de volksjury: Aflevering 118 - Sandra Rivett

de volksjury de volksjury 8/24/23 - 1h 43m - PDF Transcript

Welcome to episode 118 of The Volksjurie.

We are Lady Gaga and Beyoncé.

That's great.

Who are you, who are you, Benik?

Yes, there was a direct discussion about it, but I think that's pretty clear.

Is that it?

Yes, you are Beyoncé.

Thank you.

I don't want to claim it myself, but that's one of the other names against Beyoncé is


Oh, okay.

But if you're okay with that, that's just who we are, that's how we are, that's what

our band is.

You have to just lick everything that I want to express.

That's how we work with it.

I had to decide twice about it.

But let's see how we ...

Yes, I'm going to explain how this is how we come here, except for Lady Gaga and Beyoncé.


But one of our listeners was to an episode of our listener, there was a small glitch in

the show, Spotify, and instead ... So instead of our episode, but as an artist, instead

of the folk jury Lady Gaga and Beyoncé.

Not bad.

Absolutely not.

No, no.

Absolutely not.

That's very, very bad.

There were a lot of errors.

And you also made lovey-dovey music.

I'm happy that we also have that kind of ...

I think it was a telephone or something.

That's the only hit.

That was the only possibility.


Yes, no.

I want to be happy with ... I'm happy with Beyoncé.

I think the mystery is also helped again from the outside world.

How is it?




I've been away for a while.

Tell me.


I've been to Italy with Lucky.

A little bit of a search between the two.

Five days.

It was fun.

First to Milan and then to Lagoma Giori.

On the plane, then realized that there was a writing out in our episode.

So that's the reason.

I always post live.

Every time you see an episode live, we'll post it together live.

And I do that because I'm very concentrated.

I can still see everything.

And now I had to plan it out.

Because I had to take a flight.

And then realized that I had planned it out with a mistake.

And I couldn't do anything about it.

But luckily I was there.

And I saw that mistake super fast.

Did nobody really see that?

No, but 300 people on Instagram.

But it was fun.

Reader Lagoma Giori was very cool.

I saw more of him swimming.

And I did that too.

I ate pasta every day.

You're in Italy.

What do you have to do?

The classics.

Yes, just classical.

So it was good.

So I came back home in peace.

And then I went to Puckelpop right away.

With you?

Yes, that was awesome.

I've been in Puckelpop for a long time.

And thanks to my brand, I was able to go to Kumbi.

And my boss said,

Yes, you're going on a Sunday too.

And I was like, mm-hmm.

I knew that was going to be a challenge.

But I had a lot of fun.

I discovered the boiler this year.

I haven't been there for years.

I was there for a while.

And she said, I'm a leftist boiler.

And I thought, Ben, you're 16.

Yes, that's what I felt.

Because Saturday was like drum and bass.

And I felt really back for the people who know it.

In the M.O.D. in Hasselt.

But also some of the drum and bass parties.

I was like, I have no idea.

People from Hasselt know RIP M.O.D.

That's my backpack.

There were my first parties like that.

That was in Brussels for a while.

Yes, the backpacks.

And then, yes, Saturday survived.

And then Sunday back there.

And then at 7 o'clock,

the pipe was out.

As a 32-year-old,

I decided that my uncle was going to start playing.

I went too fast in that boiler.

But I had a lot of fun.

It was really nice weather.

I was like, I ate right away.

But that wasn't true.

We also had fries with curry.

Super delicious.

I think so too.

For a festival like that.

No, so that was...

I was really exhausted.

I did the Boma version.

Because I was free on Saturday.

And we stayed at the hotel.

But of course.

But it was a mega-fine.

So it wasn't sponsored.

I'm going to have to reserve now.

If you think about it, I wanted to sleep next year.

But three weeks ago,

I was just released from the room.

It's called Maison Stout.

Good name.

It's a villa kakelbond.

It takes 20 minutes to walk from the festival to the arena.

B&B vibes.

It was a great experience.

Great experience.

It was really fun.

And I was a little more relaxed.

Yes, I did Hotel Mama.

I'm going to do that next year.

I'm going to do that next year too.

That was fun to be with my parents.

What else?

I want to know what you saw the best.

Billy Eilish.

Billy Eilish was great.

Vildrum & Bass.

I have to say, I was more for sphere and fun than music this year.

It was a great experience.

But it's here with me as my number one.

I have to admit,

I said that to you as well.

When I put up the record,

I don't feel the same music anymore.


on the concert itself,

I thought, now it's coming in.

So I really think it's a good concert.

Yes, sad.

Luka has to write.

No, no, no.

I'm really upset.

I can also say that I'm very proud of him.

But the three ladies from Bojini

have really blown away at me.

I wrote and you're happy too.

Of course.

I can.

Further, I have a very serious question for you.

How is your TikTok?

And are you being played by Bama Rush films?

Bama Rush?

No, okay.

You're not on that side of TikTok.

I don't know why they targeted me.

I feel a bit

in a corner.

But in the United States,

you can go as a young woman

to a sorority.

I think I've seen two films of that.


And the week before

or the academic year begins,

you have Bama Rush.

And you then call as a girl,

because I want to go to one of those sororities.

And as a whole week,

you have to go through all those houses

and do an assignment.

And since TikTok is there,

you can follow that on TikTok.

And they're all on my For You page,

explaining what outfits they have

and what they're going to do.

I have seen two films

of sororities,

of girls,

who do a whole act.

But that's all Bama Rush.

Every day is another theme,

and they make TikTok films of it.

But that's on my For You page.

I'm completely obsessed now.

And then I saw

an American documentary

and it's on streams.

I'm going to watch it tonight.

Bama Rush.

I will report back.

But it's about...

That's a cult, guys.

So I don't know if there are people

on that side of TikTok, let me know.


I have a little taste.

And then it's like...

I probably didn't like anything.

No, it's not for...

I don't like TikToks,

but I keep looking at them.

But it's a concept

that we don't know.

Because at the end of the day,

you have to go to that house

where they were

allowed to be.

Very weird.

I'm going to watch the documentary

and I'm going to add a lot.

I will report back.

Do you have a tip?

Oh, sorry.

I still have a few loose flodders

that I have to talk about.

I also want to say something about Joost.

I'm really pissed at him.

He's not free at the moment.

I get it.

You're going to understand why.

So again,

last week or twice,

I don't think there will be

any more Joosts coming on days.

I shared it on my socials.

So people who follow me

don't want to watch the documentary.

I'm so pissed at him.

And then we...

I told you in the previous episode

that we had a GPS tape.

You don't need to know where the boy is.

So we,

on the right side of the neighborhood,

bought the bathroom,

the roof,

but it's also so great

to call the neighbors

and say, hey, you think our cat

is with you?

Joost, you're pretty sure

that he's not a serial killer

or that he has weird hobbies?

Yes, because he always comes in there

and says, hey,

if he ever does something wrong,

you can really say, I had nothing to do

with what I've been through.

And then Bon wants to do it first

with the two of us,

where we're going to get a ladder

for the neighbors.

Then I sat on that wall

and it's not that high,

you have to grab the ladder,

pull over the wall

and put it down again.

I got a slight panic attack.

I said, no, it's not going to happen.

I'm going back down and we have another neighbor

who has always taken Joost out

until now.

