Les Grosses Têtes: BLAGUE - L'histoire drôle du jeudi 19 octobre 2023

RTL RTL 10/19/23 - Episode Page - 2m - PDF Transcript

In Santa Fe, time seems to slow down.

It's a place where hearts open, passions awaken, and souls find solace.

As you immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of history, culture, and art,

you'll find that the city's hidden depths have the power to rejuvenate and inspire like no other place.

Start your journey and learn more at VisitSantaFe.com

Caroline is us. So she goes to your garden in the dark and all that, the noise amplifies,

and she sees Caroline trying to break the glass of a cow.

I'm going to see what you're doing.

She's busy on the fours.

It's good that she's bringing us home.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Deux blondes bourrées, rentrent en voiture d'une soirée. Mais elles ont un accident... Comment vont-elles rentrer chez elles ?

Tous les jours, retrouvez en podcast une blague racontée par une de vos Grosses Têtes préférées à l'antenne.