you're there you go that's good enough we can

get that down to basically free and maybe the next hundred and fifty years

do you think some 2300 or whenever yeah 150 years is going to want this ring

absolutely I wear one of my grandmothers so if we just do it down to

yeah we're already half we're already like you say 33% of the cost but what if

there's multiple children in this ring tears a family apart oh yeah and now

you've cost a family it's some lawyers it's gorgeous or you can get it melted

down at that point split it between the kids absolutely I also I just have to

encourage you Bethany if this relationship of which you previously had

the diamond ring is done and dusted I'm just on designer wardrobe which is the

website for designer goods and jewelry there's a diet white gold diamond ring

similar to what you're describing that's on sale for eight hundred fifty nine

dollars eight hundred fifty nine here there's one for four thousand seven hundred

fifty two dollars on sale seven hundred ninety two all white gold diamond rings

good there's a lot of to be honest this diamond ring you'll sounds cursed and I

know some magic I'll take it off your hands and remove the curse and get rid

of it and then we'll sell it give you the money money then you can put that

money into the new diamond ring it's not basically free it's exactly free and

then you're gonna pass it on now we're making money are we even make myself

laugh with that loose math there

consider it free Bethany love it by the ring and can we get a photo of the ring

please yeah I want to see it I want to photo of the last ring too yeah so we can

when you keep it and when your next one

don't rob Bethany

I will rob Bethany

sounds like this cursed item needs to be taken off my hands

thanks very much guys

guys there's a mystery unfolding within my foot air my entire handbag it's a

deadly ponies I know it I know the one is gone is gone from my house here's the

benefit right on Sunday we went to the pub and I thought you see you went to the

pub last night yeah but I didn't go on Monday pause for applause thank you

yeah you're now hearing yourself right yeah I went with friends on Sunday then

yes it was so sunny and lovely and you know as a beautiful day yeah okay today

you know we sell it we always find a reason oh we don't have kids this is my

life it's good fun now I tell my kids to the pub and sit there the whole time

and like you said we're going to be here an hour and then Shade looks at me and

goes are we getting on the bottle and then one goes hey I was like you made your

children a promise stop it you do anyway so on Sunday I had my handbag and I

went to the pub and I paid for things and then I left and there's a photo of

me outside the pub with my friends yeah getting a little like hey we hung out

yeah and I've got the bag on my shoulder see the memory of post pub can't be

trusted but a photo no I had two-sided it was very mild okay then I got home here's

my memory which is not great yeah I got home and I have a black I have a tote

bag that I bring to work and it has my laptop and cords and charges and a few

things moisturizers and a spare pair of knickers just in case and I had my handbag

in it and I said I don't actually need to take that to work is that making the

bag heavy I'll just take out my wallet yeah and put it in there and I'll take

out my jewelry which I put into the pocket and I put on the bench cuz I'm

gonna wear that yeah so thankfully my handbag that's missing does not contain

my engagement ring or my wallet so I'm not like distraught then yesterday I was

like tidying up no Monday I was like tidying up and I was like I actually

don't know where I put that bag but that's fine yeah and then yesterday I was

like I should find it though just so I know where it is yeah it is nowhere my

handbag is gone presumed as I keep saying Aaron somebody's stolen it your

house is a bomb site though it's a renown site a mess yeah now I genuinely

don't think anyone who's been working on the house has stolen it absolutely not

and also we've got security cameras and there's no there's nothing yeah and then

yesterday we're watching the security cameras oh who's that pause there I

don't remember that guy and then we zoom in we're like arts NZ post he was

dropping off my aloe vera tonic I was like no and then we see him leaving

more on the aloe vera tonic to drink well this is a friend of the show Jillian

actually recommended for my IBS this aloe vera tonic my mum went through an

aloe vera tonic phase yeah blows right out cleans you out you know it's funny

they bought this aloe vera tonic $50 right and it's like a concentrate and you

have it either like a teaspoon in the morning where you put in a bit of water

mm-hmm port of vodka the other day wait a minute how much aloe vera did he put

it on the fizz in the soda stream so he was like just thought it was a mixer in

the fridge I mean god god god god god god I was like

she's that side of the flow straight through anyway so yesterday diarrhea thank

you sir I've been trying to like trace it the whole hand that's a big hand there's

a deadly pony's hand but I want to tell you how expensive this thing was I bought

a second hand it's also very old and like drew for an upgrade mm-hmm girl

mad thing turn a bro turn a row listen to that yeah I know but it is gone like it

