AI Hustle: News on Open AI, ChatGPT, Midjourney, NVIDIA, Anthropic, Open Source LLMs: Craziest New AI Tools for Audio Editing, Podcasting, YouTube

Jaeden Schafer & Jamie McCauley Jaeden Schafer & Jamie McCauley 10/27/23 - Episode Page - 18m - PDF Transcript

Welcome to the AI hustle podcast. I'm your host Jaden Schaefer here with Jamie McCully my co-host

We're gonna be talking today about different AI tools that you can use for side hustles and specifically the side hustle

We want to talk about today is


You know, we've talked a bit about this and audio kind of stuff a little bit this week

But specifically I wanted to talk about the AI tools that I'm using for podcasting and the ones that I I think you know

You can use if you're either starting podcasting or you're interested in you know audio

The audio side hustle on Spotify or using you know helping people with audio on Fiver

There's so many different side hustles and audio plays such a big role

So specifically I'm gonna be talking about all the tools I use for you know podcasting and whatnot

But this applies to virtually anything you do in the AI space with audio

These are the AI tools that are gonna be game-changers for you. How are you doing today? Jamie? I'm doing well

I'm excited for this episode. There's a lot to dig into here

And I feel like the the podcast world is can benefit most from AI right now because there's so many language apps so many

Utility with voice AI all kinds of stuff. So I'm excited to get into it

Cool. So for those that don't know Jamie is an absolute legend on

YouTube the man has like a hundred and thirty thousand subscribers something like that on his and his wife's channel

Called Jamie and Sarah and they talk about different side hustles and all sorts of stuff. So

He has put together this list of tools that we're gonna be going over today

and I'll also talk about ones that I have found but

The one that I wanted to talk about first

Well, I guess first what I'll what I'll say is a little bit about my personal podcast

Workflow what what I how I pull this thing off and the tools I use for that

And then I would be curious if Jamie if you're using any of these for like audio stuff on your YouTube channel

But or if you see this I'm like potential there, but I'll go ahead and kick off my workflow

So essentially for me when I'm preparing a podcast episode my main podcast is called AI chat

We just passed a million listens on it and that's the thing I've been working on for a long time

and essentially how I do that is I'll go and look at

Breaking news in my niche which is AI so I'll go and I got you know

go look on Google news and and different tech journals and

Newsletters whatever and I'll essentially go and find a few different articles on like one topic

So if a company has like a big announcement or they come up with a new product or they raise a lot of money

I'll pretty much go find like three

Articles about that topic and I'll dump all of them into chat GPT now

I will say and I'll essentially I have a prompt written out. That's like hey

You know summarize these articles get hit the main points if someone if there's a quote use the quote

like keep it

Any interesting bits of information write it in this style

I have like my whole prompt that I use and that's essentially how I generate my content and

The one thing that I will say that this might be a pro tip for anyone

Looking to do something similar whether that you're creating blog posts or any type of content is a lot of times when you do this

Kind of like article consolidation you grab like three articles and condense them into one to get there's still the best points

Chat GPT, it's like too much content for chat GPT. It's like too too much text pretty much

So what you can do in that case is go to which is made by Quora

It's just a tool they've used that essentially lets you access and use a bunch of different AI tools

And there's one on there specifically made by Anthropoc

It's called Claude and Claude has a massive context window

You can like you put an entire book

Into Claude like you can upload the PDF of a whole book and ask it questions about and it'll give you answers

So Claude's amazing for that

I would use that but yeah, that's essentially the beginning of my workflow on

So sometimes I have to use Claude if the articles are too long if they're short and that I can use chat GPT

But yeah between the two and they're comparable outputs. So yeah, that's essentially the beginning of my workflow on a podcast

I have a question as far as that goes for you, Jane

So we were kind of experimenting with writing ebooks using chat GPT

specifically about the Amazon influencer program

which I know you know about but

It kind of got confused when we asked it to write an ebook

We're just kind of messing around with it and it kind of pulls some information from the Amazon associates program

