ZM's Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley: Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's Big Pod - 13th October 2023

NZME NZME 10/12/23 - Episode Page - 1h 15m - PDF Transcript

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Schön gemacht.

Schön gemacht.

Denn du hast einen speziellen Votel gemacht, oder?

Vorn, musst du nicht einen speziellen Votel machen?

Nein, nein, nein. Ich mache eine Standard- und Blog-Standard.

Und ich bin ein sehr commoner Mensch.

Es ist ein Argument, wo du einen Votel machen kannst.

Ja, weil die Mädchen-Schule dieses Jahr eine Voting-Polizei macht.


Und Schade, ich habe gesagt, ich gehe da, aber wir gehen da jeden Tag.

Das ist unsere Chance, in ein Gebäude oder ein Gebäude zu gehen, das wir nicht oft gehen.

Das ist ein bisschen nöse.

Das ist nicht ein dickes...

Ja, du bist so ein nöse Mensch.

Nein, das ist cool.

Du gehst irgendwo, wo du denkst, ich weiß nicht, was es da ist.

Das Beste ist, da ist ein Kommunity-Hall, das nie öffnet.

Und du gehst da...

Ab von Mittwoch, ein locales Mädchen,

hat ein 6am-Zombie-Klasse oder so.

Oh ja, ich liebe Zombie.

Ja, ich liebe die Zombie.

Ja, es wird nicht verwendet.

Und du gehst da und hast ein bisschen einen Blick.

Und dann siehst du, wer von der Gebäude von World War 1, World War 2,

vielleicht ein Armkontribution.

Aber sie riechen die Hälfte.

Ich liebe die Schuhe.

Ich liebe die Schuhe.

Ich liebe den Schuhe.

Ich liebe den Schuhe.

Der Schuhe ist wie alte Teebäcke in einem Pyrex-Klasse.

Ja, und ein Zipp auf die Wall, das so ein bisschen leker ist.


Du musst dir das aufhören, wenn du leavest.

Das ist ein blaier Pärbel, der durch die Runde.

Nichts, wo du votest.



Der Top 6, der auf dem Show kommt, ist ein Fakter-Doctor.

Ein Fakter-Doctor.

Ein Frau hat sich geplant,

weil sie seit einigen Jahren als Doktor online posing.

Sie war nicht aufhören,

aber sie hat Medical-Advice gegeben.

Sie ist nicht ein Doktor.

Sie hat ein Doktor für Fotos gekauft

und sie hat sie auf die Brille geplant.

Sie hat eine Handel mit Medical-Refnissen gemacht.

Sie war nicht alle qualifiziert.

Das ist wild.

Sie hat sich geplant,

wie ein professioneller Person.

Ist sie in Australien?


Sie ist heiß, also...

Ich vergesse sie ein bisschen.


Sie wird auf die Hüfte kommen.

Sie sagt, sie ist heiß.

Sie weiß, warum sie das gemacht hat.

Sie sagt, das ist okay.

Sie ist heiß.

Aber ich habe die Top 6 geplant.

Sie war ein Fakter-Doctor.

Auch auf dem Show.

Es ist ein Studium,

die die meisten attraktive und die least attraktive Akzente ist.

Wir sind auf der Liste.

Wir sind auf einer anderen Liste.

Es ist nicht auf einer attraktiven Liste.

Wir haben ein Jahr gewonnen.

Wir kamen als...

Die Amerikaner haben das Studium.

Aber die Britzen haben das Studium.

Wir waren immer auf der Liste.

Ich dachte, die Amerikaner haben uns gefreut.

Sie können uns nicht sagen, dass sie in Australien sind.

Sie denken, wir sind Australien.

Ja, sie sind da.

Nächster auf der Show.

Bad news.

Wenn du wachst,

wenn du die Liste hast,

vielleicht hast du ein Nachtschiff.

Oder du bist ein early riser.

Starten mit Bad news.

Ja, ich weiß.

Oh Gott, sei.


ZDM's Fletchvorn and Haley.


Mit der Musik.

Sie war so,

ich kenne nicht Musik.

Ich habe das gemacht,

weil das was du wolltest.

Und sie released eine Liste.

Das ist super.

Und du sagst, das ist wirklich gut.

Oh, ich liebe sie.

Ich liebe alle diese Songs.

Ich liebe alle diese Songs.

Ich weiß, du hast sie.

Ja, eine massive Fans.

Sie haben keine Fans.

Sie haben keine Fans.

Wir werden uns die Kittens nennen.

Weil sie ein Doja-Kat.

Sie haben eine Lime.

Sie haben eine Lime.


Die Wissenschaftler haben unverkürzt,

warum Nachtschiffe arbeiten.

Und die Mitarbeiter wachen zu früh.

So wie wir.

Oder die Leute, die jetzt hören.

Warum haben sie Veränderungen und Appetit?


Ja, Mann.


Ja, Mann.


Weil du bist mehr, oder?


So, du musst vier Milch haben.


Und dann mehr Snacks.

Ich bin hier für ca. 2 Jahre.

Und ich habe 16 Kg in der Zeit.

Es ist einfach...

Ich bin so müde.

All the time.

All the time.

Und dann so müde.

Und müde,

und dann so müde.

Und dann so müde.

Und dann so müde.

Und dann so müde.

Und dann so müde.

Und dann so müde.

Und dann so müde.

Und dann so müde.

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Und dann so müde.

your time is a moment.

And now you know the time as well should show you.

Now you know the time as well should show you.

And now you know the time as well you know.

And now you know the time as well you should show me.

Oh I can't say how well should a lovely accent.

Oh I can't say how well should a lovely accent.


Yes That's how it goes.

It's kind of got to bounce around a bit.


Like that.


Good I love a woushey accent.

but I for me I don't know.

Oh if it's attractive, makes it makes the一下 and is dropped.

und in den ersten zwei Silbinen da, und ich war so, ich weiß nicht, ob das in Freiburg ist.

Du fühlst dich sicher, dass die Indien nicht auf der Liste sind.

Okay, gut.




Ich bin sicher.

Italien ist ein sexy Akzent.



Ich meine, ein schöner Italiener kam zu dir.

Olive Tanskin sagte, bonjour.


Du hattest die Blattung auf dem Sack.



Nr. 5 von den Lesen war der Frisch.

Der Frisch ist die Sprache von Lave.




Das ist nicht...

Oui ça va?


Das ist nicht für dich?

10 out of 10.

Ja, aber das ist ...

Das ist 10 out of 10.

Das ist nicht...

Frische Frauen sind sehr verbraucht.

Das ist nicht...

Es ist nicht...

Es ist nicht auf dem Sack auf dem Sack.

Ja, das ist gut.

Nr. 5 wird 8 auf dem Sack auf dem Sack.


Wow, okay.

Nr. 4 in den Lesen ist Irish.

Twiddle Eden.

Hindu kann auch kühl sein.

Aber da sind auch andere Irish-Aktions.

Das ist wirklich anders.

Northern Irish ist sehr anders.

Es ist also Chironen.

Ja, Irish.


Für mich ging ich durch einen realen Zeitpunkt, bevor ich mit Aaron war.

Wenn ich in eine Barsche ging, hatte ein Mann einen Irish X-Team.

Das war das.

Was war, wenn er ein Minger war?

Es ist nicht egal.

Es ist nicht egal.

Es ist nicht egal.

Es ist nicht egal.

Es ist nicht egal.

Es ist nicht egal.

Ich fahre auf Instagram.

Und er weiss immer, dass er einen Cheesecutter hat.

Er ist Irish.

Und er macht Dinge mit alten Tools.

Ah ja.

Er sagt, heute werde ich mich rehandeln.

Er sagt immer, dass es nicht wert ist.

Und dann geht es um einen Axehandel.


Ja, es ist ziemlich heiß.

Du hast es schon gemacht.


So, der vierte.

Der dritte ist London.

Ein London-Axent.

London hat so viele Akzente.

Ja, so viele.

Mit so einem Multicultural-Motor.

Und auch Klasse.

Wie du in der Klasse sitzt.

Veränderst du einen London-Axent?

Bist du in Posh und EastEnders?

Ja, vielleicht.


Ist es Esics?

Esics, das war Posh und West.

Nein, das war nicht Posh.

Ist das ein bisschen russisch?

Ich weiß nicht.

Was sagt School?



