5:59: 5:59 v originále: Spain unites against sexism

Seznam Zprávy Seznam Zprávy 9/2/23 - Episode Page - 25m - PDF Transcript

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Maria Ramírez, editora spraveného spraveného dělého LDR.

Háj, Maria, díky děláme se na podkázně.

Háj, můžu.

Maria, díky děláme spraveného spraveného fútbolu Luis Rubiales.

Rubiales je křícičný vyskávání vyskávání vyskávání vyskávání vyskávání vyskávání vyskávání vyskávání.

Je to můžu pillsí, že je to zapečené, kteří popци více escalónu fútbolu?

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Can we describe what exactly happened after the team of Spain secured their historic win in the World Cup?

Well, during the trophy ceremony after they won a victory, it was quite surprising against England, which was the favorite team, probably.

In the ceremony, Rubiález was grabbing several players in an uncomfortable way, I could say.

ale when he came to Jenny Hermoso

Tým finačně jedna, Rubí Alés, byla se s námi autoritářmi, s prvními spámi a s svojím dátem 16-tíčkou.

A v tomto momentu se návět, se zvukává, se zvukává, a jde se, že se nám zvukává,

že se nám zvukává, že se nám zvukává, že se nám zvukává, že se nám zvukává, že se nám zvukává, že se nám zvukává.

To nechce nezvukává, že se v spámi na význiku, když jsem vyskává,

že řekn torpedo appeared toho správného vůvrhu a takový obļust a vyskává ten pověd ve mě daní.

A když se na vy external things dok zwyk.

Takkalé pegá marej activate, ponercha sa commemor хотя se nám zvlukává,

ceremony of the triumph.

So that's his explanation to his revving, his crotch and how does he describe the kiss.

How does he explain that he gave, as Jenny Amoso says, unsolicited kiss?

Well, he gave several explanations or justifications in different tones during the week.

And that's important because part of the backlash is about how Ruvialis reacted afterwards.

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A tě jsou quite galledor Spanish teamoví a se uvíďvali jeho klubu a summit.

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...éte Skea to volna a

který je velmi velký děláč, který je velký reporcián,

a to byl confirmovat by Jenny.

Co bylo, je to, že v mětě tohle velký věděláč,

spášný federácičný věděláč,

věděláč věděláč,

s tím, který je věděláč z Jenny,

který je věděláč,

který je věděláč,

který je velký president,

který je věděláč, který je velký věděláč,

ale tady, když byl reporcián,

a který se Jenny říká,

byl byl věděláč,

který je Jenny nevěděláč,

který je velký věděláč,

byl byl věděláč věděláč.

A to byl jedný z výzvědných elementů,

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taky byla tak decka,

že jste za noráč wojen,

bhez j denke.

Boom- ...










Prvě do �...



Co bylo hodně, které hodně, Jenny Hermoso a které hodně, Luis Rubiales?

Když se zvukáváme na fútbolu, bylo hodně hodně hodně hodně hodně a hodně zvukává.

Zvukává se z výmaní a hodně hodně hodně hodně hodně hodně hodně hodně.

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mén comiving was playing with a t-shirt in support of adjer紅 support of Jenny,

so I would say generally in football we see a lot of support for Jenny

and the players.

But what about the leadership?

Those are the players, right?

Mostly what about the leadership?


In the leadership we saw different things according to the day because

initially in the Spanish federation we had status in a way,

as many federations in Europe.

It's a private association,

but it manages public good, that's it's Spanish name,

and also it receives some publicate,

so it's a peculiar organization,

so inside that initially the Federation leaders,

who were the ones in the end just have the power,

were supportive of Rubiales.

Mechle pída acíravalo, no voy a dimitir,

který říkery na řekbat.

stretchesporதí dálistení.

Na voli bude.

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Už jsem bidl als má qualit entertainka pos приjledním od ok picklesámi.

který se na futbolu představila, který je, a které je můžu říkali.

A když jsi třeba připravený, který je a Ademán,

který nechce, že se nevěděl, že se návěděl,

že se návěděl, že se nevěděl, že se nevěděl,

to je nejvědělejší, který se návěděl, že se nevěděl,

který se návěděl, který se návěděl, který se návěděl.

Rubialis je formální futbolu představila v South of Spain.

V některé dělá se, který se návěděl,

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Bylo to věděl, že se návěděl,

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By FIFA, at least for three months,

a there is another administrative procedure

in Spain in the sort of sports court

to do the same, to suspend him,

maybe temporarily or maybe permanently.

We don't know yet.

He is trying to stay for once he is really repeating these words

that he's convinced he didn't do anything wrong.

And well, his salary is one million euros a month.

So I guess that plays a big part also in his just attachment to the position

because this is a very high and unusual salary for anyone in Spain.

His salary is much higher than the prime minister salary, for instance.

And what does the public reaction look like right now?

So some commentators say that the unwanted kiss

by the head of Spanish football

unleashed a social tsunami in Spain.

How pivotal is the moment for Spanish society in your view?

There was really an explosion of solidarity

and of people sharing their stories,

their own stories of bullying and treatment,

particularly in sports and sports journalism

and other public sectors of public industries.

So it feels like a big moment.

It's true that it's not an isolated moment.

It's part of a change that has been happening

for at least ten years in a very visible way,

but for many years in Spain.

And we already have many debates around quality

and just trying to improve the atmosphere in companies,

especially in some sectors that are dominated by men.

And there's still much work to do,

but I think things have changed a lot already in the last years.

And why do you think, though, that it's this incident

that sparked such a massive reaction?

