de volksjury: Aflevering 120 - Christina Almah

de volksjury de volksjury 9/21/23 - 1h 7m - PDF Transcript

Welcome to episode 120 of The Volksjuree.

We are Laura and Silke.

Spooky season ASMR.

Would you like to do that if we did an episode like that?

Unfortunately, we don't know what we're doing.

I don't think so. I'm going to admit it.

We're not going to do that for another 30 minutes.


It's just something else before we go to bed.

You know what it is. This is episode 120.

We have to keep finding it ourselves.

We can...

We have to grow.

Yes, indeed.

I think it's a...

Let us know what you thought of it.

And now there are ten reports.



No way.

No way.

How is it?



This is a pre-recording, guys.

We are planning to puzzle it.

The special is coming up.

We have to postpone it for a while.

So, this episode is a two-week pre-release.

So, as we speak, we're at the level of puf and sweat.

Because it's still 30 degrees.

That literally ruined my life.

The last week.

Is that true?

Yes, that was really the only thing I was busy with in my head.

So, which amount or no clothes is still desirable to go to the office?

In September.

In September.

Could those bricks still be outside?

It had to.

It had to.


And for every talk at the coffee shop it was like...

It's hot.

Have you been able to warm up these two-weeks?


So, there.



Further, we have a very nice family party this weekend.

I mean...

Yes, yes, I know.

I'm going with you, baby.

Our management has a lounge of the season party.

It was fun.

It was very fun.

It was very nice to see the fans.

The fans.

To see who we have to meet.

How to eat again.

How to eat.

How to drink.

How to sweat.

It was fun.

Squishy done.

Not won.

No, no, no.

There are others who are going to make a balloon fart.


We are not.


But look.

Too bad.

But look.


Your week.

My week was actually...

I have it here in my document.

I have been in the Romanovs for the past week.

But really.

Same girl.

Spent days.

But I really like it.

So very interesting.

That's going to be our special.

I mean, we already know that.

Yes, this is the next episode.

So part one of the special.

We are making three parts.

That will be three weeks in October.

The last week of October we will take no episode.

And then we are back in November.

But you will get three episodes in October instead of two.

And then you can decide for yourself.



Or listen.

Week by week.


Because until then.

The thing is.

We normally try with the special.

So as for the episode.

Or some of your stories.

But here it's going to be difficult.

Until then Anastasia has not been called for a witness.

We find it late.

But look.

It can still be.

It can still be.

There is still time to send something inside.

And then...

Are you Anastasia?

Let us know.

But that was my week.

After the family party.

And just work.

That's all my free time.

To go to the special.

And yes.

You know me Laura.

I lose myself in the most amazing details.

That I have all written down.

We are making a clear breakdown of what we are going to do in those episodes.

This episode 1.

This episode 11.

Part A, B and C.

And I already start with A.

I do my own thing.

I think okay.

We do.

A short sketch of the time.

Of what happened before.

I go to the documentary.

And it's just a stem that goes back to the prehistory.

Of where the Russians come from.

Not much difference.

No, not much difference.

No, no.

So you are going to get that all on your board.

Whether you want it or not.

Yes, I'm just going to sit there and listen.


And learn a lot.

I have learned some nice things.

I have learned a lot of nice things.

I always forget about time.

That's a problem that we have all the time.

Ines is talking about a car.

I'm like, how are cars?

I thought it was the 17th century.

So, no, that's not it.

But I have a lot of fun.

We take this weekend up.

It was always one day.

We end up in our studio.

We take everything together.

All a chance that it's not going to be that warm anymore.


But I'm going to...


We're going to have a good rest.

I think so too.

Because we're going to take it up with you for the change.


Is that right?

Because I'm a dog.

I'm the dog of my parents.

My parents go on vacation.

He comes to my house.

Does he like it when we take it up?

It's a quiet night.

I could do that.

You can try.


And we can do a walk in between episodes.

Oh, that's good.


That sounds cool.

Then something else for the future.

We're going to the podcast festival in Oostende on November 11th.

And we hope to see you there too.

Because we're going to do a live recording of an episode.

It's not going to be the same as the live shows.

But it's going to be fun anyway.

And it's going to be a bit more than a regular episode.


But we're not going to talk about that yet.

But you want to be there.


You want to be there.

This is such a moment.

Someone told me this weekend.

Oh, you've been to Beyoncé.

Yes, that's a point in history.

I dare to say that the podcast festival is also going to be a small point in history.

A small one.

A tiny one.

Just a small note in the history book of Vlaanderen.

If you haven't hyped up yet, then I don't know anymore.


And in the same stream of fun news, we would like to tell you a lot of fun news.

We're going to keep that for a news letter.

It's coming soon.

Via link in bio on our Instagram page.

You can write that down for our news letter.

I would be there in the near future.

I wouldn't be there too long.

The very near future.

Yes, really.

Do it now.

Just do it now.

People who haven't written the last few years didn't complain about it.


They were happy.

They were very happy.

Do you want to be happy too?

Write it down in the news letter.

You know what you have to do.

Buy a ticket for the podcast festival and write it down for the news letter.

That's it.

That's right.

And then we have a sponsor this week.

That's HelloFresh again.


Téline Ovelle is going further.

And yes, September means new season.

Spooky season.

No, summer.

And yes, that's what they say on the website of HelloFresh in the courts.

And I'm here for it.

I enjoyed the summer.

But Hervis is my favorite season.

And HelloFresh fits in there.

A small advice.

