Les Grosses Têtes: BLAGUE - L'histoire drôle du lundi 18 septembre 2023

RTL RTL 9/18/23 - Episode Page - 2m - PDF Transcript

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What is a woman like Caroline who was in love with her for her pregnancy and she had a baby

who came out like this, she doesn't want to go out and she says I don't understand and she's


And then the baby goes to her arm and the father goes like this and the father goes like this

and the father goes like this and the baby goes like this and the baby goes like this.

So the baby goes there, comes out, tied her up and she does this to her dad, why do you think

it's symptoms?

Eric Le Pen was together and stayed with you for the corner time.


You have spoken with 250,000 euros off the cashier, at first I was scared, I said to myself

It's not true. He sold everything. He has nothing left.

This man has nothing left. This man is drunk.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Une femme qui a longtemps fait l'amour s'apprête à accoucher. Mais juste avant de sortir, le bébé a un message pour le père de famille....

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