ZM's Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley: Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's Big Pod - 13th September 2023

NZME NZME 9/12/23 - Episode Page - 1h 18m - PDF Transcript

The ZM podcast network. The Flesh Fawn and Haley big pod. Treat yourself to

Mccaffay coffee with my Mac's rewards. Play ZM's Flesh Fawn and Haley. Thank you Sam.

Good morning. Welcome to the show Flesh Fawn and Haley. Two minutes past six.

Hello, good morning. Hello, no. Yeah, I'm coming through Zoom. Okay. Well, I don't know what I'm

doing. Someone put me in front of a desk and I don't know what's happening.

Haley, the technical difficulties will get those sorted out. Yes, you need to turn your speakers off.

You know, remember when we talked to people in their car and they've got their car radio on,

we get that slight delayed feedback. No, I've got my speakers. The speakers are off.

Yeah, I don't know. God only knows then. We're in the Lord's hands now. Amen. Take the

wheel, Jesus. On the show today, our $25,000 cash catch-up returns at eight o'clock.

Gave away a lot of cash yesterday. We're going to keep going until we give away this $25,000.

It's super easy. Make sure you're listening at eight to play and then again at midday and four.

Also, thanks to FlightCenter, a chance to win today. Another captain's pack. Gave away a thousand

bucks of FlightCenter gift cards yesterday. And the day before. And the day before. So different

amounts each day. So we'll do that around 8.30 this morning. The top six on the way. Yeah,

I don't know if you've seen this footage, but an orangutan absolutely yeeted a possum out of

its enclosure at an Australian zoo. Picked it up and was just like, whew. And it's like a

superhero throw. It looks animated. This possum is just like whee. Like one of those American

football players that just hits the ball. Quarterbacks it straight to the running back.

Touchdown, baby. Like it went over the zoo wall, didn't it? Or did it just go into another

enclosure? Well, they haven't found the possum, but they said it's unlikely it could have survived.

But then I heard somebody else say possums are very resilient when it comes to falls because if

they fall out of a tree, you know, they've got to be able to grab. So if they've survived, wild

video. But I've got the top six people that will have seen that and will be hiring orangutans for

evictions. They don't mess around. No, that'd rip your arms off too. Send in the orangutans.

Next on the show, going to start the show with a big debate that's happening online. Yeah. I've got

some very firm opinions on this as well. How do you store your big block of cheese? I mean,

you've just probably dropped 15 bucks on the block of cheese. Yeah, you need to store it so

that you get the most out of that cheese. Well, a mama has come in with quite a controversial

opinion. Just kick things off and we'll get into that next.

Well, a woman has in from Arizona has sparked debate, fierce debate over how to store your big

block of cheese. Yeah, plastic container. Wait, you've got a container? No, that's that's a hot

play. Actually, you can get like systemic containers or a little like tupperware because

otherwise they go crusty on the edges and you can pop it in there and keep it sealed. But it's

a special cheese container. No, just like whatever system of the thing that fits it. No, not a big

you wouldn't put it in a big system with lots of space. No, no, no, no, no, no, you go and you

buy a specific you take your block of cheese when you're at the supermarket, you go into that

kitchenware aisle and you try to find the best fit. Sometimes I'll even I'll just like cut it up

into different wedges. But do you take it out of the bag when you put it into this container?

Yeah, because the bag does nothing. Oh, because it doesn't keep it it doesn't keep it soft. So

this lady said she always removes her cheese from the wrapper and then puts it in a big ziploc

ziploc bag. Oh, yeah, that makes sense. That's a good idea. Then people are like,

why are you taking off the wrapper? Why don't you just put the wrapper in the ziploc? That's all we

do. Now there's this big argument of how you do it. Now double, why do you don't need to double

bag? I double bag mine. Because then you don't want it going off the less here in the better.

No, Sustema all the way. This was it. We've got a cheese Sustema. This went when I was a kid,

we had a Tupperware thing. Yeah, a Tupperware container for cheese. Right. And it was like

the beetroot dipper. We're all familiar with the Tupperware beetroot dipper. Yeah, those are pretty

the can of beetroot and all the stuff in the thing. And then when you want it, it's like a

reverse coffee plunger. You pull it up out of the liquid, you can get your beetroot and then

you push it back down. I've never seen one of those. Yeah, those are pretty amazing. I just found

what we had. The Tupperware cheese, the Tupperware cheese holder. Right. Oh, that's pretty fancy,

isn't it? So it was you'd lay it down and you'd put the cheese on it and it had a

slightly drawer in it and you'd slide it out and you could slice the end of your cheese off and

then you'd slide it back in and put the lid back on. Right. Right. Okay. And it kept it in there.

I mean, it's basically the same as what you'd just be popping in any old plastic container.

We zip lock it now. We put it in its bag in the zip lock.

Sometimes I just let it go hard. Do you, if it goes hard, do you use it like

grate it and still use it? You got to grate it. Okay. You can't have it as a slice anymore,

but you can grate it. Yeah. Well, and if there's mold, do you cut it off and keep using it or do

you throw the whole block out? My cheese doesn't go moldy. You're not having it in there long

enough to go moldy. I'm not having it in there long enough. Cheese doesn't last long in these

Sproul, courtesy households. Yeah, you just cut that bit off too. Please don't waste that much

cheese. It's very wasteful. We're in a cost of living crisis. I mean, ideally it'd be great

just to buy the grated cheese every time in the bag, but that's still expensive.

And they put some coating on it. Cornflower-y stuff on the outside so it doesn't stick together.

Yeah. So my kids will eat those plastic individually wrapped cheese slices and then

just leave the plastic around the house. It drives me crazy. Yeah. One, I said together

today, I said to Indy, open your mouth and she opened her mouth and I shoved the plastic

wrapper into my mouth. Wow. Okay. Yeah. How did that go down? It didn't go down well with anybody.

My wife included. Are you trying to choke her? I said, no, I'm trying to teach her a lesson. So

the next time they left it out, I put it in their ears. Oh, you're nice. Put it in their

beds, you know, like the Godfather. Yes, they wake up with a little bit of them all,

a horse set in some cheese wrappers. Yeah. That's what I do when Aaron leaves like a toilet roll out.

What? Just put it in his side of the bed. Yeah. I just like make it, I must make him more aware of

it by putting it somewhere inconvenient to him. It's really passive, aggressive though, isn't it?

Yeah. No, imagine if I could just talk about it and be like, that annoys me, but instead,

you try. I bet you've tried that though. Oh, maybe like 10 years ago.

11.56. Next on the show. Next on the show. Oh, next on the show. Oh my God. Oh my God.

Are we flirting? What's happening? Stop it. There is the majority of adults think that this

thing doesn't matter anymore. And I promise you it does. Oh, it does. It does.

I know that you guys love your language. You love your grammar, don't you?

Are you seeing I do? Yes. Yeah. I've done grammar right. You've done N-C-A-A.

Yeah. Or did you done school suit? Oi. Yeah, Oi. I did. Okay, you've done it.

Wow. I've been doing it. Yeah, you've done real good. Thanks. You've done good. I've seen better

results. Yeah. Well, seen this. There is a quarter of Gen Z only, less than a quarter of Gen Z use

periods, commas and quotation marks in their casual communications. Like we're talking on your

TikTok, your Instagrams, your social medias. They're just like not. They are just not.

I heard someone bitching that someone had used a full stop and they found it very passive aggressive.

Are you kidding me? Yeah. I was like, oh, yeah. Hey, thanks for that. Full stop. And they were

like, oh, wow. Remember when we lost our absolute rag when have you been paying attention, social

media, new social media person who was doing a great job with the reach and the content,

but they did no capital. No zero capitals for names. Born and I formally complained and went

I don't want to be represented by this. They canceled the show. So sometimes you just keep

your mouth shut, you know? Do you think that's why they canceled the show because the older

people on the panel were worried about. Don't call me the older people on the panel. I was

consistently in the mids. Yeah. Thank you. 22% of people claim that it just simply takes too long

and that as long as the meaning is conveyed, the technical accuracy of the writing just

doesn't matter at all. They don't give a toss. Yeah. Half of Gen Z and millennials bother to

differentiate between there, there, there. Oh, that is one of my bad ones. It hates when you get

it wrong. There, there, there. Yeah. But as you get older, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're,

you're, you're, you're, or hair, hair and hair. People just aren't doing it.

One on one on her. Oh, yeah. Hair, hair and hair. Three wildly different ones, though,

the hair, hair and hair, hair on your head, hearing things are over here. Three very different

years. They're there and there. And hair, the rabbit. Oh, yeah. I know what you mean. And when

you create each other, someone you say, yeah, a little harder, the, the there, there and there,

but the hair, hair and hair, wildly different things. Basically, the study found the majority

of young adults just don't even think it matters anymore. They're like, what does it matter if

you can understand what I'm saying? What does it matter? And I can't answer the question why it

matters. But it does. It just does. It just does. Um, to the producers, if when we're messaging you

and we're using full stops, are you finding that passive aggressive?