You know that we are fans of HelloFresh.

Is that so?

Yes, that is so.

For the obvious reasons.

We don't have to think about it anymore.

We have to cook.

Our fridge is full.

And we would like to talk about treating yourself.

Also something that we like to do sometimes.

And treating yourself can also be with HelloFresh.

Because they sometimes have premium meals.

A premium meal is a little more cost.

But what do you get in place?

Beautiful dishes.

I've already seen a little fish gratin next week.

What kind of gratin?

Of course, nice.

For the Hervis.

I saw a lot of minyons with a delicious sauce.

I'm not going to lie about that.

But I like eating during the Hervis.

Because it's hard.

But it also has something.


Comforting, yes.

And the sauces and the gratin.

We can taste it.

And that's why I think try it.

Try it for a premium meal.

With HelloFresh.

If you want to try this, you have something like

Ok girls, I'm doing this season with you.

We have a discount code.

It's HelloJury85.

All together in large letters.

And with that, you save up to 85 euros on your first four boxes.

This code is valid for old and new HelloFreshers.

If you have been on your membership one year ago,

you have said it.

I'm going to give you the code.

That's HelloJury85.


Ok, then we have another sponsor this week.

And that is AirUp.

The sector of AirUp.

We have already said it.

We are in it.

We love it.

And as it goes with sectors,

it makes you aware that they make you better as a person.

And we also find that with AirUp.

Because it was made with plastic bottles.

Silke has made a glass of cola with bottles of Fanta.

It's all no longer needed.

Because we have our AirUp and our flavors.

No waste.

Enjoy it.

Just fill up some water,

put it on top and go.

That's very good for the environment.

For those who haven't seen that yet.

You have less waste.

You have to throw away less waste.

There is less waste on the right.

It's just the water that comes out of the skull.

What you need.

Put it on.



But you don't have any more eyes.

There is a lot of waste.

Even though you are drinking from your AirUp.

So we can only encourage you.

Live the environment.

Willow is the environment.

And that's why we love AirUp.

There are only reasons to keep up with it.


Welcome to our sector.


Exit 120.

Can you believe it?

I think it's even more impulsive than 100.


I don't know.

It's 120.


What do you have at 150?

That's something special.

That's also a small egg in the history.

That's also a small footnote.

You chose it.

I chose it.

We had to sit in the car a lot last time.

For evening meetings.

A lot of people were there.

And then we listened to all the two podcasts.

You tell us sometimes that you're just starting to get bored with the podcast.

I heard two or three times about the episode.

You'd think people would be like, what the fuck?

Do it normally.

But I understand it.

Because I do it myself.

We're big fans of My Favorite Murder.

And I have to post it every week.

But not enough to forget my old one.

So we went back in time.

And I came up with an episode.

And I completely forgot this story.

I heard it.

And I thought, for spooky season, this is a good one.



Further, I also want to say that when I was done with my preparation.

And I was able to fluidize it.

I sometimes became uncomfortable.

It's pretty explicit.

You can't really see blood.

And the thought of it.

A lot of blood.

They're small.

Trigger warning.

Trigger warning.

All right.

We're now going to Florida.

In the United States.

And it's November 22, 1985.

Half of the morning.

And Thomas Harper.

He's in there.

I picture my big pickup truck.

He's in there.

Driving home.

He went to the Bricol.

The local gama.

Yes, the local gama.


He's working on a project at home.

He's renovating a bit.

We're going to do a shopping there.

He's driving towards his house.

I'm sorry.

I can see that he's just started there.

And that's what he's talking about.

And he's like, fuck.

I have another screw.

Three nails lost or something.

Something like that.

Something like that for me.

And then he's like, I think you have to start.

And then he's like, fuck.

I break this.

So Thomas is in his pickup truck.

He just went to the store.

He's like, okay, let's do this fucking project.

And he's driving home.

And on the side of the road.

He sees something remarkable.

He's in the distance.

A young woman is standing there.

She's naked.

The only thing she's got around her is her small towel.

It's about her shoulders.

A little to the middle.

But the rest is completely naked.

Her feet are tied together.

Her wrist too.

And Thomas thinks, what the actual fuck?

He looks at the girl straight in the eyes.

And at first he thinks, is this a joke?

Is this a spell?

Is this a camera?

It's also November, right?


Spooky season.

Spooky season.

But at the moment that she looks at her in the eyes,

she sees pure fear in the eyes of the girl.

She's trying to hide something.

She can't read what she meant.

She's driving further in the distance.

But in a second she's like, no, sorry.

This is serious.

She's breaking everything.

She's driving behind her.

She's taking her window down.

She's talking to her.

She's like, okay, are you kidding me?

Are you kidding me?

The girl can answer anything.

She asks, do you need help?

Can I help you?

Then she can answer and say, yes, I need help.

I've been kidnapped.

I've been stuck all night.

I came out of a window.

I got away.

Help me.

Thomas doesn't doubt.

He opens the door to the door of his pickup truck.

Later he sits there, starts driving.

And after a few seconds,

she almost screams at the girl with the last power she has.

Remember this house.

She crosses a house in a normal neighborhood.

She goes to this house, because that's where we are.

Because that's the address.

This is the house where I was kidnapped.

Jesus, I've already been kidnapped.

He drives me towards the house.

He lives close by.

He also has something like, what the fuck, this is a neighborhood where I drive every day.

On the way, he says, you're not going to do anything with me.

He sees that she traumatizes him.

