This Week in Startups: E1029: Basecamp Co-Founder & Author David Heinemeier Hansson (@DHH) debates Jason on reining in capitalism, benefits of state-run education & healthcare, big-tech disappointments, work-from-home paradigm shift, wealth tax & more!

Jason Calacanis Jason Calacanis 2/18/20 - Episode Page

0:56 Jason intros David Heinemeier Hansson (@DHH) and asks about the work-from-home paradigm shift

5:28 Measuring programming success via budgets instead of estimates, quantifying creativity

9:57 Are incentive systems inherently bad?

13:01 How terrible commutes turned the tides for remote work in Silicon Valley, why do executives subject themselves to horrible working conditions?

17:59 What is the optimal amount of work hours per week?

19:58 Benefits of higher minimum wage

23:28 How can America "get to Denmark"? Should we rein in capitalism?

27:19 How do educational stipends work in Denmark? Benefits of state-sponsored education & healthcare

32:27 Is American bureaucracy able to change quickly?

35:52 Are gig workers being exploited? Why or why not?

45:57 Flexibility vs. Security in the gig-economy

51:20 Has the American Dream become false in America?

1:00:26 Are ISA schools (like Lambda School) an innovation or a bandaid on the failing capitalist system?

1:06:30 What do successful numbers look like for ISAs?

1:12:28 Starting Basecamp & raising from Jeff Bezos in the early days

1:19:43 Roasting Jeff Bezos on Twitter, socialism, progressivism in America

1:28:13 Amazon disappointments & how can Bezos save face?

1:36:31 Wealth tax debate

1:43:23 Which major tech companies should be broken up?

1:52:04 Will GDPR-like policies work in America?

1:55:59 What is David doing with Should there be two-sided consent in email read-receipt tracking?

2:03:29 Could there ever be an open-source Twitter or messaging app? Was WhatsApp it before being bought by Facebook?

2:09:34 Thoughts on tech journalism vs. big-tech

2:12:22 Can big-tech regulation fix the competitive landscape?