Are you, is that what's happening? Yeah. If you put a full stop, I think that you're mad at me.

Oh my God. Yeah. If it's mid paragraph, it's cool. If it's the end of the message,

oh, calm it down guys. Just a full stop. Yes, but it's fine in the middle of a paragraph because

then you're doing sentences, but at the end, just do a little emoji or an exclamation point.

This is crazy. The exclamation part is mark is less aggressive than a full stop. Yeah, it's fun.

You could do like five exclamation marks and that's still not as aggressive as a full stop.

Absolutely. Or just write the word slay at the end of it. I just don't end most of my sentences with

even though I don't, I'm not laughing. I'm not laughing.

Hey, I slept through my alarm. I'm just running five minutes late slay.

Yeah. It just like spices it up. I'm looking through our group chat and I will say that we don't

full stop often. Like we will use capitals and the correct spelling of things and commas and

question marks, exclamation marks, but we don't full stop often. For me, it's only an angry full

stop. If it's like a three word reply, if it's like, Hey, what are you up to full stop? I'm like,

Oh man. Oh, Haley, can we do this? And you're like, that's fine. Full stop. Or where are you?

It's like, Oh, where am I supposed to be? No, we're a question mark. Because it's a question.

Yeah. That's, see, that's right. But if someone said, where are you full stop? I'm

in trouble. Oh no, that's just incorrectly punctured. I'm going to start using some full stops just to

really mess it up. No, no, no. If you first double space, but is it still automatically

popping in a full stop? Yeah. Yeah. Good. I just sent a fine full stop. Yeah,

fine with a full stop certainly hits harder than just fine. Silly little poll is next on the show.

Today we're asking the question, do you get your plates ready for the people to collect?

Or do you just leave them like in front of you? There's a bit of etiquette here.

Today's silly little poll asks you how do you leave your plates at a restaurant?

Your two options in front of each person as we ate them with your fork and your knife in the fork.

That's how I always leave it afoot. Do you? No. And then I put the knife

balanced in between the two prongs of the fork. Interlock them. That's yuck. That's

basic. Why is that basic? How do you guys decide each other? It's more classy. On the plate or

beside the plate? On the plate. Next to each other. On the plate. Do you decide the plate?

No, definitely on the plate. That's the sign that I'm done. Yeah. Okay. Or do you stack? Yeah,

don't do this. At the end of a table, stack them all up. Like here, we're ready. Come and get

this giant pile of yuck dishes. Now, have you ever worked in a restaurant, Hailey? I've worked in

a cafe. And what was your preference as someone who collected plates? Lever. I've got my own

methodology. And I remember I used to stack, I don't know, I just eat fast and then I'd just start

stacking stuff. And my mum always told me it was bad. Like, don't do that. Whereas I think

people just think it's helpful, right? Yeah. Shannon, you also worked in a restaurant. Yes.

You had a lot of the dirty old men, tuck money in your pouch. What did you prefer?

If they stacked it well, lovely. But if they stacked it bad and there's forks and it's all wobbly,

stay in your lane. Yeah, like who's stacking plates when leaving the cutlery in it? Or putting a

plate on a mound of like broccoli or something. But if it's like, because I worked in an Italian

restaurant, there was like garlic bread bowls and stuff like that. You know, like those were great

together. Bongiorno, by the way, just in Bongiorno time. And it's a miamaria. It is a miamaria.

Stack it nicely. Thank you. Stack it badly. Please don't. So when you say nicely,

all plates with no food and all the cutlery on the top. Yeah. And some of the dish boys would get

annoyed if you stacked it and there was too much food because then they had to clean the bottom

heaps on the plates. So like, only if it was clean kind of vibe.

You've got to imagine having to clean both sides of a plate. Yeah. Oh my god, it's hell on earth.

Imagine. Hey, dish boys work hard. Yeah. Did they not have one of those big industrial dish

washers? Yeah. But you have to wash it before you go in the sterilizer. Oh yeah. Okay. So they

would hand wash and then sterilize it. That's just a sterilizer. Yeah. And then you always clean

your hands getting your clothes out. So that thing doesn't play the role of a dishwasher. It's

primarily. No, there's no cleaning product in it. I thought it was a dishwasher. It's just

extremely hot water and steam. Yeah. It smells like. There might be a bit of product in it,

but yeah, it's not like you don't put like a tide pod in it. Ah, no, you don't put

tide pods in your dishwasher. They'll feel close. Okay. So what does the nation say?

59% said in front of each person as you ate them. Okay. 41% said stacked up. So the majority,

not that much of a majority, but a majority saying leave it in front of you. That way you

can also tell who hasn't eaten all their food so they're not getting put. You can steal some of

their food. Yeah. Jamie says used to be a waitress and it's easy to collect plates if they're left

individually and not stacked. Totally. You've got your own way. We're getting across the board here,

Jamie. Sam says ex-hospot. Yes, I hate myself for being that person, but individual not stacked.

Yeah, right. Could you do that thing where you take lots of dinner plates to the table,

Haley, and you put one on your forearm? Yeah, I'm good at that. Oh my God. Do you do two in the

plate like in the hand like this? Yeah. Like this, like you're holding discs and you've got one on

the forearm and then you can stack them on each little bit. That's wild. It's hot, eh? It's quite

hot. Yeah, it is quite hot. I never got any cash tucked into my pouch though, like Shannon.

You're giving me different vibes. Shannon very much gives it a pouch tuck vibe. She would have

been open to a pouch tuck. You, when were you? What's my vibe? You were a bit of a bitch as a

teenager. What's my effing vibe? Emo bitch. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nobody's tucking money into a pouch of

an emo bitch. Yeah, I wasn't emo bitch. Yeah, you're right. Kathy says often stacked, particularly

if there isn't much room left on the table, I don't want to feel crowded. So she's popping

it down the end. It's always got to be in front of someone. If they've already passed their plates

down to the end. Have you ever been at a breakfast buffet, like a hotel does a breakfast buffet

or whatever, and then you're done with this plate? Yeah. Because you haven't eaten everything you

did. You want a fresh plate? And then you just put it on the table next to you and go and get a new

plate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All the time. That's a real naughty, eh? But yeah. Where else are you

going to put it? Yeah. The tidier we leave it, Hannah says, the tidier we leave it, I like to

believe makes a difference. It makes it easier to clean up and we get the table ready for this.

It doesn't, Hannah. She's stacking them on the end. You're making a very heavy load. Everyone in

Hossbow hates that. If you're not stacking them up for the weight stuff, you're a douche, says

Rhiannon. Rhiannon, we're hearing from weight staff. They don't want it stacked. Yeah. So you

would in your efforts to not be a douche. As being a douche. You're being a douche. You've really

got to take a good hard look at yourself, Rhiannon. Yeah, Rhiannon. Yeah. You're named after a Fleetwood

Mack song. No doubt in my mind at all. Yeah. It's time to take a look at yourself. Oh my god,

I hate it when they're spread out. I'm a waitress and it's a pain in the ass. Make my life easier

and stack them up. Now we're getting mixed messages. Wait, what? Wait, what? This is Evie.

Pick a team. I think there needs to be a hospitality New Zealand survey. Some sort of

stuff. Hard and fast rule. And then we just stick to whatever the results are from that.

Because here's David, as someone who's worked in hospital, it would be so hard when they stack

them all up. Because usually the cutlery is on one plate and it'll slide off the plate,

so it won't sit even. I'd rather make a couple of trips and do it my way. Yeah, okay. Olivia,

etiquette teacher says it's rude to stack at the table. There you go. So she's done an etiquette

course. Yeah, I was told it was rude. Weird, eh? It does put a bit of urgency, but like we are done.

Like it is a bit rude. Yeah, yeah. Because I'm not an a-hole. I've never worked in a restaurant,

but also stuff that if you can make life a little bit easier, then I will. Makayla's claiming again

that the stack makes it easier, but Makayla, you've never worked in a restaurant. Makayla,

it's not making it easier. Oh no, Makayla, all your life you've been making it harder. You've

been trying to make something easier, but in turn making it harder. Like when a kid wants to help you

bake. Yeah. They think they're helping, but they're not. They're just in the way. Yeah. And they can't

hold a beater up properly, and they pull the beater out of the sprays everywhere. Sometimes it's best

not to help. It's a bit of life advice.