Das ist die Posh-Pibbel.

Ja, Eaten.

Nr.2, Scottish.

Oh ja, okay.


Das Gleiche.

Ich habe viel Zeit in der Scotland-Fraktion.

Aber in meiner Leben.

Ich liebe den Scottish-Lad.

Sondern die Glaswesien.

Ich verstehe das nicht.

Nein, nein, nein.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

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Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Du laufst ihn.

Wurde du in einem hauen Hause schlafen?

Mein Arzt war nie.

100% mein Arzt war nie.

Ich habe meine Augen rollen.

Sorry, ich habe mehr wie ein Glied gesehen.

Ich habe mehr wie ein Glied gesehen.

Du musst eine Winde kacken, weil du die Carbon-

Du hast Carbon- und Oxidespoison.

Minoxides oder Dioxides?


Wenn du Minoxides schlafen musst, dann vielleicht die Dioxide.

Das dauert etwas länger.

Es wird dir etwas sehen, das dir über Lupi geht.

Aber delusional.

Wurde du in einem hauen Hause schlafen?

Die Menschen schlafen in einem Haus.

Die Kondringer sind verheiratet?

Ja, bei der Dol.

Die Kondringer starten mit der Dol.

Es sind drei Kondringer.

Was ist das, was ich sehe?

Auf dem Weg zu arbeiten,

da ist ein Bild für das Exorcist.

Ja, nein.

Das ist alles.

Ja, die Kondringer.

Ein amerikanischer Horrorfilm.

Die Familie schlafen in einem Haus,

wo sie ein phänomenal Phänomenal haben.

Phänomenal Phänomenal.

Sie können ein paar Demologen besuchen.

Ja, sie können.

Ich glaube nicht.

Ich glaube nicht,

ich glaube nicht,

ich glaube nicht,

aber ich habe einen Geist gesehen.

Du trinkst viel zu viel.

Ich war nicht auf der Nacht geblieben.


Ich habe keine Trinkse im Sonntag.

Ich bin so verspürtig.


Ein Quick Checker.

Wie viele Trinkse hast du im Sonntag?


Got it.

Wurde du in einem hauen Hause schlafen?

17% im Jahr.

83% im Jahr.


Wir haben in Wellington mit Freunden geschlafen.

Wir haben ein Freund, Amanda,

das Haus war geblieben.

Ich war immer hier, das Haus war geblieben.

Ich habe es geschlafen.

Ich habe ein hauen Hause geschlafen.

Wir waren doch Ghosthäuser.

Wir waren in meinem Vater's Auto.

Mein Freund war Geblieben.

Wir waren in der Passenarzt.

Wir waren alle in der Hütte.

Wir waren in der famous Ghosthäuser.

Wurde du ihn gefunden?

Nein, aber wir waren wirklich spürtig.

Wir waren wirklich spürtig.

Wir waren wirklich spürtig.

Josh sagt,

based on no previous experience or reason to believe so,

I think I'd thrive.

He would thrive in a haunted house.

That's where you want to thrive.

That's a thriving environment.

Brianna says, this is the girl who can't even stand next to

mannequins and clothing shops,

because I think they're going to come alive, so I'll pass.

I don't think they're going to come alive,

but I always think they work there.

I'm always like, can you help me?

Bis du!

Ich will!

Hast du keine Nasıl?

Was für dich aussINGING?

Rat, Rat, Rat!

Das vs.

Das hat mich sehr gefallen.


Ja, Parmesan North in der E-Motion.

Ich glaube, er hat die zwei Extreme da.


Der Haunted Hotel Room.

Oder Spookers.


Es war ein Messer in den letzten Tag.

Sie lebten in der Haus.

In Spookers.

Oh, was war das?

Ein Noah und King Seat.

Waren die Familien da?

Nein, es war nachher.

Es war noch ein Haus.

Es musste nachher schauen.

Oh, ich weiß nicht, ob ich das machen kann.

Das ist so spookig.


Imagine Mow in the Lawns.

Der sea.

Der Kiev.


So she's not scared, they should be scared of her.

Our Karen says the ghosts might be friendly, let's not judge them, we don't know them.

Yeah, that's true.

That's famously haunted houses are always like friendly experiences.

Yeah, a lot of Casper.

Oh, anonymous please.

That's what they last.

OK, I work in a rest home as a nurse

and sometimes do sleepover night shifts, where I'll sleep in an empty room if they have one.

My rule is if I can remember someone dying in there, I don't sleep in there.

I'll take a mattress into the office instead.

If the last person to vacate the room left it while alive, I'm good.

Wow, when do you leave a rest home to go to go to the probably the care unit?

Oh, you go to a more hospital.

Yeah, the hospital part.

I'm not worried about dead spirit, says Nicole.

Only the living can harm you.

Yeah, good call.

Very spiritual.

Yeah, very apart from I mean, if you've seen the exorcist,

that little girl gets possessed, right?

So that's the dead.

That's the demon that's hurting her.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, happy Friday the 13th.

Yeah, yeah.

I'm watching very silly AI video of some rock and roll

stars singing baby one more time.

Maybe Giggle.

Now, this is very, very interesting.

There was a study from the UK, I believe, that asked 18 plus people's

their stances on marriage.

And I it's so interesting reading this because like, I don't even know why

I want to get married.

I don't it's not for religious purposes for me.

The legal part of it.

I don't even care.

Because you've been with Aaron so long that you are practically married.

Legally yours.

I don't know what it is.

I don't know. I can't even tell you why.

It's just the heteronorms that have forced on you by society.

I think it is. I think I want to feel owned by a man.

I think I want to be someone's wife and I want to be owned by my husband.

And you've always dreamed of being a princess.

And I've always wanted to wear a princess gown.

Anyway, well, according to the study, only 36% of people serve that.

I said it yesterday, I feel like you two are attacking my Christian values.

Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.

We did have a meeting about it after work, how we need to lay off of forns.

Yeah, I don't attack your religions.

So we don't we don't we don't have one.

Not only behind the scenes, fervent fervently religious these two.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we like to keep a neutral on on ear persona.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then pop off to church.

Yeah, now according to the temple,

technically, but carry on, no, I go to my church and I make little weak bricks.

Yeah, that's right.

And then we sell them and all the profit goes to the church

because we don't pay tax.

Wink, wink, wink, wink, wink, wink, wink, wink, wink.

Wink, wink, wink, wink, wink.

Now, the stat I want to share with you is that only 36% of people believe

unconditionally that marriage is meant to be for life.

Like meaning that like people will get married,

but only a third of people think that getting married actually means your

intention is to be together till the day you die.

To me, that's insane.

Like, don't get married.

It's so expensive.

Yeah, like I know people that have been married that even when they were engaged

and they were planning their wedding and they got married, they knew that it wasn't really for them.

That's bananas.

Babababababa bananas.

Like, why be with someone?

Someone shared this, is part of this article, Natalie Clark, when she was walking down

the aisle knew that this probably wasn't going to be forever.

What are you doing?

I don't know, but then I'm like, I get it like you

can love someone really hard for a time and know that it's not forever.

Maybe you still want to have a party to celebrate the love?

I don't know.

Not seeing how I feel like there.

Yeah, I cannot be bothered.

Ich habe den gefunden, weil wir die Häuser...

Ja, du bist mit Admin geboren.

Ja, genau, so wie vorhin.

Und ich liebe ihn, sorry.

Es war ein Leben für ihn.

Oh, warum würde ich sagen nein?

Ich weiß nicht, vielleicht ein Tag.

Wie ein Freund.

Und ich liebe dich.

36% der Leute waren einfach so,

dass die Intention ist, immer zusammen zu sein.

51% der Frauen haben gesagt, dass sie glauben,

dass, während der Verwaltung für ein Leben lang ist,

es für ein Leben lang ist.

Das ist eigentlich nicht praktisch.


D among those age 18-24,

50% nicht mehr glauben,

dass ein Leben langes Unions

ist sogar realistisch.

Wir haben yesterday über Monogamous Relationships gesprochen.

Ja, das ist ein realistisches

Verwaltung auf Dinge.

Well, statistisch sind sie nicht falsch.

Ja, total.

Die größte der Maritas sind jetzt in der Verwaltung.

At least die Menschen sind in New Zealand.

Das ist eigentlich wirklich interessant.

Ich glaube, die jüngsten Menschen

waren definitiv auf die Idee von Maritas.