She has clearly done a lot of things with him.

So he says, no, I'm not going to do anything with you.

I'm going to take you home with me.

I'm going to take you inside.

My wife is going to take care of you.

No stress.

He parks.

He says to her, stay in the car.

Yes, that girl can't do anything else.

She's always tied up with her poles and her ankles.

She has to have been there for the longest time in her life.

Because for the same money, Thomas is also a predator, a bad person.

But a few minutes later, he comes out of his house with his wife behind him.

His wife looks inside the car, sees the girl and says, what the fuck, honey, we're going to take care of you.

They take her inside.

She is extremely weak.

She can speak English, she is very pale.

She looks super tired.

They try to give her a bit of fruit juice, because they can always see that she really has everything.

The only thing that Thomas and his wife can do is to call for help.

They come and take the girl with them to the hospital.

Yes, and in the meantime, Inspector Bob Lethrow is being put on the case.

He goes to the hospital to ask the young woman.

And she apparently calls Christina Alma.

And Bob just asks Christina, tell me what's going on here.

Christina starts telling.

She says, look, it's 19, she lives in California, in Westminster.

And we are in Florida, so that's...

Best of the best.

Best of each other.

And in California, she has the 22-year-old Carl von Bain.

I'm learning a good name, I think.

Also good.

So his name is Carl von Bain and his name is Van.

Yes, of course.

Of course.

What does he do?

Yes, for sure.

So from now on it's Van.


The two of them immediately feel a click.

And Carl also looks like a sort of 80s bad boy.

And Christina falls completely into the swim for him.

But only problem, Carl is not from California, but from Florida.

So before he can start his romance well and well, Van is back home.

Now via telephone, that's how it was in that time.

They kept in touch with each other.

The internet was not yet up.

No, absolutely not.

And Christina also works.

She has a job.

And she actually tries to save money.

She has something like,

if I can save enough money and he needs it,

then I can book a flight ticket and we can see each other again.

And that also happens effectively.

She still calls and she drops the not-so-subtle hint of

hey, I do have enough money for a flight ticket.

And I would like to go on vacation.

Yes, and Van really liked it.

And Christina is also excited,

because it would be the first time that she would travel alone.

She is booking a flight from Los Angeles to Orlando International Airport.

From Pic-Tardar up to so far the bad boy vibes.

Sorry, that's the story of the Lucifer.

That's cute.

And they actually go to where Van lives.

And that's with his mom in a caravan.

So just in his trailer park.

The only problem is that Van also works.

So Christina often lives alone at home with her mom.

So they start to feel something,

the excitement is gone.

And they decide the day before they go home

to go to Melbourne in Florida.

So not Australia, but Melbourne.

Not Melbourne.

No, not Melbourne.

Australia doesn't like us.

So Melbourne, Florida.

But I can still say Australia.

And that's a few kilometers from where they live with Van.

They actually want to say hello to the friends

who they know in between.

And Van is still working on his work.

So she thinks, I'm just going to go there.

And she actually starts to walk.

It's one o'clock in the afternoon.

It's November 21st, 1985.

And while they start to walk there,

it starts to rain.

They stop by a shop to get some cigarettes.

And suddenly a car stops there.

They see that there is a very nice man in those cars.

He had sunglasses on.

He had a blonde hair, thin hair,

but actually fine with a man.

I have a very nice story about him somewhere.

Wait, I wrote it down in English.

And then I wrote it down in Dutch.

I was looking for a good translation for...

Sorry guys, sorry for everyone who has to listen to this.

Okay, so in English they say,

Most women would found him easy to the eyes.

And I was thinking, how would you say that in Dutch?

And I suggested that men...

That's easy to see.

And I decided to start talking about men.

Harry Styles, easy to see.

Okay, let's go further.

Sorry, I thought that was a nice explanation.

And he comes very friendly.

He rolls a window down there.

Because we also did that.

And he says, look, can I give you a lift?

And Christina gives it to Melburn,

to visit some friends.

And the man says, look, I have to go that way.

The only thing I still have to do is get a letter from my house for my work.

But I pass by there and then we are back on the road.

Yes, she steps in.

She has some doubts first.

She thinks, yes, I have to step in the car with this man.

But she thinks, come on, it's raining here.

It's my last day.

I'm going to go ahead.

She steps in the car with the man.

And as promised, he drives towards his apartment.

He drives a very quiet apartment inside.

All beautiful, only standing apartments with large operating rooms.

And he drives such a house.

It also has four white cells.

It's really a colonial house.

Yes, they describe it as a colonial house.

So a house, two garage doors and a carport.

Diki Norden says that.

And he actually drives the apartment up there.

And he says, I'm going to get the letter.

But do not want to come inside for a moment to drink something.

And she says, no, I'm good.

I just want to go to my friend in Melbourne to get the letter.

So she stays there.

And a minute later, she comes out laughing.

And as shamelessly as she says to her, yes, the letter is not inside.

So I'm going to look in the back of the car.

Maybe I left it there somewhere.

So the car is a few doors behind her.

Open, she hears some rumble.

And suddenly she feels that she is moving forward.

When she is touched, she feels something around her neck.

And she is purred.

Yes, she doesn't know what's going on at that moment.

And she does see a bush insect spray lying there.

And she wants to use it to spy on that man's eyes.

And she says, don't do it or I'll kill you.

Yes, she is purred.

She loses consciousness.

Everything gets black.

When she opens her eyes, she is no longer in the car.

But she lies on a kitchen tablet.