And we felt so burdened

that we always had to ask

and Joost was like,

it's just a wall.

But for me, he was really your supplier

when it happened.

So we decided to take our book


Oh yes, you better not get married.

I thought, I'll just say it.

So we read our book

and read it.

The second book is on audiobook.

Nothing in September.

Joost, who understands

how to say this.

And before I left,

Annike and I were like,

we haven't seen each other for a few hours,

but Bon, we do see each other.

We read the book

and I suddenly got a message

that Joost was saved again.

Now, in the meantime,

because that house where he's stuck

on that car, that's unaccountable.

They're going to renovate it,

so that it can be sold again later.

Now, Annike was lucky

via the neighbor where we were

able to get the number

of the man who wanted to sell it.

So we had a very strange message

because we had already...

I'm exaggerating, but it will be

almost ten times.

In that corner, and yes,

it's super strange to have someone else in the garden

without knowing that.

We were like, hey Karim,

our cat is always stuck

in your corner.

Can we call

or can we put something there?

And that man was super helpful.

He said, come on, I'm done.

And already a chance, because he's not from here.

And then he said,

put a chair or a table down here.

And then we're going to take that corner

in a short time.

And then I will certainly put some furniture there

so that the boy can go back up.

But that's really...

I was really angry. I was that Monday.

So the first time I told you about it,

as super pissed, on Joost.

Because now it's just one to laugh.

The first two times you think,

what a suckler he is.

And now you think, do you just do it

expressly? Do you know that we can get you?

Yes, I'm really thinking about toxic behavior.

This is toxic, but it's true.

I'm getting nervous.

And now there's a table.

And somewhere in the morning,

I think it was about half past ten

that the gentleman came in.

So I was all that time already,

yes, he's in there again, because normally

it's dinner time, at eight o'clock,

he's standing there in the middle.

So I think it means

that there's a table there,

that he can get out of there.

Yes, I mean,

then we're in for adoption, right?

No, no, no.

It's a problem child sometimes,

but it's a very love problem child.

Yes, I have a lot of trouble with it.

But tell us about your children.

But I'm really pissed, because I gave him

six of his children.

So that, and then we went

to Paris.

You went to Milan, I went to Paris.

And I had Anik,

a gift for Eli Wong,

the stand-up comedian

from America.

And we are a super die-hard fan.

I've already talked about it,

all our shows on Netflix.

So I thought that's a nice gift for Anik,

and also for me.

And then we went to Paris for two more days.

Those are the best gifts.

Look what I bought for you,

what I also really wanted to do,

but it's for you.

It was mainly for Anik,

but I also enjoyed it a lot.

Because I still have a special

highlight of the past week.


I went to the Pride.

Super fun.

And that statue

comes by.

I really don't know if I said this already.

No, this is the only story,

because with all other stories I have to do

as if I don't know anything.

So that statue comes by.

And on one of the cars

there are drag queens.

And out of nothing,

they turn to me

and call her

The Volkshire Eater.

No, not anymore!

There are drag queens who know us!

Yes, absolutely.

And then there were a lot of hearts,

Gen Z hearts, but I can't do that,

so I just made hearts.

And do you know which drag queens are they?

They were advertising for it,

so I'm also doing it for


Yes, here.

Priscilla Drag Queen Antweppe.

Queen of the Desert.

We're going there.

Oh my god, there is a drag queen

who knows who we are.

My day can't be more.

That's good.

I was really happy.

I didn't expect that.

My heart was filled.

So thank you for

wanting to show me

and calling me.

If you don't mind,

have you seen the

Nair's program of VTM?

Yes, of course.

Where the famous Flamingas

are going to perform as drag queens

and you have to find out who it is.

I don't know, has it already been recorded?

Not so much.

I'm very happy in the jury.

We can play it very well.

We have proven this for more than 5 years.

And drag is our life.

Yes, really.

That was the program of Sprongericht.

Yes, but I think it's really cool

that they can do that on VTM.

And then I also have

the morning of the Pride.

There was also a...

I mean, I'm sitting in a choir

in a Queer Choir.

Wow, you said that a lot.

I've said this a hundred times.

I said Queer Choir.

And they were asked

to sing a few songs

in a atmosphere.

So in Brussels it is often done

the morning of the Pride itself

that a atmosphere is organized

for people who are queer

and want to go to the church.

A Catholic...

Everyone was welcome.


and that is organized by

Hallelu Andwerp.

So for those who want to

find all the information on Instagram.

And it was very touching.

I really made all the emotions

because I'm not

someone who is religious

or something like that.

But it was for me the first time

that I really felt welcome in a church

or something like that.

So that was very... I really got used to it.

I think everyone got used to it.

There were also testimonies

of people who really

made traumatic experiences

because of religious elements.

So for everyone who

is looking for that

I recommend Hallelu Andwerp

to help you

and then you can find

the same feeling as it was.

So it was a really nice moment

and I'm glad that it was

successful to organize

for the first time such a atmosphere.

Yes, very, very cool.

Because that's always my allergic reaction

when it comes to the church

is of course their unpredictability.

While we all know

that God created this world

that would have looked different

from that world.

That's the only thing I want to talk about.

And that was also at Pride

when you went home after that.

It was so nice in the city

because everyone was just

themselves and

wondering why it can't always be like this.

We thought it was super safe

to just walk across the street

and everyone in all their colors

and beautiful and beautiful

and it was super nice

and I was like...

I mean it.

And I said it with my shoes

and it was super shocking.

But that's the best thing you can do.

I said, wait.

What was that?

When I was thinking about it

Luca sent me last week

or this week

he was going to visit his grandfather

in the Trousthuis and he said

you will never believe what has happened

but I'm stuck in the Trousthuis

by a bearded monster.

He came to me with his bike

and he stepped off and he put his helmet

and that woman flied to him.

And I was like

Valar, you know how that is.

But it was not my idea.

No, that's not the case either.

But it was two women, one in pink

and the other was in purple.

Look at that woman.

Look at her.

Look at her.

Valar, there were all kinds of flodders

that I had to tell.

Very good.

So I really had a few nice weeks.

I had two tips.

Me too.

The first is on Netflix, The Deepest Breath.

We saw that

and we weren't really good at it.

So that tells the story of

a woman who


without diving.

And it tells

a whole story of her career

and what she wants to do.

But there is also a dramatic

story to it.

And we were really

not good at it.

There are a few things I don't understand

and Deepest Breath is one of them.

But especially freediving.

That's really insane.

So take a look.

Super good.

And then last week

we had an episode about the word Internet.

And apparently

a few days after we had the episode

I was on the podcast

on the Internet.

And they were there

at day and night.

And there are Marie Kuipers,

Samia Hafsawi and Timo Harmerlink

and they actually discuss

the best and the worst of the Internet.

So they do still do the Internet.

And Samia can

also know

I already knew via TikTok

because she is the one

who talks about

American series and movies

when they talk about the Netherlands.

That's really bad.

And she does that in a really funny way.

She shows it.

Guys, it's not good.

That's the last fail in Oppenheimer.

So if you are not

on the Internet

of a feud

then you have to be on the Internet.

I have two podcast tips.

One is a tip

that came to us from you

a hundred times.

So I waited for it.

And I am a fan

of the podcast.

It was gone.

No less.