Ein Drittel von 24-34-Jährigen

sagen, dass sie nicht glauben, dass die Maritas

heute sogar relevant sind.

Die Zahl der Maritas und der Verwaltung

hat geblieben.

Ja, das war von 2022.

Die Maritas in New Zealand

hat 15.657 Verwaltung

in den Jahr bis December 2021

von 16.779 von 2020.

Well, luckily they let the gays, Mary,

because we've got a couple of those coming up, haven't we?


So 52% of female divorcees

said they had led the decision to divorce.

Like, they'd be the one to drive it.

61% of divorcees

would not consider

tying the knot again,

rising to 67% in men.

So you've done it once, you're like, ah.

And having divorce parents

is more likely to make you weary of marriage

and inspire you to leave your marriage.

I mean, I get it, man.

It's just a day, isn't it, though?

And a lot of money.

My sister has messaged me.

She's had a marriage

and a wedding.

She's had a very expensive party.

A very expensive party.

You might as well just have a party

and multiple parties.

At least in the venue people won't

double charge you or charge you extra.

Because you don't have the term wedding in front of it.

And you just have it down the local pub.

Oh, yeah, sounds good.

Australian woman Dahlia Karizzi

has had to pay more than $13,000

after a magistrate said her offenses were

extensive, prolific and pervasive.

She pretended to be a medical professional

on TikTok.

Man kann das nicht tun.

Wenn du auf Instagram und auf TikTok bist

und da ein Doktor ist,

du weißt nicht, wer ein Doktor ist.

Oh, ja.

Es ist anders als in einem Hospital

und mit Patien und so.

Aber es ist nicht.

Sie haben Videos gemacht.



Ovarian Cancer.



Sie haben sie auf Instagram geplant.

Sie haben sie auf Instagram geplant.

Sie haben sie auf Job geplant oder auf

ein medizinischer Diktatorien.

Sie haben also viele E-Mails und

was sie gesagt haben, dass sie medizinische

Qualifikationen hatten.

Sie haben sie nicht.

Wie geht das denn?

Wie geht das denn?

Wie geht es denn?

Wie geht es denn?

Wie geht es denn?

Wie geht es denn?

Sie haben einen oatmeal oder

Match Kasper publishiert.

Sie haben die

Sie haben eine Rolle, um ein Doktor zu betrachten.

Ein Polizist oder so.


Ein sorgsamer, medizinischer Profi.

Sie haben ihnen eine gewisse Advice.

Und das ist was für eine Rolle.

Das ist das Däntere.

Das ist das Däntere, aber oh mein Gott.

Und es ist so wie ein Snowball.

Man hat einen Tag gesagt, du bist ein Doktor.

Weil sie hat wie ein 1. Jahr Gesundheitssicherheit studiert.

Und dann stoppt.

Und sie hat gesagt, ja.

Also hat sie angefangen, ein Doktor zu betrachten,

aber sie konnte sie 7 Jahre lang nicht betrachten.


Sie vielleicht nicht hat sie es getragen.

Weil sie das 1. Jahr gemacht hat und dann, wenn sie nicht betrachten.

Oh ja, natürlich, ja.

Die Defensive hat gesagt, sie hat ein Bachelors Degree

in Gesundheitssicherheit studiert.

Eine Person, die glaubt, sie hat Medizin studiert,

nicht nur das 1. Jahr Gesundheitssicherheit,

sondern auch die Medizin.

Und sie hat sie nicht korrekt.

Und dann hat sie das einfach rollen, rollen, rollen.

Und dann hat sie gesagt, sie ist ein Spezialist

mit Gynecologie.


Ein snowboarder und hat eine Kontrolle.

Sie braucht eine Hilfe.

Top 6 Science, sie war nie ein Doktor.

Nummer 6, sie fragte die Patientin,

wo sie ihr Herz gedacht hat.

Und dann, wenn sie sie den Herz pointeten,

hat sie gesagt, ja, ich dachte, das war nur eine Testung.

Welche Seite ist es auf?


Lüft, meistens.

Aber es ist ein ordentliches Problem,

wenn sie auf der rechten Seite sind.

Aber ihr seid auf der rechten Seite,

also ihr seid auf der rechten Seite.

Soll es sein, dass ihr auf der rechten Seite seid.


Die Top 6 Science, sie war ein Faketoktor.

Sie war ein Fischerpreis meiner ersten Doktorin.

Ihr könnt sagen, es war red und blau und grün und so.

Sie war von der Doc McStuffins,

Disney Junior.

Nummer 4 auf der Top 6 Science,

sie war ein Faketoktor all along.

Wenn sie fragte,

wer der Faketoktor war,

wie der Influencer,

die Doktorin, sie sagte, Dr. Dre.

Nicht eigentlich ein Doktor.

Was ist mein Faketoktor?

Nummer 3 auf der Liste.

Ich habe die Top 6 Science,

sie war ein Faketoktor all along.

Sie spürte,

als die Patient spürte,

sie spürte und passte aus,

als sie sehnte sie Blut.


Ihr könnt das nicht,

wenn ihr ein Doktor seid.

Sie sagte, oh, Icky, oh, oh.




Nummer 2 auf der Liste,

die Top 6 Science,

sie war ein Faketoktor all along.

Sie dachte,

die Ambulanz war ein Uber für Doktoren.

So sie hätte sie in der Back

und gesagt, ich gehe nach Hause.

Ich gehe nach Hause.


Durch die Bar,

ich habe ein Bier.


ich habe ein paar Wippen.

Und ist das schön für alle?

Und Nummer 1 auf der Liste,

die Top 6 Science,

sie woran alle habe Science,

die Top 6 Science,

die top-5 Science,

dieăngst du zu Hause

bei ein

Es ist auf die Linie.

Guten Morgen, Anonymous.

Du bist der Todesmarsch.

Ich bin der Todesmarsch.

Was machst du?

Wo bist du?

Was ist hier passiert?

Du bist sehr gut.

Ich bin in einem Verhandlungen.

Warte, hast du schon Arbeit?

Ja, ich bin.

Ich bin.

Was hast du für Arbeit gemacht?

Was machst du für Arbeit?

Ich arbeite in einem Fertilizer-Kampern.

In der Mount.



Kann ich etwas...

Was hast du?

Kann ich etwas?

Das ist mein Gras.

Das ist ein Gras.

Ich kann es wirklich.

Ich habe mich auf Instagram gebraucht.

Ich habe viele Gras, viele Verhandlungen.

Du weißt, es ist...

Oh, du weißt, ich bin ein natürlicher Typ.

Wenn das Gras...

Mein Gras hat wirklich nicht geblieben.

Wir können darüber reden.


Mein Lohn ist so langweilig.

Aber meine Paddocks sind nicht.

Es ist so weh.

Und ich habe mir gesagt,

wir machen heute einen Backoff.

Und ich habe das Gras von Lolly Love gemacht.

Oh mein Gott.

Ich liebe das.

Es wird dir die Welt gebrochen.

Hast du das show vorher gebraucht?

Ja, ich habe.

Oh, du hast es.

Das ist ein langweiliger Tag.

Das ist ein langweiliger Tag.

Wir machen das nicht, wir machen das nicht.

Jetzt spielen wir die Who Dat Girl.

Wir wissen nicht dein Name, Anonymous.

Aber Vaughn will fragen dich ein paar Fragen über dich.

Und dann haben sie 60 Sekunden,

um zu versuchen, dass du dein Name siehst.

Wenn er das tun kann.

Gute Energie.

Ich habe es schon gemacht.

Ich liebe das.

VIP Tickets abgerufen zu Fridays Live.

Vaughn, erste Frage.

Wie alt bist du?

Ich bin 24.



Das ist mein, er ist voll von Leben.

Das plays!

Der Welt ist nicht hellerались.

Ja, ich war 24, als ich da bananas.

So was.

1999 oder 88?

99 und so.

So mujeres.


Was sind die Day opposite Falls?

Wir haben heute außen definitiv.

Du kommst in den Haken zu den Freundinnen, aber du kommst in den Haken.

Oh ja, so oilig.

Das ist klassisch.

Das ist klassisch, mich in den Haken zu kommen.

Ist das nur du und dein Freundin?

Oder ist es in einer Gruppe?

Mein Freundin hat gesagt, wir sind in einem Truffel.

Ich kann auch kommen.

