The Cherryleaf Podcast: 112. Nobody ever wants to buy software, with Toby Chapman-Dawe

Cherryleaf Cherryleaf 6/24/21 - Episode Page

Ellis talks to Toby Chapman Dawe of Strand UK about why he claims nobody ever wants to buy software.

Toby is Managing Director of Strand. Toby specialises in communicating the business benefits of enterprise technology. Formerly a journalist in the UK writing for trade and national press, Toby transferred to the world of advertising in the Netherlands. Later, he moved back to magazine publishing and conference management in the UK. Toby now runs Strand, the global writing and design agency that serves the enterprise technology sector. And he keeps bees, though not at Strand. (We did not talk about the bees.)

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Toby Chapman Dawe's profile on LinkedIn


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