Now, did you, because I've been on the road for a few weeks, did Auckland have a little bit of

flooding again or some heavy rain the other day? Oh yeah, it had some, um, not yesterday the day

before. So what was it? Oh my gosh. Monday. Yeah, there was a bit of a flood in,

haven't we, as a country? Yeah. I mean, I'm in beautiful Napier. They, they had it bad. They got,

they got the brunt of it. They really did. What was that song called, Gabriel? Yeah.

Yeah, what a batch. Gabba's a batch. Um, so they're, I mean, flooding's bad, right? Flooding's

always bad. You don't want, you don't want things to flood through your streets, but

that's exactly what has happened to a small Portuguese town called Sao Lorenco de Bearo.

Brilliant, Portuguese. Thank you. That was flawless. Thank you. Um, they, their streets were

absolutely flooded, but it wasn't rainwater or, you know, tank water or storm water or river water.

Or swimming, swimming pool water. Not swimming pool water, not tap water, not drink, not sparkling

water. Reservoir water. Not H2Go. Yeah. Not pump. Nothing like that. It was a vitamin water.

No, it wasn't lightly sparkling. It wasn't lightly, it wasn't Antipodes lightly sparkling.

Wasn't an overflowing soda stream. It wasn't a soda stream water. It was red wine.

Okay. And it was 2.2 million litres of red wine after there was a distillery, one of the tanks,

I know two of the tanks, sorry, gave way and burst open and red wine literally flooded the

streets of this village. Like if you look at it, it looks just like the weather that we've been

having over this winter. But it's, and that would be worse because at least, uh, when flood water

resides in some parts, it just needs to dry out and stuff is fine. I mean, obviously you're not

your property. Like if it gets into your house and stuff, but if it flows through your backyard,

a river of red wine is going to stain everything and stink and stink. Yeah.

Artily stink. Yeah. So it was enough red wine to fill an Olympic swimming pool.

I just literally Googled how much why, how much, how many litres in an Olympic size swimming pool,

two and a half million. Yeah. So it was 2.2. So it was just under. And it was like, the photos are

like, it's a river running through these people's houses. Yeah. So there were houses that lived near

the distillery that had their basements like to the neck filled with red wine. Now, would you,

would you get a container, a couple of, yes, look, it's getting a bit manky. I don't know if I'd get

it off the street, but if it flooded my house, I would bottle a couple of run a sip through it,

right? Yeah. Or maybe you could boil it. It looks chunky. I'm just looking at the video. It looks

chunky, but maybe that's just the stuff that's collected along the way, you know?

Yeah, right. The stones and stuff. I wouldn't. Yeah. You wouldn't go there.

Well, the winery, La Vida has apologized. And it's saying, look, we're, we'll try to

sort this so it never happens again. Yeah. But essentially they just had two massive tanks

just give way. And then to get all the stain out of everybody's car, but they're going to

smash two big tanks of white wine. I don't know if that's a thing. Don't do that.

Soda water and white wine and soda water as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They'll sort it out.

Hello. I used to date a person in orangutan, um, was playing with a possum. Now apparently

it was playing with the possum on the ground. It's in its enclosure. Yeah. Chucking it about,

playing a bit rough. And then the possum scarped up the orangutan's tower to which

yeah, orangutan's like, I can do that too. Climbs up after it. Yep. Pokes up with a stick,

then grabs it and yeets it. Yeets it. Now I know Australians, uh, the possum is protected here.

Absolute feral aggressive pest. Yeah. That must be gone. That must be gone. We must end

the reign of the poss. Yeah. They nibble up our native forest. Yeah. They make such nice

clothes as well. Oh, and nipple warmers socks. You know nipple warmers, slippers, scarfs, hats,

you name it. Very warm fur. But in Australia, they're a native species. They're a marsupial.

They've kind of evolved to not be able to destroy forests as much. Yeah. But here they're a pain,

but this orangutan had enough and it yeets it. And they're saying they haven't found the possum,

but it's likely it didn't survive the fall. Fall throw. So after seeing this, the impressive

strength of an orangutan. Well, those things rip your arms off. They actually do have the

power to rip your arms straight out of the sockets. And once they're not in the socket anymore,

it's just been held there by skin and tendons and they'll be able to tear those. Great. So I've

got the top six people hiring orangutans for evictions. Okay. Number six on the list, landlords.

Fall too far behind in your rent. If there's a knock at the door and you pull the curtain and

there's a orangutan at the ranch, don't open the door. Because he'll just evict you right then

in there, grab you and fling you onto the road. Okay. Number five on the list of the top six

people hiring orangutans for evictions, shop owners who get ram rated. The orangutan lives in

the shop overnight and if you ram rate and then run in the orangutan, throw you straight back out

and then throw your car at you as well. I reckon if you're ram rating though, you should get

permission for the orangutan to just rip your arms out. Seems fair. Well, you can't drive a car.

Well, you can drive a car with that arms, but not very easily. Not great. Then you have to get

a special vehicle. Yeah, but that's on you for ram rating. And then you want to ram rate that.

Yeah. Yeah. Number four on the list of the top six people hiring orangutans for evictions. I mean,

after we throw them through that possum, I think the Department of Conservation could do with a

few orangutans. We should just let them loosen our national parks. Yeah. That'd be quite good

actually. Yeah. If you go walking in the national parks, you have to take some anti-orangutan spray.

So you don't want to get yeeted. Like bear spray. Yeah. Number three on the list of the top six

people hiring orangutans for evictions, supermarkets to stop shoplifters. Oh yeah. It's not like you

are on closed circuit cameras. It's like an orangutan is randomly patrolling the store

getting ready to throw you around. Let us follow you around if you look a bit dodgy. Yeah. And if

they find you with a hot chook up your skirt, you're getting yeeted into that. You're getting

yeeted across the trolley. You can't take a hot chook up the skirt. Seen it. I've seen it happen.

A bachelor's handbag up there by the original bachelor's handbag. That bachelor's handbag

must have been out for 10 hours because you can't put something there. Too hot. Next to your

arm. Too hot. Your gentle bits. Yeah. Number two on the list of the top six people hiring orangutans

for evictions, abortion clinics for the protesters. Oh yeah, good. They be pretty good, eh? Yeah.

Get rid of them. So these people protesting and then yeet them and then yeet their sign after them.

And number one on the list of the top six people hiring orangutans for evictions,

Uber drivers when passengers are being troublesome. He's just up front.

Okay. He's got long arms. So he just reaches back, opens the door, grabs you, fling. Well,

at least it's going to save the question when an Uber pulls up and someone has to sit on the front

and nobody wants to. Because he ran turns really up there. Oh yeah, me and Kay. Yeah,

because you can't, it's there. And he will throw you out of that Uber if you misbehave. That is

the day's top six. There is an American footballer who plays for the Philadelphia Eagles or something

like that. His name is Jason Kals. Okay. I think. Yep. Doesn't matter. He's the one who was in

one team in the Super Bowl and his brother was in the other team. Oh my God. Family scandal. Pick a,

everyone was just obsessed with who their mum was backing. Right. Yeah, right. Right. Well,

he is a married man and he is the subject of an upcoming documentary. And they talked to

with the wife and then, you know, how did you meet those kind of stories? And they admitted that

they met on Tinder, which, you know, lots of couples these days would be able to claim. Yeah.

They went on a date to a bar, not quite a date, but like they, that he was there with some friends

and she was with other people and they kind of met up. And they were talking at the bar

and about 40 minutes in, he falls asleep. So he's at the bar just

and then he falls asleep. Ty had not passed out drunk. I mean, he'd had drinks, but not,

he wasn't blacked out. He think he just sort of like rotted away.

Right. When you're tired and you just have a couple of drinks and then that's just enough to just

Yeah, yeah, really. And if it's all. And you're at a party and you're like,

and your eyes are like flittering backwards. Well, he fell asleep. See, it wasn't a great

first impression, but he rung her in was like, can we do that again? And then they went on a date.

They're married now. So it worked out. Married now. It was fine, but straight up.

I mean, I'd forgive a national sports person on a good wage.

Yeah, he earns a bit. If they fell asleep, would you do it again? I'd be like, yeah,

I'll give you another shot. Would you forgive a non-national sports person on not a good wage?

No, I'd be offended. I'd be horrifically offended.

Yeah, I'd be like, what's wrong with you? You know, is there something going on?

Obviously has long days training, probably been up early.

A couple of brusquies. Yeah. And you're asleep.

And possible ongoing long term concussions. We don't know.

Yeah, we don't know, but we can assume. Yeah.

So I wanted to know this morning if you have ever fallen asleep on a date.

Do you know? And I don't mean at the end of coitus.

I reckon a lot of people would fall asleep on a movie date.

Because I find it so hard to stay awake in movies.

Yeah, I reckon movies you'd look over and your date is asleep.

Yeah. But like at a bar, at least you're that drunk.

