AI Hustle: News on Open AI, ChatGPT, Midjourney, NVIDIA, Anthropic, Open Source LLMs: Bridging Human Insight with AI: A Conversation with Toloka AI CEO Olga Megorskaya

Jaeden Schafer & Jamie McCauley Jaeden Schafer & Jamie McCauley 10/6/23 - Episode Page - 24m - PDF Transcript

Welcome to the OpenAI podcast, the podcast that opens up the world of AI in a quick and

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Tune in daily to hear the latest news and breakthroughs in the rapidly evolving world

of artificial intelligence.

If you've been following the podcast for a while, you'll know that over the last six

months I've been working on a stealth AI startup.

Of the hundreds of projects I've covered, this is the one that I believe has the greatest

potential, so today I'm excited to announce AIBOX.

AIBOX is a no-code AI app building platform paired with the App Store for AI that lets

you monetize your AI tools.

The platform lets you build apps by linking together AI models like chatGPT, mid-journey,

and 11Labs.

Eventually, we'll integrate with software like Gmail, Trello, and Salesforce so you

can use AI to automate every function in your organization.

To get notified when we launch and be one of the first to build on the platform, you

can join the waitlist at AIBOX.AI, the link is in the show notes.

We are currently raising a seed round of funding.

If you're an investor that is focused on disruptive tech, I'd love to tell you more

about the platform.

You can reach out to me at jaden at AIBOX.AI, I'll leave that email in the show notes.

Welcome to the AI Chat podcast.

I'm your host, Jayden Shaper.

For today on the podcast, we have the incredible opportunity of being joined with Olga Magorska.

Olga is the founder and CEO of Toloka AI, which is a company at the forefront of driving

AI development through human expertise.

With a background that includes a crucial role in data production at Yandex, she is

an authority in fields like natural language processing, computer vision, but not just a

business leader.

Olga is also an academic contributor.

She's co-authored research papers and speaking at renowned conferences like neural IPS and


Her work has also been featured in Forbes, VentureB, and a lot of other publications.

So thank you so much and welcome to the show today, Olga.



Nice to meet you.

Super happy to have you on the show.

The first thing I want to talk to you a little bit about and ask you is if you could give

everyone a little, like a brief description essentially of what Toloka does and kind of

what motivated you to start this company to begin with.

Yeah, sure.

So in general, we always say that AI and the modern technologies related to artificial

intelligence stay on three key pillars.

These are the models, the algorithms, the hardware, and the data.

And overall, our company is focusing on fixing everything related to the data for AI.

This relates to collecting training data to train AI models, collecting human insights

in order to evaluate the quality of models and monitoring, moderating the outcomes of

the models to make sure that they work in correspondence with ethical and compliance

requirements of particular application.


And I mean, take me back to like when you got this company started.

What was your inspiration?

Were you working somewhere seeing this big need?

What kind of got you started creating this company?

Yeah, actually, if we look maybe 10 years ago, that has always been a great irony of

artificial intelligence, even though it is called artificial intelligence, it is quite

often misviewed that the large part of AI production is actually relies on human insights.

For example, in order to train a self-driving car to drive across the streets, you need

to feed the model behind the self-driving with literally millions of images on every

image, every car, every pedestrian, every tree, every object is labeled and signed carefully

by human.

Or if you train the search algorithm, you would need literally hundreds of thousands

of pairs of users queries and the judgments of whether the found document was relevant

or not in order to train the ranking algorithm to rank more relevant documents higher than

least relevant.

Or if you are talking with a chatbot, how to evaluate whether the answers of the chatbot

are relevant, spelled in the correct way, formulated in a human way, etc., etc., all

these things actually require human efforts.

And that was the problem back like 10 years ago, even 5 years ago, even couple of years

ago, that was one of the biggest bottlenecks in AI production is the part related to human

labeling, because everything else is automated and hence easily scalable, but human operational

part scales much harder.

You need specific skills and specific techniques, specific methodologies in order to manage

human efforts in a scalable way.

And that is what we started with in Taloka, because for the long time we have been solving

the problem of how to scale up human operations, human labeling to make it scalable on a really

large amount of data.

And thus we ended up opening the crowdsourcing platform, where on the one hand every person

can register as a performer, we call our performers Talokers, and on the other hand, every business

or every manager, every AI scientist can register as a requester.

And the requester has posted their tasks for labeling on the platform, Talokers chose

the tasks they are interested in and performed them.

And in between, we invested a lot into quality control and actually creating automated pipelines

out of minor efforts of different people that would come up with reliable outcome of the

data sets.

That was the thing with which Taloka started, so we kind of invented the way how to use

the efforts of millions of independent performers, millions of independent people in order to

result into high quality and large scale training data set for AI.

That's amazing.

