Casefile True Crime: Case 247: Nina Puganova, Irina Trasyn & Anastasia Mikhailova

5/20/23 - Episode Page - 36m - PDF Transcript

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Als es um 6 Uhr um den Autumn morgens um 19.00 Uhr ging,

hat der Odosius Glukarev durch den Stau von seinem Wohnzimmer aufgewacht.

Er stammte aus dem Bett und stammte zur Tür.

Keiner war da.

Er stammte seinen Kopf in die Strecke, nur um die Strecke zu finden.

Der Odosius stammte nach unten, und er erinnerte,

dass er einen Briefcase auf den Boden infront von ihm hat.

Interessant, der Odosius stammte auf der Seite,

und stammte seine Lachen und eröffnete sie.

Er stammte auf der Seite und stammte in die Strecke,

war der Kopf einer Frau.

Der Odosius stammte in seinem Wohnzimmer und stammte sofort nach dem Polizist.

Die Offiziere kamen in ein neunstelliger Wohnzimmer,

wo der Odosius mit seiner Frau und der junge Frau lebte.

Sein Wohnzimmer war nur south of Kishinev,

der russisch namen Kapital von Moldova,

der im Moment Teil der Soviet Union war.

Die Offiziere inspekte den Briefcase,

das auf Theodosius Door war.

Der kapitierte Kopf begann zu einer braunen Frau,

mit der seine Augen gegründet haben.

Theodosius war Adiment,

dass er die Frau nicht erkannt hat,

und es war nichts anderes,

als ein Briefcase, das bei ihrer Identität geholfen hat.

Aber es war eine handwerkliche Not.

Adressed zu Theodosius

und schraubt im Block Kapital Letters,

hat die Note geschaut.

Hast du das Gift gesehen?

Das ist ein Beispiel für dich.

Bereit 10.000 Rubels,

oder deine Frau wird auch hauptsächlich sein.

In der Sonne,

kommst du zur Trainstation und bringst Geld.

Der Ausdruck war rar in der Serviette Moldova,

nur in einer so brutalen Form.

Bei der Zeit,

10.000 Rubels war viel Geld.

Der Equivalent von ca. 50.000 US-Dollar

in der heutigen Zeit.


der als Truckdriver für einen lokalen Bruder war,

wusste nicht,

dass er das Geld nicht haben konnte.

Unmöglich zu produzieren

den großen Ransom in so einem kurzen Moment,

war es unmöglich für ihn,

um ihn zu treffen,

wie er die Bedürfnisse der Killer geholfen hat.

Denn der Killer wusste,

wo Theodosius lebte

und dass er eine Frau hatte,

es war klar,

dass sie die Theodosius in irgendeinem Kapazität wussten.

Theodosius wollte niemanden,

der so ein grüßes Akt führte.

Suspicious, dass er etwas hielt,

hat die Polizei beruhigt,

dass Theodosius den nächsten Tag war.

Er taillte ihn aus dem Truck,

als er von der Brühe

und auf die Städte Kishinev kam,

wo er später parkte

und ein Restaurant führte.

Es war ein spätsches Verkauf.

Der Ort, in dem der Affluent

nur einmal oder zweimal ein Jahr auf spezielle occasionen kam.

Theodosius musste nicht lange bleiben,

sicherlich nicht genug Zeit für ihn zu essen.

Er kam sofort nach seinem Truck

und rief weg.

Als die Beobachtung war,

started Theodosius zu behaupten,

er sehnte, er sehnte,

dass er folgte.

Er nahm viele abgerüßte Städte

und begann auf seine Route,

bevor er durch eine rote Licht spielte.

Die Polizei hat mit ihm ein bisschen später mitgekriegt,

bis zu dem Punkt,

dass Theodosius über seine Geschäftsplätze geholt hat.

Er enthielt eine Bäckerei

und kam mit einem Kek in die Hand.

Er stammte dann an ein neuer Wohnzimmer,

welches der Kishinev,

die höchstens prästetische Städte hat.

Theodosius verurteilt für eine Zeit,

bevor er ohne den Kek reappehrte.

Later that day,

he purchased a bouquet of flowers

and visited another high end apartment building

on an adjacent street.

Once again,

he stayed inside briefly,

before exiting empty handed.

He then made his way home.

He admitted to driving erratically

after realising he was being pursued,

but explained this was because

he thought he was being trailed by the killer.

Police put it to Theodosius

that his job as a truck driver

was really just a front

for some kind of black market trading.

He denied being involved in anything illegal,

but eventually confessed

that his visits to the two apartments

were for clandestine meetings.