Yeah, at least you're like passing out.

Yeah. Or you go back for a Netflix and chill and you only get to the net,

but then you fall asleep on the couch.

Yeah, that's me. I would be terrible for a Netflix and chill.

Okay, so I'll 800 dials at him. We want to take some calls.

We want to see has this ever happened to you?

Maybe you've been on a date with someone and they've fallen asleep.

Or you were that person on a date that fell asleep.

I'll 800 dials at him as our number. You can text her 9696.

Did you fall asleep on a date? Yes, silly fool.

There is an American footballer, Jason Kelce,

who has shared that he fell asleep on his first date with his now wife.

Just locked out, basically.

Had a couple of drinks and that was that. It was over.

Yeah. So we want to know when you have or a date you've been on,

when you're full and asleep.

Now, Jess, you were on a date and he fell asleep.

Yeah. I went to the movies on a date.

We kind of went on lots of active dates at the start,

you know, like snow planet and things.

Oh, nice.

Oh, I wouldn't want to go to snow planet on the first date

because I'm not very good.

No, I'd make fuel to blast out.

I'm more of a toboggan guy or a rubbish black sack guy on the snow.

I don't have any natural ability on the snowboard at all.

So it wasn't great.

It wasn't great, but you did it. You did it anyway.

You did it. And then I suggested the movies would be a really great choice.

So the Hunger Games was my pick and, you know,

really high-paced action movie.

Yeah, it's great.

Yeah. Well, that's what I thought.

But halfway through when I looked over, he was fast asleep snoring.

Oh, he was even snoring.

Wow. Okay. And did you carry on dates with this guy?

I'm now married to him and we have a toddler.

Does he fall asleep on the couch a lot the minute he lies down?

He'll not off?

He falls asleep within about 15 seconds of his eyelids closing.

Hey, I know.

Yeah. Oh, my God.

Okay. Well, I'm glad it worked out for you.

And to be honest, you knew what you were getting into.

Hey, he was a sleeper. He was a sleeper.

Yeah. Yeah. GSX thinks he calls some messages in.

I've been on a date that was going really well, got to Netflix

and then woke up on the couch alone.

I was like, oh, that's where they've fallen asleep.

Where did they go?


Wait, whose house was it?

He was in his house.

Oh, okay.

They just want to let themselves out.

So she gave me a second chance.

Yeah, I guess they just let themselves out.

She gave me a second chance and things were going as well as the first

that then got to the Netflix part again and woke up on the couch alone again.

Oh, my God.

Some people, when they lie down, maybe that's them.

I know, have a coffee.

They blame the red wine.

They said, I'm not usually a red wine drinker.

I'm maybe very sleepy.

Yeah, right.

I went on a date and then...

Wait, so there was no third chance that was it?

There was no third chance.

It sounds like it was two strikes and you're out.

To the chill bit.

To get to the hand stuff.

I went up.

So there was no hand stuff.

There might have been a bit of hand stuff on the couch.


Couch is the place for hand stuff.

You mean for the holding hands.

Holding hands.

Holding hands.

And passing.

Holding hands.

Yeah, holding hands.

Handing in the remote.

Struggling thumbs.

Yeah, yeah.

That kind of stuff.

Went on a date.

They came back to my place and went to the bathroom for a tidy up.


Like a puke trim.

Oh, my God.

That's where my mind went for a tidy up.

It's too late.

You can't do that when you're there at your house.

Went to the bathroom for a tidy up, came back.

He was asleep on my couch with a little snoring as well.

And you're all fresh and ready to go.

Not a date.

I was doing long distance and I fell asleep during

a intimate video call.

I mean...

I mean, come on.

Thank God for you for doing that.

Yeah, but falling asleep.

Wrap it up though, eh?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

My husband fell asleep at the movies on our first date

after he came to where I lived, which was five hours away.

Oh, wow.



No, no.

I went to where...

Wait, wait, wait.

He came out to where I lived, which was five hours a day

from my then city I lived in.

That's a confusing sentence.

I can't work out if she travelled.

Because she'll be pissed if she travelled.


And then he fell asleep.


But then...

If he travelled and then fell asleep,

you might be able to understand he's had a long drive.

But then five hours driving, you just wouldn't...

You'd want a little nudge.

You'd want a little nudge.

You would want a little nudge.

Totally want a little nudge.


My date fell asleep in a nightclub.

I drank his drink and then married the guy

that came over to keep me company.

Oh, my God.

If it had too much to drink in the pub

and you're just shutting your eyes in the corner

and the guy's like, come on, mate.

Out your hop.

Out your hop.

Yeah, yeah.

I'm alright, I'm alright, I'm alright.

I'm alright.

I'm on the birth.

No, it's been five minutes.

Years ago...

Okay, I haven't pre-read this one and it's long.

We'll see.

Years ago, my then-boyfriend and his sister and her husband,

okay, so boyfriend and the boyfriend,

sister and husband,

went on a double date to watch with...

To watch with something.

With nail and I at the movies.

I don't know what that is.

The most boring movie ever made.


All four of us fell asleep.

And then the movie broke down and the lights came

and all four of us stood up and started walking out

and everyone was just still sitting, still staring at us.

There's a four-way snooze on a date.

Four-way snooze on the date.

Must have been a terrible movie.

Terribly boring.

Someone said, I just wish I could get a date.

This isn't the time for you to wallow in yourself,

pity we're hearing about people falling asleep.

Go on Tinder.

Yeah, get on the apps.

There's something out there for everybody.

ZM's Fletch Von Naly.

So while Hollywood's newest couple, Kylie Jenner,

Timothee Chamele.

Timothee Chamele.

You would have seen the video of them at the US Open,

along with a bunch of celebrities,

and they had a little PDA.

You saw this.

The world saw this.

They had a lot of PDA.

Well, a journalist asked a body language expert

to give her take on their PDA.

Because it's a very unexpected couple.

When you look at her previous dating records,

not much of a Timothee shell in me, man.

No skinny, weedy, white guys.

Usually sort of buff black men to be fair.

Yeah, yeah.

So it's wild though.

Like, could you imagine if you and Shade went out for a dinner

and somebody caught you on camera kissing,

and then there was a news story about your body language

and how they felt the relationship was going?


The smiths on the brink of divorce.

According to a body expert.


Body language expert.

Isn't it just wild?

I don't think you need a body language expert.

Well, probably have one of those arguments you have at dinner

where you're like, shouting under your brink.

Well, a body language expert, Judy James,

analyzed their demeanors,

and she said that they were far from synchronized,

and she noticed a divide between them.

She added that Kylie seemed committed.

Well, Timothy seemed he just wanted to have fun.

Yeah, do you know what?

I kind of read that.

You kind of, is that what you kind of think's going on?

As a non-body language expert and just a curious person.


I sort of thought the same.

Like, she seems super into him, and he's just like,

yeah, man, you're a Kardashian, basically.

Yeah, I'm having some fun.


She's basically saying, yeah, I don't think they're in the same place.

Right, so, yeah.


I mean, it's not, it's, I just, I'm just fascinated by it.

I remember when the rumors came out that they were hanging around.

I was like, come on.

Yeah, like, is this for real?

But yeah, I guess it is for now.

It's for real for now.

I haven't seen this.

What kind of kissing?

Let's talk about the kissing, too, because like,

you haven't seen this video.


It was kind of when, because it was like a bunch of celebrities,

because everybody was at the US Open.

Oh, God, keep your hands to yourself.

Jesus, have some decorum.

So then she's lobby.

She spoke about that.

She seemed, she said that Kylie's action seemed very growing up.

They're sitting just behind the door from the back.


I know.



Yes, cousin.


She said that Kylie's action seemed very growing up and even maternal.

While she's a mother of two.


Well, the actor gave off a younger and more fun vibe.

Well, he's a father of none.


Zero responsibilities.

I know.


Well, I mean, good luck to the happy couple.

It's a smooch.

That was a weird one.

Yeah, it's a bit, it's a bit off.

It's a bit strange.


It's open mouth, but it's not sealed.

You know, like a lot of air could escape out the corner of the mouth.

I prefer a tight seal.

A tight seal.

You like a tight seal for a kiss?

I like a tight seal on a kiss.

With a tight, a tiny room to let it breathe.

No, like two docking space stations.


And then you can travel between.



Without the fear of space and the vacuum that is getting sucked into space.



Next on the show.

Well, next on the show, I mean, one we need to address.

I've been bitten quite severely by something.

I just got an itchy tongue and it's, I've been, I've been absolutely hacked alive.

I got bitten on the top of the hand last night by a mosquito.


This feels like a, I'm going to draw a circle around it.

Hang on.

Oh yeah, that classic thing.

And then you let us know if it gets any bigger.


Circles done.