I'm kind of combined. Have you ever run into that with like information being not a hundred percent correct or needing to

Yeah, yeah, yeah, really go always have to proofread it because it does get confused honestly

Sometimes what I'm doing so for example something with like the Amazon influencer program and also for anyone listening

If you were trying to get chat GPT to write about something really new and recent

I mean, of course, I just mentioned the news that I like cover. So that's like a prime example of this

You know, I can't just go to chat GPT and say write me an article about

Anthropics five hundred million dollar round of funding they just did because well, you know chat GPT

It's kind of it doesn't have the latest data now being AI AI

Bing AI chat is better at that and Google bar is a little bit better at that

But still chat speed in my opinion has like the better content. So that's what I always use for this kind of thing

But those ones do have like the latest news what there's so there's a couple things you can do if you have chat GPT pro

They have the web browsing plug-in. So if you enable that it can like pull out new stuff

But again, if it's confused about something what I do with the article, right? I'm pasted in the full article

I'm like here is the content that you're gonna be basing what you're giving me off of and I think it's the same thing

If you're gonna do an e-book like that if you just went to the Amazon influencer

Programs like terms of service and copy the whole thing and say like write me a chapter about what they have to know about the terms of

Service what's really relevant to them write me a chapter and then but yeah

You're just like you're giving it the content and it's basing it off of that

I think that might be your your best way to go about something like that

Yeah, so it's still you got to think of chat GPT is your as a tool and that like your full

It's not gonna do everything for you. You still have to

It's just gonna help you save time essentially, but you still got to make sure you're proofing stuff

Let's talk about a few other tools here. How about

Do you use any specific editing programs for your podcast or is it pretty much start and do you like produce any of the?

Audio with certain apps. What do you know what are you using for your post-production?

Yeah, so after it's recorded. I always run everything even though my microphone is fairly decent

I run everything through Adobe audio enhancer. That's amazing and there's a couple other ones

That have come out that are kind of in the same space

But yeah, Adobe audio enhancers the one that I think is the best and it's actually free

So anyone can go use that you don't need a paid Adobe account and they give you like four hours a week

I think or some maybe it's a month nothing. It's so I don't know whatever go check it out

They'll I'm sure they change it all the time, but yeah, it's free use that. It's awesome. It makes your audio good

And then as far as like editing podcast goes

I use auto pod which I know it's when viral so it's kind of like a lot of people know about it

But essentially what it is is like right now

Jamie's filming his own clip of himself talking. I'm filming my own self my own clip of myself talking

What's the best in this situation is if you have like four cameras, right?

That's like two angles for me two angles for Jamie

You would essentially grab all the clips put them into Adobe premieres timeline

And then you just click like auto pod edit and it goes and automatically chops it up

So it's like it automatically edits it and I believe you've used this before how do you do yeah?

No, that that one is absolutely amazing. We use that for for YouTube

I think there's some crossover here with some of these podcasting tools with YouTube because yeah

You know specifically if you're working on long-form content, you're gonna want to have tools to save you time

So that auto pod is a great one another one. I haven't actually tried yet, but I've seen some pretty amazing demos

I was just

That one is a

Text-based editing platform

So basically you would just upload your full video and then you can go through and if there was a paragraph or something

You said that was incorrect or you want to take it out. You can just delete it

It can automatically remove your ums and so's if you want to do that

Although I don't know if you really would want to do that for a podcast but for YouTube video

You definitely would want to sell a hundred percent. Yeah, so I've used a script. It's actually really good. It's

I love it. I

Don't use it actively because for the podcast

I like to have like ums and pauses because I want people to just feel like they're getting like the unedited and most authentic version of a

Conversation but for YouTube or anything where you're like doing tutorials or teaching

And you just want it to be as clean and professional as possible

Makes a lot of sense and it makes it it does saves you a ton of time and it works good