But the thing is

I first listened to Believe in Magic

and without too much

to spoil where you

still have two sides

is that

there is no explanation

to give.

So you have really bad people

on this planet.

And I think that's always confronting.

Yes, I understand that.

The podcast was very good.

I also said to you

instead of reading a book

you listened to a podcast episode.

And that was very nice.

So I really liked this one.

I am

so different

and it always

makes me wait.

But what I also have

are all scams

and I am a bit sad

with the scams.

I understand.

So I can do something new again.

As a mafia I don't do that.

I would like to


what fascinates me lately

is the Metaverse and Crime in the Metaverse.


Do people get killed

in the Metaverse and what do you do?

I would listen.

I want to know.

That kind of thing.

This and Tell.

Something totally different.

You have already mentioned

Even the Rich.

It's the same

but not again.

Every episode is about

a celebrity, Void,


Two people who think

that they are quite each other

but how did that happen?

I will take

Haley Bieber and Selena Gomez

for example.

But also Zilia Banks and Grimes.

I totally forgot that

Ruzi was made.


Super stars do very strange things.

I think there are a lot of American

realities there.

But the ones who are interested

I listen to

and they are very nice to tell.

I can tell

everything about Ruzi.

Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez

and Haley Bieber.

I already mentioned that.

If you want a deep dive.

If you want to go deep




Maybe we should do that without a jingle.

That would be fun.

A jingle.

We will be sponsored by


We are both at the lurking

of our AirUps.

And the special thing is that

I am from

a steel bottle.

Oh that was ASMR.

ASMR with AirUp.

I have a steel bottle.

Laura has a plastic bottle.

And I am

a fan of


high quality


Because it is said that you keep your drinks

for up to 14 hours cold.

And that is normal.

Because I took this one with me to


But I had two bottles with me.

I had one bottle with me on the wey.

And one bottle for later in the wey.

With the wey back home.

We have cold water with us.

I thought I will test it.

We will see what happens.

And I come back

to the wey.

And I feel that the bottle is warm.

And I think

that is not what my promise is.

That promise is not good.

And I slurp.

And I think it is cold water.

It is not ice cold of course.

You are going to make it warm in your wey.

You are going to put it on the chair.

Like in the sun.

On the wey.

And because you know with plastic bottles

in no time your water is warm.

So I can recommend it

if you are on the road

and you need water

or let it lie there.

I think it is a good bottle.

It promises what it promises.

I also have it.

It is directly confiscated by

Mr. Lukas.

I also like this bottle

the way to open it.

It opens differently.

I see it.

It is a dream for me.

Because it is not in my bag.

He does not want the pink Arab.


He is directly at the sick.

The one day this one.

And he was directly at our sick.

So if you use a pot

you will have a nice fresh drink.


can convince you

to buy a metal bottle.

We have 15% shorting

on all bottles.

So also on this one.

You can get that at

and our promo code


is valid until the 31st of August.


And then we want to

briefly talk about one of our previous sponsors.

Emma Sleep.

There are a lot of reports

on social media.

There are problems

with delivery at Emma Sleep.

That the customer service does not

react as it should.

To hear.

And the Dutch

is it a production


They have posted on it.

They always do it very well.

And very correct.

They have talked to people.

They have started

an email address

together with Emma Sleep

who is aware of the problem.

Do you have

via our code

delivery problems

that you would like to share?

I will share the email address

where you can send these


Emma Sleep promises to do it.

We always find it very important

to handle it.

So if you have complaints,

if you have questions,

you can

find it on

You can also find this information

on the Instagram page of BOSS.

All right.

I could choose.

The one that was on my list for a long time.

Because the recent one

appeared again in the newspaper.

And then

I was like, oh, I always have to do this next week.

And luckily, my aunt said

you can let it calm down

and forget about it.

And then it's much more fun

when it comes.

So here we go.

Here I was waiting.

Excitement in her eyes.

For the people who

already know me,

this is my age, my world of life.

I think

everything about this.


Here we go.

It's Sunday evening,

November 7, 1974.

We are in the heart of London,

in the Belgravia district.

I don't know.

I don't know anything about London.

Okay, but you already have something

from Soho or Westminster,

where it's next to you.

It's a west of Westminster,

that's what you heard.

I think

if I ever open a café,

it's going to be a mess.

It's still there.

So it's on my list.

And it's storming there.

It's a woman inside.

Her name is Veronica.

And she's completely under the blood.

She's on her tour.

And she writes

in the middle of the pub.

Help me, help me.

I have just escaped

from a murderer.

He's in my house

and he murdered someone.

That's a good idea.

I'm thinking about it.

I like it.

I like the idea.

We're going to look further.

Those guys in the crowd,

what the fuck is going on here?

What is this?

It was a night in Japan.

They were all under the blood.

I think they were.

And then they fell asleep.

Those guys think,

I can only call the police at this moment.


they already know

that it's about Victoria

and where she lives.

So the police go there.

The apartment is being searched for.


there they actually find

three dead children

and a corpse.

A biocadoon of Victoria.

A biocadoon of Veronica.

She was born in 1937.

As the daughter of

Major Charles Moehaus Duncan.

And his wife Thelma.

I always think it's a shame that

there's always

always on Wikipedia

what that man does

or his functions.

And then with that woman the name.

I'll teach him because he's in a car accident.

Sorry, I'll take this back.

I'll take this back.

But he died in a car

when Veronica was still very young.

And her mother decided to

go to South Africa.

Why not?

But I said, this is all I dream about.


Her mother moved to South Africa.

There she meets a new friend.

She married him

and the family decided to go back to England.

Her stepfather

is a manager in a chic hotel.

Veronica and her sister Christina

lead a normal life.

They go to

a middle school together.

Veronica has a lot of

interest in art there.

She also goes to the art academy.

She later becomes a model.

That's in the year 5060.

Love it. Love the vibe.

The two sisters later

have a flat in London.

Also a vibe seems very nice.

But then

Veronica and Christina

are in love

with a rich man.

William Shandkid.

Fun fact.

He's Peter Shandkid's half-brother.

He's the step-father

of Lady Diana Spencer.

We're in

the Adel region.


of Christina

Veronica is also

in the high society

London's Kringen.



at a golf club party.


I need those advice.

A world where I'm not


Ben or will be.

I want to do this.

I want to do it.

If there's a golf club, listen.

We're at a party.

In outfit.

What do you want?

Veronica is also there.

On that party.

And there her eyes fall.

On John Bingham.

But we know John Bingham

under a different name.

Lord Luke.

That doesn't make sense.

It also seems like a stripper's name for me.

During this


of this episode

I mean I saw the data.

I think

as if we were in the 19th century.

Yes, I know.

But I kept thinking

we're 1800 and so much.

Every time I had to think.

No, we're in the 70s.

We're cars and telephones.

Now Richard John Bingham

was born on December 18, 1934

in London.

He's named John.

In Malibu.


I go to London every week

that he's standing in front of me.

I can't say that.

Malibu and London.

I'm just going to let you do it.

He's the oldest son

of George Bingham.

Sixth Earl of Lucan.

And Earl is a Count.

And his wife Katelyn Elizabeth

and Dawson.

And for Katelyn we don't know

what she did in her life.

Except that she had a blood clot

because she came to a house

to take care of her.

And that's where John came

under the guise of

the child of the family.