For now, we travel to the UK and this, this blows my mind.

I've never really understood why companies do this.

Because there's a sort of a company of pubs.

Very popular.

There's heaps of them, about 800 of them around the UK.


Called Stonegate.

I don't know it, but Stonegate pubs.


And they're doing price surging.

And I've never understood price surging.

Well, like Uber, when it's really busy, they put their prices up.

So when it's busy, they put their prices up.

That's, oh, that's cheeky.

That's the rule of supply versus demand, isn't it?

But it's sort of an immediacy.

Yeah, but then that's, you could stomach that if they had more than two bar staff on.

Yeah, I know.

You wait like 40 minutes for a drink.

Yeah, I'd be annoyed if that happened.

Because Weatherspoons was the opposite.

As my recollection stands is that Weatherspoons had the prices of all the bars around them

and what they were selling beers for and ciders for.

And then they undercut them.

And then they undercut them.

I'd say you could go down there, but it costs this much a pint and we'll do it, you know,

five peachy.

Yeah, right.

So they're doing more, 20p more during peak hours.

Peak hours being like the busiest hours, right after work, lunchtimes, weekends.

And they said it's to cover things like additional extra cleaning,

more stuff for the bar, providing customers with plastic pint glasses.

Why has this never happened before?

Why has this never been a problem before?

That's just part of it, right?

You spread it out over the.

It's just money making.

I've never understood it with Uber.

It's like there's more people wanting Uber.

So we're going to charge you more.

I'm like, no, you don't.

Like it just means that all of you are going to get your cars filled up.

Yeah, exactly.

It's so cheap.

It's amazing that it's even legal, right?

It's actually cheeky.

It's very cheeky.

It's proper cheeky.

It's broader cheeky.

That's proper cheeky.

I just want a pint.

I always get the e-scooters and Bean have started doing this.

They do, like, they're like, oh, it's really busy.

It's an extra 10 cents a minute.

And you look around and there's like 10 of them on the street.

You're like, what?

Oh, like, do they just available when they're available?

Yeah, I know it's wild.

Just late stage capitalism.

I'm thinking it's a jetty.

Oh, I don't know if you can say that anymore.

I was going to say, I think it's a ripoff.

It's a joke.

It needs to hurry up and get to the latest stage.

I just think it's proper cheeky.

It's proper cheeky.

It's cheeky.

I'm not paying any more for my pint.

I'll go to weather spoons.

Tuesday night, Corina.

Aye, they're doing a prawn curry.

Cori club.

I like the Cori club.

For those that aren't in England, that's like a big chain over there.

Yeah, it is.

It is.

It is.

It's a proper chav like move in there.

Oh, is that?

Yeah, it's a proper chav like in there.

It is.

We know now.

Oh, you lost it there, but...

No, we know now.

No, just not.

We know now.

Play Zerim's Fletch, Vaughan and Haley.


One thing people always say, oh, that's a bit yuck,

is that I chew my fingernails.

Oh my God.

I literally just watched an Instagram last night

and it was someone saying why I shouldn't do it.

And it did one of those close-ups of a fingernail

with all the dirt and there was little wormies.

I've got this far through life.

But yesterday I was doing some gardening.

I was getting, I was repotting my herbs.

I can see Fletch is very interested in what I was doing in the garden.

I was repotting my herbs.

I just absolutely phased out.

I'm opening my crossword.


I was repotting my herbs, guys.

Always remember to keep mint in its own pot.

Oh, absolutely.

Take over a garden bed if you let it run in the wild.

Meaning, I found meaning.



What was the, what was the clue for meaning?

No, I'm just doing a word search.

Something of life.

See, are you doing a word search?

I like using crossword.

I like using you like a crossword.

Crossword made it sound more intelligent.

You're just doing a dummy's word search.

Like anyone can find the word.


You're doing what?

Kids do a problem called a Lone Star

while they're waiting for their meal.

I found mellow.

They're all M words.

That's what makes it harder.

Oh, okay.

Member, oh my God, I'm on fire.

You tell your story, babes.


Well, I was out there doing some gardening.

And anyway, I came back in

and there was a lot of dirt and stuff under my nails.

Oh, yeah.

So I stood at the sink with a sharp knife,

scraping it all out.

A sharp knife?

Oh, my God.

Oh, use a nail tool, you pig.

Nah, sharp knife.

And then just pop that in the dishwasher for later.

Get a wash and put them in there.


And then-

I'm not in your house again.

I need that in the chip plates.

Oh, my God, I know those chip plates.

The finger, the nail knives, the toe knife,

and the, um, and the chip plates.

I mean, this is just fantastic if that's another reason

for you guys not to come to my house.


I'll keep compiling these lists.

And then I was like,

I might just actually cut my fingernails

because I know I'm going to end up chewing them.

Do you not count them either?

No, I never cut my fingernails.

I've got the little clippers.

I do them every now and again.

I clip my toenails because I can't get them in my mouth.

But if I can get them in my mouth, I'd probably-

I do this thing where I clip my toenails and my thing

and I would sit on the ledge on the carpet

and then I'll vacuum them all up.


How do you put it on the carpet?

I do it when I'm having a poo

and then I just open my legs

and I pop the nails down the middle.


I put mine in the toilet.


That is so yuck.

You are so yuck.

That right chuck them out the window

because the toilet's inside a window.



And I have an arm and I chuck it out the window.


I don't like it.


See, you'll-


No, no, no, not my fingernails.

No, I never.

I chew them, but I'm, when I'm taking a poo,

sometimes I'll look down

and I'll see my toenails need to be trimmed.

And I'll, so I'll trim them

and then I'll just grab them

and I'll chuck them in the toilet

and flush them with the poo.

Look what you've done.

Shannon can't even look at you.

That's saving water.

That's saving water.

That's saving water.

No, but you shouldn't spend that much time

on the toilet.

You'll give yourself piles of hemorrhoids.

Yeah, well.

No, you get up.

You need to walk around.

You've got to do something.

And so I was, I'm going to cut my fingernails.

Now I just don't cut my fingernails.

You didn't do that on the toilet.



I did it on the couch and tried to catch them all.



I trimmed them and now I am filled with regret

because I've trimmed them short.

And whenever I go to grab something, I'm, it's sore.

Oh, you've gone too short.

I've gone too short.

I've gone too short.

And now I'm like, I even drive into work this morning.

I grip the steering wheel and I was just like,

Oh, I know.

I was like, ah, like it's a really weird-

You've got a-

It's an intense pain.

It's just an annoying pain.


The left hand seems to be worse than the right hand.

It'll go after a day,

but you've got to just not go so short next time.

I also had a couple,

a couple of these nails had nails growing up

behind the nail.

Sort of a split nail situation.

I did that.

I want to know what causes that

because I'm pretty keen to stop that

because that hurts.


I get that.

I get the double nail.


And the back nail really hurts.

Really hurts.

It's like a fin.

It's like a half nail.

Are you, are you half talking to us

while you're doing your crossword?

You're worth it.

I just found mentality.

I could tell you were half in the conversation.

Fine from you.

But yeah, now I'm full of regret.

I think I'm just going to go back to chewing my nails.

Why don't you go get some acrylics done?

They'll be nice.

Make them nice and long again.

And then you won't be able to chew them.


Some french tips.

Well, I do have indoor netball this week.

They'll make me take them off, won't they?

No, I'll make you take them off.

These are full, I've got full blown netball nail.

But I couldn't scratch anybody with these if I wanted to.

Do they scratch a netball?

Well, that's why they have to cut their nails

in case of accidental scratch.

Oh, right.



You can't come on my court with hoop earrings or

or long nails.

Damn it.

I'm out for indoor netball.

I carry clippers.

Because my hoop netball earrings.


Yeah, hoop netball earrings.

Well, we won't take them out.

I've got Manali potato earrings.

I was going to say, don't be fooled by the rocks that he's got.

He's still flitching from the block.

Anyway, just trip.

I love it when you wear your Nellie potatoes though.

You look so cute.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Good morning, Alicia.

Good morning.

How are you?

Really good.

How are you?

You sound very energetic.

Have you had a lot of coffee this morning?

No, just a good night's sleep.

Oh, good for you.

Oh, that's, oh, how good.

We're going to ram it down our throat.

Yeah, yum.

Now, what time did you get it?

Well, let's not rush those.

Let's enjoy this.

Let's part of it.


What time did you get to bed?

Um, nine o'clock.

And what time did you wake up?


Oh, that's a good, yeah.

That's good.

That's stuff, man.

That's good stuff.


Well, you know how it works, Alicia.

We've got Cashy on the run.

The dollar amount counts up.

Yeah, until the IRD set off an explosive device

to put an end to Cashy's.

But Cashy's on the run.

All you've got to do is say stop before the explosion.