Theodosius had been calling in on his girlfriends.

Neither of his girlfriends knew about the other,

nor were they aware that Theodosius

was married with a child.

Although he wasn't a particularly remarkable

or wealthy man,

Theodosius was a serial womaniser,

who often bragged to his friends

about his extramarital affairs.

Investigators were satisfied

that Theodosius wasn't part

of any underworld scheming,

but had been targeted for some other specific reason.

They considered the possibility

that the severed head

might have belonged to one of his girlfriends.

Perhaps the woman's husband

had found out about the affair

and taken revenge.

Theodosius claimed that his girlfriends

were both alive and well,

and it was quickly confirmed

that he was telling the truth.

Both of his girlfriends attended

the investigation for questioning,

but neither recognised the face of the woman

from the briefcase.

This sent investigators back to square one.

Unable to figure out why Theodosius

was being extorted,

they worked to identify the victim.

Perhaps if they knew who she was,

her connection to Theodosius

would become clear.

After exhausting all other avenues,

investigators sought permission

from their country's leadership

to employ a tactic that had never been

used in the Soviet Union before.

They asked to show a photograph

of the woman's head on national television

in the hope that someone

would recognise her face.

Their request was granted.

With as much care as possible,

the woman's face was cleaned

to be presentable to the public.

Her hair was neatly combed down

and pinned behind her head.

Glass spheres were inserted

into her empty eye sockets

and her eyelids were closed over them.

A photograph was taken

and broadcast on national television

across Soviet Moldova.

Although a white scarf tied beneath her chin

concealed her severed neck,

it was obvious to most that she was deceased.

Das Nacht,

7-Jährige Viktor Trassen

set in front of his family's television set

eyes glued to a rerun

of a popular Soviet musical miniseries

Dartenjan and the Three Musketeers.

Viktor lived with his mother

and Aileen's grandmother

in an apartment in Kishinev.

His grandmother was content

to let Viktor enjoy

the swashbuckling action on screen

as the young boy had recently

been overcome with anxiety

and the program provided

a much needed distraction.

A few nights earlier,

Viktor's mother, Irina,

had left home to catch up with a friend.

She said that she would only be gone

for 30 minutes,

but by the time Viktor awoke

the next morning,

she still hadn't returned.

Viktor took himself to school

for himself and his grandmother.

He kept this up all the while

bombarding his grandmother

with questions about his mother's whereabouts.

But she couldn't give him any answers.

Viktor's concerns for Irina grew

until he parked himself

in front of the television one night

for a mental reprieve.

All of a sudden,

Dartenjan and the Three Musketeers

was interrupted by a special news bulletin.

A photograph of a woman appeared on screen.

Viktor immediately recognized the woman

as his mother, Irina.

He was confused as to why she was on television,

but excited that he would finally see her again.

He wrote down the number on the screen

and called it first thing the following morning.

Investigators could now identify

the mutilated woman as Irina Trassen,

but they still had no idea

why she had been targeted.

Theodosius Glukarev claimed

he didn't know Irina

and there was no evidence to suggest

the pair had ever crossed paths.

As investigators tried to determine

why Irina was murdered

as part of an extortion plot against a stranger,

they received a phone call.

Another package had just arrived

in Theodosius's front door.

The package wasn't in a briefcase this time,

but wrapped in paper.

Again, it was accompanied by a handwritten note

addressed to Theodosius

in the same block capital letters as the first.

This one read,

you still don't want to pay,

then kiss a woman's hand.

Inside the package was the severed hand of a woman.

Forensic analysis confirmed

it did not belong to Irina Trassen.

A second woman had been killed

and once again the police were left with no clues

as to this victim's identity.

The note continued,

in three days you will bring the money to the train station,

otherwise we will chop your daughter to pieces.

The note hadn't referred to Theodosius's daughter

by her name, Oxana,

but this was the second direct threat against her.

Two days later, Oxana was making her way home from school.

Just as she reached the entrance

to her family's apartment block,

a man approached and offered her some candy.

All of a sudden,

two other men who had been a short distance behind Oxana

leapt into action.

They ran up to the man, grabbed him

and wrestled him to the ground.

The pair were undercover police officers

tasked with protecting Oxana.

The young girl shouted at the police officers,

let Uncle Sasha go, he's good.

Realising the man was known to Oxana,

the officers backed off.

While he wasn't technically her uncle,

he was a close friend of her family.

As a precaution, the police thoroughly looked into Uncle Sasha.

They discovered that he worked at the local confectionary factory,

which explained why he had candy on hand.

A married father, Uncle Sasha had received a government award

for his hard work and commitment to the Soviet Union.