Very cool.

I'm curious, talking about using all these people and working on that, what kind of led

you to emphasize the role of human insight in the development of AI and machine learning

technologies is something you focus on?

So what led to that?

So in general, there are two parts.

One is purely, I would say, mechanical.

So in order to create the AI solution, one needed huge amounts of human labeled data

by the way, this is the trend that is changing right now with the development of large language


We see that really substantial part of what you previously could have been done only with

human efforts right now can be effectively done using large language models and we use

it in our production as well.

So this part is right now being optimized much more and Taloka is now developing into

the stage where we are actually pioneering in effective usage of large language models

for labeling data.

But there is a second aspect which I think will not go anywhere and this is more of the

ethical aspect of human judgment which becomes more and more important these days because

we see right now with the raise of generative AI with large language models with such applications

as ChatGPT with the rise of usage of API you can use ChatGPT in many, many different applications

and services.

So that part of AI solutions generation becomes much more democratized but then there is the

last mile which stays and in a way becomes much more important you ought to verify that

actually these AI solutions work correctly that they are unbiased that they perform in

the way you want them to perform.

And what we observe right now from looking at the industry and that's I think very interesting


Previously very few companies really cared about the quality of their AI solutions.

If we are working with multiple different companies across the globe and I would say

only the top most mature technological companies really cared about measuring the quality of

their AI solutions.

But all the others took it like okay it works somehow and that's fine.

Right now we see that this approach is changing.

Right now much more the industry starts to take responsible AI seriously.

The industry starts to hear about the quality much more because in a way right now the models

became such frighteningly convincing they can tell you something and you want to believe


So what the next thing I'm really curious about is how do you ensure the quality of

data labeling when you're using these large language models.

This is really important.

We know that garbage in, garbage out, the quality of the content that you're putting

in is really what makes a huge impact on getting something really quality out.

So how do you really ensure that those are high quality?

Yeah that's a very good question and well on the one hand there are lots of techniques

and actually the majority of Taloka know how and patterns that we have in our products

are related to quality control and in a way it's very interesting because some of the

methods well overall it's a pure mathematics.

When you operate on the scale of large amounts of people who are making large amounts of

effort in order to collect the ultimate data set you can apply a lot of statistical methods

in order to predict the reliability and the expected accuracy of a given person at the

level of his or her expertise.

You can mathematically count how many votes from which experts you need to aggregate in

order to achieve the desired level of quality over the final label.

It's quite interesting that the first approaches to such mathematical approach towards data

labeling were done back in 1979.

There is a model of David and skin that was invented in 1979, it's like 50 years.

In order to aggregate the votes and the judgments of different doctors in medical sphere when

they needed to come to a conclusion about the stage of certain patient.

But then this model received the second birth in AI era and that's quite an interesting


So on the one hand there are there is a lot of mathematics inside which you can apply

in order to achieve high quality of the results.

On the second hand, and this is what we are observing more and more right now, like the

development of AI in general means that algorithms can do more and more work than previously

was done by human.

And this is also valid for data labeling as well.

And that means that humans and human judgments are needed in less amount of cases, but these

cases require much higher level of expertise.

That's why where the whole industry is driving right now and where Telokia as a product is

driving right now is towards expert labeling, which on the one hand combines all the previous

techniques of quality control that we inherit from our previous stage of development of

the product, but on the other hand it also requires working with specific dedicated experts.

And this the speed with which this trend is developing is actually amazing, like half

a year ago we could not expect that right now we would be labeling data sets with the

skills of senior software developers.

Right now, software developers are doing the job of data annotation in order to train

AI algorithms for co-pilots, projects of different programming operators.

And that's the fascinating progress that is happening right now.

And the last part of it is actually, and that's quite interesting to observe.

I mentioned previously that overall industry is right now developing towards the understanding

that quality of AI solution is something that matters.

And at the same time, it's the question of cultural DNA of a company, whether you care,

whether you know and have this instinct to care about quality or not.

And in Telokia we definitely do have this in the DNA because we are trained to measure

the quality of data annotation of data sets of AI solutions from the start.

And right now we apply the same methods and techniques in order to evaluate the quality

of not only the data that labeled to train the models, but also to measure the upcoming

quality of overall AI solution.

Very interesting.

This is obviously like a really useful piece of technology.

This is an incredible company here.

One question that I am curious about, and I'm sure a lot of people have, is when you're

building and scaling this, what has been one of the biggest challenges you've had to overcome

and how did you manage that?

Building this incredible company, it's so complex, there's so many technical aspects.

I'm sure there's been some a lot of difficult problems you've overcome, but talk to me about

some of the biggest ones.

Well, probably every year you would ask me this question and every year I would answer

different answers because we are facing, we're surviving from one challenge to another as

probably any company and any startup.