Are you ready?

I am, yes.


Let's go.

I'm ready.




Oh, I'm ready.


Cashy outside, how about that?


Cheated on my desk for two.





Oh, wow.

Clear instructions from Alicia there.





We're locking in 317.

Alicia, let's see how high Cashy would have gone.

That'll count.



It's finally achieved financial independence.


Maybe everything will finally work out for...

Oh, my God.

Cashy, no.

But it was hypothetical because you stopped it before it happened.

Wow, $317, Alicia, congratulations.

Thank you, that's awesome.

And guys, I just want to add that I'm a long-time listener,

first-time caller.

Oh, first-time winner.


First-time caller, first-time winner.



Oh, that's fantastic.

Alicia, congratulations.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thanks, guys.

Now, there was a woman who shared an experience on the talk

of witch ticks and she did something rather silly.

So this morning I was on my walk,

halfway through I decided to take my vitamins.

So I put my vitamins in, took a drink,

and I was like, man, those are stuck.

So I guzzled my water and went to go get my air pod.

And my pills were in my hand.

I swallowed my air pod.

She swallowed her whole air pod.

Who decides to take vitamins halfway through a walk?

That's what I couldn't.

It's so hard to be doing something that involves even taking

a big guzzle of water when you're doing cardio is hard

because you've got your breathing pattern on,

you have to disrupt it to...

To swap.

Well, no.

I think she was just on like a mum walk.

Like, I don't think it looked that...

From the video, it didn't look that...

Yeah, I don't think she's powering.

But what are you like packing a little

centrum multivitamin in your pouch?

No, you take them in the morning or the night.

Yeah, you take them when you have breakfast, right?


Or before you leave with a glass of water,

you don't mid-walk take a vitamin.

Yeah, real bizarre.

I mean, I could definitely swallow an air pod

because when I do go through periods of really caring

about my body and how it feels,

I'll take lots of vitamins.


And I swallowed them all at once.

And some of them are massive.

And I just get it in.

I've got a trick.

Do you want my trick?

What's your trick?

A lot of people, when they swallow pills,

they put the pills in their mouth

and then they knock it back, right?

And they go, there.

That's what I do.

That's what I do.

Restricting throat.


You're closing it out.


Open the throat!

Oh, flipper.

So you go like this.

You take the water.

Open the throat.

Open the throat.

Is that where I've been going wrong?

You've been going wrong with your vitamins.

All these years.

Choking on your vitamins.

So when you put the water in your mouth.


Look down and then swallow because it opens the...

Look down.

No, that's too...

Look down.

No, look up.

That's right.

Look up.

No, it doesn't.

No, if you go this, your whole throat is actually opened.

Yeah, trust me.

No, you're talking rubbish.

No, I'm not talking rubbish.

So a doctor told me.

And it's how I do my pills all the time.

Wait, so you put water in your mouth and then the pills.

So go, no, I go the pills.


And then I go water.

And then...


And then look down.

And you look down slightly so the back of your head raises up

and it opens up your throat.

No, that to me feels like I'm more...

I feel like it's pushing.

Yeah, it feels like pushing on the Adam's apple.

Well, just trust me.

Just trust me.

This time you're going to take a bunch of pills.


So I think you definitely couldn't swallow a Generation 1

ear pod, but the latest gen ear pods are quite little.

Like the stick on them is next to nothing.

Yeah, I don't know what generation she swallowed, but it's...

It's inside of her.

It's inside of her now and it will hurt passing through.

Because I had a friend that's lost just one ear pod, like on a plane,

and they just ordered a new one online.

Can you order a single when it ends?

Yeah, you can.

Can't you find them?

No, they can find the case.

It's the case.

But not the actual pod.

So you can.

I think it's like $100 for just one and they have to peer it up.

They work out what one you had and then they peer it up and send it to you.

Well, I want to know what you accidentally swallowed.

I think we should take some calls and get some messages

because, you know, I think, I mean, I as a kid, man, I would have swallowed.

I reckon like $20 worth of coins because you're always sucking on coins.

All right, yuck.

Your parents let you do that?


Very manky.


But the bigger the coins used to be bigger.

Yeah, very high.

You would have choked on a $0.30 back in the day.

They were big.


But then you can imagine like she said she had her pills in one hand

and her ear pod in the other.


So it's just a complete mix up.

That would be very easy to do.

We are taking your calls and your text messages of what you accidentally swallowed

because a woman went to go swallow some of her vitamins

and instead just swallowed her ear pod.

Now, I don't know that we've got an update on that coming out.

I would just let it go like some people might.

Oh, that's not true.

They've survived washing machines.

Was it a year or so ago someone had one in sight?

They'd done the same thing, swallowed it.

And did they have audio from inside?

Oh, maybe they connected to it.


Maybe you're right.

That rings a bell.

I feel like that was a news story a couple of years ago.

But also they've got a battery in them, right?

So if the stomach did get through the outside and expose the battery,

that could be very, very dangerous.


Very dangerous thing for battery in your tum.

Someone also said as a speech therapist,

the chin tuck is definitely a strategy for swallower.


Thank you.

So yeah, this according to the.

No, no, sorry.


An apology please.

I apologize for not knowing the correct way to swallow.


No, I just want that audio clip.


So this also happened in 2021.

A woman said, I accidentally swallowed my ear pod

and recorded a voice note from my stomach.


No, shut up.

She did.

She did.


She thought she was taking like a couple of panties.


A couple of neurofens or whatever.

She's so nervous.

And yeah.

Because you guys are dumb.


Dumb man.

So dumb.

So dumb.

So dumb.

So what have you accidentally swallowed?

Somebody, can I just quickly touch on this technique

for swallowing something?

You put the pills in the water.

And then, and then just drink the glass.

I want to have this normal glass of water.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, they taste yuck if they start to dissolve.


No, that's a big no.


That's a no.

Can we tell that person to text them to shut up?

Yeah, we'll tell them to.

James, what did you accidentally swallow?

I've got PTSD from this experience.

So I don't know if I should actually be talking about it.

Oh, safe space.

Safe space, happy place.

Safe space, yeah.


I, it was a sunny Sunday afternoon

and I filled my drink bottle up from the garden hose.

Now that is a mistake I will never make again.


And I'm happily drinking away.

Get to the bottom of the bottle

and something falls into my mouth.

I technically, I didn't actually swallow it,

but it hit the back of my throat.

I spat it out.

It was a massive slug.

And I just immediately started retching.

I was reaching for anything to wash my mouth

that I was scrubbing.

I almost friggin drank bleach

just to feel clean, you know.

And so the slug was just like,

like the pipe.

Yeah, here's a nice hose I can live in now.

And then you washed it out into your drink bottle.


Never drink from the garden hose.

No, no, no, you shut up.

We're going into summer

and one of my favorite things to do

is to go outside without a water bottle.

And then when you're thirsty,

go straight up to the hose.

I'm going to run for it now.

I'm not doing it now.

You've got to run because it's hot water.



And summer, the water that you turn on

will be cold for a snap

and then it'll go hot.

You've got to let the hot water run through.

James, thanks.

You call it Elizabeth.

Good morning.

Kia ora.

Kia ora.

I was expecting a Liz.

You don't go to Liz.

You go full of Elizabeth.

I can do Liz.

Yeah, Liz would.

No, I just, I just wanted it.

Would you go Betty?

Would you go Betty or Beth?

No, no, no, Betty or Beth.

I just said it's just,

you never hear a full Elizabeth.

No, I'm happy to have a Elizabeth on the show.




What did you accidentally swallow?

So it wasn't me actually.

It was my ex,

but he swallowed a Canadian tuning,

which is a very large coin.

How have you had to relate it

to a coin in New Zealand?

What, what size?

At least a larger than a two dollar coin.

How was it in his mouth?

Oh, gosh.

So you know the game Save the Queen?


Well, you've got a coin in your mouth.


So you, yeah.

So you put a coin in someone's drink

because they have to finish the drink

to save the queen.


But he just swallowed the coin as well.


Oh, so it's like the queen

because she's on the coin is drowning

and you've got to drink all the stuff to save her.

If someone puts it into your glass

while you're not watching,

you have to drink, yeah.

Oh, so it's sneakily done.

So you would call the game now Save the King

when we have the King on the coins, right?

We're going to have to change that as well.

Oh, gosh.

As long as the King will save the Endeavor

or whatever coin you're dropping in there.


Save the Heron.

What's on the $2 coin?

The Heron.

You saved the Heron.

You saved the Great Heron.

Elizabeth, thank you.

Asin, good morning.


Is it A...





No, wait.

What is it?

Asia, like the continent.

Asia, like the continent.

I thought it was.

I thought it was an owl.

And then I was like, I like your name.

I like that name very much.


