This Week in Startups: E1073: The Power of Accelerators E8 Mike Jones, CEO of Science shares insights on what makes a great Direct-to-Consumer Founder, investing early in Dollar Shave Club, economics of a venture-studio & more!

Jason Calacanis Jason Calacanis 6/10/20 - Episode Page

0:32 Jason speaks on current events and intros Science CEO Mike Jones, how they met after selling their companies to AOL

6:02 What is Science and how has it evolved since being started in 2011? Why did they pivot away from the startup studio model?

12:43 What are the economics of a venture-studio?

15:25 Defining the 3 scenarios of a "lifestyle-business"

18:41 Founders sharpening their skills through hardship, how Mike experienced that at MySpace

25:48 Investing in Dollar Shave Club, insights on what makes a great DTC founder

38:25 Short-term/Mid-term/Long-term impact of COVID

48:37 What is gained and lost in fully-remote work?

57:28 Thoughts on eventually going back to work?