Les Grosses Têtes: ARCHIVE - La blague de Philippe Chevallier

RTL RTL 10/4/23 - Episode Page - 2m - PDF Transcript

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The archives of the big stars. The day's joke.

These three brothers who find that they have a too little sex.

So to remedy this inconvenience, they go to the doctor's house together, who tells them to take pills once a day for a month and to come back to see the next month.

So the next month in the doctor's office, so it went well, asks the doctor.

Very well done, the first brother. I did as you said. One pill a day and now I have a good big sex. My girlfriend is at the age.

Perfect. And you, the doctor, by addressing the second brother. Great.

As I wanted a very big one, I took the pills three by three. And now I have one of 35 cm. It's the ecstasy.

Very well, but tell me, I don't see your third brother. He's not here?

Yes, he's one of the brothers, but he wanted a monstrous sex, so he took all the pills from the first day.

Oh, yes, so it doesn't explain to me why he's not here?

Oh, well, it's time for him to be negotiating his turn in the corridor.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

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