So what did you accidentally swallow?

I didn't completely swallow it,

but I was in Wanaka drinking a can of Sprite

and there was a wasp in my drink

and I didn't know and it stung the back of my tongue.

Wait, what?

It was alive.


And people had to get like hands down my throat

to pull out the stinger.

Oh, my God.

The stinger was lodged in the tongue.

Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.

I don't...


Was there swelling of the tongue?

No, luckily.

That's very lucky.

Did it itch?

Because now I've been stung before.

It bloody itches.


It was pretty painful.

Oh, that sounds horrible.

Asia, thank you.

I'm just debating, Vaughn, should we go to Samara?

Because that is...

My eyes don't want to use about any to move closer.

That is...

I want to hear it.

Oh, God.

Is it naughty?


Is it naughty?

No, it's not naughty.

It's not naughty, but this is like my worst nightmare.

What did you accidentally swallow?

I accidentally swallowed a needle.

Was it in a strawberry that somebody had put in a supermarket?

That's right.

Remember when someone was doing that?


Oh, my God.

Cheeky buggers.

No, it's not one of those find it tooth and a food thing and eat it.

No, I was working in a bridal shop and I was giving someone's dress

and I decided to start talking as the needle was in my mouth.

And I...

Dumb, dumb.

Was it...

Samara, was it a needle with one of those like rounded ends on it?

Like a...

Yes, yes.

The big...


That's a pin, isn't it?

That's a pin, isn't it?

Oh, my God.

How did it go down?

So, it was probably like, I don't know,

four or five centimeters long.

And I swallowed it and went, oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


Went to the A&E and they sent me straight to hospital on an ambulance.

I wasn't allowed to eat for 36 hours.

They tried to find it and they couldn't.

And I had about four or five X-rays,

which I still have of the needle,

just kind of making its way down my date.

Ah, making my way downtown.

And then it just kind of went out on its own.


No, you did that.

What you did there?

Did it come out needle end first or bulb end first?

So, I don't know.

It doesn't.

It was a bit wrapped in poop.

Wait, did you hit it yourself?

Samara, did you have to sieve your poo?

I did not, no.

They just did an X-ray and it just wasn't there anymore.

It wasn't there anymore.

She chanted out.


She chanted out.

You should have got one of those magic wand things

that security has when they're looking for metal with the airport.


I would have been like, where is that?

So, what was it made concerned when you're in hospital

that was going to face the wrong way

and like tear something on the way through?

Yeah, that it was going to lodge itself somewhere in my digestive tract.

So, the worst part of that whole experience

was not allowed to eat anything

because they thought they might have to operate.

Like what?

36 hours?

It went by mouth.


Yeah, yes, it's 36 hours.

My parents came to visit me and they had a full dinner

and they were sitting there eating it.

And I was like, this is really cool.

Oh, that's not on.

That's not on.


Amazing, Samara.

The thing of sharing.

Let's go to some text messages.

Somebody else said,

I accidentally swallowed the coin in my wine glass at a BYO.

Now, do you think they were playing the Save the Queen game as well?

Is it a bit of a BYO classic?

It is, yeah.

My dog's medication were on one side of my cup of tea

and my tablets were on the other side of the cup of tea

and I did not take my tablets that day.

What was the dog?


You wouldn't have worms or fleas though, would you?

No, probably not.


I left my tooth in a little cup

beside my bed for the tooth fairy.

And my brother was like, wouldn't it be funny if somebody drank it?

Wouldn't it be funny if somebody drank it?

And then he tipped the cup and his tooth went in his mouth

and he panicked and swallowed it.



Um, some other people were at a BYO playing the coin game.

Yeah, it's very popular.

I've never heard of it.

It is.

It's manky though.

It's manky.

Yeah, it comes off in your drink.

Really manky.

Would you like to play it next time we go to Yum Char or something?

Yes, please.

I don't know, I don't want to upset the hoola Yum Char.

This is one of my favorite places to go.

I don't even upset them with this.

We can do it on our...


Yeah, I don't need a Skellywag.

My friend's grandfather ate his very expensive hearing aid.

He thought it was a peanut.

You know how the little ones are little tiny and they go in the ear?


Yeah, he ate it.

He ate it.

That's an expensive peanut.



Someone said it might be coincidental,

but as that guy was telling that story about the slug being in the back of his mouth,

I did watch a car pull over and have a chunny on the side of the road in traffic.

It was ass, they listed.

They may have been coincidental though.

They may have been ass.

Or they could just be hung over.

On a Wednesday.

They shouldn't be driving.

They shouldn't be driving if they get at the point of a chunny.

Definitely not.

The next day.

Absolutely not.

Fact of the day is next.

This week at Fact of the Day.

It's Ocean Week.

It's Ocean Week.

Specializing in the vastness of the ocean.

Today's fact of the day, we continue on our vast ocean, fact-themed fact of the day.

It's making me feel very uneasy. Yeah, it's huge. Sometimes you look into space and feel

insignificant. Well, you don't even need to look that far. You can look right here on Earth at

the vastness of the ocean to feel insignificant. Today's fact of the day is the world's largest

waterfall is underwater in the ocean. That's technically not a waterfall though. It's

constantly moving and falling and rising and all sorts. It's a waterfall by definition.

And then Denmark straight and a gap between Denmark and Iceland. There is a, one of Denmark's

islands, Greenland and Iceland is a Denmark state. That's why it's called the Denmark straight.

There is a waterfall called the Denmark straight cataract, like in the eyes, cataract. Now,

due to where these waters meet and the difference in temperature, when these waters collide,

the cold one falls. The warmer one doesn't. Now, it also happens to be over what would be,

if it was above ground, a waterfall like feature, a huge drop. Yeah. So this waterfall is the largest

on Earth because the water, when it goes from the surface and it's cold and it drops down,

straight drop three and a half kilometers. Yeah, but that's not a waterfall. That's the water falling

over a cliff. It's just the ocean. It is. It's not splashing on rocks and sort of. Well, it is.

When it hits the bottom, it's like, there's video footage of it. And when it hits the bottom,

it does act like a waterfall because of the temperature difference in the water. Yeah, right.

It is three times the height of the angel falls in Venezuela. That's the highest above one. That's

the beautiful falls that by the time it gets to the bottom, it's like a rain because the water's

falling so far in Venezuela. And the amount of water going over the edge is 3.2 million cubic

meters per second, which is more water than exits out of the Amazon into the Atlantic Ocean

and any other waterfalls on Earth. Right. There's more water going over the edge and falling. It's

a straight three and a half kilometers straight down in the form of a waterfall. That's too big.

Yeah. And not technically a waterfall. Definitely a waterfall. I mean, you can argue with me,

that's fine. But the messenger for geologists who have confirmed it. I'll say it. Geologists are

wrong. If you were under there and you were to stand under the waterfall, are you getting

wetter than you already are? Yeah, she's got you there. She's got you there. But when you're

standing under a waterfall, there's going to be a point where you have a waterfall above land where

you've reached maximum saturation. At that point, does that waterfall cease to become a waterfall?

No, I think you keep getting wetter and wetter. No, you're going because you'd reach a point where

you were as maximally saturated as you possibly could be. Depends if you put more coins into the

fountain. Yeah, it does. Water fountain. The water fountain that keeps. Does this fountain,

does this waterfall grant wishes? I don't know if anyone wants water. That's not a waterfall.

You're thinking of a fountain. You're thinking of a wishing well. I'm thinking of Trevi Fountain.

You're thinking of a fountain. Very, very different. So the water is 200 meters wide and 200

meters thick. So just this square column of water careens over this edge and just straight down for

three and a half kilometers, making it the world's largest waterfall. I feel lucky. It's too much.

It's a lot. It's a lot happening down there. So today's factor of the day is the world's largest

waterfall, both in volume and height dropped is underwater.

Fact of the day, day, day, day, day.

Hey, I do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do.

It'll be the 13th day of September. And last month there was a

thing up at the gym saying steps challenge next month, steps challenge next month. And I'm always

just I just walk straight past them because I don't step, step, step, straight past them, don't

you? I'm a honey badger at the gym. I'm a solo creature and I don't give a damn. I'm just out

there doing my thing. Yeah, trying not to, you know, trying to keep a little bit of fitness.

Should stretch more. Oh, you're saying? Can't be bothered. Once I'm done, I'm done.

Yeah, it's hard to convince yourself to hang around for another 15 minutes. But the next day

you'll feel it and you'll always say should stretch more and then you don't and then your back

sore and then that's just getting old. But they the the ladies at the gym said to me,

you should do this gym challenge because you do all you do your cardio, you do your running and

you do the steps machine. You're like steps because you just go to the gym and watch TV shows.