She feels that her head is tied up on top of her head.

With a sturdy nylon wire.

And that her legs are spread.

But also tied up.

So she actually lies in such a criss-crossed, but with spread legs.


She smells a very unpleasant smell.

She can't really move it.

She tries to get an overview of the room.

And she sees a red light flickering in her eye corner.

And when she looks, she realizes that it is a video camera that is on.

She feels that the man, maybe she was in the car later,

was standing above her.

He is naked.

He wants to be naked.

And he talks to her.

And he says, do you want me to put your t-shirt on?

And she says, no.

But he does that anyway.

And then he asks, will I break your pants?

No, it's not what she wants.

But he goes on.

And then he crawls on her and forces her on that kitchen tablet.

At that moment, Christina must have already started the hell.

She goes under.

She thinks, I can't go anywhere now.

Who knows, she's done it later.

And I can leave here.

But after that, the man is ready.

He doesn't stop.

And suddenly she feels his cold hands on her right arm.

Yes, her eyes are also covered with tape.

So she can look under the tape.

She can see a few things, but she can't see everything.

She feels her arms on her right arm.

And suddenly she feels a sharp pain in her right arm.

A pinch, as if she's at the doctor.

And a few minutes later, she feels the same way to her left arm.

She doesn't see anything, but she feels that everything is happening to her arms.

And suddenly she hears a silent sound.

She describes it herself, as if it's a baby who gets breastfeeding.

So with her last hope, she asks, what the fuck?

What the fuck were you doing?

And the man answers, I'm drinking your blood.

I'm a vampire.

And at the moment, Christina is talking to Inspector Bob.

She thinks, what the fuck is this?

And it's just so bizarre.

So she has something like, is she hallucinating?

But the fact is, of course, that all the chains and where she was tied up

were all still drawn to each other.

So she also understands that something is legit here.

And she starts to tell more about Bob.

And she says, yes, I lost the consciousness after he told me that he was a vampire.

And they wake up again, they're tied up again,

and he actually takes the bathroom with him.

And there he says, look, you're going to stay here, you're going to be quiet.

My brother is here, Paul.

And if he hears it, he's going to kill you.

So yes.

She realizes, I have to stay here in that room.


Now the man goes away, but he comes back relatively quickly.

He comes back again, and he gets another two times.

And again, he drinks blood.

And then he leaves the bathroom again.

And where else is he for his brother, Paul?

Now, Christina thinks, yes, I have to get out of here in some way,

but keep in mind that his legs are tied up,

his hands are tied up, he has that tape on his eyes.

But she still tries to pull that tape out of his eyes.

She inspects the bathroom.

I want to talk a little bit about that bathroom.

So what does she see in that bathroom?

There's a shower curtain,

colors with all kinds of...

...papagani on it.

And then she's on the side of the bathroom playing goods.

She sees gloves with clowns on.

She sees tape, designated for children,

and she realizes, oh my god,

here lives a family, here lives children in this house,

where I'm locked up now.


Now she wants to go through the bathroom door first,

but she realizes, OK, the chance is real

that there is another man, Paul,

who has chosen me to kill me.

She looks around and then she sees above her

a pretty small window.

But that's two and a half meters above the floor.

But she also thinks, I'm just small enough

to get through there.

So she starts to think about a plan.

She sees that there are two locks on that window,

on both sides.

And she takes a towel,

and she actually tries to pull herself

on one of the locks.

And very slowly she begins to move into that window.

And actually Christina had a lot of luck.

They will find out later,

because apparently one of those locks was broken.

Because she wouldn't have been beaten

if all the two of them would still be working.

Because her hand was swollen,

and they would never have had enough of each other

to open both of them.

At the same time.

I suspect that it's such a frame

that you have to be able to open the second one

to be able to open it.

So she manages to get one of those two open.

And she can also hit it with her feet,

to keep the window open further.

And the child is crawling on one of the miraculous ways.

The life force that you have to have.

There is someone who has been hit by blood twice.

She has also been forced several times.

So she hits it to get through there,

to jump out of there.

She really falls a few meters down on the grass.

And then, yes, she handles her feet

and hands with small springs as far as possible.

And then she comes to the road.

And there comes a car passing by.

There comes the first car passing by.

And she thinks,

fuck, that's the man who brought me here.

I don't understand.

I don't understand the fear.

You are not far from where you just came from.

You have been from where you just came from.

And the car comes closer.

But she thinks, yes, this is my only chance.

The car comes closer,

and there are two women sitting there.

But the car passes.

The women look at her,

but they think, no, we're not going to do that.

And I'm not happy with that either.

No, I understand every party.


You see something strange.

And you don't know how in such a strange situation

something like this reacts for the same reason.

The money,

those women are both very anxious.

They think it's a training maneuver

and we're going to be dragged here

by someone else.

You get ambushed.

I think,

of course,

behind the scenes,

when you put the woman and read the newspaper,

she really has to die.

You don't know.

But you don't know.

You don't know.

And then there's a car again.

And this car also passes in the first instance.

And Christina says,

yes, I'm never going to be saved from her life.

But it turns out that Thomas is,

as Laura earlier said,

back to the back of the car and to her car.


Inspector Bob,

who talks to the doctor

who helped her in the first instance.

He says,


she has wounds on her feet.

She has wounds on her wrists,

on her ankles,

on her legs,

on her belly.

She also has wounds

that coincide with her strength.

And she also lost 40 percent of her blood.