With no criminal record

or anything else to highlight him as dangerous,

he was ruled out as being the killer

who was extorting theodosius.

Case file will be back shortly.

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über den unidentifizierten Killer, der den Thiodosius-Glucarev beendet hat.

Der Officer wusste, dass in einer der Noten, der Perpetrator die Sprache hatte,

«Wir drücken deine Daughter zu Pisten».

Beliefert, dass Olga einen Verhandlungen mit dem Killer hat,

viele Polizistinnen sind auf Kuchinev-Central-Park,

um den Bereich für Klügel zu schauern.

Sie kamen bald auf eine Platt des frisch-verschleurigen Dörfes.

Der Bereich war verletzt, um eine schalte Grave,

die im Körper einer jungen Frau zu containieren.

Seine Schuhe war aufgeräumt,

und ihre Träuser und Unterhäuser waren unter ihre Nenzen.

Es gab viele Stubhäuser zu ihrer Schuhe und um ihre Genitalen.

Meistens hat sie die Schuhe verletzt.

Die Polizei hat nur den Körper der Arena-Trasen aufgeräumt.

Jetzt waren sie absolut sicher,

dass der gleiche Mann, der Olga Labadeva aufgeräumt hat,

und dass er die Expansiv-Parklande, die er aufgeräumt hat,

verwendet hat.

Olga schlug zum Erinnerung viel über ihre Orde,

als es schlug und schnell war.

Aber etwas, was sie aufgeräumt hat, war familiar.

Sie war sicher, dass es der gleiche Mann war,

der sie 30 Minuten vorher aufgeräumt hat.

Olga erklärte, dass sie mit diesem Mann aufgeräumt hat.

Investigatoren fragten, ob sie die Lederlärmung hatte.

Glück für sie, sie hat die Lederlärmung gehabt.

Die Lederlärmung wurde handwritten

und wurde mit der Senderlärmung aufgeräumt.

Alexander Skrinik.

Die Polizei war stammt.

Sie wussten Skrinik.

Über die meisten europäischen Länder in Österreich,

der Name Alexander, ist oft aufgeräumt zu Sascha.

Alexander Skrinik war Uncle Sascha,

der Mann, den Theodosius' Frau mit Kandy vor einigen Wochen nahm.

Ein Background-Check von Skrinik

hat ihn als Suspekt geräumt.

Aber jetzt, dass Investigatoren sicher waren,

dass er die Lederlärmung hatte, die sie für ihn angeschaut haben.

Sie brauchten nur,

um eine komplette Evidence zu beobachten.

Es gab keine verabschiedeten Forensiken,

die Skrinik hat auf den Rheiner Trassen oder Körper gefunden,

oder auf die unklar verabschiedete Hand

von Theodosius.

Das hat nur die Extortion-Noten und die Lederlärmung geholt.

Ein Handwriting-Expert war verabschiedet,

aber als er die Samen angeschaut hat, schruggt er sie.

Die Extortion-Noten waren in Blockkapitalen geprintet,

wobei die Lederlärmung in Skrinik-Kursiv Handwriting war.

Es war nicht möglich,

dass die Lederlärmung konklusiv verabschiedet wurde.

Währenddessen war Alexander Skrinik

der Militaregistration und Inlassmann-Office gezwungen.

Als 27 Jahre alt war Skrinik noch subject

zur Sowjet-Konscription,

bis zu seinem nächsten Geburtstag.

Er kam promptlich an die Militaregistration

und war in einem verabschiedeten Raum gezwungen.

Er, mit über 20 anderen Konskrips,

fiel in das verabschiedete Papierwerk.

Nachwärts waren gesagt,

dass ein Militaregistriktor bald in touch wäre.

Alexander Skrinik hat dann die Geburt geblieben.

Unbeknownst zu Skrinik,

das ganze Registrationprozess

war durch die Polizistin

eine Art, um seine Handwriting zu bekommen.

Der Fall, der Staff und die anderen Konskrips

waren alle geblieben.

Die Militaregistrationen waren geblieben

in Block-Kapital-Leaders.

Als Skrinik war,

waren die Registrationen geblieben

für die Handwriting-Expertin,

die hinter den Szenen wohnen.

In einem halben Stunden,

hat der Experte unverkürzt,

dass die Block-Leaders in Skrinik-Registrationformen

einen exakten Fall für die,

in die zwei Extortion-Noten,

die Theodosius darstellt.

why took all my mind

to ihr şizen facts

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Das Abend, die Polizei kam an Alexander Skrinik's Apartment, um nur von Skrinik's Wife zu sagen,

dass ihre Husband nur ein Film war.