Nein, nein, du kannst nicht kommen.

Oh, du bringst ihn.

Truffel ist heiß.

Wir haben gesprochen.

Ja, gestern.

Weil wenn du das gemacht hast,

dann hast du einen Person später auf den Abend und du kommst,

und du musst es zusammenhalten.

Aber du bist ein bisschen stehend, und du bist bereit für ...

Ich habe das 1000-times gemacht.

Es ist called Sprouting it.

Ich bin bereit.

Born hat 60 Sekunden zu versuchen, dir zu guessen.

Wenn du dir das Name hast, stopp, das ist mein Name.

Hier geht's.

Brittany Taylor, Zoe Page, Maddie, Ella, Lucy, Grace,

Georgian, Ashley.


Grace, ich bin Grace.

Ja, zu easy.

Who dat girl?

It's Grace.

Who dat girl?

Who dat girl?

It's Grace.

You did it.

Congratulations, Grace.

You have won a double VIP pass to Friday's Live.


We'll see you there, Grace.

Come and make yourself known.

November 16, no fertiliser.

You've got to leave your fertiliser at home.

They don't let you bring in fertiliser Spark Arena.

I'll take it off your hand.

Jason DerRolle, Boys to Men,

Joe Joe Trevi McCoy, Baby Bash and more.

Those tickets are on sale now.

Send them online with all the details.

Congratulations, Grace.

Yay, I'm so excited.

Well, I had a childhood memory.

You'd say a trauma.

We've talked about this on the show before, hasn't we?


I think, can I go and reconcile?

I think it's very brave of you to revisit this.

To talk about those entertainment purposes.

Yeah, yeah.

What's really my mum that will...

Will she put you through this?

She did.

She did.

What happened?

Well, yesterday, police in Dunedin responded

to an accident involving several cars

on the Dunedin motorway.

You know that cute motorway they have that's like...

On the way to the airport?


To Moscow.

Motorway and then they're like motorway ends.

Up the hill?

We had one of those in Yplomus too.

It was like start a motorway and then 500 meters later

it was like end of motorway.

But we had a motorway.

We had a motorway.

We had a motorway.

Start of greater things to come.

I think so, but it just hasn't happened.

Okay, that's fine.

So police responded to a crash involving multiple cars

on the Dunedin motorway, the southern motorway

at 11 o'clock yesterday.

A driver has attempted to avoid hitting a duck

and it's ducklings, 10 ducklings.

But in doing so had two cars.

Two cars had to be towed from the scene.

Luckily nobody was hurt.

Oh, thank God.

The ducks are fine.

The ducks are fine.

The ducks are fine and the humans are fine.

But the testers aren't.

Two cars had to be towed,

which means they couldn't be driven away from the scene.

And they're very lucky that they weren't hurt.

And Vaughn knows the story.

My mum plowed through some ducks, ducklings.

I know, on the way to Nelson,

on the way to Rabbit Island, these ducks.

Little yellow ones.

She was taking the kids out to the hottest gay cruising spot

in the Upper South.

Rabbit Island's Great Beach Vaughn.

Oh, she loves them.

Great for cruising.

Oh, why not?

You know, they've exposed you to different cultures.

Very important.

And on the way through,

just plowed through a bunch of ducks.

We were just innocent kids

wanting to build a sand castle

and go play on the beach

and find some pine cones.

This makes so much sense.

And the ducks wandered across

and mum just plowed through them.

When we were learning to drive

on country rides,

the rule was,

you don't swerve for animals.

I know, my parents telling me this.

You never swerve for animals,

but I swerve for anything.

You plowed through them.

No, you plowed through them.

No, but you plowed through them,

but only if they're plowable.

I swerve for birds.

Like, you can't.

Don't plow through a horse.

Don't plow through a cow.

You're not beating that.

My mum told me, don't stop.


Don't go on the wrong side of the road

to avoid an animal.

No, you shouldn't swerve,

because then people have died, like,


Swerving to avoid like

rabbits or possums.

It's like, no.

And they're both 10 points each.

So you want to take them out,

like fair and square.

I've never had an animal.

I've stunned a bird.

You know, a bird sort of going home.


But I've never had an animal.

I don't want to hear the flug-a-good dog.

You don't like a puff of feathers

out the back window?

Mum has messaged on WhatsApp,

claiming that she breaked

and only hit the last one

and then used the duck emoji.

That's good of her.

She's saying only one die.

She's using the emoji.

I remember several duck claims.

We have to choose to believe her.

We have to choose to believe her.

Yeah, yeah.

When you're a kid,

you do tend to remember things

on the slightly more dramatic side of things.

The whole, all of them died.

12 Ducks.

Yeah, yeah.

But no, it's the right thing to do.

I mean, this is what happens

when you switch.

Someone could literally die yesterday

because of 10 Ducks.


Ever hit something.

And it's been dark

and you just hit it like,

and you're like, oh,

and then you stop

and you look, not nothing there.


No, that's when you read in the paper

next day that someone...

Yeah, someone hit his grandma.

Yeah, someone's Nana was out

for an evening stroll.

It was important to get finished

at any age,

but goddamn,

some reflective stripes.

I hate when you see people

walking on the side of the road.

You scooter

and it's all well in city streets.


That's dark.


Have you ever come across

like a cyclist

or someone walking on the way to work?

It scares the hell out of me.

Why are they not lit up

like a Christmas tree?


I remember when I bought

my first bike

and I was like,

I'm going to become a cyclist

and Aaron bought me a high vis

and a head torch

and this light

and he was like,

you're not getting on that bike

unless you're basically...

Yeah, you've got


Play ZM's Fletch von Anneli.

Play ZM.

It's the final rankings.

We do this every Friday.

We rank our favorite things.


Not only its food today.


Body holes.

Body holes.

And there's two types

of holes in the body.

Blind holes.

That is

where the holes have an end.

So you think

of like a cup.


Das ist ein Blindhole, weil auf der anderen Seite ein Ende ist.

Es ist wie ein Koldesack, es ist keine Entfernung, ist das correct?

Durch die Höhle sind wie ein Donut oder ein Stroh.

Es ist eine Höhle, die von einem Ende bis zum anderen Ende geht.

Siehst du, dass das eine ist?

Es gibt billions von Blindhöhlen in dem Körper,

Schmelzen, Ehrhöhlen, Nebel, Eurethra,

Virginia sind Blindhöhlen, die einen Ende haben.

Fünf Durchhöhlen, zwei Nostrils, zwei Augen und ein Möw.

Oh, ja, durch, weil...


Es ist einfach alle weg.

Sie haben alle einen Ende, einen Ende der Höhle.

Es ist schwer zu ranken, weil du die Verteidigung hast.

Ich meine, die Virginia, das ist Leben, ohne sie.

Es ist nicht die Nose und die Möw, das ist Leben.

Aber du hast die Nose und die Möw, wenn es eine Virginia ist.

Was kam erst?

Die Virginia war noch nicht.



Sorry, sorry.

Du hast gesagt, du wirst das professionell bleiben.


Ich liebe die Möw-Höhle.

Die Frau hat eine weitere Höhle.

Ja, wir haben sie. Sorry.

Ist das nicht eine Qualität?

Ja, ich weiß.

Auch diese Höhle ist einfach ein wirklich komisch,

einfach ein annäherter Böden auf unsere Leben,


Ich begrüße dich.


Ich werde für mich...

Ich fühlte mich so, dass das meine Fähigkeit war.

Ich dachte, es wäre einfach leicht zu begrüßen.

Für mich, ich liebe meine Ehrhöhle.

Ich liebe die Musik, ich liebe die Menschen.

Ich liebe etwas in ihnen, die Höhle.

Ich liebe die Höhle, die Höhle.

Ich liebe die Höhle.

Ich liebe die Möw-Höhle, weil ich die Möw-Höhle mag.

Ich mag die Möw-Höhle.

Das ist nur mein Lieblings-Höhle.

Das wird mein Nummer 1 sein.

Mein Lieblings-Höhle.

Mein zweites Lieblings-Höhle muss es aussehen,

damit ich mehr hinbekommen kann.

Es muss die Butterhöhle sein.

Das ist nicht der Top-3.

Ja, definitiv nicht der Top-3.

Die Butterhöhle ist nicht in der Top-3?


Ich werde meine richtige Nostralie sagen,

ich liebe die Nostralie.