So it's so miraculous

that she could do this.

40 percent of her blood.

They also find,


I just want to say,

on her arms,

she bites into,

well, in the hallway.

How does that actually work?





They find the points

that they have found.


so that's actually about it

with her story.

So Bob,

under question,


about her story,

and he asks,


what are we going to do?

We're going to take legal steps.

And in the first instance,

Christina doesn't want to serve in jail.

After the report,

that's logical.

You have enormous fear.

There is no way

to overcome everything.

So you have to confront

even more with that.

It has to be something amazing.

But there will be an advocate

for her.

Audrey McGregian.

McGregian, yes.

And she is actually a specialized advocate


in contact with sexual violence.

There was also just a reading

about it

at the middle school.

When she

got that offer,


this girl is here on the spot.

What are we going to do?

Can you come help her?

And Audrey is actually

talking about Christina

as a Christian of thought.

Christina tells me

in the first instance,

I have a lot of fear

to serve in jail.

If that happens

in court,

I have to tell

in a full court

what happened to me.

I have to get that man

out of there.

I can't do that.

I mean,

he just made

the hell out of me

for 24 hours

or longer.

I can't see that.

But Audrey

has been convinced

by her

to see

that if she doesn't

serve in jail now,

then this investigation

will be stopped.

And then that man

can do the same

with other women.

Then stop

his path here.

And that

has convinced Christina

to serve in jail.


And we also know


Christina also

knew which house it was.

She's a true,

true crime girl.


The fact that

the first

with the last power

she has

is what

you say

about that house.


you have something

that I want

to get out as soon as possible

but to

still be able to say

to someone

who knows the surroundings.


you never find that


She's from


so she never

found the way back.


So they come

after that

the house

belongs to

a married young couple


and Karen



on 23 November,


one day later,

the police

come in

and they see


it's a very

normal house

where they

could also


where they could

walk around

with nothing on their hands.


maybe it was

very clear

that this is

a very well-built house.

These are

people with

two garage doors.

These are people

with money.

It's also a swimming pool.

A Jacuzzi.

These are

rich people.

They were rich

in Florida in 1985.


And the police

are a vampire

at work.


John Crutchley

is at home

and he

is put on the table.



actually says

in the middle

that he

knows why

the police are there.


the girl

all wants it.




he's woken up


he wants to

do something




I did

my IV

the next day

I left

to my work


8 o'clock in the morning.

I had a meeting

so I just

put the girl

in the bathroom

as she does.



an American psycho vibe.




rape and


But I

have a meeting now.




also says


in love.



I didn't pick up

the girl

and she says

I'm a very lazy girl


I want sex with you.

That was

the first


with him.


he had the meeting

I came home

for lunch

to check

how it

was going

and she was



when I

came back

she said

I was

completely freaked.



removed the



just threw

it away somewhere.



while the

police inspectors

are listening to his story,


look around

in the house



of course

in her


of the house

how the


looked like.


she could

take care of


being blind.









this is the right person.

This is

not fiction.

This is







from room to




from house

to house.











in the house.






Hair curls indeed.


also find some marihuana


a lot of different

ID cards.



also find

a big bag






of women.



also see

a castle












start to realize


something is

happening here.



they also




killer clown




is true




is true



sexual violence,



for kidnapping,

for marihuana,


the least

serious fact.

Was that

the only problem?






in prison.


A little

short notice.


this question

actually happens

all night,

the 23rd


after four


he wants to


people who

break up

in the


namely the

wife of John


his child.

And he says

that they were



to family.



alone at home.



my wife.






the inspectors

could hear.


could hear


got out of hand.


I got it on camera.







thought that you

got away with it.



calling your wife

to say

that the

patient should


take it

from the






his wife

to say

that he




John Crutchley


leads the American


We've said it

three times,

but he has

a beautiful


a healthy son,

a beautiful


a big complex

with a



covered swimming pool.

I would have liked to

have had

in these



easy to








Her full name




and she

wants to

be named



reserve that

for Justin


so I'm just

going to

go further

with John.





in a

middle class


so she


on a free




is 13.

She is

actually brought

to the hospital



of an









in her vagina.

No one







We are

talking about

what we

know now.

I have

a lot of questions.


have a lot of questions.



John is born,

his mother

really wants

him to

have a



on his Wikipedia


I just



So I

don't know

if it's true.




for the first

six years




for the first six years


then you

can be

a young boy.


fucks up his











































I've got a few more things to say about that.

So, on the outside, it seems like the family is really picture-perfect.

Yes, they go on vacations together, to Disneyland.

Everything seems to be in order on the outside.

But besides the fact that his mother has been abusive for the first five years,

in the fact that she's allowed to dress up as a girl,

she's also physically sensitive to it.

When she goes out or sunbathing, you always get a cold.

And his father never tried to get a band with him.

So he missed that affection in his young years.

He never really felt a connection with anyone.

And also, what seems to be in school,

I'm 168 years old,

and he's on the same list as Einstein, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking.


Which of these four men is not a vampire?

Now, and it also seems to be in school,

he could just get ten out of ten,

but that boy was so bored that he really had to go to the vet.

So he probably thought too little.

So everyone is like, oh, physically, he got a diploma, that's more like it.

And it's also there, when he gets his engineering degree,

that he also learns math in September 1967.

And they don't really like each other at all.

Okay, what a surprise.

And also at work, he says, in his young age, he always had no friends.

But also at work, he learned to know people.

But then there was always a conflict or something,

where people always had something like, weird snout.