Now, it's then

1939. We all know what happened.

The Second World War.

And he and his sister Jane

were brought to Wales

in safety there.

But then in 1940

together with his younger brother

and sister Sally and you

to Toronto in Canada


And then they go further

to Mount Kisco in New York.

And there,

living their best life

at multi-millionaire

Marcia Brady Tucker.

And oh my god.

If there is a multi-millionaire

in Upstate New York,

let us know.

We are happy to be together.

Yes, fine.

So yes, you can imagine

that's one and a half luxuries

how they live there.

But then in 1945

the war is over.

So they have to return to England.

And the contrast can't be bigger.

People still live there

from the bonds they received there.

One of the houses where they lived

was completely destroyed.

And above that, their parents

are still agnostic.

Oh my god.

And they are socialist.

The horrors.

So the parents decide

or they just have the lifestyle

of we are minimalists.

They live a very sober life.

So that is a very contrast

with what John and his brothers and sisters

have experienced in New York.

Now live goes on.

John goes to the famous school

where all the prime ministers

of the United Kingdom

have been to school.

And there

he has something like

I'm no longer at home.

That's a boarding school

where you also spend the night.

I don't have to live the minimalistic life here.

I can do what I want here.

And here I had a little sympathy

for his boys.

Yes, it's really a quiet boy.

So he develops a forelove

and he gets a lot of money

every week to the school

that he uses to make money

where he often takes out profits

and tries to make money

by making his money.

He has a secret bank account

where he puts up his profits

without his parents knowing it.

And regularly he doesn't leave

the school to go to a few races

and then he collects


from his middle students to make money

and then he shares his income.

Probably that's a percentage there.

You don't have to explain it

how it works.

He studies there.

His mother tells

that his academic state

is far from profitable.

So those points were not good.

But he was

more than enough to study.

And in 1953

he started his duty.

Easy parents

because he comes back

in the regiment of his father

where he is the second lieutenant

seems to have taken care of me.

I don't think you see that much progress.

You mean the lowest

of the functions that you can

after the soldiers?

Yes, but I understand that.

You are a little better than the rest.

Yes, indeed.

He is mainly stationed in

West Germany

and also there he spends his free time


It feels like a forte.

After his empty service

he works at Williams Brand

Suns & Company.

It's a trade bank in London.

It's a well-paid job

with a salary of

500 pounds.

I don't call.

Sounds terrible.

Now there is a slimmer, how much does it cost

in the current society?

But it doesn't sound very much.

So there are some trust funds.

I also want to be a trust fund baby.

Yes, because

in 1960

Steven Raphael

is a rich effect maker.

I looked up what that is.

Someone who is justified

for his profession

for other actions and effects.

It will be.

I don't have that money.

I can't affect.

Is this effective?

It's important

that Steven is a

backgammon player.

I've never played it before.

It's not a Chinese


I've seen many people in China

play it.

Bingo World Race.

I was very excited.

I wanted to play it.

But I don't understand it.

Everybody says it's not difficult.

But I don't understand it.

Steven and I

went to the Bahamas together.

We went skiing, golf,

and of course

backgammon and poker.

John is getting more and more


But he's skilled.

He's a very experienced backgammon player.

He's good at it.

But on the other hand

he loses a lot.

You win some,

you lose some.

At some point

he lost 8000 pounds.

So you have to think

500 pounds was his year salary.


8000 pounds is 2.3 of the money

that he gets every year.


It makes the calculation for yourself.

I wonder if you really

like stinky winky rich like Lord


So much money.

Is that what you need

to have a thrill

because you don't have to

earn money because you already have it.

Everybody does such stupid things

because I think I would do it

and only do fun things and I would

always do 10% of my money.

I think I know what I don't

because I don't have it, but is that so?

Or since I'm so rich

I have to take risks to feel something.

But you've done it already

I don't think it's

something to do with the fact that he's rich.

It just gives him more opportunities

to feel the addiction.

Yes, it's an addiction.

And then there's another

disastrous night in the casino

where he lost 10,000 pounds.

So luckily he has

an aunt

who says, don't worry John.

I'm paying you the money

so that you can pay your debt.

And he can pay his aunt back

thanks to that trust fund.

So it's starting to

become a vicious circle


John also decides

to leave his job

at the bank

because he thinks he's

a card player.

I'm not that kind of player.

He wins 26,000 pounds.

Nice, nice, nice.

There was a colleague

who had promos.

John Niet.

So he says, look, here's my contract

and he put it in there.

Why should I work at a bank

if I can actually

earn one day

what I can earn a year.


I can earn 20,000 pounds

with that

I get 13 years


So he says bye

and then he goes to

the US.

And there again the same riddle

he's going to play golf.

He's going to ride a speedboat.

He has an Aston Martin

where you can travel with him.

He's going to visit James

his sister

and then he comes back to England

and decides to look for

his own apartment

and he leaves the hotel.

Yes, and he settles himself

and as we already mentioned

there are also live goals

which are published on 14 October 1963

and are published in The Times

and The Daily Telegraph.

But that's often the case

on regional pages.

So it's up to

who's lost

or who's been here for 60 years.

Here in Belgium.

Yes, and the region of Spain.

But this hasn't been the region of Spain

because it's idle.

But that happens more often

than in the region of Spain.

Yes, that's true.

We can talk about it now

when I was working for a certain newspaper.

It's still being done.


Good for them that they're in the newspaper.

Fan for him.

After a short date of a month

and a half, on November 20

in the Holy Trinity Church

in Brompton

on the Wikipedia page

the ceremony was included

and it's written by


for the rest, a few other prominent people.

Ooh, a little diss.

I don't know

about that

and I'll leave it on public travel.

Again, live goals.

Because as a fucking public travel

travel is the first class on the Orient Express.


Since recently you can travel there

and they've rebuilt it completely.

And it came online.

You can book it back.

I was that naive girl

and I was like, oh my god,

nice, I'm going to do it.

Your heart breaks when you see those prices.

Yes, of course.

When I saw that, I thought,

do you want me to do it?

Yes, and I was like, do you want me to do it?

I'm going to participate.

I don't want to participate.

Do you know what that was?

It was more than 1,000 euros per night.

Oh, per night.

That's a historical trend.

Yes, yes, yes.

You're not going to sleep there.

No, no.

Is it not true?

Yes, but probably it is.

Anyways, that was their public travel.


Almost public,

it also means a small public gift

from the father.

The father of John

gives a lot of money

to make that breakthrough

in the new family.

The intention is

to buy a house with that money

and start a family.

And that's also what John does.

But the biggest part

of the public money he gets

he gives it

to the debtors

when you have to pay for it.

But he also buys a house

in Belle Grave Street

in Belle Gravia, London.

That FV Ronica can invest

a lot of money.

And then a little dump

on the party of two months later

on January 21, 1973

January 21, 1964

John's father

is sent to a brother

so there comes

an earthquake again.

250,000 pounds.

And next to that

the titles of John's father

go over to Lucan

the grave of Lucan

Baron Lucan from Castelbar

Baron Bingham from Malcolm


and Baronet Bingham from Castelbar.

I was really hoping they were all in English.

No, sorry.

And FV Ronica becomes

Uncle Gravin from Lucan.

Now the family

is getting out

because there are three children

Lady Frances Bingham.