Die Butterhöhle ist nicht in der Top-3.


Es muss eine Top-3-Höhle sein.

Ich würde auch eine Nostralie sagen,

weil ich das gerne mache.

Du kannst es nicht mitmachen.

Du musst es nicht mitmachen.

Du musst es nicht mitmachen.

Ich wollte es nicht mitmachen.

Die Augen sind für mich nicht ein Höhle.

Nein, weil sie mit dem Ball geschlossen sind.

Ja, das ist ein Ball und ein Höhle.

Das ist mehr ein Soccer als ein Höhle.

Ich werde das geben.

Ich werde das mitmachen.

Du magst die Musik,

aber es ist nicht so, dass du nicht mitmachen wirst,

wenn du die Nostralie in der Top-3 nicht bewegen.

Ja, ich weiß.

Das ist eine sehr gute Nostralie.

Manchmal ist es so, dass es stinkt.

Ja, es stinkt.

Du musst das gut mit dem Bad nehmen.

Die Nostralie ist in der Top-3.

Wer ist der dritte?

Ich glaube, es wird...


Das ist ein Bisser-Siegel.

Wir haben alle einen UTI.

Wir haben alle einen Börd.

Ich werde die Nostralie mitmachen.

Ich werde die Nostralie mitmachen.


Ich sehe, was die Leute sagen.


Jane Sproul.

Ich werde die Nostralie mitmachen.

Nostralie mitmachen.

Nostralie mitmachen.


Du sagst, du willst die Nostralie mitmachen.

Ich habe nur einen.

Aber du kannst den...

Ich bin der Lärm von China.


Er ist der Lärm von China.

Ja, wir sprechen nur in General-Holves.

In General.


Ich werde die Nostralie mitmachen.


Ich werde die Nostralie mitmachen.

Ich werde die Nostralie mitmachen.

Ich werde die Nostralie mitmachen.


Ja, die haben Sie beforeomedicalatiuds attached?


Nostralie mitmachen.

Nostralie mitmachen.

Ich weiß nicht was da Jeepst.

Wurde man sagen?

Und die Sankt aus54...

Ich habe nur die Kichten assassinationiert.

Oh, nein.

Was sagen wir?

Nr. umstr Allah ist unser gewinnern.

Weil die Quelle-Ein shouting hast du ä Beyonce?

Ja, genau.

Es ist da oben für die Leute.

Es ist da oben.

Aber ich würde sagen, dass der Mouthhole heute rauskommt.

Ich habe heute die finalen Rankingen genutzt.

Ja, das ist wirklich interessant.


Alle, ihr seid rausgekommen und genutzt die Höhle.

Ja, ihr seid rausgekommen, Mann.

Es ist sicherlich und responsiv.


Jetzt, äh...

Congratulations are in order to Billy Ray Cyrus,

der drei Tage vorher, am 10. Oktober, war, äh, er ist 62 Jahre alt.


Billy Ray.

Miley's Dad.

Miley Cyrus' Dad.

Und Tiede den Knopf mit 34-Jährigen Australien-Singer Fire Rose.

Das ist ein, das ist ein...

Jetzt, ich schaue einfach die Age, denn sie ist nicht wie 34.

Sie ist ein bisschen älter.

Sie ist ein bisschen älter.

Sie ist ein bisschen älter.

Sie ist ein bisschen älter.

Sie ist ein bisschen älter.

Sie ist ein bisschen älter.

Sie ist ein bisschen älter.

Sie ist ein bisschen älter.

Sie ist ein bisschen älter.

Sie ist ein bisschen älter.



Koreans in Marietta Ozzie, jetzt.


Und sie war mit...


Sie lieben die Ozzie.

Sie Aujourd verbally mag die Ozzie.

YouTube mag die Ozzie.

Die lieben die Ozzie.

Ja, sie machen es.

Ja, sie frågen mir.

Sie sind ein Stück...

sie ist drei Jahre jahrelięcyManly,

30 Jahre jähriger.

Sie ist 33 Jahre alt.

34 Jahre alt?

Ich glaube, sie ist 34.

Schau mal, Sie hat so viel Plastik-Kμα MILY,

als dasdlich sie so älter Bottom hat mocht.

Author [" ży iji blei 유 i rai iyer yehi"]

Implants in your cheeks.

I'm being judgmental.

It also, I mean, Billy Ray, have a shower before your wedding day.

It just, he looks a little bit homeless, doesn't he?

Yeah, the hair of the dreadlock pig tails and it's like one slice of his face is showing.

So that means that Miley's stepmom

is now three years of three years younger than her.

Yeah, could have literally been at the same school as her.

Yeah, totally.

So I thought, you know, these are not unheard of stories.

I want to know if anyone listening, if their parent got with someone who was around about your age,

you know, like dating, dating someone around, right.

Let your parents separate and then your parents get a new partner.

Yeah, dad, you know, went out and then found a new partner and you were like,

yeah, I remember her from Homec.

She was in the same class as me.

But then you also hear of that happening and then they actually get on.

Yeah, totally.

They're the same age.

No judgement.

We're not here to judge.

It's just a really interesting dynamic to me.

How you would go. I mean, like, you know,

what's the age gap between the mum and the guy from Prison Break?

Miley's money like three or four years.

Yeah, he's like that.

Because that's what I just looked up when we were talking about it to see if he was close to that.

No, he's like 54.

I think she's like 50.

Yeah, I mean, Prison Break was like 15, 20 years ago.

Coming up 20 years.

Yeah, coming up 20 years.

Next year, 20 years since Prison Break.


So many people are starting to watch that again.

Or getting into it.

Yeah, first few seasons.

Guys, we're getting distracted by Prison Break.


It was a great TV show.

You're getting the boys.

I could feel a boys club happening and I'm just going to stop it.

Yeah, I want to talk about relationships.

Did your parent, mother or father,

get it with someone who's close to your age?


And how weird was it?

I mean, maybe they had a full on relationship.

Maybe they got married.

Maybe your stepmom or your stepdad is like close to your age.

We'd love to hear from you this morning.

Could even be younger.

I'll wait a hundred miles an M.

Give us a call.

Text her as well.

9 6 9 6.

Does your parent get into a relationship with someone

who's round about your age?

We're talking about Billy Ray Cyrus got married,

father to Miley Cyrus

and he married someone only three years older than Miley.

So we want to know if your parents have ever dated

or had a relationship with someone that's close to your age,

because like your stepmom or your stepdad

would be like your age.

So to be your age.


Emma, good morning.

This this happened.

Good morning. How are you?


Actually, it was the other way around.

So I married someone who was in a within a year

of my mother's age.

Oh my god, my father, my I don't know that my dad would handle it.

My dad was a little a little kid at first,

but he got to know him and he was all good.

My mother knew him better beforehand

than my father did.

So how did they know him before you knew him?

Oh, because of the sport that I did

and my mum was involved in.

Right, right.

Are you still together now?

No, we were together for like eight or nine years.

But yeah, so separated,

no animosity, no hard feelings or anything.

But yeah.

Wow. So that's like the complete opposite.

Yeah, interesting.

Thank you, anonymous.

What was the situation?

Oh, hi.

So this was not my parents, but my grandparent.

Yeah, OK.

So it was my granddad.

We were at his 70th birthday.

I was like 10 or 11 and he rocked up with this woman

that no one really knew.

But there's a lot of people there we didn't know.


And we found out that that was his partner.

But the interesting thing was

is they were younger than my parents.

So poppers 70th.



And so we was nannered.

She passed at the stage or that separate.

Oh, she was there.

Oh, no, she passed away when I was like

really, really, really young.

So yeah.

Seventy and his later years that he's found love.



And she was she was like in her fifties

or forties, was she at the time?

Late thirties.

Oh, get it.



I love that.


At the time I was young, but looking back now,

I was like, well, he was like a lovely man,

but he didn't have a lot of money.

So he must have been a really lovely partner.


Or a very a massive Wang.


Just say it anonymously.

The granddad was back in.

The granddad had a huge penis.

And great skills are anonymous.

Thank you.

Is he still with us or has he passed now too?

Oh, he passed away too.

Oh, at least he went out happy.


Happy as a good man.

Thank you so much.


Man, he was a good man.

Keep your tickets coming in 9, 6, 9, 6.

You were seeing an angel with a massive Wang.

It's granddad.