It was always awkward, weird snout.

A little bit, yes, it was awkward, uncomfortable.

And Maude will later explain to a man,

that he had certain sexual impulses that were explosive and unexpected.

Tears fall off someone, and then it's weird, indeed, apart.

And then they split, eventually.

And not many later in 1972, John will live together with a certain Lisa Baker.

And despite the fact that this relationship also works,

he is actually the first person himself

with whom he really feels an emotional connection.

What he apparently did was play a lot of UNOs.

You make me worry about my friendships, because I really like to play UNOs.

Yes, so...

But it's romantic, because they go together, but they do stay connected.

They stay friends on a certain height.

Yes. And then after Lisa, there are also a certain number of obligations.

Who you did, do we say this?

No, okay.

Yes, let's say that we're busy.

So one of those obligations is into vampirism.

So it's through one of...

It's also a thing, right?

Yes, at that time.

You're about to sit there with the Stenic Panic, I think.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

So he introduces him in how he has to cover up blood for someone,

what things he has to use to do that.

And he introduces him in the spiritual aspect of it.

And he is immediately drawn to it.

He even looks very sexual.

So John is drawn to vampirism.

He is a vampire.

Yes, and then in 1980,

he ended up with the woman you talked to on the phone.

That's Karen White-Lully.

But also here, he doesn't like her.

But still, yes, that's probably because...

He does have a child.

He does have a child, Jason.

And I think that's because you want to have the perfect picture.

I think he's...

He's not stupid, he's highly intelligent.

And I think he does know which picture he has to fill.


He's like, I have to fill this in.

I have the capacity to see a big house, a beautiful house.

I have to fill this in.

Yes, yes, but I think that's also true.

Now you know that he's an engineer, he has his diploma.

He also works as an engineer at various companies,

spread over all the United States.

And in 1983 he moved to Malibar, Florida,

where Christina was responsible.

And at some point he worked for the NASA.

So that's a cool job, if that's the case.

And he also gets top-secret security clearance at Pentagon.

So he really has access to secret documents and stuff.

Yes, it's clear that he had a lot of classified information

that was possible for him.

And then I think, what else could he have done?

That's very scary.

But that's how it all starts for him, his suburban life,

how he started his bioz.

So he was just a happy man who was successful

at the Guy Next Door, if that's the case.

I have a short summary there,

because of course, the newspaper is printed every day,

the day after the arrest.

The residential area where John lives,

he wakes up with all his stuff on his door mat.

As I see it, I don't know why that's so effective.

The SunSanisl newspaper from 24 November,

with a big picture on the previous page,

Rape Victim, tells police attacker, drank her blood.

Those neighbors really have something like, what the fuck?

Everyone is convinced that this is happening.

This guy is super calm, he's not even broken in.

Everyone is living his life.

That would never happen.

No, indeed.

I have one quote from a neighbor

who's also in the newspaper, the day after the arrest.

I was going to read it in English.

He said, I didn't see it coming either.

A weird note.

We know the facts and we found them on 23 November.

And on December 2nd, John is released.

Yes, he's released.

We don't know the system in Belgium, but in America it is.

There's a price on what it has to cost

to be in charge of your process at home.

The price will be based on your criminal record,

on who you are,

whether you're going on a flight.

And what facts are there?

I think they've taken a lot of account with the facts,

but they've taken a lot of account.

It's the first criminal case.

At the moment, he doesn't have a criminal record.

He has a family, he has a big job.

So, for 50,000 dollars, he can buy his castle free.

No problem for him. He can do that.

So, John, who lives on December 2nd,

can go on a flight to the police station outside.

Yes, amazing.

It's then December 10th.

We're eight days away.

December... We're eight days away.

And a second home search is being done.

Bob, our inspector, had already asked for a second home search.

Because Bob was already on fire.

John could have been responsible for more facts.

The thing is, you heard this and you think,

that this can't be the first time.

There are so many risks.

You've taken someone with you on a clear day.

Your wife can come home at any moment,

to prove that she's from the family.

You live in a neighborhood where so many people live at home.

Everyone knows you.

Bob feels at his heart and at his head.

He's behind it.

Yes, so that's why he asked for a second home search.

But that's removed in the first instance.

The truth.

But still, on December 10th,

can you still...


September 10th, but this is all about this.

So the police is still there.

And everything is gone.

What did we expect, of course?

But everything is gone.

I think it's amazing, because they have...

At the first home search,, they take him with them.

They had a home search order.

Why didn't they put everything in bags?

No, they did. That's the first home search.

They took a lot of photos.

They said, here's a bag full of women's medals

that we can't bring home.

We take a photo of it.

Take it with you.

But there was probably something in that home search order

that didn't allow it.

I wonder.

A girl with only 60% of her blood on the spout

isn't enough for a wide range of home searches.

And John would later have explained to one or the other

guards in the prison that they had a chance to check.

So they already felt that he had done something wrong.

Now, for the rest of the case, in June 1986,

John says that he is guilty of defamation and rape.

But because of that,

they have to...

The complaint that the blood has been tapped

and for the pressure to fall.

He took a plea deal.

He just said, I'm going to blame you

if you let these charges fall.

He also complains that he didn't really drink the blood.

No, that's not true.

No, I did that.

He tapped 40%.

But he says why.

He says why.

Because the blood had already become too thick.

So he does have the intention to drink the blood.

But yes, it was already...

I'm certainly a vampire, but not practical.


We have to see something.