What was it that triggered the public outrage?

Is it the scale of the World Cup win?

Or are there other issues to consider?

Yeah, for once it's the players themselves.

They were in triumph.

So when you are victorious, you are more powerful

and when you speak up, if you are victorious,

I think that you get more attention

and more people listen to you.

We never had so prominent women talking about mistreatment

in Spain like that in this way.

And also the particular players show so much strength

even through personal tragedy.

Olga Carmona, who was the player who scored the winning goal,

her dad died just hours before the final.

She didn't know that because the family decided not to tell her,

but then she discovered that afterwards

and she was so strong and so graceful.

So there are several stories of just tragedy

and endurance in the team.

So I think these particular women, the details of the case,

because as I say, it's just not what happened that day,

but they cover up afterwards

and when they have been through for many years in the team

and then just sort of collide that particular story

and these women with the context in Spain of society

that has already changed,

that has gone through many of these debates,

but somehow as in any place in Europe

what we see is that things have changed,

but in some places they haven't or they haven't as much.

So they're still pockets of sort of all manners

and inequality, particularly in some industries

and with reporters because some of the key stories of the week

were uncovered by journalists.

By the way, when you mentioned that it was a historic win

for the women, isn't that a little bit of a shame

that it's been taken over by this other story

that shows completely other angles of the sport?

Isn't it a little bit forgotten somehow

that they achieved such a victorious and historic moment?

Yeah, that's definitely a pity

because it was the first time that women football team won

and it was, as I said, a bit unexpected.

Surprising victories are always enjoying more, I think.

And everyone was like so excited

because people do care a lot about football in Spain

and of course women football hasn't gotten that big attention

until now, but when they got to the finals

people were paying attention

and we saw many meetings of women and men

and boys and girls together just so happy

and supporting the team

and in a way there was this very inspirational moment

and many people were also very happy

that there were so many boys, young boys

looking at these women with admiration

so it sort of felt like a triumph from a sports perspective

but much more.

It was really a moment of celebration

and it turned into something else.

And although still, particularly in sports journalism

there are stories about how well they play that day,

how good these players are.

One of the players is Alexia Putellas

who has been described as the best player of the world.

So there is some talk about that

but of course the big story is just the negative story.

It could be a positive story

if you consider that they could maybe made an impact

and this could be also a step towards more change in Spain

but it's a pity for them and for the fans

who were enjoying the football.

Well, these pivotal moments in society

though sometimes bring a later backlash.

We've seen it in the US after the Me Too moment in 2017.

We saw it in other countries

maybe even in Spain where the Me Too movement

was quite strong as well back then in 2017-2018

as far as I remember.

Could this happen again?

What I'm trying to ask is

if this massive social change

and the political change you described

that the politicians are also quite unanimous

in their reaction.

Is it really corresponding

with all parts of society?

There's always attention

and this has been, as you say,

for a while also in the last years around Me Too.

So you get some advances

and then you get the backlash

and in some places change is slow.

We don't know how far this is going to change

or how big is going to be the change,

particularly in football, in sports

where examples of male dominated industries.

But I would say that this is not an isolated moment.

It sort of builds into the just more conversation

and more just necessity of change

in some places that has already been happening.

The backlash will always be there,

I think, or it's going to be here

for a long time as well,

because also, even though, as I say,

there is consensus in asking Rubiales

to resign even from the far right,

but some of these politicians are still attacking

some of the feminism progress and loss.

So that will be there as well,

but it's part of the tension of change, I guess.

Yeah, I was wondering how surprising

is the consensus in the future

and how surprising is the consensus

among the politicians from this perspective.

Do you think it witnesses some sort of a real societal change

that the politicians are just responding differently to this case?

I think it's something at least,

because I was frankly a bit surprised

to see some of the conservative leaders

and particularly in the far right,

being kind of OK with Rubiales just leaving the scene

and some of the maybe stronger messages

against feminism were also too much for them,

and in July we had an election,

maybe we will have another election

because we still don't have a government,

and one of the explanations about why the conservatives

and the far right maybe didn't get enough votes to govern

is that women voters mobilize against them

because of some of the messages against feminism

and not condemning enough gender violence

that were just stated by some politicians.

So maybe they also have that in mind

that the backlash of feminism is still a thing

and definitely has supporters in Spain,

but if you go too far, it could be just banished

when you get to vote in elections.

So do you think are we witnessing a revolution of sorts,

or is there a danger that this whole mobilization might fizzle out?

Revolution is a big war, right?

But I would say probably there's been a revolution

going on for many years now.

This is one of those moments.

I think that probably one of those moments

is that we will remember in the future

as one important moment that made people think

and pause and maybe change.

I don't know if I would say it's a revolution,

but it's definitely a step towards a big wave

that have already started before this.

Maria Ramirez,

managing editor of Spanish online daily LDR.

Thank you so much, Maria.

Thank you so much, Lenka.




Machine-generated transcript that may contain inaccuracies.

An unsolicited kiss on a football field has sparked an outrage in Spain, putting a spotlight on abuse of women and gender bias and sexism in society. The now suspended president of the Spanish Football Federation, Luis Rubiales, is facing investigation for a possible sexual aggression and calls for resignation for kissing Jenni Hermoso, a member of the winning Spanish team, during a World Cup final ceremony. The incident has triggered a broad response in Spain - with politicians, athletes, and the public rallying behind Hermoso. Could Spain be on the verge of a major social change?

Host: María Ramírez - managing editor of Spanish online daily elDiario.es

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