Eine Kontinue der Pläne-Klothen, die Polizisten schnell auf das Patriar-Sinema in Kishinev

gelassen haben.

Das Film, das zu sein, war ein soviet-Desaster-Film, das heutzutage AER-Krew, das die Geschichte

der Verteilerung des Passagern zu betre yn den

den Österreich時 lang gekriegt.

Eher์-Krew seines EurokTeensOld- bits sank an als erst�에 livestreamarm gestr rugged in

waiting for the movie to start.

Eventually they spotted Skrinik.

He was approaching the cinema accompanied by a young woman.

One quick thinking detective approached the couple.

He explained that the film was sold out,

but he had two tickets he was willing to sell.

Skrinik was interested.

The detective suggested that they walk around the side of the building

where it was much quieter in order to make the exchange.

Skrinik and the young woman happily accompanied the detective.

Once they were away from the crowd,

other officers converged on Skrinik and placed him under arrest.

At the police station, Alexander Skrinik remained indignate.

He denied having done anything wrong

and pointed to his government labour award

and membership of the Soviet Communist Party

as proof of his good character and innocence.

However, once investigators revealed the rues at the enlistment office

and the handwriting analysis evidence they had against him,

Skrinik abandoned his charade.

Skrinik then made a surprise confession.

Arena Trassen was not his first murder victim.

Several years earlier in the mid 1970s

he had been living and working in Yakutia,

a sparsely populated Soviet region in the Far East of Russia.

There Skrinik met and murdered a flight attendant named Nina Puganova.

After killing Nina,

Skrinik removed her breasts and genitals before dumping her body.

The remains were later discovered,

however authorities at the time were unable to solve Nina's murder.

Skrinik disclosed that he had stabbed Arena Trassen

to death after meeting her for ice cream at the park

where her body was later found.

He decapitated Arena post mortem, kept her head

before burying her body in a shallow grave.

Skrinik's third and final victim was a woman

named Anastasia Mikhailova.

Like Arena before her,

Skrinik had met Anastasia for ice cream

before stabbing her to death and mutilating her body.

This time Skrinik had kept Anastasia's severed hand as a souvenir.

Having already discovered Arena's headless body,

police probed Skrinik for the whereabouts of Anastasia's remains.

Skrinik said that Anastasia was buried in a different park

and offered to take them to the exact location.

The following day he escorted investigators to an area of Woodland.

He pointed to the exact location where officers should start digging.

Sure enough, about a foot below the surface,

police uncovered the remains of Anastasia Mikhailova,

who was missing a hand.

Investigators had everything they needed from Alexander Skrinik,

a full confession to the murders and to Anastasia's remains.

What they now wanted was Skrinik's motive for these brutal slayings.

Skrinik explained that about a year into his marriage,

after his son was born, he was dissatisfied with his life.

Specifically, Skrinik wanted more sex.

He placed a personal ad in the local newspaper

with the intention of attracting a woman

who would be willing to sleep with him.

Eventually, Skrinik met up with a woman who responded to his ad

and the two had sex.

As a result, Skrinik contracted a venereal disease.

This instigated Skrinik,

towards women, who he now blamed for his unhappy marriage

and the lack of sex to which he felt entitled.

Skrinik appointed himself as a quote, orderly of nature

and decided that it was his calling to destroy women.

As to why he extorted his friend Theodosius Glukarev,

Skrinik simply explained that he was jealous of Theodosius

who boasted of his active sex life and multiple extramarital affairs.

His intention was to, quote,

let this womanize a shake with fear

and at the same time, fork out.

A few months after his arrest, Alexander Skrinik

stood trial for the murders of Nina Puganova,

Irina Trasen and Anastasia Mironova.

At the start of his testimony,

he boasted that anyone with a weak disposition should leave the room.

Skrinik then recited his crimes without any hint of remorse.

He told the court that he enjoyed murdering the three women

and that if he hadn't been caught, he would still be killing.

The three judges of the Supreme Court

found Skrinik guilty of all charges

and sentenced him to death.

In 1981, Alexander Skrinik attended his date with the firing squad.

Copyright WDR 2021

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

In the summer of 1980, Theodosius Glukharev received a series of harrowing deliveries to his home in Kishinev, Soviet Moldova. The contents ultimately unravelled the murders of three women – Nina Puganova, Irina Trasyn & Anastasia Mikhailova...


Narration – Anonymous Host

Research & writing – Holly Boyd

Creative direction – Milly Raso

Production and music – Mike Migas

Music – Andrew D.B. Joslyn

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