She was born on October 24, 1964

and was born on September 21, 1967

and Lady Camilla Bingham

was born on June 30, 1970

and with that

Frances is the first daughter born

in 1964

I think we can use some help

and in 1965

a nanny comes to Lillian Jenkins

to take care of Frances


Luc, John has something

I want to learn

how to play golf

and all those things

and he

bought golf lessons

at some point

and Ronica was like

No, but why?

So she stops with it quickly

and now a little

reading of how

John is a day

How does your life look like

when you are rich?

So the break is at 9 o'clock

I read my coffee, books

I read the newspaper

Can you imagine reading books?

When was the last time you read a book?

I don't mean the things that come up

but a letter

No, it was from my penpal

I was like

So nice, so you try

to read all my books

Now there are f**king mails

And then he also plays a bit of piano

That's the afternoon

sometimes he goes jogging

and then he takes his doberman with him


No fun

So I really want a dog

and Lucas doesn't

but the only dog that you like are dobermans

I get it, because they are very nice dogs

but I have a traumatic experience

I was 8

I was 8 and I rode with my dad

and we came

in a street street

and we wanted to turn around

and suddenly there is a doberman

and then there is a Jack Russell

who is a doberman

who is a doberman

and my dad told me

to turn off the doberman

and then we are going to ride

until we are gone

and then we made it

and then we called the police

and there was a person

who stood up

but also clearly his dog wasn't doing well

because I have all the confidence

that those dogs are doing well

I was 8

and that dog was very big

So with that

I already explained to Lucas

that it doesn't work

that means that there are big dogs in the city

you are going to choose something smaller

Jack Russell

never in my life

they are all

active dobermans

I can't handle that

Duracell dobermans

So my dad

is going to walk with me

and then

is it time for a game


then back to home

then he dresses up

and a chic outfit

goes to

an establishment

where there can be even more

and sometimes Veronica is there

who can see how her husband

has been like that


as I said

I have a goal

to have 2 million pounds

on my bank account

to buy cars

to buy yachts

to go on holiday

and to have security

for my future financial security


now he is very

about as extrovert

but his friends describe him as

a kind of disgusting man

who is also an extrovert

but John looks pretty big

and he also had a

disgusting snore

and with that

he came over as a popular man

also because he had those expensive hobbies

people wanted to be with him

because he did great things

and the money was also to do

to do such things

and then there is also something interesting

that is very fun

fun fact that we also

posted for you yesterday

for us today

in 1966

he went to audition

for a film role

and he didn't get that role


a few years later

a film producer approached him

saying he would like to come and cast

because we really wrote a role on your live

the main character has the same interests

even if you move

in expensive circles

and he came to test for the role of

James Bond

and he refused

because he was like no, I did something wrong

but imagine

that John could have been James Bond

imagine, oh well that became Sean

oh but

I also want to say that

maybe it is a popular opinion

but that is my favourite Bond

yes but I understand that

I understand that

drink some of your air up

let's move on

I have already said it

he was a very skilled player

when it came to playing Gox

he was also

in the top 10 of the best

backgammon players

in the world

then you have to be able to

evaluate your risk

and I also get

the nickname Lucky Luke

because he always had a lot of luck

but in reality

he was anything but Lucky

that is of course

because he lost money

and he also got an interest

in full-blood horses

so you have to get that

you can also say

maybe a expensive car

maybe a yacht

but I can still buy horses

I missed this in the story

I still need to break the horses

so in the end he also gave more

than in 1968

he also started to pay more

to go to such a race

than that he had

something to do with it

he lost money to go to that race

now Veronica in between


she thought

I think she knew

what was going on

but she just kept

shopping in London

but the thing is

she gave money to go to the bank

so you don't know

how much money is

and how deep you are to dig

and for the same money

she said she might have millions

to spend and she might not know

maybe she thinks

he is going to dig

but he will never be able to

reach the bottom

I suspect she would have been a bit blind

but I wonder how far

she can prepare herself

just along her side

but in general it's not

super with Veronica

because after the birth of George and Camilla

two young children

she gets to fight a postnatal depression

and that's very out of character

for me

John is very busy with that

and he also wants her to be helped

so he drives me to a clinic

where they could be taken

where they could be treated

in 1971

and even though I don't really want to

I want to be treated at home

I want to go to treatment at home

and I will take a cure with antidepressant

girl not going to help for depression



sorry I thought there was an antibiotic

I hope

from heart antidepressant

helps against depression

I hope from heart

because I saw antidepressant

you are just going to an antibiotic

and you can't help

but I hope so

so that's where she's going to be

to get better

I think she's going to be

treated well

and in the summer of 1970

the family said

we're going to get out of there

and where we're going to get people

from Aal op vakantie

where you have to go

but Veronica's order

doesn't really

go back to the house

then the rest of the family

so she's going to look behind

with the elderly

and from then on

it's actually downhill

the pressure

of the financial side

where there is a big toll

the cost of John's

and the addiction that is ongoing

her mental health

that is still very unstable

starts to weigh on that

in 1974

in 1972

but the atmosphere is extremely tense

and after two weeks

after the disastrous Christmas

John decides

to leave the old house

and put it

in his own apartment

in Eaton Row

and then a few months later

John moves to a

bigger apartment

because that man has money

and Veronica

says let's try

to make a solution

let's make sure it works

but at that moment

John has something

for me it doesn't have to be

the only thing I still want

is for you about the children

and he says

I have to make it clear

that Veronica

because that's often the case

that it goes to the mother

not in status to take care of our children

so he starts

to spy on her

he puts in the private


who then have to find out

how Veronica is doing

and this is

a private detective

but this is still a big mistake

because he goes to doctors

where he actually wants

to hear that

he actually wants to hear that

the doctors say

your wife

is not as thin as you want

to describe her

she's just depressed and has anxiety

and how would it come out John

can you ask yourself if you please

so yes it doesn't come any further

but in the meantime

John also starts to spread

stories about his wife

with his friends

where he says look Veronica has

defeated our nanny

who actually started

working with him when

French was born

so after almost 10 years

she is defeated by Veronica

says John

and from then on

there are different stories

of nannies

who have

different stories

like there is the 26 year old

Stefania Savitska


believes that John would have

beaten her with a stick

and at a different moment

she would have made her step

and Veronica has

said to Stefania

look I fear for my life

and that Stefania

shouldn't be surprised if she would

kill her on a day


Veronica also continues

what John is trying to do

that she wants to be explained

look I am going to a clinic

I am calling

and there it is said

you still need

psychiatric help

but there is no sign

that you are mentally

not healthy

or that you are not caring for children

those are two different things

and then there is a sitting

in which it determines

who the children will be

and that is


