Les Grosses Têtes: ARCHIVE - La blague de Jacques Balutin

RTL RTL 9/18/23 - Episode Page - 3m - PDF Transcript

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The archives of the big heads, the day's joke.

The master is doing a mathematical lesson in a primary class.

A hunter has only one cartridge in his carabiner.

In the price, he sees three rabbits.

He shoots a shot and kills one rabbit.

How many rabbits are left?


No, mademoiselle.

Julien, how can you say the rest of the result?

Three minus one, two and not zero.

Yes mademoiselle, but when the hunter shoots his shot,

the other rabbits are gone, right?

They have no reason.

Mathematically, it's still a mistake.

But I like your reasoning very much.

On the next morning, Julien asks the master.

Mademoiselle, can I ask you a question?


At the Marsan de Glace yesterday, I saw three women eating a corn.

The first, the Mordet.

The second, the Suce.

And the third, the Leche.

Which of the three was married?

Well, probably the one who suces.

You're wrong, mademoiselle.

It's the one who wears an alliance.

But I like your reasoning very much.

RTL Matins, the eye of Philippe Cavriviere.

Eric Dupont was arrested for your crime.

Yes, so you talked about 250,000 euros of damages in the court.

At the beginning, I was scared.

I said to myself, damn it, he had his watch on him.

It's not true.

He sold everything, he has nothing left.

This man has nothing left.

This man is in the woods.

The eye of Philippe Cavriviere is every morning at 7.55 on RTL.

This season, Philippe Cavriviere is also at 8.30.

Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

C'est une nouveauté que vous proposent les Grosses Têtes en podcast ! Chaque jour désormais, retrouvez une histoire drôle racontée par un sociétaire de l'époque de Philippe Bouvard. Jacques Balutin, Jacques Mailhot ou encore Pierre Bellemare, retrouvez toutes leurs blagues en podcast !

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