It's granddad, yeah.

And we're talking about when your parents got into

relationships with people around your age.

No, I was just saying, I honestly,

it's easy for me to say this now.

I honestly don't think I could do it to my kids.

Like, I love embarrassing my kids,

but I don't think I could do this.

Turn up at a party with someone their age.

And be like, this is my love.

I've taken a new love.

It's crazy.

I've taken a new love.

And she could be your stepmom soon.

Just saying.

Oh my God.

My dad.

When they're like 25, you'll be, how old will you be?

Well, I'm exactly 30 years older than Indy.

Great, yeah.

So when she's 25, I'll be 55.


Well, no, it does happen.

Steph, your mama is dating someone your age?


So me and my brother have a partner that's the same age.

And then my mum is also dating someone

who's the same age as our partner.

So you, your mum and your brother

are all dating people of the same age?



And what age is that?

My partner is 39.

So they are all having their 40th in the same year.

Wait, so is your partner a bit older than you?

Yes, yes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So older and younger.

And mum's is younger.


And was it weird at first when mum's like,

here's my new partner?

I mean, also, it kind of still is, actually.


Joint 40th.

Joint 40th.


No, don't make it too weird.

No, you'll save on venue hire.

No, that's true, actually.


Cost a living crisis.

And more on the bar tab.

Just an idea, Steph.

Thank you.

Just an idea, Steph.

This is the text I've been waiting for.

I didn't even want to, like, lead a horse to water.

I wanted to see if the horses would come forth

and say we just quenched our thirst.


My dad came out in his 60s.


Good for her.

Homosexuals have entered the conversation.


My dad came out in his 60s.

Yeah, good on him.

You know, those have been his feelings,

they've been suppressing the whole way through.

I'm glad he, you know, got it out before.

God, but yeah.

All the way to the Rhine.

All that way to the Rhine.

I know all that.

What a waste.

Have it put up with Boots.

Imagine how many Mardi Gras you've missed out on in 100s.

I don't have it put up with Boots for 60 years,

pretending you're into them.


It's my bad.

These are fun.

Oh, I love that.

My dad in his 60s came out as gay.

His first relationship was with a 25-year-old.

Yes, dad.

And I was 28 at the time.


Yeah, get it, dad.

I just have a little twink there, doesn't it?

That's been a real daddy.

Yeah, daddy.

Actual daddy.

Maybe a snow bear.

Yeah, maybe a snow bear.

My great-grandfather was 92 years old

and had a baby with a 38-year-old lady.

Wait, was he super rich?

He had already had a kid in his 60s.

So my great-great uncle is two years younger than me.

Oh, get out.

That's wild.

How old was he, 92, and the person was in his 30s?

She was 38.

That's wild.

Michael, he's just thinking of being dust at 92.

Michael, welcome to the show.

Your dad's partner.

Who was he with?

Yeah, what's going on, team?

Hey, yeah, my dad has his partner's two years younger than I am.

He went to school with my little brother.

Oh, God.

Oh, no.

They have two kids together,

and they're both younger than my oldest son.

So you're half-brother?

Yeah, half-brother.

My half-brothers, so I don't feel good about my kids

calling them uncles, so they call their cousins.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but technically they're kinda uncles.

My son's about a fullhead, taller than his uncle.

My uncle was a girl.

Your son's like eight, and he goes to school,

he's like, better at my uncle at the weekend.


I'll talk to him.

Michael, thanks for your calls and messages.

My wife is the youngest of four,

and we celebrated her 30th birthday 10 days ago.

Happy birthday.

We celebrated her stepmom's 30th six days ago.

So her stepmom is four days younger than her.

And she's actually not the youngest of four anymore.

She's misspoken, as she has an eight-month-half-sister.


Oh, wow.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

So scandalous.

This is so interesting.


There's so many, there's so many of them.

Don't call me.

My ex just married a girl after meeting her in person for 20 days.

She's 23, he's 42.

Our kids is 16 and 14.

That's gonna be a confusing time for a 16 and a 14-year-old.

Oh, my God.

My estranged father is 53, just married a 26-year-old.

I'm 33, my brother is 29.

And at 33, I wouldn't even date a 26-year-old if you met them.

Now, you will remember last week was our birthday.

I'm still harping on about it.

Actually, a week ago today was Aaron's birthday,

and I woke him up early in the morning to give him his present,

which was a PlayStation 5.

Not this new thin one, they've just announced a thin one.

So you literally, the week you got him a present,

they announced a thinner one.

Okay, that's all right.

Maybe he doesn't like things thinner.

Oh, he likes a bit of girth, doesn't he?

Maybe he likes something to grab on to.

Okay, yeah.

It's not all about the thinner one.

He likes the curvy box that I got him.


This is laughter when you realize what you just said.

The words came out funny.

Anyway, so I got him this thing,

and obviously our TV's not up at the moment

because the lounge isn't finished,

but he's like looking forward to playing it.

And then he just said to me yesterday, he was like,

oh, I said, haha, something about playing the PlayStation.

And then he was like,

you're gonna play with me, though, eh?

And I was like, no?

He was like, no, but you have to play.

Like, oh, please, can you please play PlayStation?

I don't know how to play PlayStation.

I don't play PlayStation.

No, thank you.

It's just for you.

And he was like, no, but the whole thing

is that I wanted to play it with you.

And I was like, oh, no.

That's not what I thought was happening.

Your plan has backfired.

What I thought was gonna happen

is that I would buy this time-consuming void of time for him.


And he would use that,

and I could total off to the pub with my friends.


And come back home,

and he's had a pleasant evening.

I've had a pleasant evening,

and then eh, what about it?

I totally get where he's coming from.

There are some games where you're like,

this would be fun to play,

but Shade is the same.

She's like, no, no.

You could be playing,

they will watch a little bit.

And I'm like, do you want to play as well?

And she's like, no, no.

No, I like, sometimes I watch like I'm watching a movie.

I've always done that since I was a kid.

My brother was a gamer,

and I just watched,

and he'd be like, do you want to play?

I'd be like, no.

It's like watching a little Crash Bandicoot run around

and get the things.

I don't want to play.

This was not the plan.

And now he's disappointed that I said no.

Oh, no.

What have you done?

Oh, no.

What I thought I had done

was given him the distraction,

the fun thing for him.

I don't want to be involved.

There's some good games

where you get to play with a lot of people.

We had a four-player one.

Play with you.

How was that when I like cooked?

Play with strangers.

You're cooked.

You're cooked.

Whatever it is,

and you had to run a restaurant.

And so four of us would play,

but they didn't like the dad was bossy.

Yeah, but you can play.

Someone had to be the boss.

You can play restaurants,

and I'll just go to a restaurant.


This is not the plan.

And I don't know.

I'm like.

But do you think once he has it,

and he starts playing some games,

he'll get hooked?

Yeah, I hope so.


I hope so.

Oh, there's not every game's not for

not for you and your partner.

Yeah, it's not that I don't want to spend time with him.


I just don't want to do that.

And I want my own time as well.




We've got a lot of,

we've got a lot of

a lot of social events coming up,

and he's not that interested in them.

Oh, someone just text me saying,

don't play with him.

If you end up better,

he'll never forgive you.

I'm not.

I won't.

I'll take my time.


Go play with Vaughn and Jared.

Yeah, you might have to take one for the team here,


I don't even have to leave my house to play with him.

I'm gonna do it for my house.

And he can be at his house.


And then we're both at our own house.

Perfect, perfect.

This is perfect.

As long as I'm just nowhere involved

in any of this,

I don't want to play.