And in this case, Karen, the woman, doesn't come to the court.

But she does talk to reporters.


Way to do, too.

I'm not going to say anything in the court, but outside the phone.

Certainly, she knows what she's doing.

And she says, look, I don't think John is guilty.

He's just a kinky sort of guy.

And she also says it was just a gentle rape

devoid of any overt brutality.

If I ever see the combination of gentle and rape again,

then I'm going to be shocked.

How can you be married to someone like that?

I mean, why isn't your divorce yet?

Why haven't the divorce papers been sent yet?

That's one thing.

You're not going to testify in the court,

even though you can tell everything about these people.

That's clear.

You're going to say that to the reporters,

and then you'll have a little bit of victim blaming.

There you go.

Now, of course, he's guilty.

And he's been sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Now, there is also a FBI profiler in contact with Robert Resler.

And he also says, I'm convinced that John certainly has people for murder.


Wait, no, I'm sorry, he says...

Sorry, I wanted to say something else, but that's for later.

And he has a reason for that.

Because he says that the last few years

there have been several female victims found dead.

But there is no evidence that we can link them to John.

And we're going to talk about women who disappeared

or were murdered in Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, Washington, D.C.

and Florida.

And then we found a list of victims.

They might have been victims of John's murder.

We're going to go through the list.

It's a bit of everything.

As you can see, there are people who want to link them to the location

because at that moment it was on that location.

There are people who can link them because at home

they didn't find the map anymore,

but they do have photos of a lot of female identity cards.

No, the identity card is not female, it's the identity card of women.

I don't know what to say.

A female identity card or a male identity card.

Before that, our identity cards were female pimps,

like roses and glitter.

I'd buy that.

So they effectively have the identity card, the photos of women there

and the jubiles we're talking about.

Let's dive in.

The first victim that they think they can link to John is Kathleen Beatty.

She's 15 years old.

She was arrested on July 24, 1975 in the woods, in Maryland.

John is in Maryland at the moment.

They were found out outside.

They were taken to the hospital, but they died there one year later.

One month later, without telling what was going on.

That's what happened.

They died at her funeral.

There are two more sisters,

the ten-year-old Catherine Mary Lyon

and the twelve-year-old Sheila Mary Lyon.

They disappear when they go to the shopping center in Maryland,

on March 25, 1975.

They're sick, the True Vibes.

At the moment that John is being judged,

they think that John has something to do with it.

But in September, 2017,

is there a man who is guilty

for the execution and murder of the two sisters?

And they get it for 48 years.

But the murder on Katie remains unresolved.


Then one where I now think,

how the fuck have you never stopped John here?

It's about the 25-year-old Deborah Fitz-John.

On January 28, 1978, she disappeared.

And how did John get linked here?

He was her boyfriend.

He also saw the last person who was alive.

He said, yes, indeed, I was there with her that night.

We watched a movie together.

But I fell asleep and when I woke up, she suddenly disappeared.

At the house search in 1985,

there is a business card in John's portfolio

of the person who found the case

of Deborah's disappearance in his portfolio.

Is it a kind of memorabilia that he would like to keep?

We can be pretty sure of that.

We know how violent he was sexually.

He never found it.

But I don't think he can be sure of John.

I think so, yes.

Then the 29-year-old Petty Lou Volenski.

He was last seen by a roommate

between 5.30 and 6.30 on March 15, 1985.

Petty also decided to go to Florida for a lift.

And since then, she's never seen him again.

Now, John is also suspicious of the case

because at home, the identity card of Petty has also been discovered.

Was there a good reason for that, Silke?

He said, I picked him up indeed.

I'm also the last person who saw him again.


Six months before his arrest in 1985.

He said, I picked him up,

but he had really strange ideas,

so I put him back out of my car.

The next day, very coincidentally,

I found an identity card, an idea in my car.

And yes, I just kept it with me.

So that's his explanation, and Petty's body was never found.

So you just kept the identity card with you.

You heard that the girl was missing and you didn't think you'd have to go to the police.

Because you're the fucking murderer!

Sorry. We'll go on.

There were still various women who found the identity card.

One of them is Nancy K. Brown. She's 25 years old.

She disappeared when she was on vacation in Florida in 1983.

Her body was found in Canaveral Grove.

They can still make out that she died of a bump in the back of her head.

But they could never find out who her murderer was.

But her identity card was with John.

Yes. And then in 1984,

there were people sitting on a boat that suddenly saw a body.

Sorry, I thought you were...

No, no, I was completely passionate about looking at it.

So they saw a body of a woman, so a body in the water.

And that body was identified as a 16-year-old Cheryl N. Windsor,

who was missing when she was given up on April 7, 1984.

And her identity card was also found with John,

as well as the identity card of the 20-year-old Dianne Lee Casey,

of which her remains were found in 1984.

Yes. And we're not there yet.

We're not there yet, guys. Buckle up.

On January 30, 1985, 23 bodies were found.

They can be split into two women in Florida.

And a part of the skeleton that they find

is linked to Kimberly Ann Walker, 21,

who is from Florida.

The other woman they can't identify with,

although they know that it's a woman who wasn't killed.

From Walker, they know that in June, 1984,

when they saw a light-colored car in a small auto shop,

they can assume that John is currently a beige Nissan.

Yes, that's right. That's right.

Then in 1985, the combined body of the 40-year-old Lynn Kaye Dysent

was also found in Hernds and in Gracht, next to the road, in Florida.

She was also last seen while she was in love.

