This Week in Startups: E1011: Check Point CEO & Co-founder Gil Shwed shares insights on being the “Godfather of Cybersecurity”, growing Check Point into Israel’s most impactful tech company, pricing & developing products for an emerging market, best practices on protecting data from hackers & the next generation of cybers

Jason Calacanis Jason Calacanis 12/20/19 - Episode Page

0:48 Jason intros Gil and asks about his lengthy background in cybersecurity

3:02 What experiences inspired Check Point?

8:31 Gil explains how he raised money for Check Point in the early 1990's

14:04 How did Gil build and price his first product in a developing market?

16:46 Dealing with the first batch of cyber attacks at Check Point

19:10 What was the profile of a typical hacker in the early Internet? When did the criminality start and how does crypto tie in?

25:20 Potential of Chinese hardware hacking & hackers stealing wired money from venture firms

30:16 What are the risks associated with high-level governmental cyber security breaches

31:42 Should companies be required to build backdoors into their messaging apps?

34:24 Are Tor networks totally safe?

38:19 Gil is the "Godfather of Cybersecurity"

38:55 How protective are two-factor authentication & biometrics?

41:26 What are the most dangerous types of hacks?

44:08 Why are Microsoft products more susceptible to hacks than Apple?

46:03 Will deep-fakes lead to more threats?

50:05 Best cyber-protection advice?

55:28 Are the electrical grids a huge liability?

57:55 What is their recruiting playbook?