very funny because in that case

John tries to do everything

to make it clear

that Veronica is not taking care of

the children

and she will have a lot of money

and lawyers against her

but during the hearing

she is forced by the court

to change her own behaviour

those people have something like

sorry but you are talking about stalkers

you are the problem

there is no access

in the weekend

to see his children

and yes

he has lost a lot of money

on these cases

and he is only getting angry

and the things he does

will go a step further

than private activities

he starts talking on the phone

listening and recording

he plays those fragments

with friends who want to listen

the bank manager

the person who also owns Veronica's money

she is the one who is giving all the money

I don't do anything

he had to

John had to pay Veronica 40 pounds

per week

children's money

I think

he delayed the payment

so that she would need money

so that she would have to work

he annulled

say something


he had to

there was a pretext

that there were people

who came to childcare

and he had to pay

but he didn't

the weekly order

he delayed

the milk delivery

the payment

to the children's office

to the children's office

so by keeping the payments

he had to make sure

that she would come back

as a mother

a lot of children


who were not in service

and in 1974

a new



Sandra Rivett

I have a little fun fact

about one of the previous

I didn't highlight it


Elizabeth Murphy

so he asked

about her information

about his ex-wife

but then she says

I want you

Elizabeth and nanny

to also share information

because I have to know

if she takes care of my children

but then

the cooperation with the previous

was done

and the men

came to him and said

we still don't have

a few bills

so they stopped

to emphasize

the job is to make a soup


Sandra Rivett

she is the nanny

who will be in service in 1974

and who will be back

as a long-term nanny

who is Sandra

born on 16th September 1945

as a young child she moved to Australia

for two years

but she returned to the United Kingdom

in 1955

but we know about Sandra

she is a popular child

she had a lot of friends at school

but she doesn't have the best start

in her adult life

after a miscarriage

she is allowed

to take care of herself

where she is treated

for a depression

she tries to learn it on news

John knows a construction worker

he is allowed

to have a son

in 1964

with the name Steffen

but also the relationship

goes on

and Sandra is in need

to go back to her parents

she has

I don't see this anymore

she says

I will give this baby to Steffen

I don't see it anymore

to be a single mom

luckily she has parents

we are going to support her

we are going to help her

and she will adopt her son

and eventually she will meet

in 1967

Roger Rivett

after that she will have a child

Roger Rivett

and with him

in 1967



that is a fun fact

about me, in 1967 and 1976

but those are the only two

I don't have nine

but those are the six and seven

I have them all

Roger Rivett

is a mother

at the Royal Navy

but also that

horrible beach in 1974

in 1970

and Sandra

is on her own again

and the writing is finally in

at a family office

in that one known town

in London, the Belgravia town

and is recorded

by John and Veronica

to take care of the kids

and in the meantime

she also has a new boyfriend

also a John, John Hankins

and normally

I always talk to him

on Sunday evening

but on Sunday evening, on November 7

she already saw him the day before

so she said

I just stay at home

and she puts the kids in bed

and around 9 o'clock in the evening

she asks Veronica

look, I'm going to make tea

in the dining room

would you like a tea

so she goes down

and that is how Allah

the kitchen of the servants

is in the basement

and you also have a kitchen

for the people

so she goes down

and she comes


and out of nowhere

she is beaten

with a lollipop


Sandra is dead

and she is in a mail

stolen by the thief

and Veronica

has not noticed anything

she has been

making a cup of tea for a long time

sorry, you have 3 minutes

we are in big britain

it is serious business

so Veronica

says ok

I'm going to the kitchen

to see what is left

and she calls her name

from above

and she is attacked

and she fights

really for her life at that moment


with that fight

she starts to call

she says the attack

and Veronica

recognizes the voice

of our John

she really enjoyed

I really enjoyed

now they keep fighting

with each other

I thought you did not go into the fight

she bites him

in his fingers


at some point he throws

his face on the carpet

but she hits him

to turn around

and to stab him in his balls

so he lets go

because he is stuck

and he gives up

and he flies away

sorry, he does not fly away

but he stops fighting

and he asks

ok but where is Sandra

what did she do to me

and he says

he is sorry

I do not know

but I always come

super aggressive

out of the basement

but he still gives

that he has killed her

and Veronica quick thinking

she says

I will help you understand

and here a few days in the house

so that I

I am used to it

so that people do not think

strange about it

and John says right away

and goes up John

goes to look at his children

what an idea

but also the fuck

you guys just fought

he probably hangs himself under the blood

and if you go in the bedroom of those children

and Veronica wants to lie on her bed

and John says wait

put a few gloves on

so that the tears do not

come under the blood

if you do that

you have the right to speak

but I do not think

now John asks

look you have pain killers


he goes further to the bathroom

to get a wet towel

to wash Veronica's face

but it is so freaky

I just want to say Veronica

with your one of us

your brain is something

that is fantastic because you do not come up

by saying I will go into this story

to bring yourself in safety

very intelligent

very smart

but how oblivious is John

that you really think

of course I am in a super serious fight

with this woman but she is going to help me

and we are going to

freshen up together

she just pulled my balls off


he is on his way to the bathroom

to get that towel

and Veronica realizes

that if he is in the bathroom

he cannot hear me

he cannot know where I am

so that woman runs the fucking house


the plumber's arms

and that is where Veronica came

under the blood and says

there is a killer in my house

John just met the killer

Sandra knows

about her

the plumber's


phone ringing

towards the police

and there is Roy Ranson

on a good name

head inspector


he is going to the apartment

where they arrive


they can only

attach the death

to Sandra Rivet

who is still in a post

really good

at the front door

the two agents themselves

had entered to get in

was actually the only place


it was locked inside

where there was a break

what probably meant

that the plumber had access

to the apartment

they run

towards the basement stairs

where they find

a bloody red pipe

what probably the murder weapon

will be brought with them

and then breaks my heart

they find on the foot of the stairs

two skulls and skulls

where they had been

so that Sandra won the job

really intense

really intense

the apartment is being searched

but the murder weapon

is no longer in place

we know that John

of course no longer lives in the house

where the facts have taken place

so the agents

also go to the Eaton Row

and to the other apartment

on Elizabeth Street

where he is his own

but also the two apartments are empty

in the last apartment

they find everything back


on the bed they find a costume

an overhead

a book about rick's ship


very good

what I want to be

a ship millionaire

a rick's ship

but also the portfolio

of John, his car keys

money, jewellery, backpack

glasses, passport

is found back in his blue Mercedes Benz

which was parked outside

with a cold engine

and empty batteries

so he was no longer in the front


now they come back

that John

after the facts

at 10.30 in the evening

at the mother of a little friend

of his daughter is going to call

and that is Madeline Floorman

that mother

Madeline had a first impression

I am also like that

I am not expecting anyone


certainly not when I am working

did you agree?

and do you take the phone

of Anonim?

