Les Grosses Têtes: ARCHIVE - Le trou de mémoire de Steevy Boulay

RTL RTL 9/9/23 - Episode Page - 2m - PDF Transcript


When Carl's Jr. plays with fire

and a big char-brilled Angus burger

with melted pepper jack cheese,

spicy Santa Fe sauce,

and a whole fire-roasted charred Anaheim chili,

you get layer after layer after layer

of the big, bold, smoky, sweet heat

of the new Carl's Jr. Big Char Chili Burger.


For a limited time at participating restaurants.

You have to say that it's true that Robinson Crusoe

had Alzheimer's at the end

and that he didn't know how to call Vendredi.

He called it the other day!

The Big Head offers you a premium chain.

If you are a big head, this premium chain is made for you.

Every day, find the replay of the whole show

and without any cut.

It's also the archives of the show since 1977.

The best funny stories, the cult moments,

but also the unique and exclusive content

produced by the Big Head,

only accessible to the subscribers.

You can find it now for 1,99€ per month

on Apple Podcast.

All the ingredients of the Big Head are there.

shared, humor, humor, culture,

listen to crazy.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Visiblement, Steevy Boulay n'est pas au point concernant l'histoire de Robinson Crusoé...

Tous les samedis et dimanches, retrouvez 3 archives des meilleurs moments des Grosses Têtes de Laurent Ruquier.