I want to party.



will you watch Varnish


It's having fun.

sie ist in amerikanisch

slow or fast



actually quite a pile on online

she's been applying for a lot of jobs

and doing a lot of job interviews

which would be horrible


like have you ever done many


i applied for

yeah i did

actually yeah

they're job interviews i guess

in auditions

but i don't have a question say

i just feel like i don't know

why do you want to work here

because i want to need to pay bills

does anyone have a job


i've done one proper job



well so she



and said

i've just been yelled at

for asking a very reasonable question

so i'm applying for a job somewhere

and i just wanted to know

so i asked them

do you have accommodations

for people who struggle

with time blindness

and being on time


and you immediately didn't get the job

and she's not getting any of these jobs

because she's asking them

if they are okay with her being

time blind

which we struggle with more

all the time in his time blindness

he's time blind

but he's not

but he's not


just not here

or like

late late late late

six o'clock series

yeah but sometimes sometimes

it depends

we are

like we have to lie to you to

we have to say things like

twenty minutes

earlier than they are


i didn't stop till i drop in


i don't

ancient french philosopher once said

true true


what was their name

the ancient philosopher


i can't remember

but it was gandoff

the grey

who said it was

i know

he sure

it was a cashier

it was cashier

that's the cashier

ancient french philosopher


philosopher cashier

stop till i drop by

so does time blindness

a real thing

have you googled


she says it is

i'm not time blind

i'm not

oh my god

i'm not letting time

dictate my

i'm not letting time

dictate how i live

i'm not time blind

i'm just not a hostage to time


join me


wow man

in my new life fashion business

don't be hard hostage by time

the brosma story

so you would rather

hold up your work colleagues

i'm not holding anything up



we literally wait every morning

for you to turn up

so we can start

you turn up and most of the work is done


man tells me you're capable of doing it

man tells me you're capable of doing it

he's time blind

he's time blind

and we are time


i'm time free

yeah we've got 20-20 time vision

i'm time free

i'm a step ahead of time


what is time though


it's a construct man





and haley

fact of the day




dou dou dou dou dou death

dou dou dou die


It's roller coaster week

in fact of the day

and loving it


thank you very much haley

i've been telling you facts

about roller coasters

and today

it does have to take

a grim turn

oh dear

it's gonna take a little bit of a grim turn

about people

their debts


oh yeah


Ich wollte wissen, wie viele Leute von Shark Sharks sind.

Oh, das ist das Ding.

Also, der Wookapedia-Page,,

List des Dädel-Roller-Coaster-Axidens.

Das älteste ist 1930.

Also, wie...




Was ist das?





Das ist 93 Jahre.

Wie lange dauert das für mich so lange, um mich zu arbeiten?

Ich habe gepanagt.

Du hast gepanagt.

Ja, du hast gepanagt.

Ich habe gepanagt.

Das erste ist 1930.

Also, wirklich, wenn du auf account hast,

das sind 93 Jahre,

es sind 90 Jahre,

wir haben viele Jahre,

ich habe gepanagt wieder.

Es ist nicht schlecht.

Okay, wie viele Leute sind alle da?

Es sind 37 Dädel-Roller-Coaster-Axidens.

Okay, das ist sicherer als Shark.

Es ist sicherer als jemand in der Oceane.

Es ist...

Ich würde nicht sagen,


ist sehr wenig und weit zwischen.

Es gibt viele Menschen in der Oceane,

in jeder Zeit.

Und es gibt viele Sharks in der Oceane,

in jeder Zeit.


Autos, Bikes, alles.

Garten, Drugs,


Crocodiles, Hippopotamuses.


Leute, die auf Lollies checken.









Es ist viel weniger Zeit,

mehr Leben zu checken.


37 Dädel-Roller-Coaster-Axidens.

18 Dädel-Roller-Coaster-Axidens.

10 Rekorded from Falls from Roller-Coaster-Axidens.

Oh, that's bad.

Five from people who have been struck by the Roller-Coaster.

Maybe not even went on the Roller-Coaster,

but it's a death by Roller-Coaster, so it counts.

Well, they were walking on a Roller-Coaster track.

And four from others.



It is a bit granius.

It is death.


So, the other.

And the others interested me too,

when I heard the other, I was like, what could possibly be.

The fire in the hole, a Roller-Coaster at Silver Dollar City,

in 1980, an Operator switched the train

to go into the service area, unaware that riders were on.

The entrance to the service area had a low roof.

All passengers escaped serious injury,

except for one man who did not hear the shouts to duck.

And he was killed.

That was in 1980.


Another one.

And this is a bit of an, this is one where Raging Bullets,

Six Flags, Great America in 2003.

A girl with a heart condition died after riding the Roller-Coaster.

She had a no one heart condition.

And I've been seeing a cardiologist,

but had said she didn't,

because the sign at the thing said, if you have a cardiologist.

Oh, okay.

I think you shouldn't be honest.

In 1944, in the other category,

a fire started at the Palisades Park,

which destroyed the park's rides.

And unfortunately, some people were stuck on the Roller-Coaster

when the fire broke out, so they died.

And Loch Ness Monster at Bush Gardens in Williamsburg,

a park employee found blood on the last car.

Unidentified reasons, probably a nosebleed.

I wouldn't count that as a death.

Wait, that's under other people's blood.

Yeah, but it didn't add up to our,

it didn't, those are the four things under other.

But there was some some bears.

That's why, okay, so it's not, okay.

I mean, still horrible that there have been that many,

but it's not what you would have thought.

Falling would be terrible though.

I never had that problem when the belt goes over

and there's lots of room, there's never room.

No, no, it's clicked in.

But we, cause when I went to Ramazin not too long ago,

there's that big one that you go up and then it goes over.

And I remember being upside down and feeling like,

this isn't enough.

I feel weakly in here.

It's because of the weightlessness when you're upside down.

Cause I remember someone explained that to me,

it feels like that gets loose,

but it also is coincident with the fact

it's at that moment where you're weightless.

Yeah, I know.

Love that ride, love that ride, so good.

Yeah, it's really something.

Some of the more interesting ones,

in 2011, a man died on the Superman ride of steel

at Darien Lake,

because he was a war veteran who had,

had both of his legs amputated.

And so he slipped out from under there

cause he couldn't put the feet on the ground,

couldn't put the feet on the ground to secure himself.


Oh, it's dark, but let's take into account

how many millions of people literally on,

I think at last count, there was early in the wake,

I saw something in the vicinity of 6,500 Rollercoasters

around the world.

And people are constantly riding them

and have been for nearly 100 years.

It's a thrill ride and most of these things

that have been taken care of by now.

So today's Factor of the Day,

the Grimside to finish Rollercoaster week on,

as there have been 37 recorded deaths on Rollercoasters

in 93 years.

Fact of the day, day, day, day, day.

Day, day, day, day, day, day, day, day.

Play, sit in, switchboard and ailey.

Play, sit in.

It's time for the impossible phone and topic,

a topic that we think is so impossible,

we won't get any calls.

So Scott, I just was reminded of my favourite toy

when I was a child.

It was a piano.


When you hit the key, it banged a bell.

Oh, toy piano.

It was a toy piano,

but it was like alarm clocks and you pushed it

and it was ding inside an alarm clock

and that's what it sounded.

Yeah, they're called toy pianos.


They're so cool.

This chaotically loud toy.

Well, good for you.

I still had it.

And so you just started hitting everything.

Stop it!

Hey, someone's excited

because we're going out for breakfast.

We're going out for brunch.

We're going out for brunch.

Now, well, we've got work to do before then

and I have proposed, won,

the impossible phoner.

Now, you know, you heard the controversy of Matt Healy

from the 1975.


We're at a festival in Kuala Lumpur.

This was a while ago,

but this bit of the news has only just come out, right?

Yeah, so they interprotest Malaysia's harsh,

anti-gay laws.

Mattie Kiss made out with his bassist,

right, in a protest

and then they got pulled,

their show got shut down,

they got pulled from the concert,

that was it.

Now, it's been revealed

that they were actually

for a short time imprisoned

in a Malaysian prison

as a result of this,

as they were trying to get this all sorted out.

Now, this reminded me of Bridget Jones' Diary,

when she ends up in a Thai prison?

Is she?


I've never seen it.

Or is it Baali?

No, it's Thai.

I assume she wrote about it in a diary.

Have you, did you go past the Baali prison?

They love to show you

where Chappelle Corby was.

That place looks horrible.

But these places,

like, I mean, Thailand,

maybe it was Baali,

but Baali, like Malaysia,

they have these.

The Hilton Bangkok is,

I've watched, I've read a book

about a guy that was in the Bangkok prison.


You got to think about the Middle East,

places where they have more conservative laws.

And less human rights.

Yeah, and less human rights.

Tourists end up in these places,

and it's horrendous.

Chappelle Corby,

cut case in point,

she didn't go to an Australian prison,

which would have been way nice,

so she was stuck there for years.

Or people like him

just get in trouble and get arrested.

Maybe a drunk and night out,

or a small foot wrong,

and they have to be there for a night or two.

For something that,

if he did it in any other place in the world

that had less conservative laws,

that wouldn't have even been looked at.