I think if they really need me

they send me a message


I just like to know

what it is about

when I pick up the phone

I don't like to expect

how to handle it

you have a missed call

someone sends a whatsapp

about it and asks when I can

call you back

or send me a message

that you are this person

we can call

but out of the blue


there are only 10 people

I think my phone number is

somewhere it has been

9 out of 10 times

so that is also a reason

why I don't pick up the phone

and I think if it really is something

then they call me back

what I really like

my number is

because I live in Brussels

it will also be on a French list

and I am super proud

of my flotation in French

but if there is a scammer in French

then I don't speak a word

you can try it

in the Netherlands

but probably from that list

I think

because you can't understand

but in the Netherlands

like me

I didn't want to open the door

in the first instance


then you get a phone

a whole

how do you say that

we hang together

what are you doing

you get such a phone

but they also put it back

like you put down the phone

what the fuck is this

now the police comes to know

and they actually find

blood stains on the door

and they come

after that there is a mix of blood groups

A and B

until then

what they also know for sure

is that John called his mother

between 11.30 and 11.30

and after the visit

and he says

look, you have to get the children in the house


he says there is a terrible disaster

happening at my wife's house

he says

look, I was passing by

and I saw how Veronica

was fighting with a man in the cell

you saw him driving

but he also entered the property

and then met his wife


now around midnight

John was with his mother

and he said

I will call back later

and he refused to talk to the agent

who was with his mother at that moment

he said

look, I will call the police tomorrow

but no one

has seen John at that moment

this is only because the police

came to know

so what they do

they actually send a description of him

around the country

and these stations

they actually get to hear

that John is only being looked for

to be questioned

so there is no one who says

look, he has been killed

he is just being looked for

for questioning

then they come

that he was actually 68 km


to Ackfield

and there was a friend couple

Susan and Ian Maxwell Scott

John arrived at him

a number of hours after the murder

and there John actually took the time

to write two letters

to his brother-in-law

and then he did it in the east


Susan also asked

why you did not call the police

when you knew that John was with you

and said I did not know what was in his hand

he probably did not see the blood

sorry, we are in the 1970s

so this is not a newsflash

like she knew


and he actually tells the same story

to Susan

I saw Veronica fighting in the basement

with an unknown man

I went inside

but then I fled

instead of bleeding

so he would have had a lot of blood

and this was the explanation

or he just had to dress, that is possible


and he also tells Susan

that John was guilty

of a murder

to have killed her

so there were

many sightings

and phones

that they could get behind



the next morning

they found

a trailer

a Ford Corsair

and that was

actually the car

where John was driving

he actually had stolen

borrowed from a friend

so it is a very nice car

and in the trunk

a piece of loaded pipe

was found

but I also thought

about it with the loaded pipe

which was found in the basement

further and a full-fledged vodka

I would say

and the car

was found in New Haven

New Haven

the name gives way

this is Anet Water

we are very close to the coast of Great Britain


say the car is there since

5 o'clock in the morning

owner of the car

is Michael Stoop

and he gets woken up in the morning

without a car on his stove

I did that

but with a letter in his letter


and the letter was written by John

and in that letter

John says what happened that evening

so I just want to say

John writes a letter

to the owner of the car

and I borrowed the car

because this happened

no excuses

sorry that I picked your car

smeared with blood

and left behind

and you don't do that

but he asks

tell my children that I like to see


you never trust me

he says

I won't make a chance

but the problem is

that the owners

couldn't find out where the letter was

because Michael

the envelope

where the post stamp

post seal sample

has already been thrown away

so they can't find out

where he wrote it


they do know that he also wrote a letter

to his cousin

when he was at Susan

and also there he writes

the same story again

and that he says

Veronica, forgive me

and I know that it looks bad

and that all the indirect evidence

proves to me

I didn't do it

and he also says

I'm going to send that to the north

I'm going to send some money

and others

as serious as that man

at that moment

so those are the letters that were sent

and were removed

and those are

the last

elements that we get from John

what the police still do

is to spread the description

about Great Britain

and they eventually give it to Interpol

because I've already said it

now there is the water

the coast

towards the mainland

of Europe

the police is going to search

places with spurs

the village and the woods

they don't find it

they don't find it like a man

who was missing years ago

they found it

there are spurs

and there is infrarote photography


we are 1974

I mean that is very impressive

but it doesn't show


John is missing

it's a joke

very bizarre

now a little further

about the investigation

because of course there is also an autopsy

on Sandra's body

there they are

sure that

she was murdered before she was

put in the bag

and according to the doctor

who found the red pipe

on the crime scene

it could be

the murder weapon

but to make it clear

they find a murder weapon

in the cell

but they also find the red pipe

in the car

I don't even have a red pipe

in my hand


it's a bit like a staircase murder

because it's such a strange


so now

they are also going to ask

X-Men Roger

but he seems to be

to protect Alibi

and there are also other male friends

and friends wondering

why they are made as suspects


her parents say

with Lady Lookin, with Veronica

she had a very good band

with the children

so actually all that fast

those pistols are all closed

and with the knowledge

or with the story of Veronica

they will of course

much faster

connect to John

and of course with the car and the letters

that were found

the red pipes

were also examined

and the red pipe

that was found on the crime scene

until the blood traces

wait a moment

so there was blood

of the one red pipe

that's why they are linked


it turned out to be

blood group A

Veronica and blood group B

and on one of the pipes

so on that pipe

on the crime scene

hair was also

or is it wrong

I didn't write that well

but on one of the red pipes

Veronica's hair was found

but not Sandra's

and on the pipe

so scientists

can not necessarily prove

that they are cut from the same long piece

but they are probably behind that

so they just find

different elements

that can link the pipes

that's really all I'm saying

that's how I wrote that

I thought I would do the last

but you are struggling

but I thought you would

have a much better conclusion

I did my best

but you do what you want

I will rap

a lot of research

concludes that John is guilty

and that he probably

will have the murder

but we are sitting here without a murder

so we can't judge anyone


and of course his family

John of course is not happy

with your judgment

but I also want to talk about the motive

for sure

but then we will talk about it

they are behind him so

I thought you would give your own motive

just because of the rambling

I still have to


he had

really lost his business

for his children

and he had invested a lot of money

and lost

he had about 20,000 pounds

and in 1974

his financial situation was bad

and that is still an understatement

he became a chain broker

his friends started to worry

and when he was drunk

he talked to his friends

about murdering his wife


a friend says

for example

that John apparently said

if I were to murder my wife

I would not go bankrupt

but I don't know

what has Veronica got to do with it

I think

but then

they were not officially split

that he would

get a part of her inheritance

and that she had

money or something

that is my understatement

but he would

take care of himself in the sea

and he would also tell how he would never

be hit or found

so those are all

elements that play a role in reality


from October 1974

so a little month before

the party takes place

see friends

he is getting better

with John

he is getting better

he is happy

and his obsession with getting

children was also reduced

so at that time it went well

but all those things

play a role in the motive

that is more than enough

a few


I have

the first pistes that Veronica


has received

she says I am convinced

that he has committed murder

that he has taken the ferry

towards Europe

and that he will jump

in the middle of the channel

between the turns and the screws

because he did not

want to be found again

Veronica, close your eyes

I think the last date of him

is very brave



they are going from there

that we have committed suicide

we have already said

we have been searched for in the religion

we have been found in the other religions

and they are looking for it

but in the end

they get rid of those pistes

there is another interesting pistes

that is coming from BOT

there is someone

a friend of him

who apparently had a animal garden

where tigers walk around

and this is also a famous story

because we have heard this before

but his mother


called that man

and his mother Lady Osborne

she would have told the police

the last thing I have heard

was about the tiger's feet

in the zoo

my son

so there is research

but they did not find anything

and Espinel is also asked about

and he says

my tigers eat only the finest meat

that exists

and do you really think

that my tigers would eat

someone as tall as John

I think it's a good story

but also who then fed him

these kind of pistes

I find very attractive

and fun

for the rest

he was spotted

hundreds of thousands of times

I have written a few


that I have seen in Africa

because that is also a pistes

that they think he is not emigrated

and that he would be seen there

go on


there is

indeed South Africa

and there is also a spender

who says after that

it is possible

the idea now lives that he is

indeed going abroad

and like Susan

the friend he had seen

where he had written the letter

he says it could be

that the mafia

helped him to get the country out


that was a too big risk

to protect him

and that he would have died

and in one of the reasons

would have buried in Switzerland

but with all that

we will see what we think


those are all very quick actions

they all have to be

on the eve of the events

so I am convinced

that everything is clear

and then he did it alone

he didn't do it

or it had to be planned for a long time

because he also got more excited

about the events

maybe he was a doctor

and knew

ok, quick question for you

is John the killer of Sandra


is he the killer of Sandra for you?


but fortunately

it wasn't

he did die for Ronica


what I find very strange

because if the plan is a murder


how often do you come as a woman

in the basement where the

nanny has to... do you understand?

what would he do there?