You're looking good though. It's working for you. Yeah, it is. I'm a cardio. You're a hot piece of

and you're getting through those TV seasons. Man, am I cranking or isn't TV

I've watched four and a half seasons of a TV show called The League that I've always been told I'd

really enjoy and I do really enjoy it and man, I'm humming for you have only watched that at the gym.

Yeah, that's why I don't really watch too much TV at home. No, most of your father and a farmer

father farmer. So there's always something to do. And so they said do the steps challenge and I was

reluctant, but I was talked into it. And then Oh God, he's going on about it. Seriously. This is

why I said to them I don't do challenges because this is a reason I stopped playing sport. I'm

too I it gets in my head and I get really angry if someone's better than me. But but then they've

practiced and they're just naturally better. Yeah. But so when I'm just competing against myself,

it's fine. Yeah, I was like I'm only getting angry at myself and that motivates me to keep going.

Yeah. So anyway, I had the ground running with the steps challenge. Day one disaster. I'm like

10,000 steps in and then Sharae calls me an old dog Lulu's having this like seizure.

My first thought was well, this is going to interrupt my steps. See, and that's what's wrong

with me. I should be like our beloved family pet of 17 years is unwell. I can't believe that.

So like back to what she was before the seizure.

She will not die. It's a zombie. I believe she is already dead. She's the

undead. She's patient zero in the zombie virus. Yeah, without the aggression, just the licks and

the blind and deaf. But anyway, that's why that was my first indicator that the competitiveness

was coming back. Yeah. And I've been to the gym every day this September. Yeah, like even weekends,

even September 11. September 11. I ran. I ran for the ran for the troops ran for the

whoever. Yeah, I was running. Yeah, I ran and I've been running and I've been running and I

keep I'm not in the group chat. There's a group chat. I don't want any problem. But I just send

my results directly to a person at the gym and I give them the how many I've done that day and

my running total is a real true system. Yeah, there is a screencap. You have to send a screencap

of my steps, which is from my watch logged into my phone. Okay. And so I've got your receipts

because we all follow each other on our Apple watches. And you're doing 20,000 steps a day

minimum. Yeah, my average is 20. That's insane. 22,000 steps a day. So I'll do like up to 15 or

so Ks at the gym and then I go home and I just get outside and I do dumb things like I've got

to write on lawnmower, but I'll mow the lawns with a manual lawnmower with a catcher on it,

mostly because it's wet, but also because it increases my steps. This is a problem.

And up till yesterday, you were messaging. It's like, cause I'm winning. Cause I'm winning. I'm

winning guys. And I'm like, where are we at? Cause I'm not in the group chat. Yeah. I say

to my gym contact, where are we at? I'm winning yesterday. She messages me and says,

I've got some unfortunate news. Oh no. Oh no. You are 9,000 steps behind Callum.

Callum is on this list. This doesn't include yesterday's steps. Callum is on 245,000. This

is the race, the 300,000 by the way. Oh my God, you don't have long to go. I'm on 236.

Now, yesterday I added 25,000 steps. So I'm, you know, I'm pumped. I'm up. Now I have got

38,223 steps to go as on our first thing this morning until I've had 300,000. You're going to

have to do a marathon. I'm just going to have to do it. Because you have to be first. I have to

win. Now Callum is apparently also on holiday. So he's doing those holiday steps. You know,

when you're on holiday at the end of the day, you're like, my feet are sore and you look and

you're like 35,000 steps. You're like, I didn't stop all day. Of course. Cause you walked around

Disneyland or something. This makes perfect sense. Now, did you notice in the group chat

Hayley yesterday, Vaughn, cause you've done some stalking of your new nemesis.

I believe there was a few, cause so what I did is I went to our gyms Instagram page

and I searched people who follow that page called Callum. There were three possibilities.

I narrowed it down to the dude with the ripped bod because that's the only person that could beat

me. And you see the photo of him. Yeah. And the, yeah. Are you team Callum now as well?

No, I'm just, I'm team worn. This guy is getting everything he wants with a body like that.

He just does whatever. I mean, he doesn't do whatever. He obviously diets and eats right

and exercises and has a bit of a plan, but he's just not some tubby 41 year old who has to wear

classes over his nipples because he has sensitive nipples and the sweat and the sweat and the

shoot and the rubbing hurts. I'm doing this for the everyday man. I'm doing this for the

everyday man and woman child. Okay. That never had prolific natural athletic prowess.

You see, now Ryan, Maddie's husband is misogyny. We want to follow up. Callum.

All the guys in the group chat were very quickly abandoning you yesterday when they saw this hot

Callum. It was a test also to see what meant more to the guys in the group chat.

Abs or friendship. And I tell you what, they chose abs every time. It's unlikely.

Unlike guys to be superficial. It was unbelievable. He's the perfect. He's the perfect body. Like

the perfect kind of muscle. Thank you. Oh, him. Yeah. Right. I was going to say mine. It looks

like low maintenance. It looks like I'm not going to become obsessed with that. We're going to be

a bit. Slightly larger and slightly larger in the nips. Yeah, it's thank you. I'll take shame.

It's not no shame. It's purely an observation.

But in this guy, yeah, well, keep us updated. I hope you had a blowout on holiday and he's

behind a day. Yeah. And then all it's going to take for me today is I've got chaff in between

the arse you wouldn't believe. I had to depend for myself last night. Like I was a baby with

nappy rash. Get up the vas on. Oh, today I'm going, I'm going to absolutely, there will be zero

friction in my run today because I'm going to be so heavily vessel. Why are you sitting and talking

now? Shannon has an idea. I'm standing. I'm standing and I'm going back. Shannon has an idea

for you to increase your steps. What is the idea? So if you change your height in the apple,

like settings, it'll double your steps because it'll think the strides are double steps. No,

it'll just change your distance. Not your step. It measures the step by impact. But this many

impact on your stride would mean it would be more distance less. He's clearly sort of this already,

but I get my short friend to wear my Fitbit sometimes tough up my steps.

Because it's a smaller gate. They've got a smaller

gate. So they've got a smaller gate. Your gate won't change. Okay. Well,

maybe we'll wear your Apple watch that we can take turn. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I'm winning. No one's moving as much as he is. I'm winning the, I'm winning the right way.

Well, stay tuned listeners because what we've only got a day or two to find out who wins this

challenge. And as we've heard Vorn's chafing. I'm chafing, but I'm insuffable. And this is why I don't do things.

More than a dozen people have been killed by singing this song. And this is from the Philippines. Oh my

God. It's raining men. The Philippines government's like, no, it is not. Bang, bang, bang. Oh,

okay, this is actually a much darker story. Okay, this is what I thought it was that the song was so

hard that they went, huh. And then they died. No, a group of people were singing this particular

song, which is now called the deadliest karaoke song in history. And they were slain. They were

murdered while they were singing Frank Sinatra's My Way.

So it causes fights when people attempt this with karaoke. This is what people have worked out. I

don't know. So people just hate it. And these like a series of different murders, not all these people,

like some people were singing it in peers, some people singles. And through the years,

men have been shot to death at a karaoke bar for singing My Way. Someone was killed by his

neighbor while he was singing My Way at his birthday bash. People are just- I've got her here in the

background. Fleet shift. Oh, wait, wait, wait, what about Hailey's Zoom? Hailey, I'm shutting down Zoom.

No, Hailey's on Zoom. Yeah, you go. I'm leaving that meeting. So I am really

angry I had to use Zoom every day this week. Well, because I can't just talk to a voice and

you just see your gorgeous face. It's giving you a lockdown. Lock down. Here we go. Here we go.

Here we go. Send a radio. You're giving it up with the boom, boom. Slow, calm, and a lovely voice.

Lovely voice. But it's been attributed to so many murders that is what gives it the title,

The Deadliest Karaoke Song. Yeah, 12 murders so far in the Philippines alone.

This is terrible. And that's not coming all the time. This song has been murdered by people as well.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of murder in general around this song. Seth MacFarlane's song, this is a rat

in the movie Sing. Seth MacFarlane, family go, Crowder and main voices. He's got a great voice.

Phenomenal singing voice. Yeah, but he's a pain in the butt.

Why did he do this and you had it lined up next, a karaoke?

See ya, see ya later. Actually, I'm gonna have to stop you there. That's copyrighted.

Suzy Kato is a very good friend of mine. Well, she's already sued me twice. So if you could maybe

get her to drop her litigious action, that would be great. Tell her I'll review her five stars.

Yeah. If she does the same for this podcast. Yeah. And then she tells all her friends.

And if you're listening, maybe give it five stars as well.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Spellyng dusnt matta? 

Silly Little Poll! 

Top 6: Orangutans 

Surge Charges at the Pub 

Vaughan has a Nemesis  

Fact of the Day Day Day Day Daaaaay!

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