I want to know,

my impossible fauna,

were you arrested in another country?

And maybe you had just been

a little bit of a time

in a Thai prison cell.

Maybe you got too drunk at Oktoberfest.


Or some little drunk on the Kentucky.

Well, I bloody lived in Oman

for a couple of months,

so please take these rules seriously,

because you can't be out here,

you can't have alcohol in your hand out here,

you can't have this,

you can't do this as a woman,

don't do this,

and I was like, oh shit,

what's going to happen?

How did you survive that?

I lived in Army Barracks

where the rules didn't apply to me.

But, you know,

there are those places

that you go to visit,

and it's all good and fun,

but maybe you got arrested.

Okay, I mean,

maybe this is going to be impossible.


Because I'd like to think we've got

nice law-abiding listeners.



Oh, 800 Dahls at Emerson number

text through 9696.

Have you been overseas

and been arrested?


And held for a short period of time?

Or a long period of time.

Chappelle, your calls are welcome.

Right now, though,

the impossible phone and topic.

A bit failure.

Who's someone who's messaged

and summed it up quite nicely.

This is definitely not.




I would say we have been,

in fact, bombarded

by you international criminals.

Have you ever been arrested overseas?

I will say some people are texting

in with the juicy seed of it.

I want to know the why, is the wheres.

Yeah, I know.

Who's the person that was detained

and for 18 days no contact in Japan?

What did you do?

At least you were detained

by the London border.

What do you call them?



I was.

So I don't actually think

I did anything wrong.

But they took a dislike

to me at the age of 18.


Fresh onto my OE.


And yeah, they interrogated me,

you know, where you first meet them at customs

and then took me into the detention centre

and held me and interrogated me

for nine and a half hours.

Oh my God!

What did they think you had?

Like drugs or something?

No, I think they thought

I was going to work illegally.

Oh, yes.

I had a flight out.

I had no plans to work.

I had my whole thing laid out perfectly.

Were you like, I'm from New Zealand.

This is what we do.


I was like, do you think I'm

actually going to be a criminal?

Yeah, weird.

Like, I want to visit.

I don't want to live here.



I'm here for a short time.

Honestly, I put me off forever.

I was like, I don't want to go in.

Oh my God.

At least, thanks you call.

Sam, where were you arrested overseas?

In China.

So I won a competition.

There was actually four of us

and we got sent to China for a week.

And the organizer of the trip,

first thing first,

actually, we couldn't get on the plane.

The first time we showed you on the plane,

we weren't allowed on the plane.

But when we got to China,

they arrested us because we had the wrong visas

and they were so angry of us.

They were slamming our passports down

and shutting it off and running.

And it was like a breeze.

Oh my God.


So there was just a paperwork mishap.

Did you get it all sorted?

Paperwork mishap.

Yeah, fully.

Yeah, it took about six hours

till they could contact, you know,

other people back here.

They sorted it all out.

But yeah, it wasn't too enjoyable.

Yeah, that's a rough start to the trip.

So you basically land and they lock you up.




Yeah, that's not good.

ZMTZ, impossible Phone-in-Topic.

Have you ever been arrested overseas?

Maddie Healy from the 1975

admitted that they did spend some time

in a Malaysian prison

because they kissed on stage at that festival.

And Malaysian prisons,

not a prison you want to be in.


Very strict laws.

But they know, I don't, there's,

you know, they knew those are the laws.

You can't go to a country

and get nude in front of a temple or...

I know, I don't know where I stand at

because they're like protesting their laws

and you're like, you know what,

a lot of it's religious,

it's got nothing to do with you.

Yeah, you know, I don't know.

And if you want to protest, just don't go there.

Yeah, so the guys love Bali.

Like Bali does turn a blind eye.

Yeah, until they don't.

Until they don't.

Until they don't.

Some messages in myself, my brother

and three friends were arrested in Banff, Canada.


One New Year's Eve for backchatting to some police

who were trying to stop us across the road.

We all ended up in a cell for the night

and I got charged with assault on a police officer

because I tried to pull him off my friend

who was he was kicking in the gutter.

I went to court, got deferred,

had to pay a fine and an apology letter

and this was all before the New Year's countdown.

Wait, so you, the police was kicking your friend

and you tried to pull him off

and you got done for assaulting a cop.

Spend the New Year's countdown

in the back of the police car with my brother.

My parents were very proud.

They would have been very livid.

Byron, good morning.

When were you arrested overseas?

Good morning, team.

Around, I would say, 2013.

I was visiting my mum in South Africa

and it was my birthday

and Nancy's friends had gone out for some drinks.

And I got pulled over and arrested for DUI.

And I had to stay in a Johannesburg prison cell

with about 30 other drinks drivers.

One big nasty Smully damp wet room

with 30 drunk drivers.

Did you drown me?

Do we learn a lesson from that world?

Do we learn a lesson from that world?

Do we learn a lesson from that world?

I run.

I did, definitely.

Yeah, girls have African prison like,

do you don't sell it to me?

I don't want to go.

I don't want to go.

Sorry, I was talking over you.

I don't know.

We were both talking over each other.

We're both to blame.

In fact, I'm more to blame

because this is my job.

I should have let you speak.

You're the caller.

And you're a guest in our house.

What was it?

You didn't sell it to me,

the South African prison.

And you were only like in the Ramande part.

You weren't in the full Nelson Mandelaer experience.

I don't know.

I don't know what they call it,

the Nelson Mandelaer experience.



I wasn't trying to be jovial there.

The dude was in a solitary confinement

for like 20 something years.

Yeah, man.

I didn't break him.


Yeah, on and on.


Wow, naughty boy.

You're a naughty boy, Byron.

Byron, let's go to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth, this was your granddad got arrested

and had to go to prison overseas.



So when did this happen?

Oh, we can't hear you, darling.

You're gone.

Are you there?

Granddad got arrested in Singapore.

Granddad got arrested in Singapore

and then they're still screaming about it apparently.

Granddad's a badass.

So I just said bloody hell,

now this wouldn't be a coincidence.

I saw the exact same thing happen

in Banff on New Year's Eve.

I don't think that's a quinkie, Dink.

Maybe that's the same thing.

How crazy is that, though?

Did you get a video of the show?

One person was getting arrested

and the other person was watching.

Did they get a video of this?

Can't kick him in the guts.

That'd be great if they did.

My brother-in-law was arrested

in Koh Samui, Thailand

saying his visa and spent three months

in a Thai prison

and then transferred to a Bangkok

deportation centre in the back of an open truck.

Eventually got to fly back to the UK.

Not a good experience.

Such a worry for the family.

Yeah, I bet.

Personally, I think he's a complete idiot

for not renewing his visa.

But he was then arrested

arriving back in the UK

for questioning for a past case.

Yeah, wow.


Canada was arrested.

America spent the night in Jalan,

deported to Canada.

Our passports were taken

with a handcuffed on our flight there.

Was Canada so intense?

I think they have very intense on...

Canada is the most intense place

I've ever gone into with immigration.

Just because I was only going

for like three or four days

at the end of a trip

and they were like,

why are you coming?

I'm so, I don't know,

I want to go to Montreal.

And just got so many questions.

What do you got in there?

I want to know more from this caller


I know we've run out of time.

Japan, 18 days, no contact

from the outside world.

What did you do?

Why are you in a Japanese prison?

And do you get a bento box

through the cell door?

And do you get a beautiful katsukari?


Oh, yum.

I think you guys

were overselling Japanese prison food.

Some kuyoza?

You give me some kuyoza

with a soy sauce?

Oh, yum.

They've got the chip and yaki hot pie

right in your cell.

And he's like, chop it up, chop it up,

chop it up, chop it up, chop it up,

chop it up, chop it up.

Go back

and open your mouth

and then flex the shrimp.


He caught it.

He caught it.

He caught it.

Yeah, and then he makes

an onion volcano.

Oh, another podcast

in the bag.

The plastic bag.

Are they back?

No, no, still banned.

They never left.

No, sorry.

That's where you come

in with the line for.

Boy, man,

if you enjoyed that.


Oh, and if you enjoyed it,

give us a rating and a review

and be sure to tell

all of your friends.

God, I need some sleep.


Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Attractive Accents  

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Final Rankings!  

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The Impossible Phoner!  

Fact of the Day Day Day Day Daaaaay!

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