I think that he just

wanted to get inside

and that Sandra was


because Sandra was always seen as normal

with her boyfriend

but he knew that Sandra was right

not like

that shit is not my wife

no, he probably

thought that Sandra would recognize him

but if he knew something

then two people would die

but at the last moment

he made the decision

and this is my suggestion for you

he wasn't drunk

from a casino evening

no, because he already had

to get the car

he had his own car

there were several steps

because he couldn't think


he already had a story

about what would happen

he knew

which letters he had to write

I find it very difficult

to step between

his girlfriend


to create a kind of alibi

to explain to different people

you couldn't send a message

people didn't pick up the phone

or the door didn't open

I had to go somewhere

and tell them what happened

so that you in the hope

that you believe me

and then

is John still alive?

or is John alive that evening


look, there was a lot of search

for him in the neighborhood

where the car was

outside a different town

so I think

that he got further

than there


I don't know how he

came out without his passport

but he knew

within the underworld

who could easily


an identity card or passport

so for me the options are there

it would have been much easier

to get rid of him

and he is unrecognizable

I have thought about it for a long time

and I know why

I am so convinced that he got further

and that is

because of that stupid James Bond casting

in my head

I have been smoldering to the first person

and I was like, of course he got us

he can do it

so I am following him to that place

where it probably isn't like that

probably he is just laughing

did something happen

or did he fall into the water

or did he choose suicide

because he couldn't press that

but in my head I have

the ownership of James Bond

and John Bond


sorry I was wrong

because he told

his friends that

if he is dead

he would help me

with my faillissement


yes, because of the flight

he doesn't get money

or if he is killed

so there is the motivation

of course

also crumb, if it were

I just want to think about it

but in my head

he has also flown

I don't

have the idea that he has made it

but it is pure speculation

pure speculation



John is missing

everyone mesmerized

but for decades

you said

he is being spotted

in different places

one of them

would have been

after the murder

but that was

to go to a British politician

John Stonehouse

to fake

then the police went to the murder

also to France

to make a statement

but there was nothing

about it

and then he was in Colombia

a sighting

but that was an American thing

in 2003

he thought

a detective

from Scotland Yard

he thought he had been spotted

in India

and for people who don't know Goa

Google it

that is a party

with a lot of Goa music

and events

but it turned out

to be a folk singer

so totally not


then in 2007

this is my favorite

this is my favorite

in 2007

and there are people

who say

we have found him

our neighbour is John

and it was about a Brit

who lived in New Zealand

in his old car

together with

a bull

a bull rat

and his cat

and a goat named Camilla

the bull rat was called Red Fern

the name of the cat is unknown

but he said

they were convinced

because he was in upper class

and he thought

he was a military

and that was John

I'm talking about a person

who lived in his car

I'm very curious about that


the man

said he was a photographer

and I moved to New Zealand

in the same year

John disappeared

I do find it interesting

the thing is

I had to disappear from the radar

I would

opt for a totally different lifestyle


that's why I can

understand the Goa

I understand the bull rat

then I think out of everything

be bold

do something else

but to live in an old car

John, the man with his money

do you understand?

so now I'm

John and James Bond

he's good in that

so I see him

go to the cashier

and then give everything

no, or learn from his father

he has a second chance

but he lives in his car

so that's why he's not here

and then there was something in 2022


you guys have sent this article to us

this might be a nice thing

to bring out

here we are

because then

expert in face recognition

Hassan Yougeel

and he says

John Bingham, I found him

he lives in Australia

and I'm sure of that

because I have an algorithm

and that never lies

the computer science company


the algorithm does

4000 cross-controllers

on 7 different photos

4 of John

and 3 of the man

in question in Australia

the result was an income

Yougeel says

this is no opinion, this is pure science

it's a curious fact

the man in question

is a Buddhist

who lives in Brisbane

85 years old

and that's the life

that Lord Luke would have had


Nancy's son


and says

I've been doing this research for 9 years


sorry, what did I say?


I said

I've been doing this research for 9 years

and the fact that

this algorithm

I'm sure

the police have to shoot in action

we don't know

if that's happening

the Mirror has done research

they've hired another company

to do the same

tests with the same photos

and they came to the same conclusion

I just want to know

if the police are involved

with it

I don't have anything else to say

No, because I've been googling

and I do know

there's something else going on

but I find it

very interesting

and exciting


this can

or not

this will be followed

here we want to see updates

we know other Buddhists

in Brisbane

we'll see


about the case

in 1975

Veronica gave an exclusive interview

to the Daily Express


is online

to show the usual time gestures

and the model she is

is doing a

reconstruction of the murder


she also poses in those photos

I haven't seen her yet

I'll look for her

there are also photos of the outside rat

don't worry

now, 3rd news

in 2017

Veronica left life

86 years ago

because she thought

she was suffering from Parkinson's disease

why did she think

she thought she had passed

by the medication she had to take

from John



she started to chew

she started to chew

and she was convinced

she had Parkinson's disease

but it turned out

that her arrest was normal


she thought

the pills she was taking

did that trigger that?

yes, indeed

there are people who study


don't have a diagnosis

I'm very good at it

I always have a tumor in my head

but please go to the doctor

and then

we are still in 1999

and John

is officially declared dead

but it is only in 2016

that there will be an act of

probably suffering

and so George

the son of John and Veronica

have to wait so long

you have to wait so long

what a sad story

I don't understand

that doesn't exist

it really happened


I hope that we can

reshape that Buddhist

the thing is, I would find it

very difficult if he is still alive


he has someone murdered

and those screws speak to me

or what?

death, in the water


I don't think it makes sense

I don't treat him like a Buddhist

in Australia

I don't treat him like that


I have done something bad

I'm going to improve my life

in a temple

yes, no, I don't treat him like that

I hope that something will come out

I don't think

I don't believe in death

and I don't say that every murder

has to die

but you have to get a punishment

and that is like

in either way

I think you have to be punished

of course, absolutely

that man has been punished

that's all

so to be continued

I find this very exciting

and then I wonder

if we have to look for an AI

is there a job

is there a

is there an income

we would like to participate

I find it very fascinating

well, that was it for today

my god

the summer vacation is on

do you realize that?

it hurts in my heart

I had a great summer

I hope you too

are ready for the new school year

and now all those high schools

and universities

we still have September

you know what we mean


Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

1974 - het is een doodnormale donderdagavond wanneer plots een vrouw de pub Plumbers Arms in Belgravia - een wijk hartje Londen - binnenstormt. Ze draagt een nachtkleed en hangt onder het bloed. Compleet over haar toeren schreeuwt ze: “Help me, help me. I have just escaped from a murderer.” Hier is aflevering 118!

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