So yeah, Descript is a great company. There is a lot of money

So they have like the the firepower to make their software good for anyone that's curious the way that that tool works is

It's literally just based off of something like chat GPT where it you upload your video

It makes it it listens to it and so the first thing that they use AI for you upload your video

It listens to the audio of your whole video and transcribes it. So it makes a transcription

Then it feeds the transcription into chat GPT and just says hey

Based off of this or something like chat GPT. There's a number of other things

But they're like based off of this, you know

Identify all like highlight all the words that are like filler words and chat GPT is able to like go through and do that

And then it's just that it just goes through and like edits those little clips out

So it's kind of interesting though because the underlying technology is still just using chat GPT to like

Do that editing, but yeah, no great great technology great service Descript is really cool

I've tried them out and I think they're fairly solid. I give them a passing grade

cool, so we've talked about the planning and

shooting and editing of a podcast one other one

I really thought was an interesting

Program is cap show and that is a so basically if you're making any kind of content online

You can make fantastic content. It can be amazing. Have great audio edited perfectly, but if you don't

Use the right keywords and SEO to distribute that it's it's not gonna ever get found or watched

So let me just read the description of this app. It will automatically write your episodes show notes

Suggest a title create a transcript pull out quotes generate social media captions

Turn into a blog post

LinkedIn article all kinds of stuff. So basically you're getting it's it's a similar in to descript in that you're kind of it's

Transcribing your your audio from your video, but then you can all it will kind of repurpose it into different

Forms for you for posting different things. So I just think that's great

And then you know titling your video or your podcast the right thing will make all the difference which

If you listen to our last episode where Jane talked about his podcast hustle

You'll know how important that is. So if you haven't listened to that yet go check that one out

Yeah, so is there any other tools Jaden that you think are a must-have for podcasters?

Yeah, yeah, so I have a couple others

But like I so I'll just say I this is the first time I've ever heard of cap show

So I appreciate you you bringing it up. I've just looking over their website. This thing looks really really cool

So I actually do a lot of the stuff that cap show does so pretty much

It looks like you just upload your episode and then it's able to like generate all that stuff for you

Which is amazing because when you're trying to do marketing and you're trying to push it like the most the more content

You can create out of the least amount of work the better. It's actually really cool. I have a

I pretty much like have to manually write all my titles myself for an episode

this would be

Incredible if something else could look at the whole transcript of an interview because and come up with like my podcast title for me

And like what's gonna be the most clicked on and most interesting and it's like literally based off your content

So I think that's cool something that I have

That's like been annoying for me because I've tried to do this just using chat GPT pretty much where I just

Literally so like pretty much when I do an interview with someone

I will put in like their bio and a bunch of information about them and then get chat

should be to write me like questions that I can ask them and

And I have like a prompt that I use to do that and then I try based off of those questions to write a title and description

But the problem is sometimes when I do an interview it goes like I don't want to say off the rails

But it just goes a completely different direction and I just scrapped the questions altogether that Chad should be to give me because I'm like

Oh my gosh

This other interesting thing I didn't realize and I just dive deep on like whatever that topic is

So when that happens and I'm like, oh jeez

I got to like sit there and manually think of the title and description because you know chat

You have no idea what the whole podcast was about so in that scenario

This would be it fantastic to use something like cap show to pull that up because yeah up until now

I've just been using chat GPT to do it and it definitely has limitations where this is literally looking at your content and pulling it out so

Yeah, that's a great point. Yeah, when we make YouTube videos and we do our usually

You know come up with the title of the video first

And then have chat GPT write a

Description optimized ratio, but this kind of reverse engineers that where it's like you have your video

It comes up with your description and everything for you

It which is sometimes more helpful. I feel like for for keywords, especially if you have I know YouTube

They can

Optimize stuff based on the audio not just the text

So if your text of near description matches your audio, you might have a better chance of ranking higher in search