is not in Aaron's car it's not in my car it's not in the wardrobes it's not a

monk's I've torn the house apart might have just walked on it you looked at the

cameras did you look at the cameras for the whole two days yeah we did I made

Aaron look at all of them and there's nothing and then why would you cuz if

you cuz our door is open right yeah and people just come and go that's just what

it is at the moment why would you take this empty bag you're not the nothing

was an area of power it's gonna be somewhere it's somewhere and you just

can't see it I know but before we find it I need to replace it I see to Aaron

yesterday Aaron a woman cannot survive without a handbag what I'm just

clutching my wallet and keys and phone like a like a baboon of sorts so I see

them at the zoo the baboons with phones and wallets I know and you're like only

they had a handbag deadly ponies handbag stop them evolving and then he said to

me he was like well can't you just get like a sort of cheap temporary one I was

like no you don't replace deadly ponies with cheap and then someone needs to hit

up strand bags yes exactly a sensible bad or a strand man travel bag the vibe

is it's my birthday in two weeks now I feel like chances are because it was

basically empty it's got a pair of sunglasses in it which are brand new by

the way as well oh you're um you're fair and loathing on Las Vegas sunglasses my

yellow yeah my little what are they cool sit on my happy to sit on your face

glasses yeah so they're in there yeah a bit of makeup and quite a lot of

oh god she's a rashy mess some pens yeah and a keychain not much I some tissues I

mean the person that's taken check the security camera of when you arrived home

from the pub to see if you had it then but why would I have my wallet phone

keys and jewelry that I took out of the inside the house it's an inside job she

wants a new deadly pony and then she gets to work and she's like oh do this

big thing on the radio so Aaron yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all I'm saying is to

replace like-for-like it's an inside job it's an inside job it's an inside job

designer wardrobe what does a second hand one go for yeah I know but mine was

already second hand yeah was a replaced like-for-like we're talking about like

let's not a second hand strand so to replace mine is is $929 brand new Jesus

I'm on designer wardrobes come free with pants the women's pants don't have

pockets I would just do this one I could get one second hand for five hundred

if I see one of you one if I send you the link I think you should just use a

pack and save tote bag all for a couple of weeks like a reusable pack and save

tote bag I'm distraught someone's taken my handbag and I need to the only thing

that's gonna fill this void is a new one well Georgia you recently dropped how

many thousands of dollars on a handbag no we are we're none of us come from

old Canterbury money like Georgia but you've got a wonder if maybe she could

probably buy you one I wonder if she's winning our cash some cash cash cash

she's been skimming she's been skimming Lord I can't blame this woman's

about to lose her job and Beasley is so exciting to be fair my last two haven't

won so she keeps pushing the buzzard and make it like she records it and

sends it off saying that they won the money oh my god

fact of the day day day day day day

today's fact of the day continuing road signs week I'm loving it by the way I had

some fun last night I've got the rest of the facts for the rest of the week I did

a deep dive into road signs good there's some real late oh man I got in the

I got a wades or reeds in the reeds I got the reeds does that mean I'm like

bogging myself down so the origins that like I'm getting in there getting

amongst the reeds like I'm really getting in there sort of swampy isn't it

reeds swampy reeds famously on a grown a very moist place so are you looking at

the origins of the saying well I really got into it and I really learned a lot

about road signs New Zealand roads on the way it's in the way it's in the

crook there so I'm not getting amongst it yeah get into the deep dark parts again

not really sure I'm at Fletcher's just looking it's more if you get into a

situation that you can't get out of so I wouldn't say that I always thought it

was like you were getting you were doing a deep dive get into the weeds no I just

say you're doing elbow I might be like a golf sort of a situation you're in the

weeds well I learnt a lot about it but this one really tickled my fancy

because it's very unusual okay in 1999 progressive insurance had a television

ad aired during the Super Bowl okay I just had to make sure that other thing

that I was listening to before was paused Olivia Rodrigo he just puts Olivia Rodrigo

I'm a hip I'm a happy happen funky 19 year old girl I know I was questioning that

yeah thank you and they had an ad in 1999 okay remember that where they're

showing a garage door going up and the silhouette of ET okay now ET the movie

came out in 1982 so 17 years after ET came out in auto insurance be

I missed it listen intelligent life in auto insurance be progressive call 1800

auto pro for savings that are out of this world and remember it is called one

of the greatest like misses in advertising they paid for it during

Super Bowl cost them a fortune they paid a fortune to use ET who were at this

stage was 17 years out of date that would be the equivalent of us using a

hot movie from 2006 white chicks

time is classic white chicks you know one for the ages but they went further

progressive then said we have printed thousands and thousands and thousands of

signs yeah of a road sign quality yeah with road sign graphics ET holding up

his finger remember how his finger up in the movie yeah saying buckle up what's

it got to do with the price of the ad-eared very little and that printed

thousands and thousands of these fine signs buckle up because we're a car

insurance makes no sense you're sure in the car there's a huge miss in the

advertising industry Connecticut yeah the state in America was like we'll have

some and the people were like well that's great because no one else has ordered

any so you can have 4,000 okay the state of Connecticut had 4,000 road signs with