I would say the last year, maybe a little bit less than one year, of course it is all

about the new technological development and the rise of generative AI and large language

models because on the one hand it requires from us certain technological transformation.

Just because I mentioned the more AI develops, the more job can be done by AI instead of

humans and we know it better than anyone else and we are here running to be ahead of the

curve in order to update our products in accordance to this technological development.

At the same time, it is super interesting to observe because we are kind of in the

eye of the storm right now, everything that is going on in generative AI industry is passing

by us because everybody who is developing certain solution needs data to training the

algorithms to fine-tuning the generic models to their particular use case to do reinforcement

learning with human feedback, the RLHF stage, they need also to monitor the quality to evaluate

the metrics of the quality, etc.

So it is all passing in front of us and it is very interesting to observe the new trends,

the new markets that are expected to raise with the rise of this new technological era.

So right now the biggest challenge is just to be adaptive as the time requires it.

Yeah, I think a lot of firms can relate with people on that, a lot of people are seeing

all this new technology, I mean you have already been in it for a while but a lot of people

are just seeing all these rapid advancements and trying to make sure they are staying on

top of it and staying relevant and adapting to everything that is going on.

Something that I would love to ask you about is would you be able to talk a little bit

about your own personal journey, what led you to work in technology, what led you to

work in AI, like how did you come to a place where you are running this thing right now?

Yeah, my journey actually, let me recall how it started.

Overall, I studied mathematics in the university and then I've been working as an analyst,

building statistical models, predicting different behaviors of, I actually worked in an investment

bank, building some models of whatever probability or default, something like that.

Back then it was called statistics, then it started to be called machine learning, now

it's called AI and etc.

So in a way, just as you mentioned before, on the one hand everything is changing so

fast, on the other hand everything stays on the fundamentals that actually do not change

that much.

So I started there but then at some moment I ended up in machine learning, actually with

the need to fix this problem of lack of training data that was produced by humans and then

I started the journey to actually solve this problem of scalability, of finding enough

data to train and validate the machine learning models and apparently this task is the task

that I am solving throughout all my professional life since then.

Tactics change because different technologies raise and fall but overall the general problem

on the market stays the same because technology is developing but you need to provide tools

and infrastructure to support this development.

Very cool.

So that brings us to today, you've told us a little bit about what you guys are building.

What I would be really curious about is what are some upcoming features or services that

you're excited to roll out in the near future for Toloka?

Yeah, we're actually very excited to be rolling out our new platform which would allow businesses

and engineers to actually deploy their models and then fine tune them with the help of the

data labeling techniques that we have in order to apply them to their certain applications.

So how we foresee the area of our future development, like overall we foresee the world as the world

where there are several really large foundational models that lie in the foundation of large

variety of different GNI applications but then in order to apply the generic technology

to the particular use case you would need some additional efforts to fine tune the generic

model to apply it to your particular use case and then to measure the quality of the solution

and constantly monitor that it works in accordance to your quality requirements and etc.

So we want to make sure that Toloka is a place where you can support all this life cycle of

the GNI solutions with the help of all the layers of our infrastructure that we have.

That's incredible.

That's going to be very exciting.

I'm sure a lot of people are excited for that.

I'm sure you're excited to have that launch and I'm sure that's a huge project.

One question that I'm sure a lot of people are asking or thinking right now or that I would

like to ask you is based off of everything you've learned in your career and working in your space,

what's one piece of advice that you feel like you could give to people or companies that are

looking at implementing AI to do different use cases within their company?

What are some areas they should focus on?

What's a piece of advice that you could give them?

Well, it probably would not be the piece of business advice but rather my wish towards the

industry is to really care about the quality of what you are developing because AI is democratizing

so it becomes easier and easier and easier to come up with some idea and to launch it into

production. The biggest thing that I would hope to see in the development of the industry is

being responsible about caring of what you're actually deploying to the world.

That is some amazing advice and really an incredible thing to wish for the entire

industry. I think building things we're proud of is something that really needs to be focused

on in AI so I really do appreciate that. If people want to get in contact with you or if people

want to find out more about what you guys are building, where can they find that?

All right, well I will leave a link to your website in the show notes but thank you so much

for coming on the podcast today. For the listeners, thanks so much for tuning in to the AI Chat

podcast. Make sure to rate us wherever you listen to your podcasts if you want more phenomenal

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Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Join us for an insightful episode as we engage in a conversation with Olga Megorskaya, the CEO of Toloka AI, about the exciting journey of bridging human insight and artificial intelligence. Discover the innovative approaches and strategies that Toloka AI employs to integrate human expertise with AI capabilities, offering unique solutions to complex problems. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion on the future of AI-human collaboration and its transformative potential across industries.

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