Yeah, that's pretty that's pretty cool pretty powerful

Okay, I know we're wrapping this up one last thing

I wanted to mention that is really helpful for podcasting that I use AI for is whenever I do an interview

I do a custom podcast

Like cover with like the first time interviewing on it and I use AI for a bunch of different aspects of it so

This is what I do and I'm if this is helpful to you for any number of product

I imagine this will be helpful for a lot of projects

So whatever whatever you use AI for this this should be helpful

But if you're doing podcasting specifically, this is helpful the number one thing that's super annoying is like I'll email someone

I'm like, hey send me like your headshot so I can put it on the cover a lot of times people are like

Oh my gosh, like my current headshots not that good

So they like go and get like a special headshot for this and they're like delayed or whatever or they just never get it to me

And I'm like look I have like a schedule to keep I got to publish this even if I don't have a so what I've just started doing

I don't even ask people for the headshots anymore. I literally just go to their LinkedIn grab their LinkedIn photo

And I use that now the problem with LinkedIn photos is

So I guess the most basic way I use AI is actually do this all in Canva

But like I remove the background can that has like a background remover AI

That's awesome

And I know there's other websites that do it but canva doesn't like lower the quality or anything. So we can

We use canva to it's it's amazing

Yeah, yeah canva's amazing and this is yeah, this is the same thing everything

I'm about to say is exact same for thumbnails

For YouTube videos the same thing. Okay, so the problem though comes when sometimes


LinkedIn picture is them, but it's just like grainy or low quality

What I've actually gone and done is there's a handful of tools and I won't shadow any in particular because you can go do your research

on this just google like

AI image upscaler

There's a bunch of different ones and I literally will like put an image in there

And then it just uses AI and it just increases the quality. It makes it less grainy

It just it's the same picture, but it's just like less grainy and so I can actually use it on the podcast cover

So upscalers are good. The one other issue I come in sometimes when I grab their headshot is like

it'll be um

So for for youtube thumbnails, I recently had a youtube thumbnail

Where like all I had was like, you know, uh the guy's shoulders

Just let you guys shoulders enough because that's normally what you have on linked in your profile

Right, but like for the thumbnail it was like if I just used his shoulders enough

It was like the whole thumbnail the whole youtube thumbnail was just like just head it was like so bad

So I went and used adobe's autofill and I know that canva just released a very similar feature

So canva's probably a good option for this. I know that mid-journey has a similar feature as well

So mid-journey canva or photoshop, but I've specifically done this with photoshop and been successful

Where you do autofill?

So I literally dragged the image down from his shoulders and out from his shoulders and said autofill

And it just like continued his shirt what his shirt would look like

Down and to the sides and it looked really good

Like it actually like looked legit and I use that for a podcast thumbnail if you look at my

If you ever go to my youtube channel jaden schaefer, I posted that interview I did



With jack mccully. He's one of the co-founders of oculus and like

That uh that shirt he's wearing is like ai generation

No, man. That's cool. Those are those are uh, those are what i'm doing

But in any case like we mentioned there's so many different areas some different ai tools that you can use for different things

We're going to do the segment every week

So if you're interested in different ai tools for different side hustles

We'll talk more about the side hustles and break them down in other episodes this week

But uh, if you're interested in the tools these are the tools we specifically use for for doing these

If you have any tools you've used that'd be useful. Let us know

You can uh, let us know on

In the show notes, uh, or if you listen on spotify, you're able to send us a message

So shoot us a message. We'd love to hear from you. Tell us what you're using tell us if we missed anything

And uh, otherwise we will see you next week. It's been great. Thanks for tuning in make sure to rate us wherever you get your podcasts

See you guys. Bye

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

In this episode, we dive into the most groundbreaking AI tools that are revolutionizing audio editing for podcasters and YouTubers alike. Discover how these innovations can elevate your content creation process to new heights.