ET wearing a seatbelt holding up his finger saying buckle up now these will

put up around Connecticut because Connecticut was like well it's a road

sign we didn't have to pay for it we'll just put them over the ones we've

already got encouraging road safety signs yeah and then they just stayed up

now throughout Connecticut there are still hundreds and hundreds of these

signs up under stop signs 1999 a lot of them have lost their color yeah I would

bet a lot of them are looking very aged but they're all around some of them

still have progressive on them some of them have had progressive peeled off

because after a while apparently people were like we don't need this

advertising yeah we still love the idea of ET from 1982 telling people to buckle

up and people in Connecticut who now weren't around when it happened are like

why has this happened and they're still around people have catalogued a whole

lot of photos of them so embarrassing so today's road sign fact of the day if

you were ever driving through Connecticut and you see what it looks like ET

wearing a seatbelt saying buckle up you were not wrong my friends it was a

horrific miss from the advertising Department of Progressive Insurance in

1999 fact of the day there is a woman sharing on tiktok what what makes a

what are the green flags it'll let you know that this person you're dating is

going to be a good husband she says hear me loud and clear if he owns a lightsaber

multiple green flag oh my god thank you for asking I own multiple lightsabers

including the dark saber which leads me I'm not opening up the gate for you no

that's not what I'm doing I own a so Katana's Clone Wars series light sabers

she says if he owns a lightsaber green flag if he has purchased a wand from the

wizarding world of Harry Potter greenest possible flag if he has an unhealthy

obsession with a show cut a socket Tano so car please what's an H doing in the

middle there so car so car yeah the H a show Katana she says you better run to

the altar what oh so she's into nerds she says bonus points to a guy obsessed

with monopoly nerds make the best husbands it's not reasoning is from her

perspective it means that men will appreciate their partners inner drives

more than their outward you know look and understand what it's like to have

heartfelt passions for what I have a lot of passions what is your passion

any passion exactly he doesn't have any passion so we can't then put the passion

also martinis yeah let's get an app role and a thing you be like no cuz I've

got spin grit because well this is also his spin grits spin grit yeah like the

in health is his passion

boring passion you gotta be ready to go your passion you've got to be ready to

go your passion I love the outdoors who doesn't it's outdoors over the beach yeah

my passion is entertaining people are you gonna get all horned up though for

someone with 18 lightsabers no Aaron has every single Lord the Rings figure

in it so it's such a bone killer gauge turn so many in though saying mine has a

Lord of the Rings sword and I knew he was the one I would love a collection of

swords from movies yeah I married the anime loving nerdy gamer boy wouldn't

change it for the world she says these young nerdy boys they grow up to be the

sweet kind loving men and amazing fathers and they see you for the what's in

your heart mm they're just staring at you don't look at it every time we say

them I've just seen Aaron a myriad of handbags to choose from both first and

second hand you were just saying here's not allowed a PlayStation when you

finish your renovations what a reward for the man you're gonna spend

PlayStation money on a handbag because my handbag isn't gonna distract me from

our time together and being hot you know someone is alone time it's not hot get

the man a place he's not getting a playstation okay yeah and you guys

invited me to be her friend as well and I took that really seriously no I'm her

friend but I did the mahi we went away together a problem shared as a problem

halved a friend shared as someone I don't have to worry about it anymore you

collect them Georgia puts an effort I get to sit in the background but I throw

my hands up like this it's ridiculous yeah well we're like minded guys and then

I sneak out country music yeah it's hard when you don't buddy put the effort into

music they're both got a connection across each old money too yeah they do

bang bang love Luke Holmes tuna next for Georgia we should listen to nothing

but country music only can every coloniser cash

well I know can yeah that's a lot of land we'll have that see you see you

later actually I have to stop you there that's copyrighted very good friend of

mine she's already sued me twice so if you could maybe get her to drop her

litigious action that would be great tell her I'll review her five stars yeah

if she does the same for this pop yeah and then she tells all her friends and

if you're listening maybe give it give it five stars as well ZMS Fletch Vaughan


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Silly Little Poll!  

Christchurch Mystery Meat  

Top 6: Hackers  

Girl Math!  

Hayley lost something  

Fact of the Day Day Day Day Daaaaay!

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