Her identification card was also found in John's possession.

Yes. And then you'd think,

John does this in his free time vampire,

but he goes further than that,

because in the time that John was working at...

Wait a minute.

Norfolk Naval Air Station

was killed by two women on that basis.

That's Pamela Ann Kimbrough and Carol Ann Mollner.

Pamela is 23 years old. She passed away in 1982

on the basis, and she was later found back in the water,

where her body was also driven.

They can assume that she was missing.

Her arms were tied together.

We can see a modus operandi coming back.

Carol passed away in 1983.

She was found back three months later.

Her body was buried under stones,

and they can also assume that she was buried to death.

So, two women working at the same time to bring her life back?

Not normal, the guest.

And then we're in 2010,

and then the police gives a photo of a divorce reconstruction

that they made on the basis of an unidentified woman

who is known as the Bravered County Dough.

Her remains were found by two hunters.

She was also found in Florida in 1985,

not far from John's house.

For those who lost the case,

we're talking about 14 victims, apart from Christina.

Yes, but they can't be officially linked to him,

so she has never been a part of that.

We know that she was a part of a prison sentence for 25 years,

but our FBI profiler,

he actually thought that she wouldn't be in prison for long.

He thought that she would be in prison for 12 years, and that's it.

And he's getting the same,

but it's already after 10 years that John comes back, in 1996,

for good cause, of course.

And he comes to a sort of half-way house.

He also gets guided there.

But not a day later, he's being arrested again

because he's had his premonition,

because the man would have smoked marijuana.

But he knows, he says,

no, other people have bled in my face.

I don't have anything to do with it.

He also says, I was nervous.

He also changes his explanation.

He says, yes, I was nervous for my release.

So I probably smoked marijuana.

And yes, it's like this.

In America, the Three Strikes Law,

and this is actually already the third premonition,

because he's been in the possession of drugs again.

He already has someone kidnapped, someone raped.

So that man flies into prison for the rest of his life.

Don't you think this was done precisely

because they knew that it was going to be released?

Because he's been released,

and the day of his release, he's been tested on marijuana.

So there must be some communication somewhere.

There was a smoke in marijuana yesterday,

if you want to arrest him longer,

then you have to test him now.

Interesting, that was a good idea.

I just want to...

I can't rap my head there.

I know that's not a decisive evidence,

but if someone has a bag full of identity cards...

Hmm, that's enough.

How so?

It's not about murder, it's about how Costina survived.

Do you understand what he did for the bet?

Someone kidnapped and raped him,

but we're here with 15 victims in total.

14 dead.

And who knows who put him under a rock

so that he doesn't find him again.

And the victims found out

that he didn't do anything,

but that he killed a certain number of victims.

But we can still say that he doesn't have any identity cards.

There's a reason why he has them.

Yes, but he threw them all away,

and they can't prove it, of course.

So he's in prison, and he's put in isolation.

Yes, and he's put in isolation.

He's put in isolation because he's a fucking degutant fan.

But also because they discovered that he has 13 victims in his genitalia.

And that's not allowed.

So he had to be put in isolation.

How do you get... You're allowed to be really big.

But how do you get... I don't want to send photos anymore.

13 different victims in one sentence.


Can you imagine something?


I got 13 victims.

On the whole.

Yes, yes. Balls and everything.

Yes, yes, yes, I'm here, I'm here.

Yes, yes.

You have to do your best.

Yes, and also how do you do that in prison?

When it happens.

On the genitalia.

I mean...

The best news of the evening, March 30th, 2002,

John died in prison.

It's a very special way, of course,

where he dies because he's wearing a plastic bag over his head.

See, people have a sexual pleasure and a bag over their head.

He went too far and got stuck.

Actually, it was to get a rousal out of there.

It's good.

It's good.

John, it's good.


We're going to keep it here, John.

Very bizarre story.

And I'm also going to dive deep into vampirism.


I think it's very interesting.


For me, there's nothing so gross when you cut your finger

and you walk to the palm of your hand to put the plastic bag over your head.

And what does that mean?

Because you don't want it to...

It's gross.

That man is sucking on tube blood.

But you can't be proud of that.

But also...

Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Before that, you really have to wait for a long time.

Would you have looked through your true blood?

Yes, sure.

Millennial chicks.

Look at the tip of the week.

And you've already looked through it.

That wasn't so good.

No, I can't tell you.

But he had blood bottles in the fridge.

That was correct.

Very good.

This might be a good tip.

True blood.

Yes, perfect.

Yes, that's it.

So you already know that. We'll post this later.

But that's a good tip.

Yes, absolutely.

Okay, that was it for now.

Welcome to spooky season.

And soon after 1800 and so much.

But for me, a slightly deeper dive into prehistory.

400 BC.

We're about to start.

That's a bit too romantic.

It's a bit of a joke.


Don't be a vampire if your partner doesn't want to.

Don't do it.

But if you don't do it, what you have to do

is buy a ticket for the podcast festival

and sign up for the new letter.

That's the two things you have to do this month.

What month are we doing this month?


Well done.



Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

Malabar, Florida. Thomas Harper is op 22 november 1985 op weg naar huis met zijn pick-up truck. Hij is thuis klusjes aan het doen en miste wat items van de doe-het-zelfzaak. Plots ziet hij iets opmerkelijks langs de kant van de weg: eerst lijkt het een grap, maar wanneer hij nog eens kijkt beseft hij dat het bloedserieus is. Hier is aflevering 120!

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